King of Black Mist

Chapter 238 Reconciliation Dance

Li Changzhou lightly tapped his sister on the head and said, "It's not as perfect as I imagined."

"Perfect? ​​Do you not only have to be able to conceive with all females, but you also have to -"

Li Qianxia was hit on the forehead again, this time more severely, making her cover her head and whimper.

Yang Qinglan pursed her lips and smiled, watching the two brothers and sisters playing around.

"The current divine body is simply getting bigger," Li Changzhou explained, "Think about it -

"Lie on the bed, with one hand behind your head, one holding your phone, and one eating. If you have two pairs of eyes, in addition to playing with your phone, you can also watch videos and study. It's best to have two heads to improve efficiency.

"Life has become more convenient, and the efficiency of learning and playing has increased rapidly, not to mention fighting. Many mythical characters have three heads and six arms."

"Wouldn't it be ugly with three heads and six arms?" Li Qianxia said, touching her forehead.

"That's just because you grew up in a world with one head and two arms. If there really was a race with three heads and six arms, the other side would probably discriminate against us."

"I'm suing him for racial discrimination!"

Ignoring the funny Li Qianxia, ​​Yang Qinglan muttered:

"Humans have one head and two arms, need an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep, and consume 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day. Suppose it becomes what you said, three thousand meters tall, three heads and six arms, and only replenishes energy through food, even if it is pills , you can’t keep up with the consumption even if you keep eating.”

"That's why we evolved a way to replenish energy that can eat anything and even absorb radiation." Li Changzhou looked at a piece of grass at his feet.

The vibrant green grass withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and wisps of vitality were absorbed by Li Changzhou.

"If I want to transform into a complete divine body, I can even suck the essence out of the human body by opening my mouth."

"Not everything can be absorbed. If the radiation exceeds a certain intensity, you will still die." Li Qianxia likes to expose her brother's lies.

"You will die if you drink freshly boiled hot water." Li Changzhou said angrily.

"No!" Li Qianxia was very confident.

With her current physique, she wouldn't be able to, but the divine body, which can absorb any energy, is essentially the same as humans drinking water. You can't drink it if it's "too hot".

The enemy's attacks don't work either. The energy is indeed food, but it is an attack, which is equivalent to "poison" in the food - taking the initiative to extract it from other people's bodies is another matter.

"Where's the white ID card?" Yang Qinglan asked.

"It's almost the same as the black card," Li Changzhou said, "There is no change. I replaced "Takong" with "Hell Path". "

Yang Qinglan nodded: "Now that you can fly by yourself, "walking in the air" is useless. "

"Actually, after I got my divine body, I learned how to "walk in the air". "Li Changzhou smiled.

"Stop talking about this, come out and see hell!" Li Qianxia urged.

"You want to go in and temper yourself?" Li Changzhou had bad intentions, he had this idea.

"No, absolutely—"

Before Li Qianxia finished speaking, the sky turned gloomy, and the sunny "honeypot world" suddenly became filled with dark winds.

Black clouds rolled over the tops of giant trees, and the eighteen levels of hell loomed, larger and more complete than those seen in 1661.

With the sound of hinges clicking, the iron locks fell from the sky, forming a ladder to the sky.

"Two beauties, please." Li Changzhou smiled and made an inviting gesture.

"You're not going to throw us into the frying pan, are you?!" Li Qianxia is now very scared, worried that her brother will "train" her.

"You don't need to strengthen your body, but if you want to learn ice spells, you can go to Iceberg Hell."

The three of them climbed up the stairs. Little Carrot and Butterfly flew from the woods on the springbok that Li Qianxia had brought.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous!" Little Carrot is like someone who can't eat spicy food but insists on eating spicy food. He feels that it's dangerous and wants to fly up.

"Woo~" Butterfly didn't know what he was talking about and looked very excited.

Li Qianxia turned over and rode on the springbok, as proud as the emperor was enshrining himself on Mount Tai.

Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan walked side by side, chatting about the various ways to use the eighteen levels of hell, as leisurely as outing in spring.

July 25, 1848, First Italian War of Independence, Custozza.

Horses neighed, guns were densely packed, and in front of them was a bloody slaughterhouse like a meat grinder.

Bullets and artillery fire mercilessly swallowed the lives of every Austrian and Piedmontese soldier.

Every time the horse's hoof is lifted, it sticks to the soil wet with blood.

The battle had reached its most intense moment, and the two sides began to fight in close combat.

Yaferona was riding a white horse, her red hair flying, her slender legs clamping the horse's belly. After several battles and ambushes, there were only four of the twenty 'gray mist' left.


The four gray fogs held scythes and fought with the water elves holding steel forks. The knives penetrated the flesh in a brutal fight, and cracks appeared in the gray fog's sickles.

Bang! The horses collided with each other and screamed in pain.

Yaferona's nose was filled with the strong smell of blood and sweat. Ever since she came to this era, the sweat and blood on her body had never dried.

What collided with her was the sea elf, whose body was as blue as the sea water.

The two horses collided and jumped up at the same time. The gray mist swarmed up, the water elf trident waved, and the waterfall-like sea water swept away.

Yaferona felt as if she had entered a washing machine and the world was spinning.

"Maria! Maria!"

"Cough cough cough!" Yaferona fell down, coughing out water from her nose and throat.

Hurd stood in the front, and within a few rounds, the sea elf was already at a disadvantage. With each move, he barely escaped death.

"Maria Yaferona!" The sea elf stepped on the waves, holding a trident, like a sea god, "I give you one last chance, surrender to me!"

Yaferona wiped away the blood and seawater from the corner of her mouth with a swipe of her palm.

"In the name of the Lord!" The remaining two gray mists were summoned from the void, and the sickles in their hands were already broken.

Hurd retreated to Yaferona, gasping for air. One of his arms was missing, his sleeve was broken and dripping with blood.

"All my men are dead," Hurd gasped.

"It doesn't matter." Yaferona took a deep breath, "The Lord will bless us."

Hurd gave a bitter smile, raised the knight's sword in his hand, and said unwillingly: "If you give me a little more time, let me use the "gang joining ceremony" to conquer more people."

The war came to an end, and all the Austrian troops that should have been victorious in history were annihilated.

The Piedmontese army surrounded and suppressed the two men, and a huge manta ray swam in the air, like the shadow of the devil.

The water elf stepped on the waves and smiled ferociously at the two of them.

The sea elf was high up, surrounded by everyone, looking down at the two captives.

"Surrender or death?" The trident pointed at them with a cold light.

Yaferona did not answer. She recited a spell, and a thin film of blue light appeared out of thin air on her, Hurd, and two gray mist bodies.

The sea elf put away the trident and ordered: "Kill!"


Mountains roared and tsunamis, bullets, artillery fire, waves, thunder and lightning, rolled towards the two of them like the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

Yaferona and Hurd didn't even have the desire to resist.

How could you resist?


Suddenly there was an earth-shattering explosion in the sky.

Everyone who besieged them was shocked to the point where their minds went blank.

The two gray mist roared silently, and in an instant, just an instant, they turned into two black shadow demons ten meters high.

One of the black shadow demons reached out and grabbed it, and threw out a hill tens of meters tall. The earth shattered, and countless Piedmontese soldiers and water elves were crushed into minced meat - Danshan!

"What have you done! Maria!" the sea elf roared, unable to stop being frightened.

Hurd was also in disbelief. He stood at the feet of the devil, like a bigger rabbit.

Survived from a desperate situation, the Lord sent the gospel again, and Yaferona relaxed, her whole body lost all strength, and she sat feebly on the horse's corpse.

She waved her hands tiredly, and the two demons stepped forward and walked past her.

The sea elf raised his trident high, and the fifty-meter-high seawater crashed down.

Another black shadow demon pointed with a giant hand, and the sea made way for them - into the water!


The eyes of the two demons turned scarlet, the air was distorted by the high temperature, and the sea elves were like ornamental fish in the bathtub.

Now, Songcheng, the terrace of a cafe with a view of the sea.

"Watch it!" Li Qianxia stared at the spoon, her clear eyes turned red, and two red rays melted the spoon into iron slurry.

"I am also a superman now!" she said proudly.

"Hands." Li Changzhou reminded.

"Ah!" Li Qianxia yelled, and the iron slurry dripped along the handle of the spoon and onto her hand.

Before Yang Qinglan released the cold air, Li Changzhou shot two blue-white lines of sight in his eyes, directly vaporizing the iron slurry.

This is a laser beam.

The beam in the blue band has the strongest frequency and the highest temperature, at least over 25,000 degrees Celsius.

As long as you are hit by this laser beam, the hit part will be vaporized in an instant. It can be said to be the most merciful killing method, and you will not even feel pain.

Another very magical point is that the beam itself does not emit heat. This may be to protect Li Changzhou himself, so he instinctively restricted the laser beam.

Now the temperature on the terrace has increased just because of the vaporization of the spoon.

Naturally, the consumption of this move is also staggering.

"I am indeed a god." Li Changzhou slumped in his chair, even he was impressed by his own strength and kindness.

"As soon as I came here, I heard someone narcissistic."

Yaochi walked in, followed by a woman who looked about 23 or 24 years old, quiet and pretty, wearing stilettos and high heels, looking like a manager or something.

The female manager immediately laid her eyes on Li Changzhou's eyes.

The centers of his eyes were still bright, but the edges were dim, like the limb-dimming effect of the sun.

Yaochi sat down at the round table and glanced at Li Changzhou: "Are you handsome again?"

"Being handsome is my lifelong pursuit." Li Changzhou smiled, feeling a little surprised.

A week has passed since his breakthrough. During this time, he has completely adapted to the changes brought about by the divine body and has restrained the brilliance of the divine body. Unexpectedly, Yaochi can still see the difference in him.

Converging the brilliance belonging to the divine body - this statement is actually wrong.

His current body is a divine body, but he can't afford it, and he still has habit, so he can maintain his original human body size.

As the "honeypot world" becomes larger, the vitality becomes stronger, and vegetables and meat with a lot of energy are constantly flowing, but these are still too low-level for the divine body. Even if you sit there and eat them from morning to night, there is nothing you can do. maintain.

Li Changzhou felt even worse after leaving the "honeypot world". The atmosphere in modern society was far worse than that in the "honeypot world", and the energy in it was pitiful.

No wonder there were sayings about spiritual mountains and fairy islands in ancient times.

"This is your share." Yang Qinglan placed a ten centimeter-high jade bottle on the table.

Yaochi reached out and took it.

"Is this the jade I provided?" She looked at the bottle with a smile, pulled out the wooden stopper, and smelled it, "Wood is not simple either."

It is a branch of the giant tree of "Honey Pot World".

She poured out a "Jade Pill" from it, smelled it, and handed it to the female manager next to her (the code name Li Changzhou gave her privately).

The female manager wore white gloves and held the "Jade Pill". A triple magic circle popped up in her right eye, and the mysterious inscriptions slowly rotated.

"No problem." The female manager replied.

"Well, I'll give you this one."

"Thank you, boss!" The female manager's eyes were a little excited.

Whether you take it yourself or sell it for money, it is a very good thing.

Yaochi put away the jade bottle and said to Yang Qinglan: "It's a pleasure to cooperate. In the future, if I need to make elixirs, I can come to you."

"It's the elixir I'm interested in. The quantity is not large. You provide the materials. Just meet these three points." Yang Qinglan did not refuse.

"No problem." Yaochi was also very happy, "By the way, the Special War Bureau knew that we were going to meet today, so they asked me to invite you to the dance party tonight."

"Dance?" Li Qianxia, ​​who had been eating cake, became interested and leaned forward.

"A communication platform for the most powerful players so that they can get to know each other and prevent each other from killing each other during missions, and also -" Yaochi turned to Li Changzhou with smiling eyes, "Resolve hatred .”

"The Holy Master will also come?" Li Changzhou understood what she meant.

"Yeah, but I think the hope of reconciliation is slim. I've met him a few times. He's very defensive and arrogant. He doesn't even care about special operations. If you kill his woman, he will never let you go."

"I have three thousand players and six S-. I do have the capital to be proud of." Without the opponent summoning all the people and swarming forward, Li Changzhou didn't dare to say that he could solve it within three seconds - the divine body didn't find anyone. skills.

Hmm... Then you can use the Imperial Mecha to find people.

"Join forces?" Yang Qinglan suddenly said to Yaochi, "Let's kill each other together, tonight."

Yaochi was a little surprised and smiled happily. She said:

"I didn't expect you to suggest such a thing, but regardless of whether there are any benefits, taking action in the real world is provoking a special war situation. Are you prepared for this?"

"Didn't you just say that?" Yang Qinglan said in a calm tone, "The other party doesn't take the special battle situation seriously. When the time comes, Chang Zhou will act more arrogant and let the other party take action first."

Yaochi held Mingyan's face with her palms and tapped her cheeks with her index finger.

Stopping her index finger, she said: "If the other party strikes first, I will help you if there is no danger to your life. You owe me a favor and help me kill someone next time."

"Sure-" Before Yang Qinglan could finish her words, Li Qianxia grabbed her wrist.

She coughed and kicked Li Changzhou under the table.

Li Changzhou, who was sitting paralyzed, sat up straight: "Killing is okay, but it cannot violate morality. If life is in danger, we will stop."

"Why are you so fussy about women?" Yaochi tilted her snow-white neck, expressing affectionate disgust, the kind of complaint that would make people happy.

"I can't help it. This person in my family lives too detachedly and thinks only about philosophical issues. Only I can do these little things."

"Wait a minute." Li Qianxia actually had an objection, "'My family'? I am the only one in your family now, right?"

"Don't you have a younger brother and a younger sister?" Li Changzhou was about to teach the ignorant Li Qianxia a lesson, but Yaochi, who was even more ignorant, spoke first.

"Ha." Li Qianxia sneered.

Her expression surprised both Yang Qinglan and Yaochi.

"We have nothing to do with them." Li Changzhou still had an indifferent attitude.

Yaochi is talking about the children their parents gave birth to after they remarried. The father's side was a boy and the mother's was a girl.

These powerful guys who like to investigate other people's backgrounds are really annoying. This is what he focuses on.

"I won't mention it anymore." Yaochi put his hand on Li Qianxia's.

"It's okay." Li Qianxia also calmed down and became indifferent.

"Let's go!" Yaochi stood up, with a slim figure, white hair shawl, and beautiful hips and waist, "Go shopping for clothes."


"Are you planning to go to the dance dressed like this?"

"Okay, I've wanted to try on a dress for a long time!" Li Qianxia was in a better mood.

"I promise, Qian Xia, you will definitely make everyone unable to take their eyes away when you wear a dress."

"I think so too!" Li Qianxia smiled, quite satisfied.

The two left the terrace, walked into the cafe, and prepared to go out the main entrance.

"Let's go." Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou who was sitting slumped again in a funny way.

"I didn't sleep last night. I'm so tired."

"Be good." Yang Qinglan stretched out her hand with a smile. The wind from the seaside blew, and the hair on the temples came to her lips.

Li Changzhou immediately stretched out his hand and asked her to pull him up. Isn't this exciting?

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