Killing God Island

Chapter 940: Melee 5 Fat Girls vs. Jeremy Ni

Just when these people hesitated whether they wanted to go together or where to run to get help, there was a female voice that sounded very nice: "You guys all gave me away, so many people even one It’s really ridiculous for people who are so frustrated to fight, aren’t you ashamed of your weak strength? Have you always claimed to be a master?”

After the woman finished speaking, she twisted her buttocks, swinging her very enchanting figure forward, and Xi Lumei in front also saw the woman who had just said the sentence. It's perfect and it looks like the facial features are perfect and long hair is flowing, which is exactly what Xi Lumei wanted to grow up when she was young, but unfortunately it is only Xi Lumei's beautiful dream.

The real Xi Lumei can only grow into a short and fat look forever, so Xi Lumei is very jealous of this woman with a perfect body, so when she sees a person with this body, she will bring her own hostility. It seems that Xi Lumei and her team's willow are different, just because Yang Liu's body is also quite hot, so the woman's body in front of him makes Xi Lumei feel very hot, plus her arrogant personality and the few sentences just now Words, it also shows how strong she is in the city, so Xi Lumei has not waited for her to fully walk towards herself. Xi Lumei has taken the lead in sprinting and appeared in front of this woman at an extremely fast speed, just as he thought To solve the same problems as those just now, in the past, let her hands break her head and twist her head directly behind her.

But what Xi Lumei didn't expect was that the few words that the woman just said were not rhetoric, but she was really capable of seeing Xi Lumei's routine and put her hands up directly, and directly Taking a step forward, the two women seem to have some hands and arms that are like tears. Both sides feel that the other party is not weak, and they may not be able to completely suppress it with their own strength, so the two have thought of going together again. At the same time, both of them kicked towards each other at the same time. While they were kicking towards each other, because of the mutual effect of the force, the two of them backed up five or six steps before stopping.

Xi Lumei looked at the woman in front of her, a smile hung on the corner of her mouth: "I didn't expect this woman to be a little powerful, it seems that she just underestimated you."

This woman was also backed up by Xi Lumei's continuous steps before standing. In order not to lose her gas, she also directly replied: "It seems that you have two fat girls, no wonder you can't take these wastes."

The two women looked at each other again, and Xi Lumei immediately followed the feeling that the woman just raised her hand slightly, and she was instantly knocked down to the ground. She had not waited for Xi Lumei to stand up, and the woman went straight to the whole person again. He jumped directly forward and launched a fatal attack on the head with his legs directly down in the air.

With a loud bang, Xi Lumei raised her hands up, followed her body directly, and jumped up, followed by a twirling kick in the air, seemingly very powerful attack, but directly by the woman The air is blocked.

"What? You guy can actually guard" Xi Lumei's surprised expression passed, the two landed at the same time, and the two sides shot out to each other at the same time. The two turned their heads at the same time to avoid. At the same time, Xi Lumei turned around and swept her legs again, not to mention her short and thick body, but her body was very flexible, and because Xi Lumei's height was really different from the height of this beauty, you must attack the other person's face. Jump up and attack.

The reverse side kick of the jumping attack is still quite strong. Even if the muscular man is kicked, he may fall down on the ground, but I did not expect that the woman in front of him could actually prevent his hands from being blown out. .

After these few moves have been completed, it can be determined that the woman in front of her is different from the rest of the fighting power. This woman is a standout compared to those who just went. The strength of this woman is not at the same level as these people, so Xi Lumei asked with a very serious expression: "To be honest, fighting with you has made me experience the excitement of competing against the strong, but for a woman as strong as you, I don't know what a shame your name is, so in Before I kill you, please report your name yourself."

The superb woman said in a word: "My name is Geralny, you better remember my name, because you will die in my hands."

"Geramini? The name is pretty good, but unfortunately your life span is not much."

Geramini wasn't talking nonsense with Xi Lumei directly, she started directly. After all, murder still depends on real skills, and only those who can talk have no real skills.

So Geramini went directly to her with a dagger on her hand and wanted to directly solve Xi Lumei. After all, she was just a fist and had no big advantage, so she no longer had to decide with Xilu with her bare hands. Everyone, as long as they can kill each other, as for the method of killing, no one will delve into it.

So Gerami Ni directly barreled past with a knife, the speed is like lightning, and the accuracy is also quite high, directly barreled towards her heart position with a knife. Xi Lumei directly blocked the front directly with a knife. With the sound of a metal collision, the sparks from the metal collision in front of her flew high and disappeared, but accompanied by Jie Ramini's arms kept swinging, and the dagger she held in her hand also launched a seemingly deadly attack on Xi Lumei in various very special directions.

However, Xi Lumei was very cleverly blocked by a small knife in her hand. The two men just had a close draw in close combat. They didn't expect to fight each other with the knife. They turned out to be opponents, but in Geralmi. It really started to admire Xi Lumei. After all, her short and fat body can deal with her dagger stab so flexibly, showing that her body is quite flexible. After all, the strength of this fat woman is not vegetarian. The most flexible fat man among the fat men Ramani saw.

The two's short spelling did not cause any injuries to either side. It can be seen that the two used a certain level of knives, but after all, the knives are sharp, and after a long fight, they can't be injured at all. Lu Mei is a master. Both sides are very careful when fighting each other for a short time. They have not completely let go of the fight. Once the match is released, it is definitely whether you die or I die.

But now the two of them are now attacking while avoiding each other, or they are all defending each other and at the most critical time, the two sides find opportunities for each other to give each other the most deadly attack, of course, because the strength shown by these two women is terrible, So many people did not participate in the match between the two.

Both women ran and attacked each other, and at the same time they heard the sounds of various metal clashes.

It may be due to the fact that the two sides collided the weapon too many times, so that the two of them not only had the blades bumped due to the collision, but all of the blades became a saw blade. At this time, the weapons of the two people were almost scrapped.

At this time, the two smiled slightly at each other, as if fighting a little friendship, but this friendship is just to admire each other's fighting power, so at this time, the two smiles are only smiles that are purely polite.

Geramini and Xi Lumei threw the knife on each other's hands to the ground one after another, and then they both hung their evil smiles on their faces again.

"It seems that we are still in a freehand duel, and real fighting will eventually require freehand to be more exciting."

"I agree with you. It is indeed more interesting to kill people with bare hands. I originally thought that using weapons can solve you faster. It seems that I think too much. I didn't expect you to play a knife. It was really unexpected. , But a lot of things have happened to you that have surprised me, so it seems that we can really fight."

"Do you really want to fight me? I'm afraid I'm really serious, you won't be able to withstand it."

"Really? How can you know that I can't stand it without trying?"

"Really? It seems that you have done a good sense of death, then I will let you see it." Xi Lumei instantly changed the entire popularity field, and there was a very strong airflow around her. Even this kind of airflow caused a weak wind to center on her. Generally, when people become stronger, they have very obvious muscles to add antibodies and strength to themselves, but Xi Lumei becomes stronger. On the contrary, the fat on her body It’s just like liposuction. The whole person has no fat at all. Except that the body does not become taller, the whole body is not fat at all. It is not like being just like two people. The overall figure is completely different. Now, she is not fat at all, and belongs to the kind of woman who has no extra meat in her body.

"You could suddenly lose weight, and you surprised me again."

"Is there? There are even more unexpected waiting for you!" Xi Lumei finished the sentence and took the first direct attack on Gerami Ni. This direct attack is to go up and hit the general direction. It is a positive punch. It looks like he has become thinner and weaker in theory. In fact, his strength should be weakened. In fact, his strength is not weakened. On the contrary, the strong punch is a domineering blow. Jeramini deliberately did not hide from you. He took direct defense with his hands. He wanted to see if this guy suddenly became thinner and his strength had increased. Geramaine was a little too arrogant this time. Because of her arrogance, he defended his hands and put himself directly All of the defensive arms were directly fractured.

Geramini defended her arms with her arms crossed, but did not expect that her arms were directly interrupted by Xi Lumei because of this wrong decision. This was a result that Geramini didn't expect at all. She really didn't expect it Stronger than she can afford.

When Geramaine blocked the blow and caused her arms to be broken, the whole person immediately wanted to jump back out of the attack area of ​​Xi Lumei, and then slowly let her arms recover, but she thought too much, Xi Lumei did not It was possible to launch an attack only once, and it was impossible to close with a punch, followed by a backhand blow from Xi Lumei.

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