Killing God Island

Chapter 269: Suicide for love

"Cut! You also have a share, so now I can't hold up to you at all, why do you still come to me every day?"

"It's okay not to mention God, anyway, I'm your girlfriend, but this name is not deserved. We haven't really had any physical communication, so you have to." Before she finished speaking, Zhuo Yan Xuan then directly asked: "Do you still lack men? Do you think I haven't investigated you? From the middle school to the university, your boyfriend has been changing again, and often goes in and out of the bar. How many friends of the opposite **** do you know? Are you mentally indifferent?"

"It turns out that you care about this, how can girls be the same as your boys? As long as our girls are better-looking, there will be a lot of boys going after them. It's normal for them to be taken advantage of, and now they are in what ages, why care about these? If you really care, I will do a repair operation, and I will promise you in the future, and only let you own me in the future."

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled after hearing this: "You said this is really calm, but men care about the number of times their girlfriends are in contact with themselves, and the number of boyfriends, but if you want to talk to you, I am afraid I don't have to ask , I'm afraid you don't even know yourself?"

"Do you mean I'm dirty?"

"You are quite savvy!"

"Actually, based on my looks and family, I really don’t have to hang your tree. I can see that. You really don’t like me at all, but I like you very much. The more you like it, the less you like it. I, the more I hate me, the more I like it, I may have changed my heart, and no man will ever refuse to show my love, so you have become my hope so far, I will slowly challenge you to capture you."

"Don't you feel tired like this?"

"Of course not, and I enjoy it. Actually, there has been some progress between you and me, but you haven't felt it deeply. Your parents have agreed with me, including you have never admitted to being my boyfriend, But after the incident of Gao Haitao, didn’t you let me be your official boyfriend too? What happened to your sister’s arrogance and all kinds of opposition now? Isn’t it too? All these changes are not groundless. This is me Step by step, I don’t think it will take long for you to fully accept me."

At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan did not say anything against her, but instead smiled and said in his heart: "I'm afraid you can't wait for that time. You, a woman more than normal, living will only make me more resentful of you. Only your death will restore me to peace and let my sister forget all the unhappy past."

But Zhuo Yanxuan used his mind to kill people. He would never kill people blindly. After all, he didn’t want to go to jail or even die so early, so he never dared to break the law, but once he killed one person, he killed the second one. It's not different from the nth one at all, but the only difference is the killing technique and how not to be discovered, so it's actually hard to kill someone.

However, since Zhuo Yanxuan started planning, she must first calm her heart. Once she realized that she was wary, it would be difficult to handle, so Zhuo Yanxuan returned to her directly: "If you really like me, just Let me see how much you like me!"l "How do you want to test me?"

"There is an abandoned factory south of my school. I heard that the side was shut down because of haunting. They all said that the power of love makes people brave. You go to that side tomorrow morning at midnight and record a video from the time you enter. Where is it recorded, until you walk up to the top of the building and go around again, give me the video afterwards and let me see if you are willing to take the risk by yourself."

"So you will like me? Isn't it a conspiracy?"

"If you are a conspiracy, won't you go?" Zhuo Yanxuan asked directly, but Wu Yue said uncharacteristically this time: "If I can make you fall in love with me, even a little hope I will fight for it, Even if you want to kill me, I will go, because I really like you."

There was a trace of tears in Wu Yue's eyes, so what Zhuo Yanxuan did not expect was that Wu Yue was not so stupid, maybe she saw more thoroughly than others.

That day Zhuo Yanxuan was ambushing her here. After waiting for a long time, she could not see her figure. Damn this woman dare to play me?

Zhuo Yanxuan didn't wait for her to stay for a night. He was so angry that he left, but he didn't leave here long before he heard a text message on his mobile phone.

The content is as follows: "I know that you let me come here today to kill me personally, so where did I put a shield to prevent you from receiving my message during that time, waiting for you to come out the next day, this You will only see the message, I was gone at that time, maybe you will be at ease only if I died, but I don’t want you to kill me personally, so I chose to commit suicide, in fact, I really did not intend to give up, but I I want you to know that I am not a woman who is struggling, I am just a woman who wants to seek my true love, so as you said I have been with many men, but I have also loved it with my heart very often , But it’s a pity that there are too many scumbags, and too much experience will make me more and more disappointed with men, so I’m very degraded after going to college, but when I meet you, I’m starting a new gas. Hope, I really think you’re better than me All of the men are excellent, so I really want to be with you, but it’s a shame to make people, you just like your sister, if Zhuo Wenxin is not your biological sister, I may really quit, and sincerely wish you, But what you like is your biological sister. I want to save you, and I don’t want my favorite boy to bear a bad name after my birthday, so I will do a lot of things that disgust you, including this thing with Gao Haitao, but maybe I do Wrong, if there is a future life, will you love me? I will send you a message, I will use my card and mobile phone to work hard, will not let the police find your head, I hope I hurt you, you can give You leave some memories of me, even if you forget my appearance, but you will also think of a woman you hated and committed suicide for you"

Zhuo Yanxuan froze after seeing it: "What the **** is this woman doing? How could she commit suicide, but even if you don't commit suicide, I will solve you personally, your kind of problem girl, only I can rest assured if you die.

Zhuo Yanxuan was still angry at this time, but his phone to Wu Yue really couldn't be reached, and he couldn't get in touch anymore. Three days later, Zhuo Yanxuan's mother learned by phone that Wu Yue committed suicide. Zhuo Yanxuan went to Wu Yue as a boyfriend to consult some questions. After learning about some circumstances, he finally concluded suicide.

After Wu Yue’s death, Zhuo Yanxuan slowly recalled what she said at the time: "The person you like is not me, nor your sister, this kind of thing will ruin your reputation, even if you Xin doesn’t matter, and you can’t get the blessings of others. If it’s wrong, why do you keep making mistakes?”

Zhuo Yanxuan just replied: "Maybe this is destiny, and my destiny and my sister are destined to be inseparable. For me, she is more important than my life, so she can grow up with him from childhood and become Her brother, I think it is my honor and my luck."

While Zhuo Yanxuan was still recalling, Suddenly Ding Peipei shook the book in his hand and said, "I am dazed during the day, do you have any worries? If you have worries, you may wish to talk to me, maybe I will let You get rid of troubles!"

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