Killing God Island

Chapter 226: Match

Han Li smiled slightly and replied: "I have known him for a long time. When I didn't know the real strength before, I did deal with him, and she also deliberately lost to me, thinking about me at that time, I just joined the family soon At that time, I thought that being recruited into the combat department had fully proved my fighting strength, but later I deeply realized why the family can be called the four major families in the world. The whole family is like a big forest. Hidden dragon is also intriguing, many people hide their strength in order not to let themselves have less trouble, only I didn’t understand the rules here, I thought my strength in the family can also be ranked, but it turned out.”

Han Li said here, she sighed and said again: "The result attracted many people to laugh at. In fact, many people in the entire family are pretending to be themselves, including the madness at the time. I have never seen him shoot."

Qianda and Han Li were also the first time the two had a face-to-face chat, and Qianda also asked curiously: "By common sense, Big Brother Kuang is the trump card of the family. Does he usually practice at all?"

"You guessed it, he didn't practice day and night like others, he wanted to become stronger and more important in the family."

"So what does he look like in the family?" Qian Da continued to ask Han Li, as if she was eager to know how the madness was in the family.

Because she was very interested in Kuang Qi, Qian Da listened to Han Li's story.

"Kuang Qi is a kind of inconspicuous character in the family. He is usually lazy, either sleeping or doing some work as a handyman in the special warfare department. If he is a new member, he will definitely be regarded as a handyman. He may not go to the Special Warfare Department a few times a month, he will not go to exercise or recruit people to practice, just to come here to help clean up, these new members include me at the beginning, do not know is the seven young master , All thought he was miscellaneous, and his temper was okay, so for a long time I looked down upon him and didn't take him seriously."

"Then how did you discover his identity later?"

"Later, I always feel that some of us are very respectful and powerful experts, and even when he saw him, he nodded and said very compliment.

At that time, I was very strange, but I didn’t even care. At that time, our instructor was Chang Yanxiao. Chang Yanxiao was in a high family status at that time. Most members of the combat department listened to him, even people in his status. In general, he will not take care of small characters. But he took the initiative to invite him to dinner, even joking together like a good brother. This phenomenon made me pay attention to him slowly, until later I even approached him actively, because I really wanted to know what he came from.

So I deliberately asked him to compete, but he lost many times in my hands, and lost like that, so I could not see that he was pretending, let me think that his fighting power was nothing more than that.

However, after six months of training, our newly joined members will be divided into six waves and seven grades to be promoted and assigned to the final department.

In the first month, those who were removed or transferred belonged to the elite of the same period. In the second month, those who were transferred were superior in all aspects and had great potential. The reason why they are selected for a few months is mainly to let them also have the operational survivability in addition to command, so even commanders must have super first-class fighting skills to serve the crowd.

In the same period, I was not outstanding in all aspects, and was finally assigned to the clerical duties of the family to deal with daily chores and other chores.

The second month after I became a full member of the family, I knew the true identity of Kuang Qi.

Because at that time, it happened to hold a family carnival, because I belonged to the internal affairs department at that time, so we had many female colleagues in the department.

So many female colleagues are very much looking forward to seeing the famous seven warlords in the family, and the seven warlords are the seven strongest representatives of the Prins family. At that time, I only knew one of the seven people, and this People were always smiling at our chief executive at the time, so at the time I was also curious to know what the powerful people called the world's top power look like.

But when I saw it, I was dumbfounded, sitting on the seven golden chairs of the whole family after the owner. The seventh person turned out to be the man who had been bullied by me for several months, and this man was called the world. The madness of the strongest man.

This made me totally unpredictable. I really didn't expect that the man who was bullied and beaten by me all day and who didn't resist at all turned out to be one of the seven madmen.

Afterwards, I was very annoyed, as if I had been cheated by him all these months, so I waited for him silently that day, and finally did not wait, and it was only half a year after that time before I saw this man again.

At that time, I didn't know whether the long-awaited person finally appeared, or pretended to be the weak and played me with him. A series of factors made me run for the first time, grabbed his arm, and stared at him and asked: "do you still remember me?"

At this time, the madness was somewhat listless. He looked at Han Li and replied: "Oh, it's you!"

"I remembered?"

"Well, is that naughty girl who always loves to twist my ears?"

Han Li nodded and asked, "Where have you been recently? Why can't you see you?"

Kuang Qi yawned and said, "I went out to perform the mission. Halfway back in the Pacific region, I was intercepted by the navy and I could only dive. I swam in the sea for a few days before I got to the shore. I almost explained my life." Kuang Qi Ke The expression is very chic, but Han Li's face with incredible expression, this guy even swam to the coast?

But Han Li didn't ask such a word, but asked the sentence she always wanted to say six months ago: "Why did you play me?"

It’s not clear why she wanted to say that I’m playing him: “I’m playing you? When did I play you?”

At that time, Han Li didn’t wear glasses and had short hair. Although she had some social experience, she didn’t understand the principle of being low-key and high-key in the organization, so she didn’t understand why the family made some waste management. , And some really powerful, but even mediocre positions, and even no positions at all.

Kuangqi smiled after hearing Han Li’s explanation. His smile was very sincere and gentle, causing Han Li to blush unconsciously: “You really want to know why you hit me, you fight back, and you even deliberately lost The reason for you?"

Han Li nodded and said, "You are obviously so strong, but you always pretend to be weak and deliberately lose to me. Isn't this just playing me?"

"Oh, in fact, I used to be able to fight on my own. I did a lot of wrong things and hurt a lot of people. For this, I regret it. Until one shot hurt my sister Jaina, she only let me say a few words afterwards. Really understand."

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