King of Black Mist

Chapter 421 Facing the Darkness

Above the abyss, there are many ice monuments and heavy snowfall.

The cold wind whipped, and the ice and snow stuck to the face, but no one cared about the cold at this time, and the straight back did not flinch at all.

The angel's expression was excited and excited, and he opened his mouth to say, "The words will make a difference."

"Wait a moment." Yang Qinglan interrupted her.

She said to the open-mouthed angel: "There are six of us, who do you want to order?"

"You can't run away from anyone who orders you." Yaochi smiled.

The angel's face looked ugly. When he was being chased by Li Changzhou, he kept thinking about finding the holder as a scapegoat, forgetting that he could only issue one "constitution" at the same time.

"So I have a proposal," Yang Qinglan continued, "let's join forces."

"Join forces?" the angel repeated the word in confusion.

"You suppress him for us," Yang Qinglan pointed at Li Changzhou. "After we succeed, we let him go. After that, you leave the abyss, or you secretly return to the abyss and continue to destroy the world. It's up to you."

"How can I guarantee what you said?"

Yang Qinglan put down her hand: "You have no choice."

The angel had a sullen face.

After a while, she raised her face and stared at Yang Qinglan: "If you dare to break your promise, I will make one of you become a monster!"

"Very good." Yang Qinglan said calmly.

She looked at Li Changzhou, her clear and firm eyes looking at him, and the eyes on the back of her hand that looked like they had been driven crazy after being imprisoned for decades.

"It's your turn," she said.

Facing Yang Qinglan, Li Changzhou glanced at the eyes on the back of her hand and the double-headed Li Qianxia: "What's going on?"

"Don't worry about the nonsense, Si has a way to eliminate it."

Li Changzhou nodded and suddenly asked: "Then why not eliminate it?"

After a pause, he said: "To deal with me?"

"Well, if you surrender now, I can let you sleep on the bed when you get back."

Li Qianxia turned her head and glanced at Yang Qinglan.

Li Changzhou did not answer Yang Qinglan, but looked at Li Qianxia and said directly: "Qianxia, ​​come here."

The tone is natural.

He stretched out his hand, just like when returning home from school, his brother stretched out his hand to his running sister, ready to go home hand in hand.

Because of his "child body", Li Qianxia did not miss Li Changzhou's childhood voice.

But while the voice was tender and pleasant, it was also very cold and emotionless, making her feel like she had not heard it for a long time.

After being grabbed by Yang Qinglan's wings, Li Qianxia took a step forward to react. She shook her double-headed dragon head to wake herself up quickly.

She caught a glimpse of Yang Qinglan looking at her with the same eyes he had just looked at her.

"Ahem, be careful, I suspect that my brother has obtained another 'great power'."

"Well, it only works on the sister controlled by the brother." Yang Qinglan said.

Li Changzhou looked at his sister: "You want to go against me too?"

"Brother, I'm helping you."

".Even you want to leave me?"

Li Qianxia, ​​who was ten years old and whose parents passed away at the age of ten, looked at the ten-year-old Li Changzhou in front of her, her eyes stung a little.

How would you feel if you were ten years old again and your brother wanted to deal with you with others?

"Qianxia!" Yaochi shouted in a low voice, "Don't be deceived by him! He just turned ten years old physically and mentally. It's not like Alzheimer's memory loss. He is still your brother who has lived with you for twenty years. It's not true. Him ten years ago!”

Li Qianxia suddenly woke up.

Li Changzhou put down his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly at Yaochi.

Yaochi's evil sister smiled and praised: "With the mentality of a ten-year-old child, being able to say such things is worthy of praise, but disobedient children will be punished. This world is so cruel."

Li Changzhou sneered: "Is this your life experience - to be an obedient child?"

Yaochi opened his mouth, paused, and took a deep breath.

"I also like the poisonous-tongued Li Changzhou." She gritted her teeth.

"Yaochi is right, I am no different from before." Li Changzhou raised his voice slightly, "What is age? The so-called days, months and years are just human beings' unauthorized definitions. Human life is a whole, before and after the 'Eternal Farewell' It’s the same me, it just gives me a new perspective on things.”

"Do you think your new perspective is better?" Yang Qinglan asked.

"It's not better, it's just more suitable for the 'value game'."

"How did you come to this conclusion?" Yang Qinglan asked curiously, without any tension, "If you want to say it's cold, you have done it cruelly enough. Billions of people have been killed, and one planet has been completely destroyed. If you want to say anything else, except for being cold, , I can’t think of any other place that would be more suitable for you.”

"." Li Changzhou said nothing.

"You're annoyed after just two words? What new perspective?" Yang Qinglan smiled and stretched out her hand, "Stop making trouble and come back with me."

Li Qianxia closed her eyes with a desperate expression.

How can this convince a ten-year-old brother? At every stage of his life, he thinks he is the best.

"I'll talk about it after we win." Li Changzhou's voice became colder.

Yaochi smiled and said: "Are you sure you want to fight us? You must be very tired. We ran all the way up and we had a good sleep."

"It's just that I'm tired. I've been getting familiar with this 10-year-old body and new strength." Li Changzhou tilted his head slightly, "My hair has grown a lot, will it affect my movement a little?"

"Of course not, I'm used to it." Yaochi smiled on her face, but suddenly became wary in her heart.

Li Changzhou saw that they could not perfectly control the power after being 'infected', and he would probably start from this point!

The body and will are subconsciously tense, and a sense of crisis is always shrouded. This is the feeling of standing opposite Li Changzhou.

She experienced it once during the Republic of China, but the sense of crisis was far less than it is now.

At that time, Li Changzhou didn't even have any decent ideas.

At this time, he was an Earth Immortal who had experienced hundreds of battles with his hands full of blood. He had fought with people until there was only one head left, and had also destroyed a planet with one blow.

His mind is still only ten years old, he has a serious lack of empathy, is severely rebellious, is extremely self-centered, and has no ability to think from others' perspective.

Most people had conflicts with their parents when they were children. Some filial people even beat their parents when they were young. If Li Changzhou was made anxious, he would probably kill them.

The more wary he felt in his heart, the easier Yaochi smiled: "Everyone, please remember to be merciful. After all, we are 10-year-old children."

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The poisonous tongue sounded like a letter, neighing between the two of them.

White hairs suddenly appeared. When they broke and fell, they merged into the heavy snow in the sky and disappeared from the naked eye.

"He is covered with filaments within fifteen meters of him. Don't get close." Yang Qinglan said.

Yaochi didn't hide it anymore. He opened his left hand and stared at Li Changzhou with the eyes in the palm of his hand.

The image of this eye was transferred to his mind, and Yaochi could see clearly that within fifteen meters around Li Changzhou, silk threads that were so thin that the color could not be distinguished were formed into a dragnet.

If they hadn't 'seen the future' and had taken advantage of the opportunity to speak, they would have probably rushed into the trap.

Li Changzhou may not kill them, but they will be like butterflies caught in a spider's web, losing the ability to resist and suppress Li Changzhou.

Yang Qinglan glanced at the angel, who ignored her gaze without any expression.

"Qian Xia!" Yang Qinglan suddenly shouted.


The blazing dragon flames burst out, rushing towards Li Changzhou like a luminous river, and disappeared like every filament being wiped out.

‘Darkness’ can indeed resist dragon flames, but it requires quantity.

Long Yan collided all the way, burning a ravine on the ground, and it was about to pour on Li Changzhou. The filaments suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision, and then quickly became thicker and thicker, forming a black wall.


The dragon flames collided with the black wall, and the black wall was instantly penetrated!

The moment the black wall was erected, the other head of the double-headed black flame dragon also began to spit out dragon flames.

Li Changzhou had dealt with the Black Flame Dragon, and the black wall he erected was just enough to withstand a wave of dragon flames. When two waves of dragon flames came, the black wall was naturally burned through.

At this moment, Long Yan disappeared.

"Brother, I won." Li Qianxia said.


"Without my mercy, you would have been dead." Li Qianxia raised her slender dragon head and looked down at him proudly.

"Are you being merciful, or are you afraid of being harsh?" Li Changzhou raised his right index finger, and a gem-like green light lit up on his fingertip.

Li Qianxia lowered the dragon's head, and everyone stood ready.

Regardless of the previous verbal offensive or Li Qianxia's giving up on using Longyan, it was all because of worries about 'life and death'!

According to the 'voice', all 'great powers' are the aftermath of a fight between two saints.

After this force destroyed dozens of galaxies, only some residual warmth from the ashes fell on the planet. Even so, 'Exit Chengxian' could 100% order Li Changzhou in the first few times,' "Life and Death" can also kill them with one blow.

"What about you?" Yaochi asked, "Are you showing mercy to us, or are you afraid?"

"Of course my subordinates will stay."

Before Li Changzhou finished speaking, Yang Qinglan raised his hand and struck out with a sword.

The cold white extremely cold sword energy was in the shape of a crescent, but as fast as a meteor, it rushed in front of Li Changzhou in an instant.


The sword energy exploded, cold air surged, and the speed of the snowflakes suddenly dropped, almost embedded in the air.

The snow was heavy and fast, but in the blink of an eye, it had piled up a finger's width on the speed bump.

Li Changzhou raised his fingers towards Yang Qinglan.

"I knew it wasn't that simple." His tone and wording sounded like he was giving up, but Yang Qinglan fired two more swords, with the same result.

Three extremely fine filaments were pulling away from the three speed bumps frame by frame - the sword energy of the 'Extreme Cold Ice Sword' was blocked in the middle by the filaments.

"It's my turn." Li Changzhou said.


The snow on the ground exploded and the ice monument shattered.

Li Changzhou tapped his right leg lightly on the ground, and he had already jumped into the crowd. The dark snake raised its head and aimed at everyone like lightning and stabbed them.

Yaochi pulled Yang Qinglan behind him and faced him without hesitation.

The dark viper is like a hound tied by a chain, and it is still a little far away from the Yaochi.


The dragon flames surged and instantly forced back the dark snakes in front of Li Qianxia and Si.


Yaochi caught the 'Extreme Cold Ice Sword', Yang Qinglan pressed his hands on the ground, and the stone tablets woke up from their supposed eternal sleep and turned into ice men.

The Iceman quickly formed an army.


Heavy snowfall and murderous intent surged into the sky.

Facing the army, Li Changzhou laughed.

The eight black hands pushed the ground, and the black box spider rose up from the ground. The eight black hands swept away a large area of ​​​​the iceman.

Icemen rushed up one after another and were shot away, all swept into the abyss.

Even so, in the heavy snow that blurred the world, the Iceman still rushed towards the darkness without hesitation!


The black flame dragon folded its wings, rushed into the sky, and swooped down again. The dragon's mouth tore open, and the dragon flame fell like a meteor.

Without Yang Qinglan to collect intelligence, Li Changzhou stood at the head of the black box spider.

Facing this devastating blow, he remained motionless. The dark spider grew a scorpion tail, and the tail pierced Long Yan like a javelin.

Seeing that the two were about to collide, his tail suddenly tilted.


The dragon flames crashed down like a waterfall.

Li Changzhou quickly dived into the black box spider and avoided the attack.

"No matter how proud you are, you can't raise your tail. This is also my life experience!" Yaochi said with a smile, her white hair entangled in the dark scorpion tail.

Waving both hands at the same time.

"Chi! Chi!" the sound broke through the air, and the extremely cold sword energy struck at the dark spider.

The black hand blindly scans and attacks without distinction, directly destroying the sword energy.

The iceman army came one after another, with sword attacks from time to time. The black flame dragon burned the black box, and the white hair entangled the black hand. The black box spider was like a beast with its eyes poked out and caught in a beast's net.

Seeing himself in a desperate situation——


A black fist suddenly shot out, with a huge force, shattering everything.

The black fist expanded rapidly and turned into a new black box spider, while the original one gradually disappeared as if it had been absorbed.

The new black box spider became more and more violent, and on the basis of the eight black hands, eight more black hand swords grew.

The blade was extremely sharp, and wherever it passed, the Iceman was directly cut into pieces.

His white hair was cut off and he let out bursts of screams.

In the melee, snowflakes danced wildly, and the only thing clear between heaven and earth was a pure black weird spider.

A black hand swept across, but did not pull back when the strength was exhausted, and a green light lit up in the palm.

The green light was extremely dazzling in the white snow and darkness, and everyone's heartbeats accelerated.

"Farewell to life and death!"

The green light stretched in the white snow, like a green lightning chain, crashing into the body of 'Future Si'.


‘Future Si’ fell into the soft snow.

Everyone stopped in unison.

"You should have seen this scene," Li Changzhou emerged from the head of the black box spider, "Why do you want to stop me when you know you are not my opponent? Or do you have a plan to defeat me? Don't force me, If we continue, the target of 'Farewell to Life and Death' will be you."

No one answered.

Across the heavy snow, Yang Qinglan's eyes fell precisely on the angel: "Aren't you going to take action?"

The angel looked hesitant.

"So that's it." Li Changzhou laughed, "Are you trying to rely on the desperate situation to force the angels to take action against me?"

The angel was hesitant at first, but after hearing his laughter, the anger that had come along the way suddenly burst out.

"Remember!" She stood up from the ground, also standing on top of a spider with eight black hands as legs and eight black hand swords. "If you dare to violate the agreement, one of you will definitely die!"

"Don't worry." Yang Qinglan said calmly.

"I'm sorry, you handsome young man with a sharp tongue," Yaochi said with a smile, "This is the world of adults. We must continue to bully the few with the advantage of the many."

The situation at hand is indeed troublesome.

It is difficult to deal with an angel, and you have to be careful with the extremely cold ice sword, dragon flame, ice man, etc. Although 'Future Si' is dead, the future she saw must have been conveyed to Li Qianxia and the others.

Temporarily avoid fighting? Find a safe place to end the mission?

I don't want to use 'life and death' on them, and they won't kill me. Taking advantage of this, I might be able to...

"Are you going to escape?" Yang Qinglan said suddenly, "Is this your new perspective?"

Li Changzhou glanced at her.

"Escape? No, I'm just getting ready to fight!"

Taking advantage of this, they might be able to deal with the angels who wanted to kill him.

The black box spider suddenly collapsed and was replaced by black shadows. In the blink of an eye, thirty black shadows appeared in the heavy snow.


Thirty black shadows rushed out at the same time, and every five of them pounced on a human figure, Yang Qinglan, Li Qianxia, ​​Yaochi, Noumenon Si, Sensing Everything Si, and Angel.

At the same time, thirty white shadows also dispersed, and every fifth one pounced on a human figure, Yang Qinglan, Li Qianxia, ​​Yaochi, Noumenon Si, Sensing Everything Si, and Li Changzhou.

"Be careful!" the angel shouted, "his body is not inside, these black shadows can be thirty meters apart from each other!"

Before she could finish her words, everyone had already avoided the black shadow's lightning attack.

The black flame dragon flapped its wings and hovered in the air, eyes burning with blue fire, staring at the point where the black shadow dispersed.

"Brother, you're going to lose."

At that point, the snow dispersed, revealing Li Changzhou, who was wrapped in black armor and looked ugly.

".I surrender."

Everyone smiled as they had known for a long time.

"I gave you a chance," Yang Qinglan said, "When you go back, sleep in a room by yourself."

Li Changzhou glanced at her: "I like to sleep alone, unless the other person is Qian Xia."

"Brother, I love you so much!"

"Don't regret it." Yang Qinglan smiled slightly and turned her head to signal 'Sense Everything Si' to suppress Li Changzhou.

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