King of Black Mist

Chapter 420 Chase


The Angel is deeply aware that even if he possesses the great power of "Export into Constitution", he will ultimately be inferior to these warriors in battle.

Apart from seeing too many lives and deaths, and experiencing setbacks and hardships, I actually have no combat experience.

No, this has nothing to do with combat experience!

Who would have thought that this man would turn his legs into ‘darkness’?

The reason why one's own 'Exit Chengxian' can command other holders is not because 'Exit Chengxian' is higher than their 'great power', but because both the monster and the holder are lower than the 'great power' .

Those legs are also controlling the other person's body!

The battle between 'Kukuchi Sungken' and 'Darkness', the conflict between great power and great power, resulted in the other party indeed performing 'Farewell to Life and Death' fifty times towards the sky, but other than that, part of the control over the body remained On the other side's own body!

Forget it.

If it were anyone else, in this situation, the Angel wouldn't think he could force himself into a desperate situation.

After fifty times of 'life and death', the other person is just a real ten-year-old child.

But such a child can remain calm in the face of the abyss and take the initiative to kill people!

The angel was skiing on the cliff, and in a blink of an eye he had rushed into the previously "inaccessible" planting area.

She held two stars in her hands.

One 'works with you' can synchronize the opponent's actions; one 'steps on the road' can surf on objects such as fire, ice and snow.

The stars that had lit up due to prayer had sunk to the bottom and were extinguished, hiding in the abyss-like darkness.

The angel had no chance to pick up other stars. Even if those stars were still bright, she would have no time.

The black hand raised fifteen meters, grabbed the ice wall with a bang, and then raised it hard!


The fierce wind roared, and ten-year-old Li Changzhou, dressed in black armor, rose up against the ice wall like an arrow!

"Suicide! Suicide!" the Angel roared.

Li Changzhou pierced a black nail into his chest with a sneer on his lips.

The shadow spread out from his body as he was flying at high speed. When he was fifteen meters away, he suddenly turned into a black hand and clung to the ice wall again.

call! !

The wind roared even more violently, and Li Changzhou was like a black cannonball!

"Suicide! Suicide! Suicide! Suicide!"

"You monster!!!"

The angel's face was ferocious and twisted, and he pressed his body down to reduce wind resistance and make himself escape faster!

The body of ten-year-old Li Changzhou, his feet were completely made of darkness, and his arms and chest were nailed with black nails. Even if the angel used 'Exit Chengxian', he could no longer control this body.

As for thoughts.

The more times the Angel uses 'Exit Chengxian', especially when the other party is in a panic and there are occasional conflicts between orders, the faster Li Changzhou reacts.

There is no longer the hindsight that made the 'White Light Divine Sword' look directly at the monster before.

A little light appeared in the front, the angels were in high spirits, and their anxious and anxious minds were slightly calmer, the frontline camp has arrived!

As long as you enter the camp and have the restrictions of the contract, you will be safe.

at this time--


The sound of arrows piercing the air was heard frequently.

The angel looked at it with despair in his heart.

Two more black hands grew out from behind the black shadow. The black hands crushed the ice and threw the broken ice towards the entrance of the frontline camp.

With the 'Work with You', the Angel is not afraid that the opponent will use this move against him, but the opponent will only throw broken ice towards the entrance. Even if he uses 'Work with You', he will only imitate this action.

He seemed to sense her despair.


The Angel's body trembled, and the monster's laughter behind him was clear and melodious, full of childishness, the kind of childishness that a child feels very happy waving half of a mouse's body.

"You want to escape into the camp?"

"Really? Huh?"


The angel gritted his teeth.

"Run faster, I'm going to catch up."

"Do you have any last words? Oh, by the way, you have no relatives or friends, so it's useless to have any last words."

"You obviously got enough power to change the world, but you chose to destroy the world. Even if you destroy the world, you still failed."

"In the end, you have accomplished nothing. There is no difference between you and the slaves who slipped out of the camp."

"Shut up!" The angel closed his eyes, activated 'Work with You', turned around and rushed towards Li Changzhou.

The two were about to collide, Li Changzhou suddenly stood on the spot, and the angel also stopped in place.

"That's stupid," the kid said.

He threw a handful of broken ice at the angel, and the angel also threw a handful of broken ice at him.

Both of them were wrapped in black armor. The broken ice could not cause damage to the black armor, but the powerful force penetrated the black armor and pierced into the body like a dagger.

"Are you feeling numb?"

"That's not cold."

Li Changzhou threw a piece of ice to calm down and said: "The mysteries of the human body are not as deep as the abyss, but for you, it is also bottomless - just touching a few acupoints can cause the five qi to be disordered, yin and yang Disorders, paralysis, illness, and sudden death are all easy.”

"So what!" the Angel said crazily, "Even if my body is paralyzed, I can still imitate all your movements! You can't kill me! You will be the one who dies!"

Li Changzhou suddenly smiled and said, "You can imitate me, but I can't imitate you."

The angel didn't understand what he meant, and felt inexplicably uneasy.

"When the human body is paralyzed for a long time, it will become useless. You can only blink and you can't even speak."

"Then you-" The angel suddenly woke up.

Li Changzhou was different from her. His body had already been taken over by "darkness", and all his current actions were the result of his thoughts controlling "darkness".

And she has no ‘darkness’.

Once paralysis lasts for a long time and the body is disabled, even if you completely imitate Li Changzhou, there is no point - you are disabled, so what if you win?

The angel turned around and walked away, but as soon as he moved, his whole body became numb as if he was electrified, and he fell weakly into the abyss.

"It's fun!" Li Changzhou laughed.

The black hand rose up and quickly approached the fallen angel. The palm of the black hand was covered with black thorns. If a person fell on it, his whole body would be dismembered into pieces.

Two black hands, one black and one white, offset each other, and the angel once again used "work with you".

Li Changzhou smiled even more happily: "Angel, your useless life ends here."

He crushed the ice in his hand and threw the broken ice away.

The ice cube accurately hit the angel's acupuncture points, making her heart beat faster and her mood flustered.

"My sister will be here soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the angel rushed out again, trying to escape from the deadlock in front of him.

As soon as her body moved, she was ready to endure the electric pain.

His whole body was in convulsions, and his bones seemed to be twitching, but the angel felt a burst of joy in his heart, and his symptoms were lighter than before!

She can--


The star in Angel's left hand lights up, and 'Work with You' is triggered again.

The body rushed out like an arrow, and at the same time, he twisted his waist slightly and threw an ice spear downward.


The two ice spears collided and exploded into ice powder, which dispersed like mist.


The other party did it on purpose, deliberately letting himself relax, allowing himself to get lucky, and then took the opportunity to make a sneak attack!

The angel broke into a cold sweat.

When Li Changzhou stopped, she immediately ended the "Working with You", endured the numbness that made her bones tremble, and continued to escape towards the abyss.

"Hey, it's interesting." The child's curious voice said, "I actually realized it. It's not bad. Let's play again."


"Don't say anything. Isn't it fun? You can fight back and kill me."


"You gave in? You think you're no match for me? Where can you run?"


"I've thought about it for you. Your body can't hold on for long, and I can keep playing. Why don't I resist earlier while I still have some strength? I'll have some fun killing you."

No matter what Li Changzhou said this time, the angel would not dare to look back!

Li Changzhou's eyes were a little cold.

Once this woman leaves the abyss and enters the town, those holders will all take action against her through the function of 'exit becomes constitution'.

If you can't kill her before leaving the abyss, give up temporarily and find a safe place to end the mission directly. There will be plenty of ways to deal with her later.

The two of them were chasing each other on the ice wall.

Angel is a skier rushing down the snow-capped mountains, and Li Changzhou is a cannonball. To ordinary people, it is like an ice wall climbing to the sky, but to the two of them, it is smoother than the flat ground.

The angel suddenly saw sporadic firelight in front of him, and he was very happy.

Li Changzhou's heart sank.

He suddenly sneered.

"Farewell to life and death!"

A bright green light lit up, and the angel subconsciously used "Work with You", and a flash of green light also burst out from his fingertips.

Two green lights hit a point of fire above at the same time.

In the gradually dimming green light, there was a figure falling stiffly into the abyss.

"Farewell to life and death!"

Green light burst out again, knocking another bit of fire off the cliff.

Before these people could enter the scope of the angel's "Export into Constitution", they had all been killed by "Farewell to Life and Death".

"Madman!" The angel finished "Working with You" and moved upward again.

"Madman?" Li Changzhou asked doubtfully, "You are the one who wants to destroy the world, why would you have emotions about the death of one or two people?"


"Actually, you are very weak. I found out from the time you kept the peace in the camp. You can destroy the world and kill one or two holders, but you can't watch civilians sacrifice and die in front of you."


"It seems that you and I are two different things." Li Changzhou was getting closer and closer to the angel. "I have experienced hardships, setbacks, and adversity, and killed countless civilians. The fact that I can survive and fight until now is not just about luck. You Different, you are just a simple lucky person, an idealist who was lucky enough to get 'Export into Constitution'."

".Shut up!"

"Look, you are angry again. Here, I would like to give a suggestion to those who have plans to destroy the world. It is better to kill an old man, a pregnant woman, a hardworking man, and an innocent child first. , if you can do it, then continue to destroy the world."


"What a great idea!" Li Changzhou suddenly clapped happily while climbing at high speed, "When I become the winner, I will issue an order. Every time I kill a person, the murderer will lose a relative. Only those who can bear the loss of their relatives will Only those who are in pain are qualified to kill. At the same time, killing is not guilty and everyone can kill as they please."


"Aren't you going to destroy the world? There is fire ahead, and there are people there. Come, let me see your determination, Angel."

The angel suddenly changed his route.

Li Changzhou laughed heartily, and the angel wished to kill him immediately.

"Laugh, just laugh!" the angel shouted loudly, "These wastes that can't even conquer the ice wall will only waste my time. When I go up to the abyss, enter the town, and find the holder, it's you. When you die!"

A flash of green light shot out, and the other party also shot out a flash of green light.

Green lights collided in the air and annihilated each other.

"Is this all you have? Come again! Aren't you very strong? You've been through everything, so why can't you kill me!" The Angel shouted as if to vent his anger.

A cold light flashed in Li Changzhou's eyes, and he became furious in his heart.

Although this woman is stupid, she always grasps the timing of using 'Work with You' just right, and every sneak attack is counteracted by her.

This is also related to the fact that he does not have any covert sneak attack methods.

Whether it’s darkness or ‘life and death’, there are very obvious movements.

The two of them chased and escaped. Every time they encountered fire, the Angel would avoid it. Soon the sky brightened and they had entered the safe zone.

Soon, we will reach the abyss.

The angel's body was extremely exhausted and was only supported by perseverance. She knew that she could not continue.

If your energy continues to be consumed like this, you may not react in time and be killed by the 'Farewell to Life and Death' or the ice thrown by 'Darkness'!

The sky was getting brighter and brighter, and Li Changzhou began to feel irritable in his heart.

Although the body will not be tired, the spirit to control the black nails in the body will become worse and worse. When the concentration cannot be concentrated, the body will be as difficult to use as a rotten wood.

Both of them were in a daze, and when they both reacted, a cliff appeared in front of them.

The angel cheered up and quickly jumped up.

In a blink of an eye, Li Changzhou also landed on it, preparing to make a final attempt.

"You, stop him!" the angel suddenly ordered.

Andy put down the dying old man behind him, pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, lowered his body, and rushed towards the thin black figure in front of him with an arrow.

"Brother Andy!" Tully yelled heartbreakingly.

"Andy!" Boz, Yett, and Stone Fist roared.


The old man suddenly rushed forward, bumped Andy away with his shoulder, and held down the scimitar in his hand.

"Take him away!!" He growled lowly, like a tiger taking its last breath.

Blood flowed from his seven orifices, and all the clothes on his chest turned red. His face was pale, like a corpse more than a living person.

"It's the same for everyone," the angel said, "You, stop him!"

The 'Exit Sung Hsien' disappeared, and Andy came back to his senses. He was stunned for a moment, and then his color suddenly changed.

"Old man!"

The momentum to get up was forcibly held down by Boz, Yete, and Shi Fist, and they were dragged back.

"Old man!!" The veins on his neck appeared.

Li Changzhou looked at the old man in front of him, raised his hand, and his fingertips lit up with green light.


The old man disappeared and appeared in front of Li Changzhou in an instant, with the scimitar in his hand drawing out a crescent-like light.

"Life - death - never - farewell!"

The surging green light filled everyone's sight, completely drowning the old man.

"Ah!!!" Andy wailed and roared like a beast.

The angel snorted coldly: "I reacted so quickly, I thought it was a holder. You, go -"


There was a strong sound of wind, and the sunlight overhead was obscured by thick shadows.

"Roar!" The two-headed black flame dragon rushed out of the abyss.

Even though Wudao was wearing warm clothes, he still looked slender and fell on the cliff at the same time.

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