King of Black Mist

Chapter 230 Shifting the Five Elements and Balancing Yin and Yang

"Previously, what about now?"

"Zuochong Town!"

The two siblings looked at Yang Qinglan. Neither the admiral nor Zuo Chongzhen knew anything about it.

Their impression of the later years of the Ming Dynasty was that Emperor Chongzhen was hanged on a coal mountain. Li Qianxia also learned about the scandals of Li Zicheng, Wu Sangui, and Chen Yuanyuan from various female romance novels (like "The Legend of Zhen Huan", it cannot be read as official history) ).

Yang Qinglan lived up to her expectations and spoke thoughtfully:

"Now is the period of changing dynasties. The overall value of titles has declined. There are a lot of princes and princes in the Southern Ming Dynasty, and the military establishment has also shrunk - a 'town' has a quantitative distribution, and you can also recruit people. In addition, if you die, Return to B, and B escapes to return to C. On average, there are about a thousand people."

"One thousand people is pretty good, equivalent to the principal of our high school." Li Qianxia said.

"High school principal." Li Changzhou didn't know what to say.

"What are you doing!" Li Qianxia patted him on the shoulder, "The principal is very powerful, okay? Think about it, if the principal leads all the teachers and students in the school to beat you, would you be afraid?"

"Afraid, afraid." Li Changzhou said perfunctorily. He was the principal's favorite student in high school, and he wished he could introduce his daughter who was studying next door to him and let him teach her to read.

Li Changzhou looked at Huang An: "Where is King Yanping?"

Huang An sneered: "Don't talk nonsense. I, Huang An, have fallen into the hands of monsters like you. It's up to you to kill or dismember me!"

He closed his eyes and said there was no need to waste any more words.

"He's a man." Li Changzhou waved his hand, signaling for the believers to let go.

"Be honest!" As soon as the two believers stopped, Huang An slapped his palms on the ground, kicked his legs on the deck, and rushed forward like a bad wolf.


Huang An hit the mast, his whole body was in severe pain as if it was torn apart, and his body was twitching uncontrollably.

The soldiers and believers were stunned. They only saw Huang An suddenly making a move, and the next moment they saw Huang An slumped under the mast.

A soldier was taking the human head off the mast. His hands shook in fright, and the head fell off. It bounced twice on the deck and rolled to the side.

Only when the sound of heads stopped did the people on the deck react, and the believers came up angrily.

"Damn it! You're still not honest!"

"How dare you offend the Dharma King? Kill him!"

"Break your limbs and throw them into the sea!"

"Stop." Li Changzhou said.

The believers immediately shut up and were more obedient than the player.

"He is a real man." Li Changzhou looked at Huang An, who was holding his chest, "I am Penglai Immortal, known as the Dharma King of the East China Sea. I have been practicing on the island for 361 years. Following the order of Gu She Fairy, I came out to help King Yanping. "

Huang An endured the pain and sneered, turning to look at the soldiers on the warship who did not dare to take action.

"Afraid to death?" he shouted.

His voice was hoarse, as if a knife was stuck in his neck, which made people shudder.

The soldier's whole body was shaken, as if the sound of "I'm scared to death" was thunder.

They looked at Li Changzhou and the others, and they became eager to move again.

Yang Qinglan dragged a wisp of white air with her finger and pointed towards the sea. The waves that had just begun froze into ice, the cold air spread, and in a blink of an eye, there was an icy road on the sea.

The warm sun, blue sky, blue sea, white ice, and the cold air are so bright that they look like a painting.


A soldier's sword fell to the deck.

After a while, the warship turned around and sailed towards Penghu.

Zheng Chenggong's ship, steering wheel cabin.

The door was opened, and the strong wind and heavy rain couldn't wait to get in.

Four people came in from the door, led by Huang An, followed by three others.

The eyes of all the soldiers were immediately attracted to these three people. Among a group of marching and fighting men, the other person was so white that he seemed to be glowing. His clothes were gorgeous and he had an immortal demeanor.

Li Changzhou and the others were also sizing up the national hero Zheng Chenggong.

Wearing a general's scarf on his head and a cloak outside his armor, he looks like a Confucian scholar. This was a very popular way of dressing for generals in the Ming Dynasty.

"My surname is Mr. Guo!" Huang An saluted.

Zheng Chenggong glanced at the three of them and then turned to Huang An: "If you don't stay at sea, what are you doing here?"

"Report to Mr. Guo Xing." Huang An hesitated, "This man said that he is an immortal from Penglai Island, known as the Dharma King of the East China Sea. He was ordered by Gu Xing Fairy to help Mr. Guo Xing regain the treasure island!"

You could hear a needle drop in the cabin for a while, and the wind and rain outside seemed to be getting stronger.

"Huang An!" Wu Hao from Xuanyi Back Town slapped the table and stood up, "What the hell are you farting! Mr. Guo Xing asked you to watch the channel, but you were deceived by a few warlocks. If Mangou takes the opportunity to come over, you will be broken. What are you going to do about our retreat?"

Huang An ignored him and said to Zheng Chenggong: "My surname is Mr. Guo. My subordinates didn't believe it at first, but I have really seen the abilities of the three of them. A ship of soldiers and my subordinates are not the enemy of them alone."

Everyone looked at each other.

Over the years, I have traveled south and north, avoided Kinmen, sent troops south, encountered storms, resisted the puppet dynasty (Qing Dynasty), made an expedition north along the Yangtze River, and attacked Nanjing. What have I not seen?

There are masters, but one person can defeat a whole boatload of people? Nonsense!

"I think you have witchcraft in your head!" Wu Hao walked out with a sinister smile on his lips, "Let me see what Immortal Penglai is capable of."

As he spoke, he raised his hands to clap his hands, and the wind whistled, making Li Changzhou's hair fly.

Li Qianxia took a step forward, surrounded by flames.

"Body of Flame"

Wu Hao's palms were hot and he was so frightened that he took three steps back.

Everyone in the cabin stood up and looked at Li Qianxia, ​​who was wrapped in flames and safe and sound, with expressions of disbelief.

"Little trick!" Wu Hao drew out the sword from his waist, opening his mouth like a beast, revealing its fangs and claws.

Yang Qinglan glanced at him.

"Boom!" Wu Hao fell back and inserted his saber into the deck to stabilize his body.

He seemed to be hanging on a cliff, his legs kicking wildly, tightly grasping the saber inserted into the deck.

General Huang Ting picked up the case and threw it at the three of them amid the roaring wind.

Yang Qinglan didn't even look, she just pointed her fingers, and even the table and people were frozen into ice.

The sky was dark, and the firelight on Li Qianxia's body cast everyone's shadows on the bulkhead, swaying unsteadily.

No one dares to draw the sword anymore.

It’s not that there are too many people, but the other party actually knows magic, or fairy magic!

"Prince Zheng, do you believe it?" Li Changzhou smiled, his sleeves fluttering.

At this time, everyone realized something. Huang An came in from the outside and was covered in rain. Even the hair of the three of them was dry.

"Please sit down!" Zheng Chenggong said, "Everyone, sit down and put away your knives."

Yang Qinglan put away the "repulsion" and melted the ice. Wu Hao and Huang Ting backed away with lingering fear.

Li Qianxia also put away the flame.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zheng Chenggong did not ask about the living standard of Penglai Island, but said directly: "Since the three immortals are here to help me, do you have any advice?"

His idea is very simple. It doesn't matter whether you have a foreigner's gun or a Ming Dynasty gun, or whether you are an immortal or not. If it can really help, then you are a good gun and an immortal.

What advice can Li Changzhou give?

He is a sophomore majoring in law. He is either bullying his sister and warning each other to send each other a lawyer's letter, or he is chopping off other people's heads in a value game and doing evil.

"What difficulties does Prince Zheng have now?" he asked.

"Lack of food."

no way.

If the elixir hadn't been sold to the special warfare bureau, it might have been able to hold on for a while.

"Little things, what else?"

"There have been strong storms, rain, and fog for days, making it difficult for the fleet to move forward and unable to leave the port."

"Simple." Li Changzhou finally felt confident, "Does Prince Zheng know how the storm came about?"

"I don't know."

"I once listened to the Dharma under the seat of Fairy Gushe, and heard her say - when the weather is yang, it becomes wind; when the earth's qi condenses, it becomes rain; when the yin and yang qi collide, it becomes thunder; the yang qi becomes thunder; Victory, it spreads out and becomes rain and dew; Yin Qi wins, and it condenses into frost and snow."

Li Qianxia pursed her lips tightly and rolled her eyes.

Soon, these ancient people in front of her caught her attention. They were wearing cotton-like clothes and actually had a knife on their waist. Phew, their hair was so oily - phew, she finally managed to hold back her laughter.

She continued to listen to her brother's nonsense.

"Everything in the world is just a change of yin and yang, and the five elements are in harmony. As long as I change the five elements and balance the yin and yang, the storm will naturally stop."

"What?!" The soldiers took a sharp breath.

Zhuge Liang's borrowing of the east wind in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is exaggerated enough, but this sorcerer from outside the country, whom he had never heard of, dared to say that the wind would dissipate and the rain would disperse!

"Seriously?" Zheng Chenggong stretched forward and couldn't help but ask.

"Can I still lie to you?" Li Changzhou stood up with a smile, "I'd rather do it. Prince Zheng, please come with me."

He, Yang Qinglan, and Li Qianxia walked outside, and everyone quickly got up to follow them.

"Master Guo, be careful." Wu Hao walked to Zheng Chenggong and advised in a low voice.

"It's okay!" Zheng Chenggong held the knife on his waist and strode forward.

As soon as we got out of the cabin, the heavy rain hit us like a torrent, which made our face sting, and the storm made us unable to stand still.

Penghu was in a stormy state, and the rain was so thick that it was hard to see even the people around him.

Zheng Chenggong’s original plan was to connect all the warships with iron ropes and brave the wind, rain and fog to march to the treasure island!

Now, a Penglai Immortal who calls himself the Dharma King of the East China Sea suddenly appears. He dares to say that he can make the clouds disperse and the rain disappear.

"Where are those people?" Zheng Chenggong suddenly heard Hudu Shi Yang Ying's shout.

He looked around, and sure enough he couldn't see the shadow of the three people.

"Oops!" Yang Chaodong shouted, protecting Zheng Chenggong, "Protect Guo Xingye, the other party may be an assassin!"

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Everyone drew their sabers and held fire blunderbuss in their left hands. They surrounded Zheng Chenggong in the center, with tense expressions and sharp eyes.

The storm blew the cotton armor flying.

I don't know if it was sweat or rainwater that flowed into my eyes, making them sore and painful.


Suddenly lightning struck in the sky, and the world turned blue and purple

"Come in!" In the thunderstorm, it was unclear who was roaring, and it sounded like a mosquito moan.

Everyone protected Zheng Chenggong and moved to the cabin step by step.

Zheng Chenggong was pushed away by his men. He raised his head, facing the heavy rain, and looked at the dark sky.


There was another thunderbolt that destroyed the heaven and earth, and the sound of the thunderstorm seemed to burst people's eardrums.

In the bright thunder light, Zheng Chenggong suddenly caught a glimpse of a huge figure, winding like a dragon.

Like a shower being turned off, the rain stopped in an instant, the storm slowed down rapidly, and the fog disappeared as if it merged into the void, revealing the endless blue sky.

"Whoever draws his sword will startle the frost and snow, and a dragon will fly in the light. Anyone in the world can be called a giant, but among the immortals, I am the true dragon."

Li Changzhou put his hands on his back, his long sleeves fluttering, and slowly walked down from the void.

Tick-tock...tick-tock... Rain dripped from everyone's armor, and there was silence.

The spring sunshine shines on the earth, and there are already stragglers in the storm. It blows gently from the sea, the mist is like smoke, and Penghu is peaceful and comfortable.

The violent storm just now seemed like a dream.

Li Changzhou landed on the deck and looked at Zheng Chenggong and others who were stunned and had not yet recovered with a smile.

His current strength is terrifyingly powerful, but he has no ability to change his situation.

The moment he walked out of the cabin, his yin and yang merged with Yang Qinglan's and turned into a chaotic python. As for how to control the wind and rain, that was Yang Qinglan's business.

That's right, Li Changzhou had no idea what he had done just now, it was like riding a Ferris wheel.

He is a reckless man, with the power of "hate the sky without control, hate the earth without rings", and his martial arts talent is as high as Mount Everest, but if he is given a small wind or a light rain, it is better to hope that the iron tree will bloom and the mountain will have no mausoleum. , heaven and earth unite, winter thunder trembles, summer rain and snow.

‘The mountains have no mausoleums, the rivers are exhausted, the winter thunders tremble, the summer rains and snows, the heaven and the earth are united, so I dare to be with you. ’ comes from Han Yuefu’s “Shangxie”, not “Huanzhugege” - Miss Yang’s original words to correct Li Qianxia.

Zheng Chenggong squeezed his subordinates away, stepped forward quickly, and clasped his fists at Li Changzhou.

"Master Immortal, please save the Ming Dynasty from fire and water, and drive out the slaves!"


Aren't you going to take back the treasure island?

Li Qianxia, ​​who stood side by side with Yang Qinglan on the bow of the boat, shook his head and sighed: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

Don't get me wrong, she was just gloating.

"No." Li Changzhou refused on the spot.

"Why?" Zheng Chenggong raised his head and asked in an almost demanding tone, "Master Immortal has the power to reach heaven and earth, and he also has the heart to help me. Why don't you want to save the Ming Dynasty?!"

"My dharma title is 'Dharma King of the East China Sea', not 'Dharma King of the World', and I cannot go to land."

"Do immortals also have power?"

"No, it's just that the Ming Dynasty must have thought that immortals are not the masters of the world." Li Changzhou laughed, looking aloof.

Ignoring the disappointment on Zheng Chenggong's face, he continued:

"'Ignore or listen, hold the spirit in silence, and the body will straighten itself. It must be quiet and clear, without straining your body, without shaking your spirit, you can live forever.' I am here to help you out of the island. I have already seen the Fairy Gushe The kindness that led me to the path of cultivating immortality back then should not be lost to Long Wangshu."

Zheng Gongcheng's men finally came to their senses at this time and approached in shock and fear.

Li Changzhou's expression was indifferent, but his eyes carefully observed these people.

No one can tell whether there will be players mixed in.

The white card was pretty good at this time. It was probably following the historical trend and helping Zheng Chenggong regain the treasure island. If it was the black card, it was very likely that he would do something dirty.

He changed the situation this time - the operator was Yang Qinglan, also to scare these people.

Everyone avoided his gaze, and no one could see anything wrong for a moment.

Zheng Chenggong pleaded again and again, but Li Changzhou said nothing, and finally had to give up the rebellion against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty.

Everyone returned to the cabin, and Zheng Chenggong hurriedly asked: "Master Immortal, what are my chances of winning the battle with the Dutch this time to regain the treasure island?"

“The Netherlands is only as big as a hand. When a dark cloud comes over the country, it rains all over the country. They are cruel, burning, killing, looting, and do all kinds of evil. But these people also have their strengths.

"The Dutch relied on their shipbuilding technology in Europe and were domineering. They were known as the 'sea coachmen'. They were not afraid of hardships and dangers. They went through countless hardships and came to the East from Europe tens of thousands of miles away and made a fortune.

"The strength of a ship and its artillery are nothing. Your ship is just barely enough. As long as Prince Zheng has their heart of not being afraid of sacrifice and facing difficulties, the Dutch can be destroyed with a wave of their hands and the treasure island is within easy reach."

"As for natural disasters, leave them all to me."

So if you are short of food, don't come to me.

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