King of Black Mist

Chapter 427 Leaving genes behind

Even if the technology is as advanced as the Great Wall of Divine Will, it is impossible to cross a distance of three light years in half an hour without relying on leaps.

If the destination is the main ship, that is another matter.

And when the tracking program is started, it will only be a matter of time before it catches up with a spacecraft that is connected to the main ship.

This is an arms race.

"But it takes time, half an hour, no, to be precise, twenty-five minutes is barely enough." Taina simulated the results on her personal terminal.

"How reluctant does it mean?" Li Changzhou asked.

"When the time is up, we can see the light of the opponent's thrusters."

Li Changzhou looked at the person in charge: "What kind of long-range attack systems is this ship equipped with?"

The person in charge is debugging the tracking system.

There was darkness on the holographic screen, and the image was pushed closer, and a little light appeared.

The image continued to zoom in, and the Protoss transport ship that had stolen the incubation cabin of Sako appeared on the screen.

When the tracking system of the life ring cast its gaze, all the sensing systems outside the transport ship subconsciously fell down like fish scales.


If the induction system is not turned on, the transport ship will not be able to avoid dangers during navigation. This is not important. What is important is that without the induction system, there is no way to be connected to the main ship.

The fish scales opened, and the tracking system, which was waiting patiently, immediately bit one of the fish scales.

The powerful pulling force was like the pulling force of a fisherman in the Air Force who finally caught a fish after a week in the Air Force, and the Life Circle spacecraft accelerated instantly!

Even the life ring spacecraft, which attaches great importance to safety, also produces strong gravity.

The person in charge then started to adjust the gravity, temperature, and humidity of the incubation cabin. Only then did he answer the general's question:

"The purpose of this ship is survival. It has a small hull and is equipped with a jump system. The remaining space is all incubation chambers."

"Most of us sleep in bunk beds," the previous guard added.

She leaned against the wall, clasped her hands on her chest, and her legs looked long and slender. She seemed leisurely, but she was always wary of the four generals.

Duo! Duo! Duo!

Li Changzhou tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers a little harder.

The armrests, which were strong enough to withstand high temperatures, low colds, and direct laser rays, were as soft and dented under his fingertips (something similar to plasticine in alien civilizations).

Everyone waited for the general's order.

The shivering sound disappeared.

"Start the jump in twenty minutes and get directly close to the opponent's main ship. Let's go ahead and wait for them."

The person in charge turned around and leaned against the operating platform with his straight buttocks. His tone was very calm: "Do you know what the consequences will be if you rashly approach the enemy's main ship without knowing the enemy's personnel configuration?"

"Don't forget whose ship we are on now," Yao said with a chuckle, "Do you think we are still afraid of death?"

She looked at Li Changzhou: "There are still twenty-three minutes left. Regardless of whether we complete the task or not, this may be the last period of our lives. Do you want to do something?"

The general laughed and stood up from his chair.

"I even forgot that this is an incubator."

The person in charge moved away from the operating table: "The baby's blood here is not enough to improve your 'formula ring'. You are not allowed to touch them."

"Don't get excited, I only plan to visit." The general ordered to his subordinates, "You stay here and ensure that the route of this spacecraft remains unchanged."

"Xia, you stay too," the person in charge said.


"If they dare to kill me, they will be destroyed along with this spaceship, and the so-called genius will eventually become a joke to the entire race."

Faced with the threat, the general smiled and said: "If you want to follow, just come. We just need a commentator."

"I know how life is born, but having a life around me can help me understand better." The princess also smiled and expressed her welcome.

The person in charge took the general and princess away from the bridge.

The incubation cabin is a general term, which is divided into: gene bank, embryo room, and baby water feeding center.

The gene bank is like a test tube warehouse. The test tubes are stacked like a honeycomb, almost close to the ceiling, and the temperature and other conditions are controlled by intelligent machines.

The gravity here is smaller than normal, and the three of them are floating in mid-air, surrounded by dense walls of test tubes.

"How are genes matched? Third-order and third-order, second-order and second-order, first-order and first-order?" the princess asked.

"Each life ring spacecraft has a different breeding route." The person in charge said, "Higher genes match higher genes and can stably produce high-quality babies. This ship of mine is not the same."

A very thin needle protruded from the top, extracted a portion of the gene in two test tubes, and then disappeared at the top.

"What is your method?" asked the general.

"Random." The person in charge replied, "The disadvantage is that it is unstable, but the advantage is that sometimes characters like generals can be born."

"I can equal the entire alien race." After the general finished speaking, he glanced at the princess and said, "Except Yao."

The princess covered her face with her hands, making a shy gesture - the three of them were covered in armor and couldn't see each other's expressions.

"You should survive first and then talk." The person in charge said calmly.

Enter the embryo room.

The two thin needles that disappeared before appeared here, synthesizing the two sets of genes into the embryo.

"Compared with naturally conceived aliens, the embryos in the life circle can be adjusted in time and will not die prematurely or suffer from physiological defects."

"Will this adjustment affect the emergence of geniuses?" Li Changzhou stared at the training tank.

It is difficult to say clearly whether some geniuses with physical defects become geniuses because of their defects.

These people may have talents themselves, regardless of whether they have defects, but talent does not mean genius. Defects will affect the mind and experience, that is, nurture. A true genius cannot lack acquired factors.

The person in charge stood beside him, quietly watching the birth of life, and replied in a whisper: "It may also prevent the emergence of genius."

Acquired factors can be good or bad. Shi Tiesheng became a writer because of his disabled legs, or he might have committed suicide because he couldn't survive it.

In foreign races, disability may make people mentally tougher, and they are more likely to be killed by their own race during selection.

"Life is truly wonderful," the general said.

The person in charge looked at him with surprise.

The princess stared at her and asked with a smile: "Are there any of your genes in this?"

"Life Ring employees are not allowed to leave genes." The person in charge replied calmly, "The outside world says that the Ring tribe is a cold-blooded race. We are indeed cold-blooded, but we still have love, jealousy, family affection, and friendship."

If Life Circle employees leave their genes behind, they may use the blood of other children without authorization to water their own children.

This is obviously contrary to the purpose of the existence of the life ring - the life ring is for the continuation of the entire race, not to cultivate a giant baby that grows up through feeding.

"If we keep our genes," the princess said slowly, "can we just match our two genes?"

“Don’t break the rules, but claim the violations.”

The princess looked at the general.

The general looked at the embryos that could not be said to be artificial or non-artificial, and did not answer.

After waiting for a while, the person in charge said: "The baby's room is in front."

She led the way, with the princess and the general walking behind her.

"What worries do you have?" asked the princess.

"This ship may not survive."

"to be honest."

"Well, even if we complete the mission and recapture or destroy the incubator, we will still have to undergo a military court trial. There is a high probability that we will not survive. I will tell the truth."

The person in charge was standing in front of a gate, and the identification system was verifying her identity.

She was also constantly breaking permissions for the general and princess to enter the nursery - they were not allowed by the system.

{Non-life circle personnel are not allowed to enter}

{Non-life circle personnel are not allowed to enter}


{alert! alert! All crew members have been notified! }

{The crew has the right to kill non-life circle personnel}

"Unlike you," the general continued in the midst of a harsh warning, "I was born in the ring of life and killed everyone in the same group with my own hands. I am a genius and now I am powerful enough to destroy the planet by myself. .But if I had the choice, I don’t know if I would still choose this path.”

The princess frowned: "What do you mean?"

The person in charge smashed open the panel and directly unplugged a line.

"You mean," she said, "that you want your child to be born naturally and live a non-circular life?"

A burst of sparks flashed through the gate, and the siren deflated like a deflated balloon. Only the red light remained bright, soaking the aisle and everything around it.

"Innocent." The princess said coldly, "In this world, the jungle is the strongest. If you are not strong enough, what's the point of living? You will spend your whole life looking at other people's eyes."

"That's the truth." The general nodded and said nothing more.

"Lift the door." The person in charge stepped aside.

The blood ring lit up behind Li Changzhou, and his eyes released scarlet rays, burning a small door in the door.


The door panel of the "small door" falls to the ground.

The person in charge stood there: "This door is made of Mier Metal. Forget it."

She walked into the nursery first.

"Now is not the time to 'think or not'," the princess was still walking beside the general. "Hiru, you also said that it is almost impossible for us not to survive. Being able to leave our genes is our best choice."

"Yes." Li Changzhou stepped through the gate.

The princess suddenly grabbed his wrist with her right hand, pushed his shoulder with her left hand, and pressed him against the wall of the aisle.

She pressed up against him, and her helmet disappeared as if it was dissolving. Her white hair was pulled up high, and her face was beautiful, enchanting, and exquisite.

"Every minute that passes, we are one step closer to death. I don't have time to talk to you about ideals - take off your helmet!"

The general put away his helmet and said: "Yao, you are too pessimistic. I am here."

Yao bites it.

The plump and bright lips are squeezed into a small plane.

Zhou stretched out his hand, hugged her slim waist with one hand, dragged the side of her face with the other, and kissed her back forcefully.

The person in charge who was walking in front stopped and looked back at the two people.

After a full two minutes, Yao let him go. She wiped her lower lip with the back of her hand, and a smug and satisfied smile appeared on her lips.

"Now you listen to me," she said with a slight command in her tone, "If you can survive, I will listen to you."


The princess looked at the person in charge, motioned her to return to the embryo room, and said like a winner: "Sorry to trouble you."

"It is my duty to give birth to life." The person in charge walked back, "Come here, take off your armor, relax your body, and get ready. I want to extract your genes."

After removing their armor, both of them only wore tight-fitting clothes.

Li Changzhou has a slender figure with broad shoulders, a thin waist, and long legs. He is very well-proportioned and tall, and his facial features are handsome. He is far from the smell of blood. He does not look like a general who is good at killing.

The two of them lay side by side on the instrument and looked at each other sideways.

The princess took his hand and placed it on her heart.

The general gave him a bad squeeze.

The princess shrank from the tickle and let out a girlish giggle.

"Okay." The person in charge said.

The two stood up, their armor reattached, but they didn't put on their helmets.

They watched as the largest cells in the human body merged with the smallest cells in the human body, and the prototype of life was born.

"I didn't care much about this ship at first, but now I have to let it survive." The general whispered.

"How is your health?" The princess' voice became more urgent.

The person in charge looked at the holographic projection, which was rapidly displaying the scanned information.

Security level: 0

Gene source: day (second level), Yao (second level)

Talent Formula Ring: Divine Body

Analysis: A powerful body that can absorb most of the energy in the universe, has super growth potential, and has an unknown number of special abilities.

Cultivation suggestions: 1. One bottle of the highest-grade nutrient solution every day

2. Water cultivation until five years old, add three cans of blood of peers at one year old, twenty cans at two years old, one hundred cans at three years old, two hundred cans at four years old, and four hundred cans at five years old (specific allocation based on actual growth)

3. Place of distribution after the age of five: Level 0 Star Straum Star

"Level 0?" Yao pressed her hand gently on the vessel and looked at the extremely small prototype of life. "Good boy, you will become as powerful a warrior as your father."

"I was also at level 0 at the time, and the resources I received were much worse than this guy." Zhou couldn't help but said.

"Who do you think you are?" Yao turned around and scolded him with a smile, then immediately turned her attention back to the embryo, "He (she) is the child of two second-level warriors, and the mother is the daughter of the marshal and the princess of the ring tribe."

She asked another silly question: "How long will it take for my child to talk?"

"You'll never see it again," the person in charge said.

Yao stared at the embryo in the nutrient solution, her delicate and charming face full of obsession.

"Let's go." The person in charge turned and walked to the baby room.

In the baby room, there are oval water tanks, and shaped baby exhibits are usually suspended in them.

The ground is covered with a large number of circuits, controlling the constant temperature, nutrition, innate education and other intelligence of each water tank.

From time to time, a buzzer sounds, and a hand will drop from the top to make adjustments on the corresponding sink.

The entire nursery looks like an amber exhibition hall or a hydroponic factory.

The two of them still followed the person in charge.

"I kind of understand what you were thinking before." The princess said suddenly.

"Although the process may be a bit tortuous, we can always understand each other in the end." The general put his arm around her waist.

The princess stopped.

"I want to take the baby away," she said.

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