King of Black Mist

Chapter 229 Spring 1661

In the fifteenth year of Yongli's reign, on the seventh day of the second lunar month, Penghu.

"Master of the national surname!"

With a thumping sound, a soldier in armor walked quickly into the cabin. The storm took advantage of this gap and shot the heavy rain in like arrows, making a thumping sound.

The cabin door was closed, and the fierce sound of wind and rain was inaudible in the blink of an eye.

"We were fooled by He Bin! More than a hundred stones of grain were found all over Penghu, which is not even enough for the army!"

In the cabin, all the soldiers held their breath.

Wu Hao from Xuanyi Back Town snorted coldly in his heart, clasped his fists and said to the person above him: "Master Guo, there is not enough food and grass now, and there have been severe storms in Penghu for days. I think we should go back to Xiamen and make a long-term plan."

He had repeatedly opposed the plan to regain the treasure island at the beginning, but now something happened before he even landed on the island. Instead of feeling embarrassed, he felt proud and spoke in a superior tone.

"I went to the island on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. It's already the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. The treasure island is right in front of me, but the storm has no signs of stopping at all!" Another soldier said.

The wind and rain blew against the bay windows, the storm howled harshly, and the thirty-meter-long "Da Qingtou" warship swayed slightly, much like the current Ming Dynasty.

All the generals were speechless, waiting for King Yanping to make the decision.

Zheng Chenggong seemed to have not heard what everyone said and still looked at the letter in his hand.

It's a letter from Zhang Huangyan, the Minister of War.

"Those who have the same desires as others will not be prosperous, and those who have different desires will not be defeated."

Those who do great things will never fail to prosper if they are united with the masses, and will fail if they are not united with the masses.

Those who have the same desires as others...and those who have different desires... Zheng Chenggong thought about these two words and continued reading.

The words in the letter were harsh and harsh, directly describing him as a traitor, accusing him of going to the island to abandon the great cause of restoring Ming Dynasty and establish his Zheng family's small court.

All the soldiers suddenly heard Zheng Chenggong read loudly:

"In the past Battle of the Yangtze River, even though it was a defeat, it was still glorious. It has been famous for centuries. If it comes back, Fenyang and Linhuai will not be beautiful enough, even Qian Liu and Dou Rong will not be able to compete! If we look for Xu Fu's whereabouts, think about it. Lu Ao’s legacy, even if it is stolen for a while, will be ridiculed for eternity!”

"You bastard! This brilliant man actually dares to say that Mr. Guo is following the example of Xu Fu and Lu Ao!"

"My surname is Mr. Zhang. Although Mr. Zhang's words are fierce, he just wants to dissuade the prince. Maybe he has no ill intentions."

"Who cares if he has any malicious intentions! What kind of official is Zhang Huangyan? He dares to humiliate the surnamed master like this!"

The people below were quarreling. The Zheng family started as a pirate and had been prosperous for many years. They had some background, so they had some pirates, civil servants, and Confucians.

Zheng Chenggong read the letter silently.

He didn't take Zhang Huangyan's words to heart. He was more worried about the storm in front of him that showed no signs of stopping.

After praying to the sky, the treasure island is right in front of us. Is it going to be trapped by a storm at the door?


He read the sentence again: "If you look for Xu Fu's whereabouts, think about Lu Ao's past."

Zheng Chenggong tapped his fingers on the table and fell into deep thought, remembering the many legends on the sea.

"Master Guo!" Another soldier rushed into the cabin and knelt down on one knee, "Master Huang An, who was ordered to patrol the strait, is here!"

"What is he here for?" Zheng Chenggong frowned, feeling dissatisfied, and then a little uneasy.

Now that Emperor Shunzhi has passed away, the Qing Dynasty is busy with the transfer of power and has no time to take care of it for the time being, but it must be guarded against!

Zheng Chenggong's biggest concern in attacking the treasure island was that the Qing army might take advantage of his eastward advance to raid Kinmen and Xiamen.

If this is true, the army's retreat will be cut off, and it is very likely that he will be killed on the sea by the Qing army and the Dutch.

In order to prevent this situation, he left a large number of men, headed by his son Zheng Jing, to garrison Kinmen and Xiamen. He also ordered Huang An to lead 6,000 men to cruise back and forth, and no ships were allowed to enter the Treasure Island Strait.

"Let him in." Zheng Chenggong put down the rainy letter in his hand.



Amidst the screams, Li Changzhou opened his eyes. His body was tied. He looked around and saw that he was on a wooden ship. The technology should be underdeveloped.

There were several others like him, tied between the two masts.

"Dharma King! Dharma King, please save me!"

"Hahaha, Dharma King?" The soldier holding the knife laughed, and the fish-cutting knife in his hand shook like waves.

The soldiers watching the fun all around also laughed loudly.

These people are wearing military uniforms, but their temperament is like bandits, no, this is the sea, I should say like pirates.



The sea water rushes onto the deck, and the water flows along the texture of the deck, outlining it into words.

[Time: 1661, April 25, spring]

[Location: Treasure Island Strait]

[Background: In order to break the Qing army's encirclement and suppression, Zheng Chenggong had to think of a retreat and prepare to attack the treasure island as a base to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty]

[Character: Dharma King of the East China Sea (Fake Penglai Immortal)]

[Main mission: Help Zheng Chenggong regain the treasure island]

[Tip: All player’s ‘abilities’ have been converted into ‘mana’]

"Boom!" "Boom!"

From just now, there has been a slight sound like drum beating. Li Changzhou raised his head and looked towards the source of the sound.

A human head hung on the mast, swayed by the sea breeze, and hit the wooden pole.


"The head is hanging from the beam, the awl is stabbing the buttocks. It seems that this time I am going to work harder." Li Changzhou sighed, and with a slight movement of his hands, he broke the hemp rope as thick as his thumb.


All the soldiers on the ship drew their swords instantly, and some people drew fire guns.

boom! Fire exploded at the muzzle of the gun!

Li Changzhou raised his hand, clamped the projectile, and rubbed it between his fingers like peanuts. The power was so weak that it might not even be able to penetrate the steel plate.

Li Changzhou looked at the soldier holding the fish knife: "Do you know where Zheng Chenggong is?"

"Damn it! Are you pretending to be a ghost? Are you the Dharma King of the East China Sea?" As he asked the question, the fish-cutting knife in the soldier's hand flashed, and the sky was filled with sword light, chopping down like a heavy rain, and the cold air was overwhelming.

Li Changzhou released his fingers holding the bullet and flicked it.


The hard fish-cutting knife broke into three pieces, and he took advantage of the situation and took another slap.

The soldier was blown away, his armor was torn into pieces, and he escaped from his body like an arrow from a string.

It flew dozens of meters before falling into the sea with a thud.

"Boom!" The projectile slipped from the nail, fell on the deck, and rolled to the edge of a soldier's shoe.

"Gulu." The soldiers on the ship made a neat swallowing sound.

"The Dharma King of the East China Sea! His power is boundless! The giant kun under the sea! The divine python in the sky!" Several men tied to the ropes shouted and cheered.

The guy who had a few pieces of flesh cut off his leg had a stream of blood spilling out of his leg every time he shouted. Even so, he still looked fanatical and shouted "boundless power" as if he was possessed.

"Let them go, and then fish that one out of the sea." Li Changzhou ordered the stunned soldiers.

He walked towards the Taishi's chair on the deck, and suddenly heard another thud.

"Also," he pointed to the mast, "it's bad luck to lose the head."

Li Changzhou sat down on the Grand Master's chair, flicked his flowing sleeves worthy of "boundless power", and used "Life and Death" and "Bond Summoning".

The void suddenly opened up, like the eyes of a devil.

The soldiers who were hesitant at first rushed into action.

"The red-haired ghost (the Dutch) got the news that the Lord Guo Xing was coming to take back the treasure island, and ordered all the natives to burn all crops and farmland and monitor the Han people."

"Burn the crops, what will we eat?!"

"Just do the opposite! Fight to the death with these damn red-haired ghosts!"

"Do you have guns and cannons? If you want to rebel, you have to wait until the navy commander named Guo comes over. You will die now!"

"When Mr. Guo Xing comes, all the crops will be burned!"

"It's better than if we go and die now and everyone is killed."


"Shut up, everyone!" the elderly woman yelled, and there was silence in the big room.

The old man looked up and saw a beautiful woman with picturesque features and snow-like skin, wearing a simple and elegant Ming Dynasty Hanfu and a light blue dress.

Yang Qinglan opened her eyes, her eyes were like autumn water, and the big room seemed to be a little brighter.

All the Tufans held their breath and did not dare to have any distracting thoughts. In front of them was the incarnation of Mazu.

A few rays of sunlight passed through the cracks in the roof, shining behind everyone and directly opposite Yang Qinglan. The sunlight turned like water waves on the wall and turned into writing.

[Time: 1661, April 25, spring]

[Location: Treasure Island]

[Background: The Dutch colonized Baodao for thirty-eight years. They used massacre and force as the backing to promote Christianity. The local beliefs of Baodao were bloody suppressed. Zheng Chenggong will bring Confucian culture to the Central Plains.]

[Character: Incarnation of Mazu]

[Main mission: Kill missionary Yunius and Zheng Chenggong before Zheng Chenggong’s plan to regain the treasure island succeeds or fails]

[Additional: Success - Baodao Governor Kui Yi signed a letter of surrender, failure - Zheng Chenggong died or returned to Kinmen or Xiamen]

[Tip: All player’s ‘abilities’ have been converted into ‘mana’]

Want to kill missionary Yunus first before killing Zheng Chenggong?

Killing missionaries is fine, but killing Zheng Chenggong... Heika is indeed the player standing on the other side of history.

Li Changzhou's mission may be to help Zheng Chenggong regain the treasure island, and the two are at odds again. This time——

The bird's blood in his body suddenly cheered. Yang Qinglan came back to her senses and looked at the believer kneeling on the ground in front of her.

"Pretend to obey the Dutch and keep an eye on Missionary Yunus for my next orders."

"Yes." There was no hesitation or hesitation.

Yang Qinglan's figure, so beautiful that it was coated with light, suddenly disappeared, and there seemed to be a sacred aura left in the air.

All the believers fell to the ground, showing no surprise, only obedience and worship.

Amid the chirping of birds, Yang Qinglan appeared on the deck of the warship.

The wind blew her hair, and the sunlight shuttled through the corners of her skirt like petals. The warship that was in full swing just now was silent.

In modern times, Yang Qinglan can make people look like she's bumping into a telegraph pole. Considering that people in ancient times lived without mobile phones, and beauties didn't have the technology to beautify and have plastic surgery, some people believe that she is Chang'e descending to earth or Xuannv.

Li Changzhou smiled immediately when he saw Yang Qinglan dressed in Ming Dynasty clothes.

Yang Qinglan also saw him.

The wide-sleeved clothes of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, with his elbows resting on the imperial chair, and a smile on his lips - she thought of a poem: Who is young and romantic on the road?

"He looks like a dog." Yang Qinglan smiled.

"I am Baiyuncanggou's dog. Things in the world are fickle, and all the bad names are fleeting." Li Changzhou didn't care, and even looked a little proud.

"Where's Asaka?"

"When you marry a chicken, follow the chicken. When you marry a dog, follow the dog. Qinglan, you always say that my brother is a dog. You are not just scolding him, but you are scolding both of us."

Yang Qinglan walked to Li Changzhou, came to the front of the crack, and saw the "Bond Summoning" opening.

Wearing a red outfit with a touch of handsomeness in her delicate features, Li Qianxia stood on the Manqing boat. A group of people with pigtails looked at her in astonishment, as well as Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan opposite.

"Goodbye, everyone~" Li Qianxia waved to the dumbfounded Manchu officials, crossed the threshold, and walked over.

The old and dim-eyed court official raised his hand, and like a bolt of lightning in the clear sky, he chased after him like a snake.

The eunuch who looked like an iron tower turned his hands in his sleeves and shot out small bombs the size of marbles and more powerful than four or five grenades.

"Shoot!" A military attaché drew his bow and fired an arrow.

The Qing soldiers raised their firecrackers, bang!

The humble scholar coughed lightly, and transparent bugs flew out of his mouth as he coughed, hiding behind electric lights, small bombs, bows and arrows, and projectiles.

This is the disadvantage of gathering when we meet.

Li Qianxia's figure flashed and she "teleported" behind Li Changzhou.

But it’s also a benefit——

Li Changzhou's eyes bloomed with bright red light.

The scorching sight destroys everything, melts lightning, destroys bombs, dissolves bows, arrows and projectiles.

On the opposite side of the portal, there was a hellish wail, and the red beam of light cut through butter as unscrupulously as a hot knife. The mast broke, the human body burned through, and the warship was pierced, burning out several black lines.

The portal closed, and the red light in Li Changzhou's eyes slowly disappeared.

"These players are really fast." He said with a slight regret.

Two were wounded, but one was not killed.

"The portal is too small, which limits your performance, brother." Li Qianxia squeezed her brother's shoulders.

She wasn't massaging him, she was just standing behind him, and subconsciously put her hands on him, but Li Changzhou still made an expression of enjoyment, thinking that she was massaging herself.

"What is your identity?" Yang Qinglan asked Li Qianxia.

"A secret master of the Qing Dynasty was ordered to assassinate Zheng Chenggong's son Zheng Jing." Li Qianxia strangled her brother's neck with her wrist.

Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou patted his sister's elbow that was strangling his throat. Li Qianxia changed from strangling to hugging him, resting her chin on his head.

"Penglai Immortal, the Dharma King of the East China Sea," Li Changzhou said, "seems to be a liar. What about you?"

Before Yang Qinglan could speak, Li Qianxia sneezed: "Brother, why do you have long hair like a woman?"

Li Changzhou closed his eyes slightly and wiped his face with his hand, not sure if he was sprayed with saliva.

"It's the Ming Dynasty now, how about you look a little like the ancients?" Yang Qinglan smiled and looked at Li Qianxia.

Li Qianxia carefully retracted her hand as if she was afraid of hitting a landmine.

"King of Dharma!" Several believers snatched the fallen soldiers from the hands of the soldiers and pressed them in front of Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou glanced at it and asked, "What's your name?"

The soldier raised his face like a wolf, staring at him with bloodshot eyes, and the sea water dripped wetly on the deck.

"The Dharma King is asking you a question!" A believer raised his hand and slapped the soldier.

The soldier raised his head, took a sip, and spat out the blood foam from the corner of his mouth.

"The surname of the country is under the banner of King Yanping, and I will supervise Huang An in advance!"

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