Killing God Island

Chapter 939: Dogfight 4 shock of fat girl

Jeffman rushed to Yangliu again, and Yangliu also rushed directly to the tall man in front of him. The two directly confronted each other directly, and Yangliu directly sided from the stick that Jeffman took. Although the stick did not hit the willow, the ground hit a dust of more than one meter, and the willow lifted sideways, stepped on the stick that Jeffman pulled out with his legs, and then lifted forward to hit the knee directly. Jeffman's face, but unfortunately did not succeed, but let him block a backhand and directly grabbed Yang Liu's teaching neck, and then violently hit the ground directly.

Originally, Jeffman thought she would be smashed, but he didn't even have the effect that he thought of in such a fall, because the willow was directly supported on the ground with his hands, and then one leg turned back and used the other leg directly. He kicked on his face, the tip of the heel just hit his eyeball, his eyes were blinded, and he fell on the ground, rolling and wailing without pain.

Yang Liu had planned to go directly to him in the past and solve him directly, but it was unexpected that the body was directly hit by the stick on the chest first. All the bones in Yang Liu's chest were beaten into the whole.

Yang Liu vomits blood while her body is self-flattened. If someone else suffers from this kind of injury, it will definitely die, but for Yang Liu, this kind of injury can be completely repaired with her own repair ability. After all, her repair ability is No other reinforcement can do it, and its repair ability is dozens of times faster than others.

Although Jeffman knew that Willow was able to repair quickly, he did not think it would be useless to hit himself with such a ruthless attack, and at least anyone who was hit by this attack would almost certainly die, although he saw Yangliu in the end. She was still moving, and it was confirmed that she was not dead. Although he was not dead, he was also severely injured. Jeffman was still certain, so he walked over directly, as if the situation was what he expected In the same way, he had passed the willow but still did not get up, so Jeffman walked directly in front of her, held his stick in both hands and held it high and smashed it down.

At the moment when she smashed, Yangliu suddenly raised his hand forward and directly used this attack to hold him. Although the whole body was spitting blood with this force, but spitting blood for Yangliu was nothing. , The important thing is... you are dead.

This is the will of Yang Liu's heart at this moment. The moment when Yang Liu's direct hands directly grasped the Jeffman stick, he used his knee to knock the stick from the middle, and got up at a very fast speed, and picked up the break to the point. He sticks directly to Jeffman's neck and pierces him from the throat.

But Jeffman's throat was pierced by light, it was impossible to die, but before he could react, Willow would turn this thing hard and pulled Jeffman's head straight out, and the head was separated from the body. Fuman instantly fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight. The body that lost his head twitched for less than fifteen seconds without moving.

After Yangliu solved Jeffman, he took a long breath, followed by the bones and internal organs that had just been dented, and began to inhale with her. The entire internal cavity was broken and the internal organs and bones began to recover instantly. Yangliu This recovery method is also one she has realized after many battles with other people's life and death. With her physical regeneration ability, she can repair almost all the damaged bodies in less than a minute.

Of course, Yangliu has just solved a very tough man, and he was dominated by more than a dozen people on the spot, and these more than a dozen people knew that they are not ordinary small characters by looking at their dress and temperament, but Yangliu has already been completely physically Recovery, apart from consuming some physical energy inside the body, basically the entire body has not even found a little scar, but these people don’t look very irritating, of course, willow is also worried about his pet, after all, this This pet has been with the willow for a long time, and because of the evolutionary mutation of the gene, this dog has a particularly high IQ, so he also listens to the willow. So at this time Yangliu did not care that he was surrounded, but looked around to find his pet’s location. After all, he was just seriously injured, although it also has its own repair ability. , But did not fully recover the former Yangliu Town, fearing that he would be killed by these people, after all, this dog’s repair ability is not very strong, although it can repair itself, the town was too seriously injured, it can’t be like having a memory cell Repair to the original appearance by yourself.

At this time, the dog Yangliu was not found on the battlefield. Such a big dog should be easy to find at first glance, and Yangliu's pet is no longer in his place. Yangliu's expression suddenly panicked because she I am really worried about my pet, because just because of the attack by Jeffman, the forced willow has no way to protect it next to his pet, but now his pet has disappeared. What happened just now?

When Yangliu was asking himself like this, Suddenly Yangliu found that his mount was next to Sydney and the muscular girl, and many people died around Sydney. It seems that Shirley just shot in order to save Yangliu’s pet. Of course, in addition to Yang Liu, the strength of the rest of the women’s team is also quite strong. Although Shirley has been sitting in a wheelchair and still needs a muscular woman to push her, Shirley’s strength is unfathomable, although others can’t see her killing But from the perspective of so many people dying around him, it is enough to prove the horror of this woman's strength.

Of course, in addition to the guy Shirley, the women's team also has another very powerful woman. This woman is stubby and chubby Xi Lumei. Not only is she short and chubby, she also keeps the neat hijab of the classic Japanese anime cherry pellets Hairstyle, this woman’s true strength can be positive and willow’s state of heaven without falling down. Of course, Yangliu’s real fighting power is her starting the sky-tribulation, embodying the power of the giant ape and fully integrating the fighting power of the great ape. The horror of this combat power can even make Chen Tian’s Giant Divine Soldier fierce even after he opened the Blood River. The main Giant Divine Soldier has no substantive whole composed of blood. Although the strength is large but the hardness is not enough, Yang Liu’s move is perfect. Existing, even so powerful, Xi Lumei is still not afraid of being able to make a 50-50 with Yangliu in this state, and she has not opened her own strength in the state of Tiankai. It can be seen that this little fat girl's strength is strong.

But the four major families are interested in the potential of evolution, so they have not been concerned about the powerful potential of Xi Lumei, but is Xi Lumei really not in a state of heaven? This may only be known to her, but when the four big families observe her status and growth value on the island, the data obtained is that she has never opened the Sky Tribulation state, but her strength is very strong, and how strong is it. No one in the region really submitted the report of Xi Lumei to the top four families.

After all, only some talents who have opened the Sky Tribulation are eligible to hand over their information to the senior level, and those who can get the high-level attention without opening the Sky Tribulation are actually very few, but Chen Tian is an exception. Although he also It hasn't started the Heaven Tribulation but has been secretly followed by the four big families.

However, Xi Lumei's combat power is actually very unstable, sometimes super strong, sometimes a little general, but this time he is particularly cruel, it is clear that this little fat girl has beaten these people I’m afraid, because I’ve already killed more than 20 highly capable masters, and I didn’t even breathe in the atmosphere. The whole looks like it doesn’t consume much physical strength at all. The most important thing is that these 20 or so are not weak. No one actually caused him substantial damage. Although she also had a lot of injuries, there were basically a dozen minor injuries, but there were no fatal injuries. It can be cured in less than five minutes, so these are not as strong as those who have just been killed by them, so it is normal for them to be so afraid of Xi Lumei at this time.

Just when these people could get help because of whether they wanted to go together or where they ran, they suddenly heard a female voice with a very nice voice: "You all give me the waste, so many people even have one It’s really ridiculous for people who are so frustrated to fight, aren’t you ashamed of your weak strength? Have you always claimed to be a master?”

After the woman finished speaking, she twisted her buttocks, swinging her very enchanting figure forward, and Xi Lumei in front also saw the woman who had just said the sentence. It's perfect and it looks like the facial features are perfect and long hair is flowing, which is exactly what Xi Lumei wanted to grow up when she was young, but unfortunately it is only Xi Lumei's beautiful dream.

The real Xi Lumei can only grow into a short and fat look forever, so Xi Lumei is very jealous of this woman with a perfect body, so when she sees a person with this body, she will bring her own hostility. It seems that Xi Lumei and her team's willow are different, just because Yang Liu's body is also quite hot, so the woman's body in front of him makes Xi Lumei feel very hot, plus her arrogant personality and the few sentences just now Words, it also shows how strong she is in the city, so Xi Lumei has not waited for her to fully walk towards herself. Xi Lumei has taken the lead in sprinting and appeared in front of this woman at an extremely fast speed, just as he thought To solve the same problems as those just now, in the past, let her hands break her head and twist her head directly behind her.

But what Xi Lumei didn't expect was that the few words that the woman just said were not rhetoric, but she was really capable of seeing Xi Lumei's routine and put her hands up directly, and directly Taking a step forward, the two women seem to have some hands and arms that are like tears. Both sides feel that the other party is not weak, and they may not be able to completely suppress it with their own strength, so the two have thought of going together again. At the same time, both of them kicked towards each other at the same time. While they were kicking towards each other, because of the mutual effect of the force, the two of them stepped back five or six steps before listening.

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