King of Black Mist

Chapter 131 Invincible in Half a Step

It's dawn, the dewdrops are still lingering on the leaves, and the sun hasn't jumped out yet to break up the couple.

In the Bird's Nest Plain, the breeze blew through the grassland, and Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan faced off with the Green Bee Sword in hand.

Li Qianxia yawned, raised her other hand and waved: "Start."

Yang Qinglan took the lead.

Her speed is also 10 points, but unlike Li Changzhou, who is always as powerful as a cannonball, and unlike Li Qianxia, ​​who is as fast as a sharp arrow, she is as light as the breeze.

Li Changzhou swung his sword, and the tip of the sword was already attached to her slender and beautiful neck.

"Ah la la la." He laughed.

"Come again." Yang Qinglan stepped back and turned around, her delicate lips pursed and her eyes sharp.

The competitive spirit was aroused.

"Well, I believe that with your ability, whether it's swordsmanship or anything else, you can quickly master it." With that, Li Changzhou swung away Yang Qinglan's sword again and pressed the sword on her shoulder.

For the third time, Yang Qinglan took a stance with her sword in hand and took a deep breath. Cold currents seemed to be dancing in her jewel-like black pupils.

As soon as she moved her body, the cold current spread all over her body instantly, turning into a cold and light attack.


The two Green Bee Swords bit together, making a crisp sound of iron hitting each other. The sword body vibrated and buzzed like a hummingbird.

"you let me?"

"Ending it too soon will not have the training effect."


"I am swinging my sword now with the determination to kill you."

"You underestimate the enemy too much, Miss Yang. When facing me, the determination you should have is 'death or life'."

Yang Qinglan stepped back temporarily, took a deep breath, raised the sword in front of his chest, and chanted.

“Vengeance is mine, says the Lord, and I will repay.”

Her eyes turned golden, and a golden halo appeared around her body.

"Brother, you are indeed an evil person!" Li Qianxia woke up immediately and cheered.

Li Changzhou is indeed an evil person. He is obsessed with Yang Qinglan, who is full of sacredness.

The black hair shines in the golden light, the fair skin is more transparent, the golden eyes are majestic and soft, and the whole person is as holy and beautiful as a goddess.

With a sound of tearing the air, Yang Qinglan's Green Bee Sword pierced the air like a stream of light.

The tip of her sword changed erratically, constantly pointing at Li Changzhou's throat. Her movements were light but full of speed and power.

Li Changzhou could no longer see through her moves calmly, so he followed his instinct and used his sword.

Yang Qinglan caught the sword, and like a willow letting go of the strong wind, the sword slid aside Li Changzhou's strength and leaned into his arms as light as a swallow.

It was too dangerous. Li Changzhou tilted his neck to the right.

Almost killed by beauty.

While giving way, he smoothly drew out his sword and swept Yang Qinglan aside with a flash of aura just like brushing away willow trees.

The sword fell and hit Yang Qinglan's right hand, and the female green bee sword fell to the ground with a clang.

Yang Qinglan covered her right hand with her left hand and pursed her lips. She was afraid of pain. Li Changzhou remembered this when he first experimented with "Kilin Blood Drainage".

"Okay," Li Changzhou smiled, "You almost bumped into me. Of course, it's not your strength that matters, but your incomparable beauty."

"Beauty is also my strength." Yang Qinglan picked up the Emerald Bee Sword and attacked again.

However, Li Changzhou had already held the green light in his hand and placed it in front of her.

Yang Qinglan's spirit was as tense as a string in an instant, and she drew the sword with all her strength.

Two flashes of green light passed by each other, and Li Changzhou hit her throat exactly.

Yang Qinglan's body felt slightly warm, not because of exhaustion - Li Changzhou's sharp and cold sword not only killed the enemy, but also killed the opponent's courage.

"You will use this trick for the rest of the training." She said seriously.

"Okay, for lunch I want to eat the fried dumplings from Auntie's Dumplings, and then I want a beef offal soup. When I leave the cafeteria, I want a bottle of banana milk."

"Let's talk after we win."

Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou warily, trying to see when he would draw his sword.

According to the agreement, he will not use more than 10 points of agility. With his own perception, he can definitely see clearly.

His heartbeat increased, his face turned slightly red, the pulse of his right hand holding the Emerald Bee Sword was beating violently, and blood was gurgling in his body.


Hummingbird humming.

Her golden divine eyes seemed to have shrunk slightly due to excessive focus and concentration.

See clearly.

The green light that hits my face is not a straight line, but like a snake, it is alive.

It actually gave her the illusion that the blade of the sword was curved. How did she do it? !

The tip of the sword came at him in an unpredictable trajectory, and the shuddering pressure enveloped his body again.

Where will it bite? Where will this green snake bite me? !

The face, neck, heart, wrists, all the weak spots looked like his targets, but they didn't seem to be.

While Yang Qinglan was seriously thinking about how to deal with this, Li Changzhou was thinking: Miss Yang is indeed as beautiful as a painting no matter what she does.

The green light rushed towards Yang Qinglan like a snake, and when it fell, it was as fast and unstoppable as thunder.

Yang Qinglan lowered her head and glanced at her flank. The clothes there were intact, but if she moved even slightly, a crack would appear.

"Come again!"

Adjust your stance.

Li Changzhou suddenly jumped up, and a group of thorns appeared under his feet.

Before his body fell, the gravity behind him prevented him from falling to the ground.

Li Changzhou twisted around and landed on the "ground" with his feet, but that was not the real ground after all.

A posture parallel to the ground would not make him uncomfortable, but it would not give him any leverage.

What else can a person who cannot fly do if he keeps falling in the air?

Li Changzhou raised his hand and threw the Emerald Bee Sword. The green light was as fast as a sharp arrow, and Yang Qinglan had to dodge.

As soon as his eyes moved, Li Changzhou had already swooped over, grabbed her hastily stabbing right hand, and put the female green bee sword in her hand on her neck.

The fragrance hit her nostrils, and a little sweat slid down her cheeks as white as fresh snow.

"Your sweaty face is more powerful than your sword." Li Changzhou smiled and stepped back to avoid her attack.

"But you - my Lord," the voice was as ethereal as the sound of nature, but the tone was full of murderous intent, "you are my glory and the shield around me, telling me to raise my head."

Dressed in golden armor and fluttering red cloak, Yang Qinglan looks like a Valkyrie wearing armor.

"Holy Light Shield".

This isn't over yet.

“Ask me, says the Lord, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your inheritance.”

"Sanctuary" unfolds.

"No way!" Li Changzhou hurriedly picked up his sword.

Without this long-range weapon, if he is controlled by the combo of "Thorns" and "Repulsion" again, and Yang Qinglan, who is blessed by the gospel technique, gets close, it is hard to say whether he will win or lose.

He cannot use illegal level strength and all skills.

After the morning exercise, Yang Qinglan put away the golden holy armor, her eyes were slightly blurred, and her long black hair was sticky with sweat on her red cheeks.

Li Changzhou wondered if she still had 10 points of charm at this time - replacing the 'sacred feeling' with 'charm'.

"Are you so powerful?" She was a little confused.

In her mind, Li Changzhou was of course the strongest among the three, but being able to fight her evenly without using skills or illegal-level attributes was too strong.

"Do you know when I am the strongest when playing games?" Li Changzhou asked.

"Huh?" Yang Qinglan rolled up her long hair and elegantly fixed it with the Green Bee Sword.

Li Changzhou appreciated it while replying: "When I play solo with Qian Xia, that is, a one-on-one duel. At this time, my mind is active, my spirit is high, my attention is highly concentrated, my moves are free, and I strive to win perfectly and beautifully. In the middle, I have to crush her and tease her."

"That's right!" The victim Li Qianxia nodded desperately, "He is such a disgusting person! But I didn't expect that he would be ruthless and ruthless in a one-on-one fight with Qinglan!"

"Wrong." Li Changzhou disagreed with this statement, "Not only was I merciless, I also performed beyond my level."

Li Qianxia: "."

It's over, the Li family will definitely be wiped out.

Yang Qinglan laughed: "We will continue tomorrow, I will take a shower."

"I'm coming too!" Li Qianxia followed. She was also sweating from her morning exercise.

The two walked into the wooden house and directly used "Call the wind and rain".

Yang Qinglan can now control the strength of the wind, making it only rain with this skill.

As for hypothermia, she has thermostat skills.

Li Changzhou could only jump pitifully into the big lake, play with the whitebait, and practice "Book of Thunder" for a while.

Breakfast is a variety of "unnamed" made by Xiao Yuding.

Different combinations of vegetables, and even blood beads made from branches, wild grasses, milk, whitebait, and Li Changzhou's blood are added.

The finished products are some health products.

Only the "unnamed" one with added blood beads is a qualified elixir, and its effect on treating injuries is better than that of blood beads.

Li Changzhou, Li Qianxia, ​​and Jin Guan, the two of them killed all kinds of "unnamed" that "no pig would eat".

While Yang Qinglan was cooking (alchemy), she was recording various researched recipes (alchemy) in her notebook. She seemed to like this very much.

It's good, just like going to a buffet barbecue. There must be someone who prefers grilling to eating.

After leaving the honeypot world and walking out of the yard, they boarded the bus to school and paid for the dungeon tickets, hoping to seize unparalleled time and quickly gain experience and game currency.

However, not until the bus arrives.

[The number of matching players is insufficient, please try later, or add additional rules and enter a low-level copy]

Is this "the way of heaven, to make up for the deficiency when there is more than enough damage"?

Strongly demand human rights and adhere to "the way of human beings, no harm is enough but more than enough benefit"!

Li Changzhou did not consider the option of attaching additional conditions. The competition was not about strength, but luck.

For example, last time, what if the bus broke down and it was invincible?

After finishing the morning class, I had fried dumplings made by the cafeteria lady’s dumplings and a beef offal soup for lunch. When I left the cafeteria, I picked up another bottle of banana milk.

I went back in the evening and swiped my bus ticket again, but I was still prompted to either try it later or add additional rules and enter a low-level dungeon.

What about those geniuses with three full values?

These people have all been banned from entering the game by countries and organizations.

Along with [Notice to all: The player's 'lord' continues to be invincible in the '23 Arena', players please unite as one], the story of Xiao Wusheng is also slowly spreading.

The voices of ridicule and gawking came one after another. Some locals and some foreigners took turns posting on the forum.

[Why is Xiao Wu Sheng Xiao Wu Sheng? Because there is ‘Lord’ on it]

[Xiao Wu Sheng: Wait a minute] (For some reason, the lyrics of "Wait a minute" are shown below. Every time I sing a line, @Xiao Wu Sheng is required)

[Looking at the decline of Xia Kingdom from the defeat of Xiao Wu Sheng] (It mentioned that Xia Kingdom’s propaganda that “Xiao Wu Sheng defeated three boundary-breaking players by himself” was considered to be false propaganda, and then led to the conclusion that Xia Kingdom’s masters were nothing more than this, and Xia Kingdom was going to be finished. topics such as)

In a certain villa in the capital of Xia Kingdom, Saint Xiao Wu was scrolling through posts with an expressionless face.

"Don't take it to heart, the game also said that the 'Lord' is only invincible in the first stage. After breaking through the limit, we will have plenty of opportunities to defeat him." Door Card comforted.

"The Bureau of Medicinal Materials has developed drugs that increase properties, and our quota has been reduced." Aman's slender and strong body was lying on the sofa, and his mouth directly pulled a whole bunch of grapes to eat.

In order to cultivate the relationship between teammates, Menpai, Aman and Xiao Wusheng live in the same villa.

The villa is their training base, surrounded by top players from other national teams, who often compete with each other for training.

Food, drink, and supplies are all provided by the state.

The logistics team analyzes their data and provides them with tactics and combo ideas. The database selects the best skill combinations for them and provides them with massive game currency to serve them regardless of the cost.

Xiao Wu Sheng called out the virtual keyboard and typed on the forum.

The door number secretly shook his head, Xiao Wu Sheng was still too concerned about the sounds from the outside world.

"Are we going to troll each other?!" Aman quickly took out his mobile phone, clicked on the forum, and prepared to watch.

Xiao Wusheng is a star player promoted by the country, and his posts on the forum are golden.

Soon, his post appeared at the top of the forum.

[Xiao Wu Sheng: Respond directly to the rumors about me losing to the ‘Lord’]

The forum's frantically refreshing posts all stagnated for a moment because of the appearance of this golden post.

Everyone clicks in.

Official comments are restricted. Only players who have joined the special battle can reply to this post.

1st Floor: The rumors are true (Xiao Wu Sheng)

Floor 2: But I am the only player who can survive against the ‘Lord’ (Xiao Wu Sheng)

Floor 3: Who of you can do this and then talk nonsense to me (Xiao Wu Sheng)

4th floor:. . . . . . . (Oman)

Floor 5: Damn it, I actually think it makes sense! (Westbrook)

Floor 6: Thinking about it this way, the Little Martial Saint is indeed powerful. The 'Lord' is recognized by the game as unrivaled. If the 'Little Martial Saint' can escape from him alive, isn't he half invincible? (Combat Specialization)

7th Floor: Unrivaled by the Little Martial Saint in half a step! (funny~)

8th Floor: Unrivaled by the Little Martial Saint in half a step! (Funny~) (Future Emperor)

Floor 9: Unrivaled by the Little Martial Saint in half a step! (Funny~) (Broken Dragon Roar)

10th Floor: You guys, don’t copy and paste along with the funny stuff! (Funny~) (Comfortable and comfortable)

11th Floor: Let me put my words here, if there is a second player who can escape from the 'Lord', I will be called 'Xiao Wu Sheng' (Little Wu Sheng) for the rest of my life.

12th floor: @Oman @House number

13th floor: @Oman @House number

In the villa, the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Aman secretly put down his phone and pretended to eat grapes seriously.

The atmosphere on the Internet is joyful. Li Changzhou and the others are about to turn their hair gray. Where are the people? What about the players? What about the national team? You match!

In this situation, Li Changzhou received a call from Yaferona from Italy.

"Lord Kurogiri, I have something to report to you."


"In order to conquer the mafia, the church leaked some information to me. One of them, I think it is necessary to report to you: using the herbs that become players, drugs that improve attributes can be synthesized."

"I already know."

"As expected of you!" Yaferona flattered her, "I don't know if you are interested in this herb, sir. The other two mafia spent a lot of money to secretly collect some and prepare to donate them to the church."



"I'll go there tomorrow!"

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