Killing God Island

Chapter 268: Various tricks

Pepe, you look so beautiful, you try it. If he can’t even look down on a goddess like you, then he is definitely not interested in girls!

"He shouldn't be that kind of person!"

"That's not necessarily, Pepe you used to tease him, we will cheer for you on the side and record it for you with your mobile phone."

"Go and go and ridicule me, since you think he has problems and doesn't like girls, I think he is normal, so if the people you lose invite me to a big meal, I lose and invite you to eat ten meals. Block? If I gamble, I'll be gone now. Only in this way will it be more interesting."

"Okay, then that's it, you try the handsome guy, do you know the fireworks on earth?"

Ding Peipei went directly to the direction of Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan just sweated after playing the ball. When he was wiping the sweat, he suddenly heard a very nice sound coming into the second middle school: "Excuse me, can you please help me busy?"

Zhuo Yanxuan turned around and saw Ding Peipei's shy expression of tenderness and water. This scene was really attractive.

In addition to Zhuo Wenxin, Ding Peipei was the first woman to make Zhuo Yanxuan's heart beat faster, which also made Zhuo Yanxuan somewhat stunned.

After seeing this scene, Ding Peipei asked with some disappointment again: "I just want you to do me a small favor, not to occupy you for a long time."

Zhuo Yanxuan immediately replied: "Of course, but what do you want me to do for you?"

(Remarks: Ding Peipei, that is, when Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin just played, his brother always carried a toilet, and the user of this toilet was Ding Peipei.)

Ding Peipei said in a voice that only two people could hear: "My friends and I bet that they can make you like me, can you pretend to be my boyfriend for two minutes?"

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled after hearing: "How can you bet between the girls?"

"We girls also like to play jokes with each other, help, just this time!" Ding Peipei's small cute expression made Zhuo Yanxuan a little interested in her, although not like it, but She has absolutely no feeling of hating and dislike of other girls.

This indescribable feeling made Zhuo Yanxuan not refuse Ding Peipei’s request, and followed her directly to her female friend and hugged Ding Pepe in front of them and kissed her on the face and said, “You I don’t need to introduce your friends to me. I will introduce myself directly. My name is Zhuo Yanxuan. I’m Ding Peipei’s boyfriend. After everyone first met, Pei Pei asked everyone.” Zhuo Yanxuan finished saying this , And gave these girls a bow.

This scene can't be seen as acting. It's too natural and too real. Even Ding Peipei blushed for a moment, and fantasized that he would be my boyfriend. Such a good person, Ding Peipei is the first time to see.

Therefore, Ding Peipei left Zhuo Yanxuan's phone, but later the two people did not contact each other until this time Ding Peipei selected photographic materials near the building, and accidentally recorded Zhuo Yanxuan's beating Gao Haitao even In the end, he kicked it off. This important information can fully prove that Zhuo Yanxuan was deliberately murdering, but she did not report to the police and she deliberately recorded several cameras around when the police came to the school to investigate The information was deleted and changed, and even faked a certificate to Zhuo Yanxuan.

Originally, Zhuo Yanxuan only saw a figure on the opposite side, who was too far to prove who could even distinguish between men and women.

But from the fake Ding Peipei, Zhuo Yanxuan has guessed that the figure at the intersection of the three buildings that day should be her.

From the fact that she gave herself a false testimony, it can be seen that she should be on my side, so Zhuo Yanxuan also pretended to be close to her and slowly began to approach her actively and wanted to know her slowly to decide what she should do. She should not be killed.

Smart people are ruthless Zhuo Yanxuan is naturally no exception, but Zhuo Yanxuan is now very sad in his heart, a promise from Wu Yue, a Ding Peipei who learned that she killed and may have evidence, the other is the heart Sister stuck in a trough.

And these three people happen to have the same thing in common, that is, they all know that Gao Haitao's death is related to himself. As for Ding Peipei, Yan Xuan will use observation to understand her, and Wu Yue is the biggest threat. There is no principle for her to do things, and she can’t keep secrets at all. The reason why Gao Haitao failed was that she was defeated by this woman, so Wu Yue could not stay

Zhuo Yanxuan thought of this and started to want to kill her, but Wu Yue didn't know that Zhuo Yanxuan had moved his heart this time.

But Wu Yue, a woman, although she occasionally indulges herself with brave and handsome men, she is still very attentive to the man she likes. She fell in love with Zhuo Yanxuan at first sight, and was later caused by the private agreement of the mothers of both parties. See you again, and deepen your love for Zhuo Yanxuan. If Zhuo Wenxin did not mess with it, she might change for Zhuo Yanxuan.

Since Zhuo Yanxuan agreed to her, as a girlfriend, she would buy some Dongzi to visit Zhuo Yanxuan's house every day. Wu Yue would please her mother, and the cosmetics she bought were very high-end and very conscientious. I bought a lot of health products for Zhuo Yanxuan's father.

It made his father embarrassed and embarrassed. I am so old, what supplements do I have to eat? Give my son some supplements. It's good to eat more at the beginning.

This also embarrassed Zhuo Yanxuan, and his mother scolded: "You are an old and unreasonable, what nonsense? Our son must be very good if he doesn't eat this thing. Didn't he watch Wu Yue's blushing every day?" It’s called moisturizing, but it’s you, give me more!”

After listening to Zhuo Yanxuan's dad, he said to his son awkwardly, "Don't listen to your mother's bullshit, your dad is strong!"

"Yes, I know this."

"Why are you so ignorant? Wu Yuelai has something else to tell our son in our family, so don't mistake them."

Mother pushed Zhuo Yanxuan directly into his room, and then suddenly saw her daughter coming out of the room, but this time she did not object and stop too much.

This also made Zhuo Yanxuan feel abnormal, and Wu Yue also said in Zhuo Yanxuan's ear: "It seems that your sister has been hit hard!"

"Cut! You also have a share, so now I can't hold up to you at all, why do you still come to me every day?"

"It's okay not to mention God, anyway, I'm your girlfriend, but this name is not deserved. We haven't really had any physical communication, so you have to" Haven't waited for her to finish talking, Zhuo Yan Xuan then directly asked: "Do you still lack men? Do you think I haven't investigated you? From the middle school to the university, your boyfriend has been changing again, and often goes in and out of the bar. How many friends of the opposite **** do you know? Are you mentally indifferent?"

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