King of Black Mist

Chapter 422 Return

Perceiving Everything Si, his whole body wrapped in white bandages, walking in the pouring snow, would sometimes suddenly disappear from the eyes of someone present.

"Take out what's hidden in the ground." Yang Qinglan said to Li Changzhou through her.

In a certain future, Si's bandage that senses everything will be suddenly torn apart by the darkness emerging from the ground, and her head will explode in the heavy snow.

Dark masses overflowed from the snow and the earth.


A few more masses of darkness.

"We will repeat the same conversation three times." Yang Qinglan continued.

Li Changzhou's expression was a bit violent. Such an expression appeared on a child's face, which was both cute and penetrating.


The two-headed black flame dragon suddenly fell down, blocking the way of Si, who was sensing everything. The bright green light on Li Changzhou's fingertips was so rich that it dyed the surrounding area.

Green snow fell quietly.

The two-headed black flame dragon always walks in front of Si, who perceives everything, as if she can resist the 'separation of life and death'.

Of course the 'Black Flame Dragon' can't, nor can Li Qianxia, ​​nor can Li Changzhou, who can't bear the eternal separation between brother and sister.

But he was extremely unwilling to admit defeat like this.

"Brother, you didn't lose to us, you lost to yourself. You defeated yourself." Li Qianxia said, "You can run away, no one can stop you; you can also fight, and we will all die in the 'life and death parting'" Down."

Li Changzhou stared at her, feeling betrayed and angry, but also extremely helpless.

"Calm down, isn't this your advantage?" Yang Qinglan said, "You have also experienced the psychology of a ten-year-old, and you understand its incompatibility - you like us, but in your heart you feel that it is awkward to like us."

"Then you have to force me?" Li Changzhou asked.

"Don't we have the right to force you?" Yang Qinglan asked.

Li Changzhou clenched his fists.

The two-headed black flame dragon walked up to him, its wings spread out, and it wrapped around his little body like a cloak.

"Brother, do you really think I will harm you or force you?" Li Qianxia whispered in Li Changzhou's ear.

"Humph!" Li Changzhou turned away.

".Holy crap! You're so cute, bro!"

Feeling everything·Si’s hands behind her shoulders gently pressed Li Changzhou’s temples;

The left hand on the ribs lifted Li Changzhou's right hand, and the right hand on the ribs took off the 'Farewell to Life and Death'.

The green light was like a real gem, pinched with two fingers by the 'rib right hand'.

"This kind of power shouldn't exist." Sensing everything, Si crushed the green light gem.

The green light candle was extinguished and annihilated, and the power of 'life and death' completely disappeared.

"Brother, how do you feel?!" Li Qianxia asked hurriedly.

"How do you feel about betrayal and separation?" Black Hand pushed the two-headed black flame dragon away, and Li Changzhou's body had returned to his straightness.

"Qianxia, ​​you are talking now," Yaochi said with a smile, "Your brother is feeling ashamed right now. He is in his twenties and yet he 'left and ran away'!"

Fortunately, the snow was heavy and the temperature was very low, so Li Changzhou didn't blush. As mortals, their sight was blocked by the heavy snow and they couldn't see clearly.

Li Changzhou was calm and composed: "I have always been me, but my mind has become ten years old. I just have an additional perspective on things. This perspective is not all bad. Now I have a new perspective on the future."

"Any new ideas~?" Yang Qinglan smiled and spoke in a longer tone.

".Go back first." Li Changzhou said.

"Don't forget to promise to take away the blind man and the abyss."

"Qinglan, stop talking. He just wants to go back and hide under the quilt and yell." Yaochi said.

The last person who should talk is you!

"You two are going too far!" Li Qianxia hugged Li Changzhou, "My brother is so cute, huh~!"

She turned away.

"Do you think you are very good?! Two heads, four eyes, and your hair is falling to the ground! Isn't it dirty! Isn't it ugly! Huh?"

"Ahhhhh~" Yaochi smiled happily.

Yang Qinglan nodded and smiled: "It seems that getting angry has nothing to do with your mental age."

Li Qianxia laughed wildly!

Yang Qinglan and Yaochi also laughed out loud.

Li Changzhou now has the idea that if he had known, he would have given them a hard lesson before admitting defeat. It will be seen if they dare to make fun of him then!

That being said, it is difficult to achieve.

One is because of the future Si, and the other is because there is no way to attack them, and it has nothing to do with their mental age.

The atmosphere was cheerful, but it could not dilute the pressure deep in everyone's hearts.

In this value game, they became "monsters", and Li Changzhou's mental age returned to ten years old. What kind of desperate situation will be waiting for them in the future, or simply in the next game.

After gathering their mood, everyone looked around and saw that the angel was gone.

They didn't care and agreed to let her go.

As for the altar, they were about to destroy it.

"Wait." Li Changzhou suddenly said when he was about to dive again.

He found the piece of solid ice. Andy, Yett and others were running hastily to escape, but the old man's name had not been crossed out yet.

The darkness condensed into a long sword, and Li Changzhou left a straight horizontal line on his name.

"He will understand your painstaking efforts." Yang Qinglan stood next to Li Changzhou.

"I didn't have any trouble. I just felt that it didn't matter if I killed the old man. He was already hopeless."

"But his wish has been fulfilled." Yang Qinglan looked at him, "Andy, Tali and the others will learn from his death. Although there is no guarantee that they will live longer, at least they have a little more hope."

"Not only Andy and Tully, we also learned lessons from the old man."

Li Changzhou raised his hand and gently waved the snow off Yang Qinglan's head and shoulders. Darkness surged, and his black hands held up a black umbrella for the two of them.

They returned to the abyss.

{These icicles were used by the saints to "protect" me during the battle. Even though their strength was weakened and only half of them were broken, they still froze countless water vapors into solid ice and created snow fields. }

"Just right." Li Changzhou said.

The black hand raised half of the icicle still filled with blue liquid and threw it suddenly.

The surging cold air surges like a flood, spreads like an explosion, and freezes overwhelmingly.

Everyone was shocked. At such a close distance, the cold air could freeze them to death!

When the cold wave hit, the black hand took out the 'extreme cold ice sword' from Yaochi's waist, raised his hand and drew a sphere with a radius of fifteen meters with Li Changzhou as the ball point.

The cold air hit it as if hitting a solid wall.

"Scared me to death!" Xiaoluobo's legs became weak.

The butterfly, which became a specimen due to tension and fear, slowly spreads its wings.

Cold air rushes outside the sphere, and even the air freezes into ice. These ices emit blue light and are far harder than solid ice.

"Monsters, ice corpses, great power, and the holders of great power in the frontline camp, all fall into eternal sleep." Li Changzhou put the extremely cold ice sword back into Yaochi's waist.

{This is a good idea,} the voice said, {If you use magic, it will attract the attention of the saint. }

After restoring mana, you can avoid the range of the 'Prophet's Remains' and directly shatter stars in the universe.

But in the eyes of the Saint, the power of Broken Star is like the yawn of an ant, somewhere between existence and non-existence, but there is a very small chance that the Saint happens to notice it.

It's like a person walking on the road, looking up by chance, and seeing a shooting star passing by in the night sky.

When a mortal sees a shooting star, he or she may make a wish, and the wish may or may not come true;

When a saint sees a "meteor shower", he may want to take a look at the meteor shower. As long as the saint has this idea, this idea will travel through time and space, come to this place, and know the ins and outs of the broken stars.

Li Changzhou used the saint's own power to freeze the abyss and minimize the risk.

Angels can't get close to this place anymore.

Not only the abyss, but the temperature outside will also become lower and lower. Even Della's Tavern will soon become a cold zone where ordinary people cannot survive.

"What do you want to do?" Li Changzhou asked.

{I will teach you a formula and method that can restrain my power. }

Li Changzhou pinched the magic formula with his hands and recited the formula.

"掱! 近! 翿! 翯!"

The center of the eyebrows is filled with fierce golden light.

On the altar, the big bell rose slowly, gradually shrinking in the layers of golden light waves, and soon became only the size of a palm.

The writing on the clock wall was so small that it seemed to disappear.

{Now even if you recover your mana, you will not be 'infected' as long as you don't look directly at me for a long time. }

Li Changzhou personally used the magic formula, and he felt something in his heart. He opened his eyes for the first time, and there was indeed nothing wrong.

"No problem."

After hearing what he said, the others opened their eyes and looked at the abyss for the first time (under the cold wave, it was no longer the same abyss as before).

"How to take it out?" Yaochi said, "'Beloved Concubine' has also been suppressed. If it is still there, I can take it away directly. "

"It's time to take a risk," Li Changzhou said. "When the mission is over, I will come back again."

If possible, everyone doesn't want to leave any traces here. They don't know enough about the power of the saint, but they already know one thing - killing them doesn't need to be done, they just need to have this idea, and the inexplicable murderous intention can be done.

The Earth Immortal has the same lifespan as the Inner Heaven and Earth. Strong men like Li Changzhou can even break stars, but what does this count?

A ray of divine will from the divine saint can turn a mortal into a heavenly master!

"After I go back, I'll see if I can get a divine crystal from the clan to eliminate our traces," Si said.

"Okay." Li Changzhou nodded.

Considering the preciousness of the Divine Will Crystal, he added: "If the Gods have any conditions, just tell me."

He can directly deprive players of skills. Some masters of the Protoss should know that this can be a condition of exchange.

Secondly, the alien race and the God race have a blood feud, and he and the alien race have a blood feud. Then he and the God race will have closer contact, and both parties will probably be happy.

"I will." Si said.

She looked at the little clock suspended in the golden light and asked the ultimate purpose of this mission: "How to eliminate the curse of the 'Ancient God'?"

{Which ancient god? }

"Space life form." Si conducted a lot of investigations. "It has tens of thousands of eyes. The eyes are diamond-shaped. They can lock on the target and absorb the target's energy."


"What's wrong?" Si took a step forward.

{I would also like to add something,} the voice said, {Before I completed the record, I actually did not have the ability to search. Everything I know so far is the information I have read. }

"Then you're not a waste?"

Everyone looked at Yang Qinglan who blurted out.

Although I don’t know how much of the body the small bell in front of me occupies, it is still part of the saint’s body. Wouldn’t it be too uncivilized to call it waste?

Yang Qinglan continued: "It seems that the 'Prophet' chose this path because he was tired and had no other choice."

"Qinglan, how do you know?" Li Qianxia, ​​who had regained her head, asked curiously.

"It is simply impossible to record things in all time and all space, unless time and space end one day - have you ever seen a printer that can print all data? The data cannot be printed out, and the only thing that will be damaged in the end is the printer. .”

{So the saint uses his own body.}

“But what’s printed is ‘all-knowing’.”

{}The voice was silent for a while, {You are right, the 'prophet' has long known that this road will not work. Even after infinite years, I can only be regarded as a quasi-created artifact. }

"It's still fragments." Yang Qinglan said.

{Fragments of quasi-creation artifact. }

Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou: "Just throw it here. A library that cannot be searched will only waste time and is not worth the risk."

Everyone understood what she meant.

The 'prophet' (part) without the search function will only waste time. After all, knowing that the knowledge is there and finding the knowledge you need are completely different things.

Some people who are not determined will even waste time and spend all their time looking for answers.

For example, if a human being who has reached the end of his life chooses the latter between taking a chance and searching for answers in the database, he may not find the information he wants until his life is exhausted.

At this time, you will regret it and think: If you had given it a try, would there still be a chance?

‘Omniscient’ is dazzling, but it is also an abyss of despair.

{You promised. }The voice said.

"Don't worry, I will take you away." Li Changzhou promised.

Yang Qinglan didn't really want to leave this quasi-creation artifact (incomplete) here, but just 'suppressed' the newcomers to let him know that they had no need for him.

{To suppress the 'space life form' without retrieving accurate information, I have three opinions: one, lock the time; two, block the space; three, try using those four arms. }

{When you are making settlements, pay attention to the props in this area. A blow between saints involves a vast array of laws and power systems. As long as the ancient god has not become a saint, he will not be the opponent of this blow. . }

Si nodded: "I understand."

{I'll look for it for you, but don't get your hopes up. }

{If my current information were written down on paper, the paper would be enough to cover the Milky Way, equivalent to a cylinder with a diameter of at least 100,000 light-years and an average thickness of 1,000 light-years. }

Find a sentence from this, no, even if we find the earth, let alone three thousand years, thirty thousand or three hundred thousand years may not be enough.

"Let's settle the matter." Yang Qinglan said calmly.

Because of her previous reminder, everyone was not too disappointed.

What's more, I just got the artifact of creation and my curiosity is at its peak. I want to see how much information there is in the universe.

In the light, they disappeared from the sphere wrapped in blue ice.

Only the small clock was left floating in place, golden light rippling like sound waves.

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