King of Black Mist

Chapter 426 Life Circle

"Super Power Forbidden, Am I Handsome, Contract·King Cobra, Emotional Control, Bad·Mythical Color (Note: Only for earth mythological characters)."

"Concentration, Black Mist·Time Stop (Note: Requires Black Mist Mana), Teleportation, Follow Your Heart (Note: Requires Emerald Bee Sword), One Weapon (Note: Requires Emerald Bee Sword), Holy Master."

"Fire Wave, Martial Arts Master, Black Mist·Darkness."

"Divine Body, King of Black Mist."

"please choose······"

Li Changzhou asked: "Where are my props?"

"You can choose a prop by giving up a 'formula ring'. The props held by players are as follows -"

"Pearl of Wisdom, Emerald Bee Sword, Killing Knife, Eagle Dog Fox Rabbit, Four Seasons Star Crown, Snow Mountain Kettle, Exorcist Flashlight, Heavy Machine Gun, Sky Mecha *Day (former Imperial Mecha)."

Although it is not a very careful selection, Li Changzhou's skills are already the result of countless struggles. Now he has to choose four from them. How can he make a choice in a short while?

The helmet lit up, and the woman's voice continued: "Select countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7..."

"Players please note that after the countdown is over, random——"

"The divine body, Emerald Bee Sword, and weapons are as you wish. Super powers prohibit them."

Except for "Super Prohibition", the other three items were all subconscious choices made by Li Changzhou.

It is indeed a copy that tests instinct.

"Selection completed."

"Please allocate three jars of alien blood to the player to fill the 'divine body', 'weapons at will', and 'super forbidden'. Each jar of blood can raise a 'formula ring' to the player's original level."


One can can raise it to its original level. Is this compensation for sacrificing other abilities? Allowing players to maintain their original overall level of "ability" to some extent?

"Half a can each of 'Users at your will' and 'Super Power Forbidden', and two cans of 'Divine Body'."


"General...Jun..." The smooth female voice before became dull and noisy again, "Please complete the... mission... Huan... clan ten thousand years..."

Li Changzhou clasped his helmet with his five fingers and stood up from the pool of blood. Blood dripped along his armor.

A half-lit blood ring appeared behind him.

There was another blood ring after the blood ring, and the blood light was also half bright.

"Long live the Ring Clan?" Mi Er's metal helmet shattered with force.


A blood ring that was twice the size and much darker in color emerged from the void, suspended behind Li Changzhou and the previous two blood rings.

The surging energy and blood penetrated everything, forming a substantial blazing divine light that enveloped Li Changzhou.

He was like a god descending from the realm, or like a demon walking out of the abyss, sacred and terrifying, with an extremely astonishing momentum.

It's not "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills", it's just a simple [Divine Body].

Two small and one large blood rings reflected everything behind him.

Spreading his hands, he turned his palms slightly, and the pieces of the helmet slipped from his palms. He took two steps, pulled out the Green Bee Sword stuck on the ground, shrunk it and put it in his cuffs.

Suddenly I closed my eyes, as if being stabbed by a strong light. When I opened them, my eyes were slightly confused.

The general looked around with a cold expression, suppressing the surging anger.

Sako Star is a military camp, mainly responsible for cultivating new alien races and providing combat power for the front line.

"Gods!" the general whispered.

It's not important that Sako has been destroyed. What's important is that he was destroyed during his guarding and an incubation cabin was stolen!

The war with the Divine Will Star is what some alien races want. The blood of enemies can sharpen their skills, and the blood of tribesmen can strengthen the 'formula ring'.

However, the addition of the gods forced the aliens who were caught up in the carnival of blood to wake up, and the shadow of failure had begun to take shape.

"General!" The air was torn apart, and several figures with strong auras fell down.

Everyone is wearing battle armor, and the battle armor has bite marks from high-powered weapons and scratches from swords and guns.

There is a blood ring behind everyone.

Yao, who has white hair, a curvy figure and a charming face, is the general's fiancée.

In alien races, marriage is a matter for the upper class, and it doesn't matter whether the lower class is willing to have children. There are incubation ships, and the population is produced like candy. The vast majority are digested, and a very small number stand out.

This is naturally the Yaochi that has lost its memory.

Four blood rings reflected behind her, two of them were fully lit and two were half lit.

The other two people, a man and a woman, are subordinates of the general. The man has six blood rings, the brightest one is only half-bright. The woman has two blood rings, one is half-bright and the other is almost full-bright.

The general looked at Yao, then turned to ask his subordinates: "Confirm the situation of the spaceship."

"General, I've confirmed it." The male subordinate answered immediately, but after saying that, he paused and said, "All the spaceships in the base have been destroyed."


Everyone looked and saw that the burning spacecraft in the distance finally landed. The flames of the explosion formed a huge mushroom cloud, and the powerful air wave materialized and rushed over like a tsunami.

The four alien warriors with blood rings were motionless, their legs were like steel, but their hearts were cold.

"No matter what, the hatching cabin must be taken back." Yao said solemnly.

Even if she is the daughter of a marshal, if she makes the mistake of having her incubator taken away by the gods, she must go to a military court.

"Where are the Gods now?" the general asked.

"They just left not long ago," said the male warrior named Kurt. "Their main ship is three light years away. It will take half an hour to arrive. If we have a spaceship."

He did not continue.


The general was about to take out the Emerald Bee Sword and test the odds to see if a high-end spaceship could randomly appear when the female warrior suddenly spoke.

The three looked at her.

"General," the female warrior said in a cold voice, "There is another spaceship on Saco."

"What do you mean -, no!" Kurt took a step forward, "Are you crazy, Taina! You actually want to touch the ship of the Life Circle!"

"Can you afford the cost of having the hatching cabin taken away?" the female warrior Taina said sternly.

"That's right." Kurt's expression changed and he hesitated to speak.

Life ring, the alien organization responsible for reproduction.

A race that can become powerful by pouring the blood of its own race can thrive to this day because of the life circle. Everyone, under any circumstances, must ensure the safety of the people in the life circle.

This is an iron rule.

"What are you going to do?" Yao asked the general.

"Of course it's revenge."


Centered directly below the general, the ground cracked in all directions. The atmosphere in the sky was directly torn apart, and terrifying sonic booms roared endlessly.

The general has rushed to the area where the life ring is.

The large blood ring, which exceeds the normal brightness, releases surging fluctuations. He is like a bloody sun, and everything that can be seen in front of him is soaked in his blood light.

The only thing that can survive in the blood and light is the dark shadow of the object.

When he acts, the world is black and red.

The four people landed in front of the shelter. The shelter required very high permissions. The general opened the door himself.

The shelter is actually just a landing zone sinking area where only Life Circle spacecraft can land.

"General." The people in the life circle all wear white armor. When they stand together, they are vague and cold, which is in line with their career.

Birth is suffering, and the life rings that bring life into the world are naturally executioners.

"Your spaceship has been temporarily requisitioned." The general said directly.

The white armors were silent for a moment, and then looked at each other.

Li Changzhou walked forward directly: "Taina, take over the spacecraft."

Taina raised her left arm, clicked on the personal panel, and started to connect to the life ring spacecraft that looked like a white silkworm chrysalis in front of her.


"Please stop! General!"

At this time, the people in white armor recovered from their shock and doubts, and quickly stopped Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou kept walking, not dodging or dodging, and the big blood ring released the red light of the sea waves as if it was coming to life, dyeing the shelter deep red.


The powerful air wave slashed out like a sharp sword, splitting open the sea of ​​people composed of white armor.

"General," Taina followed suit, "there is no way to gain control."

{Access Denied···Access Denied···}The personal panel keeps sending out notification sounds.

"There are still twenty-eight minutes." Kurt counted the time until the Protoss spaceship arrived at the main ship.

Once the spacecraft enters the main ship and starts the space jump, the pursuit battle will have endless variables - no one knows whether there will be an army of the Great Wall of God at the end of the jump.

"General Day!"

A blood ring lit up behind the white armor, and a pack of wolves approached step by step, trying to stop Li Changzhou.

"Get away!"

The red energy and blood are overwhelming.

Not to mention these people, the whole planet is trembling.

But Li Changzhou did not take a step. In front of him, two figures stood like rocks, also wearing white armor. From the slender figures of the other side, it could be seen that they were two women.

One of the women stood in front of the other woman, blocking the pressure of the large blood ring.

"This is the spaceship of the Life Circle." The woman hiding behind her said in a cold voice.

"Get out of the way," the general said.

"Hit," the woman acting as a guard took a step forward, "I was born a commoner and killed all the tribesmen in the same period. I have a blood ring of half a step and a third level. I have gained the attention of the two commanders and even betrothed my granddaughter to you, who is also a genius. Be your fiancée.”

Three blood rings lit up behind her, arranged in a triangle.

The blood ring in the lower left corner is all bright, and in the center is a butterfly bathed in flames, scattering little bits of fire;

The blood ring in the lower right corner is fully lit, with six small balls floating in the center. Red and blue lights flash alternately inside the balls;

The top blood ring is all bright, and in the center is a big fish swimming in the blood sea. With a bang, the blood sea overturns, the big fish rises into the sky, and turns into a giant bird. The background also changes from the blood sea to blood-colored clouds, and the clouds are in the sky. Under the giant bird.

"I admire you very much, but if you dare to touch the life ring"

The giant bird in the blood ring at the top suddenly looked at Li Changzhou.

With a cry, his wings closed together, and his figure instantly enlarged, almost rushing out of the blood ring!

Yao took a step forward with a majestic posture: "Back off!"

The guard took three steps back in a row.

When she tried her best to regain her posture, even through her helmet, people could still feel her shock.

There was a bloody spear in her hand. The blood ring in the lower right corner reached the top of the triangle, and the six spheres in the center of the blood ring sped up.

"General," the person in charge of the life circle said calmly, "if you insist on making things difficult, we would rather destroy the spacecraft."

"Kill them," the general said.

"Ha~" Yao chuckled, twisted her neck as if to stretch her muscles, and walked towards the crowd.

Kurt and Taina released murderous intent.

Everyone lit up their blood rings.

The atmosphere in the shelter was almost stagnant.

It is the only way for every ring clan to take action against their own clan. Compared with killing other races, killing clan members makes them more excited.

"Wait!" the person in charge shouted, "General, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Do you know who you are standing in front of?" The general said in a cold voice, "I will give you one last chance to hand over control of the spacecraft."

"Control of the spacecraft is locked with me. If something happens to me, the spacecraft will release all its energy and self-destruct." The person in charge refused to give in.

If a spacecraft with the ability to jump self-destructs, it will be powerful enough to destroy a star system, and everything within 30 astronomical units will be destroyed.

The two sides reached a stalemate.

"General," Kurt was a little anxious and couldn't help but whisper, "If we don't catch up, the hatching cabin will really be taken away by the gods!"

"Incubation cabin?" The person in charge was slightly confused.

Immediately, her tone became very sharp: "You actually lost the hatching cabin?"

Before this, even if the general wanted to take action, her voice had never wavered.

"Now that you know, you should also know our determination." Yao chuckled, four blood rings flashing behind her like breathing

A man in white armor said: "Losing the hatching cabin is already a capital crime, but you still dare to attack the life ring!"

"Idiot, you are already guilty of death, what do you think we should be afraid of!" Taina said ferociously.


Before the man finished speaking, the person in charge suddenly turned around and walked towards the spacecraft: "Come here."

"Lan!" his men shouted in unison.

"Are you crazy!" They couldn't believe it. Such an approach was also a capital crime.

"It is also my responsibility to protect the incubation cabin." The person in charge approached, and the spacecraft automatically lowered the hanging ladder.

"Lan, I will report your behavior truthfully." A woman with an old voice in white armor said.

"Those who don't want to go, stay." The person in charge named Lan did not look back.

The white armor guarding Lan followed.

There were only two of them, and the rest of the white armor stood there like exhibits.

The general stepped forward and said with a smile: "I kind of like her."

"I will castrate you." Yao walked beside him, also smiling.

As a life ring, the spacecraft is filled with incubation chambers, brackets, and an oval-shaped culture tank on the bracket, with cells and babies floating in the tank.

The Life Ring will not dock on any planet. When it lands, there are only two situations.

One, sowing seeds, placing a batch of incubation cabins into a certain planet;

Two, take refuge.

Even if it is to replenish energy, the life cycle will be completed alone in the depths of the universe.

The Life Ring is the seed ship of the alien race and the guarantee of the continuation of the race. Anyone who dares to hijack the Life Ring ship will be punished with death without exception.

"I admire your courage and sense of responsibility, General." the person in charge said.

"I just can't afford to lose. No one who beats me can even think about running away." The general sat down on the chair.

With the help of anti-gravity materials, the spacecraft rose silently from the landing site. When it was three hundred meters above the ground, there was a loud bang and the rocket propulsion system started.

The huge spaceship instantly turned into a meteor, leaving behind the wreckage and devastating Sacco planet.

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