Killing God Island

Chapter 227: Kill in one blow

Han Li nodded and said, "You are obviously so strong, but you always pretend to be weak and deliberately lose to me. Isn't this just playing me?"

"Oh, in fact, I used to be able to fight on my own. I did a lot of wrong things and hurt a lot of people. For this, I regret it. Until one shot hurt my sister Jaina, she only let me say a few words afterwards. Realize it."

"Oh? What did she tell you?"

The words she told me about life philosophy: "Strength is strong and weak, but people have to be sentimental and righteous, and everything must not be forgotten. Power is used to deal with the enemy rather than to deal with others, especially women should be treated gently. Even the woman who has hurt you should try to forgive her, because someone who can forgive others is a truly upright man, because the man’s heart must be as broad as the sky, so I never want to take the initiative to beat women, And you don’t sleep my enemies, so I don’t have to fight with you to prove how powerful I am by defeating you. This has no meaning to me, plus you are the same as me. I want to defeat the strong and prove that I have a stronger personality than him, so I will deliberately lose to you. First, I don’t want to hurt your self-confidence, and second, I don’t want to prove that I am stronger than you, waiting for you to mature, or The longer you stay in the family, you will slowly become more and more low-key. In fact, low-key people often live longer. High-profile people need to have capital, so if you want to do high-profile things, you must let yourself Become stronger."

Since then, I have not stopped training because I was assigned to the internal affairs department. After a few years, I finally realized the mystery of strengthening cells, and my body began to gradually evolve. As my abilities grew stronger and stronger, I was not proud. Instead, it made me even more low-key. When I was instructed to train a group of newly recruited newcomers, when I saw the pictures I felt I was invited to join by the world's largest family, I felt that I was very strong. Han Li just smiled slightly, and I didn’t want to beat him in the past to prove his strength. As a training mentor for this newcomer, it is necessary to be stronger than them. There is no need to prove anything to the family. With the practice of Han Li in recent years, I understand why many For strong people, their name is not prominent.

Kuangqi is not the strongest in the world, he is not what he wants. First of all, Kuangqi’s combat power is indeed the top of the world’s top combat power. Secondly, many tasks are not allowed to be performed by Kuangqi, and the rest are not competent, not a family. The top management did not give others the opportunity to show their performance, but instead gave them no life to return, and the seven war madmen specifically dealt with the most difficult tasks that all departments could not do.

And Kuangqi is also step by step because of the high reputation of the killing people, and is valued by the world. Various countries. Finally, he was listed as the strongest because he killed many of the top strong workers.

Because Ms. Zhao Ying Zhao is known as the world's eldest sister and the strongest woman, Kuang Qi is also known as the world's strongest man.

Qianda answered: "It feels like my Master and Kuangqi Brother are so strong. It feels perfect for them to become a couple."

"Although they can't be called a couple, they have a very good relationship and feel very ambiguous with each other. It is said that these two people have known each other for a long time, and they were already familiar before I joined the family."

"Since the relationship between the two is so good, why do you communicate?"

Han Li directly replied: "Because there is still a woman who is entangled with her, this woman is one of the seven war mad Joni. Yilin, on the strength of she and Ms. Zhao is a level, really hands on This woman's strength is also quite impressive."

"Joni. Ellyn? The name is so familiar. I remembered it. My father once mentioned her to me, known as the Vietnamese female murderous demon. The genetically modified gene is the most complete body, except for her. I found a person with such a high degree of fit with her body, and by the way, Ms. Zhao, although her strength is strong, but there are considerable deficiencies in the body strengthening gene, but the strength is somewhat exaggerated."

"Oh! That's what it is." Qianda listened to Han Li's words, and then secretly wanted to understand. No wonder my master hasn't been married for so many years. Is it because she loves her heart?

Han Li and Qian Da have been chatting for nearly 20 minutes. The madness hasn't finished playing yet. Han Li shouted impatiently: "Brother Qi! Our side is over!"

Of course, Qi Qi knew that they were done, but he didn’t want to hurt the three women. For all these years, Qi Qi hadn’t bullied the weaker to fight the strong enemy, so he couldn’t bear the heart to die with these three women.

But it seems that there is no way to communicate with the words of these three women, because they saw the body of the manager, so the three women suddenly violently ran away, really how much can be able to take it out, look at the situation of these three women madly It's coming desperately, immediately blocking the fist of the fastest girl, and flicking towards the wall at the same time, then suddenly his legs jumped, while jumping, Adas just kicked the air in a sweeping leg, and the madness fell At the same time, he grabbed Addas and threw it to the other wall.

How could Adas withstand the flick of the madness, he didn't see how the madness grasped his wrist, and hadn't waited for her to fully understand that she had already flown. The strength is almost magical, and the person who can directly strike the strengthened person to the stun, can only be done by people of this level.

There is only one woman left. The woman sees that all of them are dead. The four of them are like sisters. This time I must avenge you.

She clenched her teeth and knew that she still rushed towards Kuang Qi, and Kuang Qi smiled slightly and said, "I knew you would rush over to fight with me. It seems that I didn't look at the wrong person, because the three of you are very heavy. Love is right, so I didn’t kill you."

The madness in front disappeared in front of her eyes in an instant, and in an instant that could not be obtained for a second, madness grabbed the woman's hand, and then just like slinging Adas, she was thrown out by the madness directly. As she hit the wall, the woman fainted.

"How do you always like to be beaten by a woman? Do you have a tendency to be abused?"

Kuangqi hurriedly explained: "That's not it, but they can't hurt me by their fists. Since I can't hurt me, I sometimes have no time to hide."

Qianda pointed directly at the man in the cage and asked, "How do these people deal with it?"

After looking at the cage, the men in custody began to look at the kowtows one by one and begged for mercy: "I beg you to let us go, we are all men and women. It’s awful, as long as you let us go, brother, we will be willing to do it in the future. To be your little brother."

"Please let me know. I know where the key is." The young man who spoke was the young man the manager ordered today. When he saw Kuang Qi, he used his hands to pull the iron pillar with a thickness of 12 cm in diameter directly. This type of force also scared these people.

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