Killing God Island

Chapter 781: Brothers and sisters. Four generals killed in battle 1

It is already obvious that Starudi and Steve Lanji have won and lost. Although Starudi is also a person who can open the state of Heavenly Tribulation, it really is the rhythm of the final battle. And, this time he was not trying to fight with the man in front of him, but to hold him back and lead him to the ghost king and Zhuo Yanxuan brother and sister to create a good offensive advantage, and then wait for them to capture their base. Fighting back and forth with them wiped out all of this guy. Now that I am alone, I am indeed not the opponent of this person, so Starudi doesn't want to fight hard with Steve Ranji.

So now the crisis facing him is how to get rid of Steve Ranji in front of him and lead his men to succeed completely here. At the beginning, he also wanted to really compete with Steve Ranji. See how far he is from me. Now Starudi has counted, this guy's strength is indeed not able to cope with him, and this guy is so powerful, the two of them may not be able to fight He, besides, Staru Rudi’s real power is not as good as his brother Ghost King. Although his strength is definitely one of the top masters in the t zone, and he is definitely qualified in the top five of the 13 site bosses, the strong The gap between the strong and the strong is actually quite obvious, especially for the masters who seem to be very strong. In fact, the gap is so large that some can even be compared with the gap between the soldier and the general, although the same level of the battle It’s like an adult playing a child, and the gap between Starrudy and Steve Ranji is really a bit big, although both of them seem to be at the same level in terms of status and strength, both are leaders. Both are the top peaks of the fighting power of the two sides, but the fighting power of the two is really incomparable.

So now Stary Rudy saw Steve Ranji’s attacks and chose to avoid encirclement, because he had suffered an internal injury and did not want to increase his injury. Of course Steve Ranji also had his own. If you are not bound by Zhuo Yanxuan’s plan, Staru Rudi may have been killed by him at this time. Steve Lanji actually intentionally wanted to let him go. Not so obvious.

As Starudi fights Steve Lanji more and more, the internal injuries will become more and more serious. Even if he has suffered internal injuries in his body, he will be able to repair himself within 30 minutes. No harm, but it is not as easy to get away as he imagined. Of course, this means that in addition to him, it is not as easy as Zhuo Yanxuan said at the time. It is very risky, and in actual situations there will be many unexpected unexpected situations.

The situation at this time is that even if Staru Rudi can get away, he can't escape alone, even if he escapes alone, he can't do it alone, so he wants to let the whole team withdraw, which is really not so easy, and At this time, all of Starardi's men finally understood the gap between them and these people within thirty minutes.

This gap is by no means just the difference in the heads-up strength of the two leaders. Generally speaking, in addition to the two leaders, the difference in the strength of the overall team is not obvious in just five minutes. Basically Both sides had obvious casualties in front of the big station, but after fifteen minutes, the gap was completely seen, because some weaker ones were almost dead, and some people with obvious strengths would mass slaughter the weaker ones. On the one hand, the middle-level combat power of Steve Lanji’s team is significantly stronger than that of Starrudi’s gang, and the combat effectiveness of the top 100 cadres is even less casualties. Almost a few people were injured and few were injured.

And Starudi’s overall situation is now being disturbed by some formation disorder. If there are dozens of cadres with relative strength who can still get it, the disrupted formation will be destroyed in less than five minutes. The chiefs of the four major special forces basically played against Steve Lanji’s senior cadre-level figures, who had originally played in the five-and-five seasons and had not yet completely divided who won and who was defeated.

But unfortunately this is a battle in a group battle. Because the death and injury of his team is too bad, some strong middle-level cadres have come to support him after killing his team cadres, so this young guy who is really not weak is originally fighting. Is a master closer to his own strength, but after ten minutes of fighting without a win or loss, at a glance his own death is almost the same, at a glance except for the master who is very close to himself , The periphery was surrounded by a group of more than a dozen people who did not look weak and had a fierce look, and a very fair battle that had been singled out suddenly turned into a siege.

Although the masters and the strong people here are very arrogant and like to pretend to be a b or something, in a real melee, there is a person who likes to pretend to be a b, and basically can fight others in a group and never single-handed, single The challenge is to be seen to be able to pretend to be b. It’s better to watch your strength in this big dogfight. It’s most important to be able to protect yourself in front of so many people. Once attacked by a group, it’s a double fist. It is difficult to beat four hands, so in this case the two groups are still more team-conscious.

Of course, the original opponent of Ye Jiebu, who is the leader of the four elite troops under Starudi, is also the same as Steve. Lanji's elite cadres are the night concubines who are known as one of the hundred people, although she is a A woman, but her strength is ridiculous. She is another beautiful woman who does not lose her appearance. She is a woman who can survive on such a dangerous island. None of them are just like the outside world. You can survive with your appearance. Although not all of the women here are masters like these two women, they are not ordinary women who can survive, but it does not rule out that some women survive on face value Yes, but such women do not have the best effort in any organization. They are all men’s tools for venting. They live very miserable. In addition to such women, the rest can be many men with criminal convictions. It is natural to have a place in front of you. To describe it in an ancient word... it belongs to the kind of female hero.

Yefei Tongmu is a hairstyle with short slanted bangs. The typical facial features of the sunflower seeds look neutral, and the body is not particularly concave and convex, but it also has a unique taste and the chest is not very good. Obviously wearing tight casual clothes and jeans on the lower body, if you can smell a very fragrant perfume, there is a unicorn tattoo on the right arm holding a slender short sword, the short sword is very short and exquisite in appearance It looks meticulously carved. At first glance, it is a weapon that costs a lot of high-value murder value. From the point of view of the weapon, I know that this woman's melee ability is absolutely not weak.

This woman's aura is not fierce, but it is very powerful when fighting. At the beginning, the star commander Ye Jiebu of the elite troops of Starudi saw that a woman in front of him had not taken it seriously, but this woman Suddenly flashed by in an instant, the cold light was about to make Ye Jiebu's eyebrows sharp, and he raised his hand directly with the knife, and with a slap of only one knife, the force of Ye Jiebu directly hit the back. It took five steps to stand firm, followed by three cold lights flashing instantaneously, how could there be only three weapons in this woman's hands with three reflective spots under the sunlight?

If someone else might panic immediately, but Ye Jiebu didn’t panic at all, and continued to go backwards at a speed similar to that of her attack, and took a few steps back to ease the woman’s attack speed. Looking ahead, it turns out that the three reflected light spots are not that the woman has three weapons in her hand, but that the woman's attack is too fast, plus the woman's weapon is a very shiny reflection in the middle of the dagger The light ball of light, this glare that reflects the light in the woman’s hand, keeps rotating the knife body and changing moves, so that the glare of the reflective point makes the attacker seem to see three light points and this The light is very dazzling, and not only the dazzling glare from the center of the light will make you hard to see the knife body that she attacks.

Ye Fei Tong Mu this woman's attack method is very fast, and it is not only as simple as the knife is fast, the cutting strength is also quite strong, because the woman's natural arm strength is abnormal, and the body is considered to be a full muscle before being strengthened Her fitness coach and his wrist break are not her opponents, plus her later self-exercises have led her to focus on fighting when she likes to fight.

That is, a woman who likes strong attack types, especially the weapon in her hand can play a great boosting effect during the day. Originally, she attacked very strong and very fast, plus the weapon's own reflective ability is super strong The glow of the blade makes it difficult for her opponent to see her attack sometimes.

Yefei Tongmu's first attack did not expect that the kid in front of him could block it, so he took a few steps back and she attacked again at a very fast rate, but what Yefei Tongmu did not expect was that the kid's conditioned reflex was fast Although he hadn't thoroughly seen and guessed the number of battles of Yefeitongmu, he stepped back at the same speed to delay his strokes. Yefeitongmu can see that this kid is not ordinary. So she became more serious herself, because there is an intuition between master and master, and this intuition is very accurate.

Ye Jiebu suddenly stopped after a dozen steps back, and a flashing body directly avoided the sword in the wooden hand of the night princess. Accurately speaking, Ye Jiebu did not detect the entire body, but the half body. While avoiding the stab of this sword, his knees were raised at the same time. Almost while he was avoiding the knife of Yefeitongmu, Ye Jiebu's knee also just laid on Yefeitongmu's body.

Not only did she not pierce the sword, but the body was hit backwards, puffed through the night princess wood body while falling to the ground with the other hand to support the next moment of the body falling, directly let a body 360 Rotate the leg sweep ten degrees, letting the original knee hit Ye Fei Tong Mu's abdomen. Before he closed his leg, Ye Jiebu even took this posture the next second before Ye Fei Tong Mu fell to the ground. When he swept his leg, he kicked directly, and the white light flashed in front of him as the body fell down. This white light was definitely the woman's weapon, so Ye Jiebu's subconscious direct hands together forward, and came an empty hand to catch the white blade.

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