King of Black Mist

Chapter 513 Beating Dantian

Under the water, there was a smooth high-tech micro-submarine, and Li Changzhou was clinging to its bottom like a fish.

After waiting for a long time, no one entered the submarine.

With Yang Qinglan and Chang'e around, Li Changzhou didn't think anything would happen, and the system didn't prompt him that the mission failed.

So why did "Hamburg" give up using submarines?

As long as you are still alive, whether you are seriously injured or unconscious, using a submarine to quickly transfer is the best option.

Li Changzhou thought for a while and guessed the correct answer, but he was not sure. Everything was just his guess.

He left the submarine and tried to get back on the ferry.

However, there are security personnel walking around on the deck from time to time, patrolling the surroundings, watching the side of the ship like a city wall, and prohibiting anyone from landing.

The ferry, the submarine, and the sending of people to guard the sides of the ship are all very commendable actions. The enemy must have found it difficult to deal with, because Li Changzhou also found it difficult to deal with.

Slippery as a greased fish.

Would normal people arrange so many escape routes for themselves?

He returned to the miniature submarine, which clung to the bottom of the ferry like a magnet.

Between the ferry and the submarine, there should be something similar to the airtight cabin of the moon base, which would allow people on the ferry to board the submarine directly while ensuring that water does not enter.

The submarine is only the size of a supercar and has a round glass cover. It does not look like it is used for escaping, but is used for underwater sightseeing.

Damn rich people.

Li Changzhou closed his eyes and rested his mind in the water, while trying to regain the ability to breathe in the water.

On the ferry.

Chang'e lowered her head and smelled her collarbone.

"Don't worry, you smell good, like osmanthus." Yang Qinglan comforted.

"You smell good too." Chang'e returned the greeting.

"It's a bit in the way."

"It's the seawater that gets in the way. Without it, the girl wouldn't notice the scent, and she herself smells great."

The two of them walked on the deck, as if they were in a deserted place. Occasionally they stopped at the same time and watched a security guard pass by.

Occasionally he would open a door, as if he had planned to go there, and after the security personnel at the door had left, he would come out as if nothing had happened.

It's very similar to the scene in "Seeing the Future" starring Nicholas.

They not only keep an eye on the water to prevent enemy players from sneaking into the ferry, but they also keep an eye on these security personnel.

Forced to stay on an island-like ferry, surrounded by a "big army", they could be shot to death at any time, or drowned at the bottom of the sea. Coupled with the enemy's persuasion to surrender, these people are likely to rebel.

"More loyal than imagined." Yang Qinglan said.

"Beautiful women always have many guardians. That girl is so beautiful that even if a man is killed by her, as long as she smiles at him, he will continue to work hard for her." Chang'e seemed to be talking about herself.

Along the way, the expressions of all the security personnel I met were determined and unwavering.

After checking it again, the two returned to the room where the mission target was.

"Miss, we still can't contact Maki-sama." The female bodyguard named Jingliu said.

"The lack of contact is the most important signal." Miki Kujo leaned on the sofa with her eyes closed, and if her lips didn't move, she looked like a sleeping beauty.

She seemed to be talking to herself or talking to Jingliu, and said calmly: "The Kobe team should be dispatched, and the British side will also send people over. Please pass on this news."

Jingliu didn't answer, just nodded and exited as silently as possible.

Just as she was about to go out, the security captain came over.

The security captain is also a woman. Unlike the well-proportioned Shizuru, she is very tall.

The two looked at each other, and the security captain whispered: "There is a motorboat approaching. It doesn't look like a cruise ship. Please inform the eldest lady about this."

"No need." Kujo Miki walked out.

Jingliu and the security captain lowered their heads at the same time.

"Take me to see it."

The three of them came to the deck, and the security captain brought a brand new pair of binoculars to Kujo Miki.

Kujo Miki aimed the telescope, and the scene in the distance suddenly came into view.

More than a dozen motorboats cut through the waves, like a swarm of sharks, heading in the direction of the cruise ship.

The motorboats seemed to be divided into two teams, attacking each other. The fire of the submachine guns almost solidified at the muzzles of the guns, firing fiercely.

"Miss, there seem to be two groups." Jingliu also noticed the situation, "Is it the Kobe group?"

Kujo Miki narrowed her eyes slightly, as cold and calm as a beautiful snake.

"Sail the boat." Two words popped out of her mouth.

"Are you meeting the motorboat?" the security captain asked.

"Go to England." Miki Kujo raised the telescope again, "The helicopter will shoot, don't worry about it. If the ship sinks, just keep moving forward."

"Yes!" The security captain went down.

Jingliu stood next to Kujo Miki, alert to the surroundings like an owl.


She quickly looked at Kujo Miki: "Miss?"

"Are there really genetic warriors?" Miki Kujo murmured.

She saw the driver of the motorboat jump off the boat before it exploded, running wildly across the water toward the enemy who was shooting at him.

"Huh?" Looking again, Kujo Miki found that the man was gone.

at the same time.

[Player ‘Doma Tart’ was wiped out]

Kujo Miki said that the short man was a genetic warrior, Kujo Miki just said it casually, but this time, Kujo Miki was dubious.

Can normal people walk on sea water? The other party is still firing with submachine guns!

A player who set foot on the heavenly road and entered the end of the heavenly road, who had most likely merged with the heavenly realm and had endless lifespan and infinite power, died just like that.

Just because when the motorboat exploded, I subconsciously took a few steps in the water.

"Be careful! The target ('Hamburg') is watching us!" Both sides of the fierce battle shouted at the same time.

The intensity of the battle dropped by more than half in an instant, from a child's play like a water fight and risking one's life to a real gun battle - he started to dodge the muzzle of the gun and dodge the bullets!

The ferry restarted, and the salty sea breeze hit Miki Kujo's face from time to time, causing her black hair to fly.

The sea is like a gem, cut by the ferry, and the white waves clinging to the hull are the powdery debris produced during the cutting.

Rumble, like thunder, the Tiger gunship moved again.

It circled and whizzed in without any warning. The bullet penetrated the sea water with a "click-click-click" sound, and when it hit the ship, sparks burst out.

"Speed ​​up!" the security captain yelled.

The ferry continued to move forward amid a hail of bullets.

The east side, which had been hit by a round of fire bombardment, had begun to emit black smoke.

On this vast blue sea, a solitary ship emitted black smoke, like an ink painting with a simple composition.

"Damn it!" the witch in the vest yelled and stopped shooting.

She knew nothing about the technology of this planet and had no idea how to make the ferry lose power without exploding and sinking.

"It would be nice if there was a poison gas bomb." The child in the co-pilot said, "Hey, the sea is so boring. I'm almost tired of the sea. I really want to kill people in the city."

"Witch, behemoth, retreat." A neutral voice came from the extremely backward communication equipment.

The witch raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Neutral Voice replied, "The sea is not our battlefield, and you don't have much oil and electricity. Let them return to land and enter the steel jungle. That is my territory."

"You are the boss, I listen to you." The Tiger armed helicopter raised its altitude, and the drone followed closely behind. The scene was very spectacular.

The motorboat also retreated.

Xiao Wusheng and others didn't know why, but Yaochi had an order not to allow them to touch "hamburger" rashly.

She started from the perspective of the eldest lady. At the moment of being assassinated, a group of strangers suddenly came to the door. Even if they did not kill them directly, they would lock them for a while to confirm that there was no danger before letting them out.

Whether they are killed or imprisoned, it is not what they want.

Staying away from "Burger"'s sight and silently "paying" for her is the right thing to do.

"The enemy is gone?" Jingliu looked at the helicopter disappearing in confusion.

Miki Kujo couldn't understand the twists and turns, but it didn't matter. As long as she could survive, she would figure it out sooner or later.

"Continue sailing towards the UK and search the ship thoroughly, inside and out, including blind spots the size of your fist!" She put down the telescope and ordered.


"Contact my mother." Kujo Miki was silent. The other party suddenly retreated. Does this have anything to do with it?

Could it be that the real target was her mother, not her? If the other party retreats, does that mean they have succeeded?

Kujo Miki personally contacted Kujo Maki who was far away in Tokyo.

"Oh, my daughter misses me? How was your time in Germany? Don't forget to come back early, school is about to start."


Didn’t you realize your daughter was missing at all?

Did the other party use means to disguise her signals and maintain contact with Japan?

"I'm on the ferry to England. Mother, please arrange a flight for me." Kujo Miki said.

"Okay, would you like me to put you and Xiao Rin in the same class?"

Kujo Miki hung up the phone directly.

She said to Jingliu: "When you arrive in the UK, use another identity to buy two tickets. Remember, try not to use the Internet if you can. There are hackers on the other side."


Kujo Miki does not plan to take the plane arranged by her mother.

Mother knows it too.

There are no secret codes between mother and daughter, but she is as smart as her mother. She can understand what her daughter wants to convey through a short phone call without a secret code.

One, something is wrong with her here, but she is safe for the time being;

Second, someone monitored their calls;

Third, the target may be Zhenji herself. Don't allocate too many people to rescue your daughter, which will lower your security level.

The ferry ran for a while and finally stopped due to serious injuries.

"Miss, the submarine has been inspected and there is no problem." the security captain reported.

Kujo Miki crossed her legs and held her temple with her left hand, thinking silently.

She was always wary of the enemy's sudden departure, and therefore was not at ease with submarines.


The security captain's intercom rang.

"Captain, an unknown ship was found!"

Jingliu's eyes stabbed at the walkie-talkie like daggers, while Kujo Miji's expression remained unchanged.

The security captain said solemnly: "Find out the opponent's identity and be more vigilant!"


Miki Kujo put her right hand on her knees and tapped her slender fingers lightly. She was wearing jeans and her legs were straight and slender.

After a while, the intercom rang again.

"Captain! This is a yacht for ordinary tourists!"

"double confirm!"

"After the second confirmation, it is a yacht belonging to ordinary tourists. They are all young women, some Asians and some Europeans, who drive their own yachts to travel!"

"Sign the signal, forget it, just shout for help, remember to put your gun away, and pretend to be honest!"


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, not because they were saved, but because they were no longer enemies.

The ferry just stopped and someone came to rescue you? Is there such a coincidence?

Kujo Miki didn’t believe it.

She stood up and said, "Follow my orders and shoot at any time."

The security captain and Jingliu didn't know the reason, but they didn't need a reason to obey Kujo Miki's order, let alone on the sea, even in a well-ordered city, they would still shoot as long as she gave the order.

But when the yacht came closer, Kujo Miki was also confused.

All of them were young, beautiful, and extremely beautiful. Not to mention the men in the security team, even Miki Kujo herself was a little dazzled by them.

Most importantly, these people have white and tender skin, slender limbs, and no signs of exercise at all.

"It's a good thing you're a girl, otherwise we wouldn't dare approach you." said a girl from the Xia Kingdom named Li Qianxia.

The witch is responsible for translating.

Kujo Meiji glanced at Li Qianxia, ​​glanced around, and finally landed on Yaochi and Jiutian Xuannv.

Both of them have an aura of nobility and should be the core figures of this small circle.

"Something unexpected happened. Let's borrow the yacht. When we get to England, I will pay ten times the price of the yacht as a reward." Kujo Miki said.

"It would be even better if I could gain Miss Kujo's friendship." Yaochi said with a smile.


All the security personnel took out their guns, pointing their black muzzles at everyone.

From the beginning to the end, Kujo Miki never reported her family name.

"Ah!!" Li Qianxia screamed.

She gave her acting skills 90%.

The remaining ten points depend on the setting, that is, if her teammates don't give her the best, otherwise it will be useless no matter how well she performs.

From the corner of my eye, I saw that these fairies were indeed drama queens. They were trembling and their flowers were as delicate as being blown by the wind.

Only Yaochi, Jiutian Xuannv, and Fenghuang remained calm, and Fenghuang even took out a pistol.

She took out the gun, but Kujo Miki felt relieved. A group of delicate and beautiful women dare to go to sea alone? Normally she would be suspicious, let alone now.

Yaochi stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Xia Guo international student, surnamed Zhao, Zhao Qingyao."

Among the international students in Xia State, there is a special group of people who use legal false identities and have a completely different temperament from other international students.

Among these international students, there is also a small group of the most special ones. Their pseudonyms are usually "Zhao".

Kujo Miki stretched out her hand and held it with her opponent: "Kujo Miki."

Yaochi looked at the fifteen-year-old girl in front of her. She had a stunning face and a pair of big eyes that were slightly arrogant, but because of her affection, there was also a hint of charm. Her figure was slender but plump. Simple jeans could make people think.

Letting go of his hand, Yaochi stepped aside: "Please."

Looking at the yacht going away, Li Changzhou fell into deep thought.

"What do we do?" he asked.

After fighting for so long, it happened to be sunset, and the setting sun gilded the three of them in gold.

"Where's the submarine?" Yang Qinglan asked.

"Only two people can sit there."

"You swim back." Chang'e said matter-of-factly, and then after careful consideration, she added, "I can give you a rope to drag you away."

Before Li Changzhou could say anything, Yang Qinglan said, "Squeeze."

"Shall I hold you?" she asked Chang'e.

"You're pregnant, let me hold you."

"There is another option," Li Changzhou stroked his chin, "Chang'e will come and I will hold you."

"I can't." Chang'e said.

"It's simple. I'll teach you, and you must learn it, just in case."

Hey, Yang Qinglan held her in his arms and didn't want to let go at all.

Yang Qinglan's face was a little red, and Chang'e quickly learned to drive a submarine, because she didn't need to care about "car accidents" at all in the sea, so she had enough attention to pay attention to the two people in the co-pilot seat.

"What's jumping around?" Chang'e asked, staring at the two of them.

"Heart." Yang Qinglan replied.

"But it's down there." Chang'e looked down.

"Dantian." Li Changzhou replied, "I am cultivating my inner strength."

"It's best not to practice," Chang'e said disdainfully. "It's better if you don't have it. If you have it, you will want to use it. Once you use it, you will die."

"You are right, I don't practice anymore."

"Then you still dance?"

".Be careful, there's a shark ahead."

The shark reacts faster than a submarine to avoid this strange and strange thing.

Because of Chang'e's violent manipulation, Yang Qinglan's body was almost softened.

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