King of Black Mist

Chapter 237 The Third Physical Strengthening

The sun shrouded the big trees, and the shadows of the trees overlapped. Wisps of sunlight penetrated through the gaps. The air was filled with joy and happiness, as if something was about to seep out drop by drop.

"The world is changing again." Li Qianxia's voice was a little lost in thought, and soon, this change would also appear on her.

Yang Qinglan looked up and continued to stare at the white jade pill furnace in front of her.

Next to her were piles of prepared medicines, powders, liquids, and some complete medicinal materials.

Every portion, every drop, and every plant is hand-selected and prepared by her.

This is a necessary process. Alchemy begins from the moment the medicinal materials are obtained - the alchemist must be familiar with the specific conditions of each material.

Only by having an almost extreme understanding of medicinal materials can we achieve more effective and perfect success in formal alchemy.

The "little jade cauldron" glowed slightly red, and a fragrant medicinal smell filled the air. White smoke floated and swayed on the lid of the cauldron like silk threads, accumulating into clouds.

Yang Qinglan pointed a finger with her right hand, and the temperature of the stove instantly increased, changing from "white jade" to "red jade".

Soon, the thread-like white smoke was dyed blue.

The "Little Jade Cauldron" releases brilliance and sucks the materials into the furnace one by one according to Yang Qinglan's will.

During this process, she kept her finger on the stove, adjusting the temperature every moment according to the different medicinal materials.

As the material is added, the smoke changes from blue to purple, from purple to orange, and from orange to blue.

When the last material - the jade liquid refined from thousands of kilograms of high-grade jade - is sucked in, the blue color turns back to white, not smoke white, but jade white.

The smoke became thicker and thicker, looking like liquid turned from jade, and it looked like a canopy on the top of the stove.

"Little Jade Cauldron" suddenly buzzed, and smoke began to rain, drop by drop, white rain.

Li Qianxia also looked over at this time.

She held her breath and waited silently.

The "rain" became smaller, and finally it was like water droplets dripping from the tile eaves after a rain. It took a long time for a drop to fall. The color of the mist was so light that it was almost transparent.

Until the last drop fell, the smoke disappeared as if it didn't exist. The buzzing of the "Little Jade Cauldron" also stopped, and the furnace body turned back to white jade.

Yang Qinglan retracted her finger from "Little Jade Cauldron" and breathed a sigh of relief, her chest rising and falling slightly with her breathing.

"Successful?" Li Qianxia asked hurriedly.

"Yes." A smile appeared on Yang Qinglan's lips.

After failing twice in a row, he finally succeeded. The most important thing was to do it before Li Changzhou's transformation was completed, so that he wouldn't laugh at him.

With a flick of her fingers, the lid of the "Little Jade Cauldron" was opened, and twenty-four "Jade Pills" were lifted up by the clouds.

"One, two, three" Li Qianxia pointed with her finger, "Twenty-four, a total of twenty-four, so many!"

"The "Little Jade Cauldron" is an S-level prop, and the "Jade Pill" is not a very precious elixir. As long as it is successful, the quality and quantity will be the best. "

Listening to Yang Qinglan's explanation, Li Qianxia stretched out her slender white fingers and took a grain from the cloud.

[Name: Jade Pill]

[Type: elixir]

[Quality: C]

[Special Effects: Twenty Years of Beauty]

[Minimum usage conditions: None]

[Introduction: The highest quality jade elixir can not only be used by living bodies, but also prevent corpses from rotting, books from turning yellow, rice from worms, and food kept fresh (it will take effect when put together)]

[Remarks: It is hand-refined by a female alchemist with a good looks of 9 points. It promotes the alchemist herself. The price can be increased a hundred times and is sold as a luxury product]

"What female alchemist? That's Gushe Fairy, Gushe Goddess!" Li Qianxia's tone was strange.

Yang Qinglan rolled her eyes and took one off to look at it.

"Not satisfied? Then - that's my sister-in-law! Are you satisfied?" Li Qianxia showed off.

Yang Qinglan didn't even look at her this time.

"One third will be given to Yaochi, and the remaining 16 will be six for each of us and four for your brother," she said.

"My brother is too miserable." Li Qianxia said casually and swallowed the pill in his hand.

A layer of jade-like luster spread under her skin.

She opened her eyes and happened to see Yang Qinglan take the elixir, pure and refined, and her whole body was as beautiful as white jade.

"Even I was stunned. No wonder my brother fell in love with you at first sight." Li Qianxia looked at her, almost talking to herself.

"It's okay, it's only 9 o'clock." Yang Qinglan said calmly.

"As narcissistic as my brother, shameless!"

Yang Qinglan smiled: "Is your brother narcissistic? I don't usually feel it."

"When I was in high school, he once took my small mirror and looked at it for the whole class, so as not to be narcissistic.

"Another time, I went to the toilet and overheard the class girl next door saying that he liked him. When I came back to tell him, he said nonchalantly, 'Isn't that normal?' with the same hateful tone as you did just now!"

"and after?"

"What happened next?"

"Beauty of the class."

"Oh~ class beauty~" Li Qianxia smiled narrowly.

"No, my brother was not interested in women at the time. He told me that although he was handsome, smart, and had good grades, he must have money, a house, a car, and the ability to give the next generation a prosperous life. Consider getting married, and! You must find someone you like, and you will never get divorced - these are his original words, the wording may be slightly different."

Yang Qinglan did not express his opinion.

Her mind was no longer on the class beauty.

Is Li Changzhou’s view on marriage related to his parents’ divorce due to poverty when he was a child? What kind of life did he lead during this process?

Yang Qinglan raised her eyes and asked Li Qianxia: "What about you? When do you plan to get married?"

"Me? I'm not getting married." Li Qianxia smiled without much smile.

Yang Qinglan looked at her for a while and said, "If I hadn't met your brother, I wouldn't have gotten married."

"Who will get married? No! I will be a lifelong sister and be pampered by others. I will be much happier than being someone else's wife and a mother to their children! Isn't it good to have a golden branch? You must get married."

Yang Qinglan saw that she really thought so, and was not giving up on herself or despairing of society.

She smiled and said, "Don't talk too much. Maybe you will meet someone you like just like I met your brother?"

"It's different." Li Qianxia shook her head, her ponytail swaying slightly, "I am - huh?"

Endless natural energy poured into her body.

The wood vapor of the grass, the water vapor of the lake, the sunlight of the sun, the invisible stars, and everything in the air all turned into absorbable substances and became the nutrients her body needed.

A kind of understanding rose in her heart - now she can survive in any environment, even in the universe, and can absorb the surrounding materials to replenish herself.

The power is also coming up continuously, the body is getting stronger, and there seems to be something more in the blood, turning into another kind of blood.

In Yang Qinglan's eyes, everything in the "honeypot world" is becoming more vivid and vibrant, as if the resolution is constantly improving.

The lake water is clear, there are swarms of whitebait, the leaves are rustling, the branches are spreading, the leaves are green enough to drip, the sunshine is soft, and the whole world is full of joy.

The changes are not over yet.

This joy became more and more intense, and finally turned into anger, the anger of the "honeypot world" for not being able to grow.

It is no longer satisfied with just increasing its vitality. The sky wants to become higher, the lake wants to become deeper, and it wants to become bigger!

"Plop!" Li Changzhou suddenly jumped down from the branch on which he was retreating and jumped into the lake.

Yang Qinglan quickly stood up, walked to the edge of the Bird's Nest Plain, and looked down.

Before she could find him, Li Changzhou appeared in front of her again. He was getting bigger. His feet were on the bottom of the lake, and his head had reached the Bird's Nest Plain, 1,500 meters away.

Yang Qinglan raised her eyes and watched Li Changzhou turn into a giant with "earth" under his feet and "sunny sky" above his head.

He raised his hands and pressed them on the "sky".

Boom boom boom! ! !

The "honeypot world" seems to be roaring, following its owner to break its own limitations.

The scene in front of us is like Pangu opening up the sky. ‘The sky is ten feet taller, the earth is ten feet thicker, and Pangu’s sun is ten feet longer. It’s like this for 8,000 years. The sky is extremely high, the earth is extremely deep, and Pangu is extremely long’.

But different.

In the "honeypot world", if Li Changzhou is ten feet tall, the sky will be ten feet taller and the earth will be ten feet thicker.

While becoming taller and thicker, the "honeypot world" always maintains a circular shape and expands in all directions.

The roar continued. Yang Qinglan had superhuman sensitivity towards nature and life. She clearly felt that Li Changzhou's life was jumping up and gushing out like spring water.

The nature of his life is changing.

The world is vast and boundless, and the earth, with its sky and sky and heights, is nothing but dust in the universe. Human beings are dust on dust. They are so small, with the highest height being less than 3 meters.

No matter how sharp a blade is, it can't cut through a planet. It's not long enough, and it's not big enough.

In ancient times, those ancient creatures were as small as tens of meters and as large as hundreds of meters. The myths were even more exaggerated, thousands of feet, ten thousand feet, endless.

There is no doubt that the bigger the body, the stronger the strength.

Some gods are even more outrageous and simply give up their bodies and exist in the form of "light balls" because their bodies have limitations and require too much.

Human beings are perfect but imperfect at the same time and require extremely harsh external conditions to survive.

Li Changzhou has not only grown in size now, but can also absorb any energy and material from the environment to sustain himself. Except for some places where the energy intensity can destroy him, the universe has opened the door to him.

He can go to settle on the moon, go sightseeing on Mars, and bask in the sun on Venus with a temperature as high as 465°C.

"This is my brother?" Li Qianxia looked at the giant in front of her in surprise. Her transformation had ended.

She flew over without relying on any skills. Flying became her talent like breathing.

When the lake was 1,500 meters deep and the giant tree was 1,500 meters high, Li Changzhou stopped getting bigger. He was now 3,000 meters tall, which was exactly 1,000 feet tall.

He stood there, overlooking everything, his eyes even penetrated into reality, and saw everything around Songcheng (the place where he entered the "honeypot world").

This was a street leading to the seaside. He could see the gray sea water at a glance. In December, there was almost no one on the seaside.

He heard the empty whistle of a steamer.

It seems like there is endless power coming in, as if the world is under your feet!

Li Changzhou took a slow breath, and his figure shrank rapidly, and soon became as tall as before, standing in front of Yang Qinglan and his sister.

Just looking at the appearance, you can see that something fundamental has changed.

He stood there, giving people a majesty that controlled the world.

He also has a kind of temperament, becoming younger, about sixteen or seventeen years old, a young god, coming from a higher world.

Her skin is fair, her energy is high, and her body seems to have brilliance flowing around her.

His eyes were dancing with light, and every time he blinked, the world exploded in his eyes like a ball of fireworks.

"How is it?" Li Changzhou asked with a smile.

The voice is full of indescribable life force. Anyone who hears this voice will definitely feel a fire burning in their heart.

It was so charming that both girls couldn't take their eyes away, and then looked at each other with expressions of disbelief.

"Brother, touch me quickly!" Li Qianxia came back to her senses and couldn't wait to reach out her hand, as if she saw her roommate transform into a 36D sexy beauty.

"Go aside." Li Changzhou brushed her hand away.

Yang Qinglan walked over, a little bit looking forward to the practice of [Yin Yang Twin Snakes], when she could touch his body at will.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"It's better than ever." Li Changzhou raised his hand and looked at himself, "Even I can't believe it."

"Are there any changes in attributes?"

"Charm, especially charm!" Li Qianxia added, she pinched Li Changzhou's wrist and sometimes touched his face.

"9 o'clock." Li Changzhou glanced at the ID card, "This thing seems to be the way it was born, or does this count as plastic surgery?"

Plastic surgery cannot increase attractiveness.

"It doesn't count." Yang Qinglan looked at him, "Look carefully, you haven't changed either."

His facial features are still the same, but he is attractive and has strong vitality, making the female want to reproduce with him.

"I don't care about charm. As long as you like Qinglan, it's fine." Li Changzhou didn't care and slapped away Li Qianxia's hand that tried to lift his clothes and peek at his abs.

"Then let's talk about ability." Yang Qinglan smiled.

"That's an exaggeration." Li Changzhou showed a confident smile.

[Nickname: "King of Black Mist\

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