King of Black Mist

Chapter 130 Evangelism and New Photo Transmission

The first gospel spell in "Bible Knight" is "Retribution", which has the effect of increasing strength by 2 points, agility by 2 points, and sanctity (charm) by 1 point.

Costs 100 points.

Yang Qinglan placed her finger on the footer of the third page (the first page was "Lifting Painting", the second page was "Punishment", and the second Gospel Technique was on page three). Li Changzhou and Li Qianxia immediately stretched their necks over , like two king cobras standing upright.

She couldn't help but smile, and put "Bible Knight" in the middle.

[Name: Holy Light Shield]

[Type: Skill]

[Price: 200 game coins]

[Special effect: When wearing the Golden Knight Holy Armor, you can absorb a small amount of damage from the enemy for five minutes]

[Chant: But you, my Lord, are my glory and my shield around me, lifting up my head. 】

"It's pretty good, but I don't know how much a little is." Li Qianxia commented.

"Buy!" Li Changzhou said in one word.

Spend 200 game coins to unlock the fourth page and the third gospel technique.

[Name: Confession]

[Type: Skill]

[Price: 400 game coins]

[Special effect: Ask the other party three questions, and the other party’s answers must be true]

[Singing: Declare—Those who shed blood and practice deceit are an abomination to the Lord; those who tell lies will be destroyed by you]

"Buy, buy, buy, and let my brother try it after buying it!"


This is simply a magic weapon to catch traitors. Fortunately, Li Changzhou is upright and upright. He was indeed a virgin before and he only planned to change his career with Miss Yang and sign a lifelong contract with her.

Yang Qinglan was not as narrow-minded as the two brothers and sisters. She felt that this skill was useful in all aspects, so she simply placed an order.

After buying it, she suddenly realized that in just ten seconds, she had spent 700 game coins, and her heart began to tangle.


When I watched Li Changzhou spend money before, I didn't care at all. I even wanted him to spend 6,400 to upgrade his skills from A level to A+ level and spend all the game coins in one go.

Thinking about this, she turned to the fifth page, intending to see what it was. If it wasn't a very outstanding skill, she wouldn't spend any money.

[Name: Sanctuary]

[Type: Skill]

[Price: 800 game coins]

[Special effect: Expand a three-meter-diameter barrier. Within the barrier, the Gospel holder and her teammates gain strength, agility, and physical fitness bonuses (1 point), slowly recover from injuries, and are immune to certain negative effects]

[Singing: Ask Me, says the Lord, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your inheritance. 】

"I already want a copy! Next time I'll grab the nun's copy. No, you can't be a hot girl if you wear a nun's uniform."

Li Qianxia was worried about image issues there, and Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou.

"Look what I do, buy it." Li Changzhou said doubtfully.

Yang Qinglan has never worried about money. When ordering food and buying things, she just depends on whether she likes it or not. Today is the first time in her life that she feels, "This thing is good, but it's too expensive. I'll buy it again when I have money."


Counting the previous ones, 1,500 game coins have been spent!

"Stop watching!" She closed the gospel spell and made a 'bang' sound.

"No, it doesn't cost money, just look at what it is!" Li Qianxia said hurriedly.

"Don't look." Yang Qinglan was determined.

"It's good to gain more knowledge," Li Changzhou said, "it might come in handy when dealing with nuns and popes in the future."

Yang Qinglan couldn't refuse Li Changzhou's words.

“Just look, don’t buy,” she said.

"Don't buy it, don't buy it." Upon hearing this, it was clear that Li Qianxia was speaking casually.

"It depends on the situation. If it is really useful, should I still buy it? Isn't money just used for this kind of thing?" What Li Changzhou said was quite to the point, but that was exactly why she didn't want to see it.

If you buy again, 1600

Li Changzhou only needs 1,500 game coins to upgrade a skill from F to B level, and 1,600 can upgrade B to B+.

More than just heartache, the money came from the hard work of burning Prague, not from the strong wind.

Page six, fifth gospel technique.

[Name: Aboveboard]

[Type: Skill]

[Price: 1600 game coins]

[Special effect: Return the sneak attack received to the opponent]

[Chanting: The Lord says they lie in wait to shed their own blood; they lie in wait to destroy their own lives. 】

Yang Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Buy, buy, buy, buy!" Li Qianxia was still shouting.

"Not bad." Li Changzhou also nodded.

"Do you two treat this as shopping on Taobao?" Yang Qinglan's doubtful tone was slightly harsh, "I have 10 points of perception. Do you plan to let me be attacked deliberately and then use this skill?"


Li Changzhou thought this was a good tactic from the bottom of his heart.

The enemy succeeded in a sneak attack. Seeing that victory was in sight, he jumped out happily, only to find that the thrown dagger (referring to the sneak attack method) was stuck in his body. This is a wonderful "strike first to gain advantage".

Of course, a little too bold and risky.

It is best not to use it unless necessary - a sneak attack may directly lead to fainting, or it may not cause fainting, but there is no physical strength or no time to chant.

"In the future, when dealing with nuns and popes, you can seize the time when the other party is chanting," he said.

"But don't believe this blindly. The other party also knows this weakness and will definitely develop tactics using it as bait." Yang Qinglan reminded while putting away "Bible Knight".

Less than half of the game currency is left.

Previously, they received a total of 13,850 game coins from selling cards and props. Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan spent 7,500 game coins and had 6,350 game coins left.

"Improve "photo transmission" to A level, or give you the 50 I rewarded this time. If you increase "concentration" to A+, maybe your intelligence can be permanently improved. Yang Qinglan said, transferring all the game coins on the identity card to him.

50 plus 6350, a total of 6400, just enough to improve "focus" to A+.

"Less than S, "Concentration" may not improve much, let's stick to "Photo Transfer". "Li Changzhou said.

"Brother, wait!" Li Qianxia shouted as she took out a few identity cards (her instinct was to prepare them for herself), "Do you want this!"

It is the instinct of the male brown long-eared elephant shrew, the "fast channel", which can establish three coordinates and travel back and forth between the coordinates instantly, similar to a teleportation array.

"Transmitting photos once will reduce intelligence, but it is more flexible. After establishing the coordinates, this does not require any consumption, but it is too rigid. Forget it, I will leave it to you." Li Changzhou waved his hand generously.

"Keep the good stuff to yourself, and leave the team stuff to me." Li Qianxia muttered.

Compared with Yang Qinglan, who was thinking about buying nest-building skills, her complaint was simply selfish!

Li Changzhou, whose whole body is either equipped with attack skills or functional skills that serve himself, looks down upon such a sister.

he himself?

Friends, there must always be one person in a team who does the most dangerous things. To do the most dangerous things, shouldn’t all of them be equipped with attack skills or functional skills that serve individuals?

Li Changzhou felt at ease and laughed at his sister in his heart, and spent 1,600 game coins to upgrade "photo transmission" to B+.

B+ level "photo transfer", you can transfer places you have visited and you can send them again without taking your own photos.

Spend another 3,200 game coins to upgrade to level A.

After level A, "Photo Transfer" almost changed to a different skill.

[Name: Photo transfer]

[Type: Skill]

[Quality: A]

[Special effect: Instantly transfer to the target location with the help of a photo of the target location. 】

[Minimum usage conditions: Intelligence 7, Charisma 7]

[Introduction: The actual difference between the photo and the real scene cannot exceed 50%; there is no distance limit; 1 point of intelligence is consumed each time; a maximum of six living beings (including the person) can be carried in one transmission]

[Remarks: If it’s a public women’s bathroom. Wait, tell me where you got the bathroom photos first! Police, arrest him! (It’s not impossible to enter the honeypot world, but you need a WiFi password. Do you understand? The women’s bathroom is actually OK. It’s very simple, as long as you change gender. What? Are you a hermaphrodite? I’ll ask someone.)]

"Brother," Li Qianxia put her hand on Li Changzhou's shoulder with a serious look on her face, "I want to go -"

As soon as Li Changzhou heard her calling him, he doubted: "Don't say you want to go—"

"——Romantic Turkey, and then go to Tokyo and Paris together." The two said at the same time.

Li Qianxia's stomach suddenly hurt - laughing, she hit her brother on the shoulder hard, feeling that this guy was both annoying and lovable.

Li Changzhou also laughed, then turned to Yang Qinglan and said, "Let's go to Turkey without her."

"You - say it again! Say it again!" Li Qianxia strangled her brother's neck with her elbow, as powerful as Lin Daiyu uprooting a weeping willow.

Wait, wait a minute, is it Lin Daiyu who uproots the weeping willows, or is it Lu Zhishen, the flower monk? Li Changzhou had begun to suffer from hypoxia.

Yang Qinglan picked up the water glass and took a sip with a smile.

The King Cobra 'Golden Crown' swam this way hissing, and the leaves above his head rustled, brisk and soft, like he was sitting on a rocking chair made of wind braid.

Li Changzhou's current data.

[Nickname: King of Black Mist]

[Name: Li Changzhou]

[Value: 3 (246/400)] (Gemini)

[Instinct: Physical Strengthening] (You are obsessed with and confident in all aspects of your body)

[Instinct: Gemini] (Full sharing of value, half of the instinct effect, complete sharing of backpack, complete sharing of value coins) (No one likes my brother more than you) (Source: Li Qianxia)

[Skills: "Rifle Mastery", "Buffalo Style·Powerful Bull Fist", "Orchid Mantis·Am I Handsome", "Contract·King Cobra", "Not Learned", "Not Learned\

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