King of Black Mist

Chapter 231 The Holy Master’s Personal Disciple

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Three cannons were fired, and the golden drum shook the sky.

Zheng Gongcheng left four generals, Chen Guang, Yang Zu, Lin Fu, and Zhang Zai, to lead troops to guard Penghu. He also erected a flag on his ship, ordered the sails to be raised, and the anchor to be sailed directly to Treasure Island.

The warship cut through the waves, and the sea water was cut into long skirts.

Li Changzhou stood on the deck, his light silk robe and the white sails on the three masts filled with the sea breeze.

"I'm afraid it won't be peaceful on this journey." Yang Qinglan stood beside him, her black hair flying in the wind, as if she was going to ride on the wind.

"The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. If it doesn't work, take the first step. You have completed the task." Li Changzhou subconsciously placed his elbows on the side of the ship.

Yang Qinglan glanced at him, looking like a college student going on a trip.

"When you come to ancient times, you feel a bit like ancient people," she said.

Li Changzhou straightened his back and put his hands behind his back.

"Relax, you're not a kid in kindergarten."

Li Changzhou couldn't help but smile: "Close your little mouth; look at the blackboard with your little eyes; behind your little hands, put your little feet together, one, two, three, four, five, seven, let's see who can do it most neatly."

"It's great. Classmate Li Changzhou has a really good memory. There are little red flowers this week." Yang Qinglan also smiled.

"Having a good memory does not necessarily mean you have a little red flower. When I was in the first grade, there was a Chinese language test to see who could recite the most ancient poems. I couldn't recite a single poem. Every time someone else recited it, I would silently write it down and do it on the spot. Memorize it again.”

"Of course there is no little red flower in the first grade. Do you think you are still a kindergarten kid?"

"The Chinese teacher said I was dishonest and asked my classmates not to play with me."

The smile on Yang Qinglan's face disappeared and she frowned slightly: "Just say you are dishonest and ask your classmates not to play with you? Is there such a teacher?"

"Not every teacher is a good teacher." Li Changzhou said with a smile, "But this is the only one I met. Most of the other teachers are average, and there are some who are very good - there are good and bad people, and so on. Career doesn’t matter.”

"Did your classmates still play with you at that time?"

"Forgot, I don't care about this, I don't take it to heart."

Yang Qinglan thought of Li Changzhou's life experience. She heard many things from Li Qianxia. This was the first time she heard Li Changzhou talk about his own affairs.

"I didn't play with my classmates when I was a kid," she said. "The teacher asked everyone to take the initiative to play with me."

"If only we were in the same class!"

Yang Qinglan was not showing off, but wanted to share her childhood with him.

There was the sound of birds chirping overhead. Li Changzhou raised his head and saw several seabirds circling.

Since we can see seabirds, Treasure Island should not be far away.

Under the slogan of ‘increasing knowledge and increasing ‘ability’’, Li Qianxia, ​​who was actually playing on the boat, ran over.

"Brother, they said they are almost at Treasure Island!"

Li Changzhou walked towards the cabin. After walking out for a few steps, he suddenly turned around.

Li Qianxia looked back. Yang Qinglan had already noticed the situation and kept looking there - four streams of sea water gush out of the sea like fountains.

Directly in front of the three hundred sailboats, four people emerged from the "fountain".

Some were riding the waves or riding horses, including Asians and foreigners.

Ordinary soldiers have fallen into panic. They are stepping on the water. Are they gods or monsters?

With thumping footsteps, Zheng Chenggong led his soldiers to walk quickly.

"Master Immortal." He cupped his fists and looked at Li Changzhou.

"It's a small matter." Li Changzhou raised his hand to indicate that he didn't need to worry about it.

He took a step forward, his broad sleeves blown backward by the wind.

"What are you here for?" If he put his hands into his sleeves, it would be the standard posture and tone of Northeastern chatter.

But now he has his hands behind his back, so he looks enigmatic and nonchalant.

"Please ask Mr. Guo to return to Kinmen or Xiamen." The old Asian man riding an antelope said.

"What if I don't come back?" Zheng Chenggong asked loudly with his hand on his sword.

"I don't want to kill anyone." Another foreigner said leisurely, "But if you waste one more word, I will break one of your bones, because you reject the gospel I gave you. Rejecting me means rejecting the Holy Master. '."

"That's right." A player wearing glasses said, "Leave all the warships with cannons behind. You can go back in a small boat."

"Master Guo, don't talk nonsense to them, just give the order to fire!" Huang Ting couldn't stand the arrogance of these people.

Forget about Li Changzhou and the others, they were in the cabin when they came up. If not, he also wanted to use a cannon to weigh their weight.

The glasses player who said he left the boat looked at Huang Ting and said, "Tear your mouth off."

Huang Ting hooked the corners of his mouth with his index fingers and exerted force.


The screams were chilling.

Huang Ting tore his own mouth open, exposing his gums and teeth, which was very scary.

"Don't ask me to repeat myself," the glasses player said coldly, "Also, players on the ship, listen, if you don't want to die, get out of here. Don't think that you can be matched with us, even if you are at the same level, we are 'Holy Masters' His personal disciple!"

Zheng Chenggong glanced at the miserable Huang Ting and felt furious. He looked at Li Changzhou.

"Who is the Saint Master?" Li Changzhou asked the players.

Those people suddenly laughed.

"It turns out he is a boy that even the 'Holy Master' doesn't know. Boy, get out of here. Ignorant people are not guilty. I'll let you go." said the old Asian man riding an antelope.

"He can leave, but the two women beside him stay." The last player said, wearing a red cassock.

Li Changzhou put his hands behind his back and smiled, but his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"I give you two choices now," he said. "One, break the limbs of this man in cassock, sink him into the sea, and then roll away. Second, I will personally break the limbs of all of you."

"Presumptuous!" the foreign player shouted angrily, "Who are you?"

"Young man, don't act out of anger, kowtow and admit your mistake, I will decide to spare your life." The Asian old man sighed.

"No! I must kill him!" the red cassock said coldly.

"Didn't I say, let you choose!" After the last few words of this sentence, Li Changzhou suddenly exerted force, like thunder.

The sea surged and the warship heaved slightly. Zheng Chenggong and others covered their ears, feeling like they were about to be shocked to death.

"It seems that the 'ability' is not low, no wonder he has the confidence to be so arrogant."

"Forty o'clock, I can kill him by myself."

"Boy, jump into the sea by yourself." The glasses player who asked Huang Ting to tear his own mouth looked at Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou raised his feet and stepped onto the boat to show off.

The red cassock sneered: "I took advantage of this boy. I originally planned to take him as a slave... huh?!"

Li Changzhou took another step, stepped on the void, and walked towards the four of them step by step.

"It seems that you are not afraid of death, which is good." As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared from the sky.

"Be careful!" the old Asian man roared.

The entire nearby sea trembled. Li Changzhou suddenly arrived in front of the red cassock, raised his hand, and slapped his head and face.


This palm hit the red cassock, but the player disappeared.

With a cry, the red cassock came towards Li Changzhou and wrapped him into a rice dumpling.

The face of the player in the red cassock was printed on the cassock: "Boy, no one who dares to fight me up close is alive! Wrapped in my blood cassock, it will turn into blood. Let me suck it dry!" "

Li Changzhou dispersed his "Zhengjin".

The tyrannical physical strength, before I could feel the force, stabbed me, and the red cassock shattered into rags all over the sky.

The player in the red cassock flew out from a piece of rag behind Li Changzhou. His face was full of horror, but his hands were wrapped in red mist, and he mercilessly grabbed Li Changzhou's neck.

Zheng Chenggong shouted: "Master Immortal, be careful!"

Bang! !

The player in red cassock flew out and landed on the deck of the warship. Before he could get up, a spider web fell down and tied him up.

Yang Qinglan raised her hand to press down again.

"Ah!!" The red cassock player's eyes almost burst out. Except for his head, his whole body was split open by this palm.

"Throw it into the sea." From beginning to end, Yang Qinglan didn't even look at the red cassock player.

"Yes!" The four disciples of the Dharma King of the East China Sea resisted the red cassock players and threw them into the sea.

"Stop—" the glasses player's lips moved, and then he discovered something strange. He didn't hear his own voice.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the sky spinning and saw a column of blood spurting out of his body.


The bespectacled player's head fell into the sea. At his last glance, he saw the red cassock player sinking into the deep sea with him, carrying a string of bubbles with him.

In the blink of an eye, the only four players standing in the way were the old Asian man riding an antelope and the foreigner.

"Tang, take action together!" the foreigner shouted, taking a step forward, "The angel is coming!"

Raise your hand and punch Li Changzhou!

An angel more than ten meters high stood behind him, giving him boundless power. The huge power just scratched the edge and plowed a ten-meter-deep ravine in the sea!

Li Changzhou didn't even look, turned around and punched out.

Bang! !

The violent explosion instantly set off a ship-high wave wall on the sea.

The foreigner vomited blood and fell towards the distance as if floating on water.

Li Changzhou chased after him with a big stride, and a Qinglong Yanyue Sword with a cold light came from the side.

Li Changzhou kept walking, waving his right arm as if to ward off mosquitoes, using the Green Bee Sword and the knife to cut into pieces the red-faced Guan Gong in front of him.

The two halves of Guan Gong's body, each holding half of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, floated in the air for a while, turned into tissue paper, and lay on the sea.

As soon as the foreigner stopped his momentum and wanted to raise his head and stand up from the sea, Li Changzhou's foot had already stepped down and chopped on his neck.


The foreigner's hands holding his ankles lost their strength, his eyes gradually lost their luster, and his body was half-sinking and half-floating, rising and falling with the waves as the wave wall collapsed.

Li Changzhou looked at the old Asian man riding an antelope.

There are paper figures between the two of them.

Round eyes indicate a fierce nature; slender eyes indicate a soft temperament; leopard eyes indicate a violent temperament.

The Wensheng is gentle and elegant, full of scholarly spirit; the Wusheng is mighty and handsome, and the generals are equipped with helmets, armor and flags, and they are majestic and heroic.

The "Pathfinder Ghost" has full sideburns and beard, a leopard head with eyes, a bald forehead and an eagle nose, condensed brows, and sunken masseter muscles. It shows a fierce look and is extremely cunning.

There is also the heavily armored "Yan Jun", with broomsticks and twisted eyebrows, vertical ears, long or short beards, leopard heads with ringed eyes, huge teeth and fangs, green faces and red hair, and a strange appearance.

There were dozens or hundreds of people at least.

Across this "big army", the antelope carried the old Asian man and fled as fast as light and shadow.

"Leave him to me!" Li Qianxia's voice was heard, and then she disappeared with a burst of sound.

Li Changzhou slashed and killed, and in the blink of an eye, the "shadow puppet army" had turned into a pile of shredded paper.

Putting away the Emerald Bee Sword, he stepped into the void and returned to the deck.

"That sheep is a springbok. It may take a while for Qian Xia to come back." Yang Qinglan said.

"Leave without authorization and come back to take care of her... huh?" Li Changzhou suddenly turned his fingers into claws, tearing through the airflow and grabbing at a puddle of water on the deck.

The water stains exploded with a "pop!" and split into thousands of caterpillar-like streams of water, escaping in all directions.

Yang Qinglan pointed a finger, and most of it was frozen instantly, but a few streams of water still escaped.

As soon as the water enters the sea, it disappears without a trace.

Li Changzhou hesitated for a moment, but still did not use "Am I handsome?". It was still necessary to retain the majesty of an immortal in front of Zheng Chenggong.

But we can't just let him go.

He took a slight breath, and the Chaos Yang Snake circled and roared in his mind. The fire attribute mana hit the metal mana like a bell, and the metal mana instantly exploded like a copper bell.

He jumped into the air, and powerful metallic mana flowed into his right arm.


Circles of air flow rushed in all directions.

The sea surface sank directly, forming a huge whirlpool, and all 300 warships were swept and sucked in.

The rain that hit the sky turned into a heavy rainstorm.

The soldiers screamed and desperately clung to the side of the ship.

The cannons, guns, planks used to repair the ship, etc. on the deck all fell out of place and slid around the deck like marbles.

Seeing that the ships were about to collide, Yang Qinglan sighed helplessly.

The clothes turned into white palace clothes, just like Chang'e, and the temperament was like the mist in the empty valley, distant and refined, and a layer of faint white light shrouded the body, making her look like a fairy.

She raised her hands lightly, and the devil-like whirlpool on the sea immediately calmed down.

With another gentle press of his hands, all the big ships were nailed in place like nails. Even though the sails were filled with wind, they remained motionless.

Li Changzhou glanced around and caught a glimpse of a rapidly flowing seawater swooping down from the air in the distance.

After flying along the sea for a while, suddenly his hand, like a dragon's claw, reached into the sea and grabbed out a naked woman.


Does this count as cheating?

Just when he was hesitating whether to let go directly or to break the other person's neck before letting go, a slight chill ran through his body, and the crisis made his heart beat slightly faster.

There was no time to think, and he turned around with a slap.

The atmosphere was torn apart, and the blasted seawater hung like a waterfall between the sky and the earth.

So strong!

A strong wind struck again, and the sea water falling from the sky was like an arrow hitting Li Changzhou. He found it difficult to breathe for a while.

Want to go head-to-head?

He seemed to be very confident in himself. A smile appeared on Li Changzhou's lips.

With his right hand, he grasped the back of "Guo Nu"'s neck like a chicken. All the water in the body collided with all the fire, and the magic power surged, as if a volcano was about to erupt in the body.

Doubled the fire attribute mana was injected into his left hand, and Li Changzhou swatted it away without retreating.

Across the sea water, the two of them exchanged palms again.

Bang! ! ! !

The sea seemed to be moaning, the clouds in the sky were faintly washed away, and a larger vortex formed in the sea.

Li Changzhou couldn't control his body, and his legs slipped on the sea surface for hundreds of meters before he managed to stabilize himself. His blood surged and his left arm became numb.


Absolute master!

Not weaker than his own master!

The giant Kun roared furiously in the Dantian Lake, suddenly rose out of the lake, and turned into a huge splash of water vapor that exploded into his body. Li Changzhou's whole body was filled with black light, and he was about to turn into a [giant Kun's body].

"You are so heartless, how dare you hit your wife." The other party flew over from the sea, his clothes were fluttering, and he was extremely beautiful.

"Haha, I thought it was someone!" Li Changzhou laughed as the black light faded away.

Yaochi, who was dressed in red and had flying white hair, glanced at him and couldn't help but smile charmingly.

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