Killing God Island

Chapter 780: Brothers and sisters. Good fighting 2

Being able to be the second in charge of such a large organization in the T area, the two's melee ability is naturally very hard, but who is stronger as long as they have made dozens of moves naturally become clear.

The melee ability of the two people is more sensitive than those who have faster movements, and the difference between the strength and weakness is more obvious. The fist is harder and the ability to fight is stronger. Since it is a melee combat, it is inevitable that the fists strike each other. People didn't make ten moves with each other. Tidari's more than twenty punches were blocked by Stanson. On the contrary, he responded back. It was also very swift. Only three punches and two feet pushed Tedari back. It took two or three steps to stand firm. Just standing, Stanson ran to him quickly and jumped with his rotation. His body rolled over 360 degrees from the air and kicked straight from top to bottom.

Seeing this powerful foot, Tida Li did not make a hard connection, but instead grabbed the falling Stanson back collar from the side and pulled directly after a step, directly pulling the body of Stanson directly dropped from above. Falling, but before his body fell completely, he supported the body with his hands first, and turned his legs with both hands upwards. He turned 360 degrees and kicked his legs parallel to the side. Tidari's lower jaw knocked his entire body directly kicked sideways.

After using this trick, Stanson jumped backwards with his hands supporting his body. The whole person stood again, but Tida Li was kicked and fell to the ground before standing up. Tida Li wiped Blood was kicked from the corner of the mouth, and the whole person raised his eyebrows and rushed towards Stanson again.

The most fierce battle not far from the two is the battle between the two leaders, Staru Rudy and Steve Ranji. These two people are not fighting like the battle between Tidari and Stanson. There will also be someone from the other party coming in to help out, and neither of the two of them came to join in the battle. The whole game is a close combat between the two, but the two are not fighting in close combat, but the weapons used by each other to see each other The seemingly normal speed is fighting one by one, it looks very elegant and does not look as **** and violent as the fighting of these people around.

But the seemingly very elegant tricks, in fact, the hidden inner energy is full, just like playing Tai Chi, it seems to be very slow, the posture is beautiful, but the changes are very subtle, especially the strength and airflow generated by each of the two opponents. All the people around had to evade one after another, and even the concrete walls on both sides of the building that were close to the two were shocked by the airflow of the two people. Many cracks appeared.

Of course, it is not just because the two are the leaders of the two parties that the two of them are fighting, but the battle between the two. If they are too close to them, they will be affected by various fatalities. The battle of the two is just the initial warm-up of the duo, and they have not entered the real combat level. The two fight with each other and talk to each other, and they all seem to be in a leisurely state. Now the two of them cannot even detect the strength of each other and themselves. Whoever is stronger or weaker, because they haven’t entered a real battle with each other, is equivalent to an initial warm-up and even a preliminary attack in temptation, so watching the battle between the two in the eyes of others will feel the movement is very slow, in fact now The two's competition is not speed and moves, but the internal strength of the two sides is just like the internal strength competition in the martial arts. See who has more strength, although they have not raised their own strength to the maximum, but they are also mutual. He came up with six layers of strength to fight against each other.

And the conclusion is that the two of them did not suppress anyone, and the strength of the two sides was surprisingly consistent, resulting in the external force produced by the rivalry not only did not hurt the other, but instead wounded the objects around the outside world and the people who did not know the life and death. It’s choking, when Steve Ranji catches Staru Rudi’s move, the whole person’s unmoved right arm directly ejects Staru Rudi with a strong force, and asks: "You always Not a simple-minded person. Was it too impulsive this time? Who gave you the courage to challenge me?"

Starudi, who was ejected more than a meter away, suddenly felt that the blade of his right hand was directly recessed and the entire right arm was also a bit painful. The right arm was very painful and painful at the moment. I just struggled against each other so many times, but it was okay this time, but this time it was very painful and painful to shake my right arm with only one move. This also made Starudi's expression slightly change. Jumped back one step and let his right arm cells and injured muscles recover from the tens of seconds of relief, then whispered back: "Oh, I have heard of you guys Very arrogant, but I didn’t expect it to be true. Who gave me the courage? Lao Zi. I want to see how strong you are today!" At this time, Starudi’s right arm has recovered as before, and the feeling of numbness and pain that has just been shaken has disappeared. The reason why his right arm was just shocked and hurt again Hemp, because Steve Ranji suddenly increased his strength, resulting in the active attack of his Starardi’s right arm was suddenly hit by a force several times greater than his own strength, resulting in a greater force rebound, this sudden The powerful shock, if the average person may suddenly disengage the knife, but Starudi's reaction quickly did not let the knife disengage, but he suffered a relatively heavy injury to one of his arms.

Of course, Steve Ranji also knew this, and absolutely hurt Staru Rudy. If the average person would definitely take the opportunity to launch a crazy offensive against him, Steve Ranji did not bother to say anything. This suddenly attacked the despicable means of winning or attacking. This is also the proud blood of a strong man. He is just like Chen Tian’s original principle: "Single heads. Since you want to single out with me, then I will make you feel absolutely fair. If I want to win you or take your life, I will let you convince me from the bottom of my heart, that is to say, the legendary one will defeat you, so Steve Lanji doesn’t want to leave a suspicion of sudden fraud. The sudden increase in strength just now is because he feels that the warm-up is over, and he should fight seriously, because the battle on the spot has already been played. If he does not fight, he may not even implement the plan for a while. It is over, after all, he still wants to see what desperate Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters want to force him. After all, he has two gems that Zhuo Yanxuan gave him. If he is to die here, in case the gem is not in him On the body, that is bound to add unnecessary difficulties on the basis of finding gems.

Therefore, on the basis of the original plan with Zhuo Yanxuan’s siblings, Steve Ranji really wants to start a real battle with Starudi, and Steve Ranji suddenly changes. The force also made Staru Rudi realize that it was time for the real shot, so he immediately improved his strength to the true state of the real battle after he repaired the shock injury of his right arm, and at a completely different running speed to Stie Ranji rushed straight in.

Steve Ranji saw that his speed was accelerating instantaneously, and he also raised a smile in his mouth and ran towards him at the same speed. Steve Ranji’s sudden speed increase caused the two to be not far away from the original. In addition, the speed of the two is extremely fast, so the two reach the other in front of each other in just less than two seconds, and in less than two seconds, the two are mad at each other at a phantom speed. Cut, because both of them are playing with swords, so at the speed of the two people at this time, they can see the hands and knives waving by them, and only see the sparks of the blade and the collision of the blade and the clanking of metal. At the same time, the two's movements will appear here as well as science fiction movies, and then appear there again, but everyone around them will suffer, because the two's knives are fighting each other, but maybe When passing there, it will cause sudden fatal injuries to these people around.

Although they didn’t attack each other on purpose, their attacks were not just against individuals, most of them were group-type attacks. For example, the two people collided with each other when they hit the two knives. The chopping impact force is enough to directly cut off a person's arm or various parts of the body, and this airflow will leave deep marks on the concrete wall.

However, not all of them will be dead or wounded wherever they go. These two people will not cause any problems when they are around the front line. When the two are less than thirty strokes to each other, Steve’s battle continues. , Starudi had already felt the severe discomfort of the body, the huge power shock made his chest sultry. In fact, he was enduring, this sultry wanted to squirt blood, he knew that he had been shocked by his power. He suffered an internal injury, but he could not be revealed in the battle with Steve Ranji, so Starudi has been enduring, but he also knows that under such an attack, he should not have much time to fight, So Starudi already had the meaning of trying to escape.

He now finally knows why many people believe that Steve Lanji is the strongest guy. This guy is really strong. He is really outrageous. He is not an opponent at all. He has some unfathomable fighting power. He hasn’t been fighting for so long. Signs of gasping and sweating, physical endurance and striking ability are far above Staru Rudi.

So it’s obvious that after winning the battle, although Starudi is also a person who can start the state of Heavenly Tribulation, but really open Heavenly Tribulation is definitely the rhythm of the battle to the end, and this time he is not going to compete with this one. The men fight hard, but to contain him and lead him to the Ghost King and Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters to create a good offensive advantage, and then wait for them to capture their base and then strike back and forth with them to wipe out all of this guy. Now, by myself, I'm really not an opponent of this person, so Starudi doesn't want to fight hard with Steve Ranji.

So now the crisis facing him is how to get rid of Steve Ranji in front of him and lead his men to succeed completely here. At the beginning, he also wanted to really compete with Steve Ranji. See how far he is from me. Now Starudi has counted, this guy's strength is indeed not able to cope with him, and this guy is so powerful, the two of them may not be able to fight He, besides, Staru Rudi’s real power is not as good as his brother Ghost King. Although his strength is definitely one of the top masters in the t zone, and he is definitely qualified in the top five of the 13 site bosses, the strong The gap between the strong and the strong is actually quite obvious, especially for the masters who seem to be very strong. In fact, the gap is so large that some can even be compared with the gap between the soldier and the general, although the same level of the battle It’s like an adult playing a child, and the gap between Starrudy and Steve Ranji is really a bit big, although both of them seem to be at the same level in terms of status and strength, both are leaders. Both are the top peaks of the fighting power of the two sides, but the fighting power of the two is really incomparable.

So now Stary Rudy saw Steve Ranji’s attacks and chose to avoid encirclement, because he had suffered an internal injury and did not want to increase his injury. Of course Steve Ranji also had his own. If you are not bound by Zhuo Yanxuan’s plan, Staru Rudi may have been killed by him at this time. Steve Lanji actually intentionally wanted to let him go. Not so obvious.

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