Killing God Island

Chapter 216: Wet God Society (Part 1)

Shi Yue felt that the wind behind her rang through the sky, and the huge airflow around her also stopped her from punching and turned around directly. Without turning around, she didn't know the seriousness of the situation. When she turned around, the expression of the whole person was shocked.

Because of the overwhelming impact behind it, even her fat female body was blown up directly, and countless sharp blades also swept directly towards her, but the fat on her body was not that of ordinary people. Fatty meat, but a special structure with special strength, hardness and softness combined with each other.

Although this kind of sewing is very powerful and sharp, it just cut off her clothes and did not directly cut her body, but also cut several openings and even the front part of the left arm was cut off. Suddenly suffered a heavy blow and was blown to a height of 1,000 kilometers.

At that time, because Han Li was facing Shi Yue, and Shi Yue was facing away from the back, when this powerful force approached, the first thing to see was that Han Li and Shi Yue had short-circuited for a few seconds due to the panic brain. When she reacted again, she had already made a move, and Han Li was hiding directly behind Shi Yue’s rear blade. If she cut off Shi Yue’s body, then Han Li could never escape the fate of her body being cut, but fortunately this Shi Yue's body is really enough to get acquainted, so such a powerful blade can completely cut her body.

In fact, the four major heads that manage the four directions of the southeast and northwest of the u area generally have high levels of strength. This is the important reason why the u area can become a female area. Shi Yue’s combat power is definitely not weak or even stronger than Han Li. The natural strength of Dibana, who died in the hands of Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, is not ordinary. Although there are many women in the u area, there are not many who really have super-level strength, but this very few molecules are very outrageous. Han Li will definitely lose if he doesn't shoot.

After the power of this madness, Shi Yue and Han Li both fell off from the sky. As Han Li just hid behind Shi Yue, she was also hit by the fat body of Shi Yue on the ground. Although the powerful blow just did not cause much damage to Han Li, she was basically blocked by Shi Yue in front of her with a fat body, but it fell from a thousand kilometers until she hit her. Han Li suffered serious internal injuries. This height, combined with Shi Yue's weight, suffered various degrees of injuries to her breastbone and bone internal organs.

Han Li was in a really heavy mood at this time. Although the woman belonged to her madness, if she really wanted to save herself, she could do it in person, but he even waved this trick in the distance. We both got rid of it, what was he thinking in his heart? Could it be that I was my own? Observing Kuangqi from the surface will always be the kind of person who can't see through his mind. Perhaps this is his character all along, and he will die soon without a certain strength.

Kuangqi walked in front of the second woman and reached up and lifted Han Li. At this time, Han Li was very embarrassed all over her body. At first glance, she was seriously injured, and she could barely stand up. But the expression on the entire face was very painful, and the corners of the mouth had been bleeding out, which showed that the inside of the chest cavity and visceral bones were seriously damaged.

Shi Yue's injury is much more serious than Han Li's, although he is not dead yet, there is a dying trend: "Who...who are you?"

He squatted down and stared at her face and said, "Your strength and potential are not bad. Unfortunately, I have other things to hurry up. Although your strength and body repair ability are relatively serious, it should not be so. It is easy to die. If you want to avenge me in the future, you can come to me at any time. My name is Kuang Qi!"

Shi Yue gritted his teeth and glared madly, but he didn't dare to say anything, just stared at these three people, and she could fully feel the anger in her heart from her eyes.

At the same time, Chen Tianzheng threw a smile on the back of the queen’s bedroom in the center of the u district. Although Chen Tian is a standard tough guy, she has a special care and tenderness for her woman and knows how to love herself. Woman, so at this time she is pounding her back and rubbing her legs for the slightly plump queen, and the queen is lying down and saying: "Well! Not bad! Although you don’t have a professional masseuse, but the position and strength of the press are indeed Makes me feel relaxed."

"You just like it. I used to treat myself when I was injured in the fight. Sometimes I would knead myself by rubbing my muscles, so I still know some introductory massage techniques, especially massage. , I will never get tired of it!" Chen Tian’s hands began to massage again, and the Queen’s expression suddenly changed, followed by a laugh and cursed: "You are a dead ghost, don’t mess around anywhere! "

Chen Tian then stopped and asked, "We have been here for 2 days. Should we take you to meet my life and death friends? After all, you promised to be my girlfriend!" Nodded and said, "Can be yes, but I have a condition!"

"What conditions?" Chen Tian asked this with some curiosity, and the queen said in a slightly mysterious tone in Chen Tian's ear: "Let you and your friends join the wet **** meeting together!"

"Wet God Club?" Chen Tian repeated these three words in confusion, and the Queen said with a slight smile: "Wet God Club is an exchange meeting that must be held every month in our u district. You will know when you participate. This It is a large-scale entertainment exchange meeting held by our u district to commemorate the gods and purify the body and mind. It is like a party to allow participants to relax physically and mentally. It is also to invite the integration of new and old members of the entire u district and promote the new arrival u district All kinds of newcomers, so this wet **** meeting will be held every other month."

"Oh! This is the case, then I will take them with me to participate!" Chen Tian said directly with certainty, and at this time the queen would smile with a very evil smile in the corner of her mouth, and still stretch out Tongue licked lips, and it felt like she was about to taste a delicious dish. She was very exposed. The side of Mei, followed her uncovered and put on the clothes: "Okay! Passing with you Two days and one night contact, I feel that you still meet the basic conditions for being my boyfriend, but unfortunately it is not perfect, but if you perform well, I will give you more sweetness!" She only wears one piece Very loose-fitting jacket, we must walk out of this room with Chen Tian.

Chen Tian immediately asked: "You just go out like this?"

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