King of Black Mist

Chapter 514 The Transformer’s Equipment and Beliefs

"Miss Kujo, with our fuel, it is impossible to reach England directly. We must go to Holland first." Yaochi said.

In the living room of a medium-sized yacht, Miki Kujo sat on a chair, folding her arms and meditating. Shizuru and the security captain stood behind her.

The rest of the security personnel stood outside, watching the sky and sea.

"Miss Zhao," Kujo Miki said in Chinese, "What was your original plan?"

"We started from the UK and went to France, Belgium, Holland, and then planned to go to Germany and Denmark. Finally, we will take a plane at Oslo International Airport in Norway and return to the UK."

"Germany probably doesn't want to receive tourists these days. How about going directly to Denmark?"

"Of course." Yaochi smiled, noble and elegant, "We come out to have fun. If we can't have fun in Germany, there is no need to go, but - when we get to Denmark, we will be separated from Miss Kujo."

Kujo Miki nodded.

Although they said it was an accident that caused the ferry to break down, and the other party believed it on the surface, the craters on the hull spoke for themselves.

The fact that the other party agreed to give her a ride showed courage that matched his status—even superhuman.

This yacht has turned off all positioning. Fortunately, it is not in the depths of the ocean, and Denmark can drive through it just by feeling.

Nothing happened along the way, and everyone arrived in Denmark smoothly.

"Goodbye, Miss Zhao."


The two parties separated, and Kujo Miki quickly said: "Prepare the ferry, train, or car to England immediately. The fastest one."


She lowered her voice again and said: "Jingliu, use your fake identity to buy tickets for five flights. The destination only needs to be Japan. It only takes the two of us. Quick."

Everyone pricked up their ears and heard all this with superhuman hearing.

Watching Kujo Meiji go away, Yaochi ordered: "Phoenix, contact Xiao Wusheng and the others and ask them to go directly from Germany to Japan."

Phoenix walked away a little and took out the mobile phone he had prepared temporarily.

Yaochi said to the miko again: "Miko, you and I will keep an eye on Jingliu to see which flights she buys. Qianxia, ​​you and Xuannu, Baihua and the others protect 'Hamburg'. The airport directly from Denmark to Japan is in Copenhagen. She should go there secretly and be careful with modern weapons.”


Originally, it would be better to leave things like keeping an eye on Jingliu to fairies who are not good at melee combat, but these fairies don't know much about flights and air tickets.

If Yaochi goes there in person, not only can he find a way to get a ticket, but he can also adapt to the situation and ensure that he and Kujo Miki are on the same plane but will not meet each other.

"Sister Yao, I have a question." Li Qianxia raised her hand.

"what is the problem?"

"How can I contact my brother and my sister-in-law?"

"Chang'e is not your sister-in-law, please speak out other people's names properly." Yaochi reminded kindly.


Then, Yaochi also fell silent. Who knows where Li Changzhou and the others are now?

There was no other way, and in the end we had to disperse our people - mainly modern people. The living Buddha stayed at the "birth point" of Hamburg, Germany, the knight went to the Netherlands, and Indra went to the UK.

"Report the news at any time." She warned.

If it was lost by someone else, Yaochi would not disperse people to find it, but it was Li Changzhou who was lost. Li Changzhou had to find it, whether it was for emotional reasons or considering combat prowess.

As for Li Changzhou, his initial destination was the "birth point" of Hamburg, Germany.

Coming out of the two-seater submarine, Yang Qinglan's face was red, her hair on her temples was wet with sweat, and was carefully outlined on her white jade-like face.

Li Changzhou jumped all the way, this gangster.

Yang Qinglan wanted to find a place to teach him a lesson.

Li Changzhou also wanted to be taught a lesson. With Chang'e by his side along the way, it had to be said that there was another kind of stimulation.

"Amitabha." The living Buddha found them.

"Plane?" Li Changzhou calmed down after hearing what Hamburg's next plan was. "Planes are more dangerous than ships. As long as the other party destroys the plane, Hamburg will definitely die."

"Unless we knock Hamburger unconscious, we have no reason to stop her. If we want to knock out Hamburg, who is on high alert, we are likely to expose our strength." Yang Qinglan said.

Li Changzhou spoke directly to Yaochi through the living Buddha's mobile phone, wanting to know her thoughts.


"Are you okay?" Yaochi asked with concern.

Li Changzhou, who originally wanted to talk about the matter directly, couldn't help but soften his tone: "It's okay, I just feel like vomiting just looking at the sea."

"Two beauties are following you. Are they vomiting from above or from below?" Yaochi lowered his voice when he said this.

You know I'm sorry!

On Li Changzhou's side, Yang Qinglan, Chang'e, and the Living Buddha are all listening. How should he deal with it? !

A bad woman who only cares about herself.

"I almost vomited all over Qinglan."

Yang Qinglan pinched Li Changzhou's waist.

Li Changzhou held her hand in his palm and continued: "Where are you?"

"Everything is fine. Your sister was scratched on the chest."

Li Changzhou's heart suddenly tightened, but he said: "It's better to get hurt a little, than to be careless all the time and die in the end. What happened to the plane?"

"This is an opportunity." On the other side of the phone, Yaochi was very calm. "'Hamburg' is very smart. Not only did people prepare various means of transportation to the UK, but they also bought a lot of air tickets to Japan. To be honest, I can't even do it now. Determine which route she will ultimately take.”

"I have experienced her cunning."

Li Changzhou thought of the hours he spent soaking in the water to protect the submarine.

Yaochi smiled and continued: "We don't know, and the other party naturally doesn't know either. This may not be a good way to delay time.

"And back in Japan, with the strength shown by 'Hamburg' now, the local forces will only be stronger. It can be said that it is a home battle. Especially if the players cannot show extraordinary strength, whether the opponent can defeat 'Hamburg's security system will matter." It’s an unknown.”

After Yaochi's analysis, Li Changzhou also felt that it made sense.

It's actually very dangerous to keep 'Hamburg' around. The players from the other team look like they're high-tech players. Even if they knock out 'Hamburg' and use all their strength, they still can't be their opponents.

But "Burger" returned to Japan and summoned his men. Even if the other team of players had high technology, they would not dare to use it blatantly. Once "Burger" knew about it, they would be immediately wiped out of the game.

"The only thing we need to worry about is the period before arriving in Japan." Li Changzhou said.

"That's right, so come here quickly. Don't think about vomiting. If you want to vomit, come to me."


"Sister Yao, the beef rice is ready!" the witch's voice said.

"beef rice?"

"I haven't eaten until now. I bought the boxed fast food from a cart on the roadside. Come here while it's hot."

Li Changzhou hung up the phone.

The living Buddha had already hid in a place where the sound of cell phone calls could not be heard.

Even though everyone is now in the mission world and their strength is suppressed, the fact that Li Changzhou is the Emperor of Heaven will not change. Eavesdropping on the chat between the Emperor of Heaven and his concubines is obviously not what a spiritual Buddha should do, nor is it an act of survival.

"I'm hungry too with beef rice."

With a high-intensity body and no magic power, he can only rely on food to replenish his physical strength.

"Should we eat first or go to Copenhagen first?" Li Changzhou asked.

"You vomit first, so you won't vomit on us later." Chang'e was totally disgusted.

Li Changzhou looked at Yang Qinglan: "Shall we find a place to vomit first?"


A huge cruise ship has been turned into a processing factory, with various eyeball-shaped aircraft floating around, monitoring everything.

"Is there no news yet?" The witch's slender legs were crossed on the conference table.

"The target is very clever." The modifier is very delicate, his appearance is difficult to distinguish between male and female, and his voice is neutral.

"You can't even find it?" the old woman asked.

"The time is too short, I can only borrow the satellite network of this planet. Now, we can either spread our manpower and seize every line, or go directly to Japan, I suggest the latter."

"What if the target doesn't go to Japan?" The Scarlet Demon Emperor's arm has been replaced.

"Japan has her family."

"But Japan also has her men and cannot use weapons that are too advanced. With just a few of us, the King of Black Mist doesn't even need to take action." Hongge said.

"I've checked," the renovator said, "There are gangs in Japan. We can build it without us. We give them weapons and money. If they don't obey orders, they will be killed. There are many people, and the Kujo family only has a few people."

"Since you have already made up your mind, we will listen to you." The doctor said.

"Also, I have prepared some little things for you."

The desktop is like a flower, with more than a dozen boxes blooming.

The remodeler stood up and opened the box while saying, "The materials are limited and the time is limited. I can only make a few gadgets."

white armor;

flashlight-like grip;

long steel rod;

Eyeball-shaped small drone.

"Bulletproof armor: a power-enhancing exoskeleton, a propeller, eight small missiles in the magazine on the left shoulder, and a white phosphorus bomb on the right shoulder. Hongge, come and try it."

Hong Ge put on his white armor and helmet.

The screen lights up instantly, showing the navigation map, real-time system status, and rear view images.

Countless blue dots appeared on the screen, all around him.

"When the target information is captured, it will be marked in gold, and enemy players will be in red." The modifier said.

"Is this a lightsaber?" The behemoth (a child playing with a drone) picked up the handle like a flashlight and flicked it.

Buzz! ! !

The light shines.

"There is a wall between weapons and bare hands," said the Scarlet Demon Emperor, whose arm was torn off by Li Qianxia's bare hands. "I didn't believe it before, but now I do."

A lightsaber is a weapon!

This is like meeting a dog on the road and it barks at you. If you wear slippers, you consider giving it a three-pointer, but if you wear running shoes, you will stop and look at it.

With the lightsaber in hand, the Scarlet Demon Emperor felt that the woman's shoes were at least offset, and the opponent should give him three points!

The remodeler picked up the steel rod again: "This rod is made of a special material and is very strong. It can also release a strong current that is enough to electrocute 'Denim'."

The player named Denim nodded, indicating that he had been electrocuted.

The modifier put down the steel rod and put his hand on the box of the eyeball-shaped drone: "Small-sized aircraft, each armor can follow six, can share the field of view, fire three lasers, and the body can also be detonated as an explosive."

Six eye-shaped aircraft took off and hovered around Hongge, who was wearing white armor. They were full of momentum, like the God of War.

"Just these crappy things?" The witch was dissatisfied.

"I've said it many times," the modifier sat down again. "The main people participating in the war this time are not us. These things are just in case. The main force is the Japanese gangsters - it doesn't matter whether they are gangsters or not."

"How can we make gangsters obey? Relying on money and guns is too slow. Time is not on our side." The old woman asked.

The remodeler glanced at the doctor.

The doctor took out a medicine box and after opening it, six syringes were displayed inside like a work of art.

"I named it after the Earth's culture, Z Potion. After taking it, you will need a shot every half hour, otherwise it will fall into Manifen's mouth."

Maniphon is one of the players present. She is plump and ugly, with only 1 point of charm. She is a kind of monster.

The mouth, throat, and stomach are all covered with dagger-like teeth. After being eaten, it is like potatoes falling into the KFC French fries cutting machine.

"This first ship will also continuously produce small drones for everyone to consume and search for targets."

"Why not hack into the national system and launch nuclear bombs directly? Just kill the target." The giant asked.

Everyone also looked at the reformer.

"I forgot to tell you something, I'm sorry," the modifier apologized, "If the target is found to be present, all weapons will be disabled."


The witch asked in a deep tone: "So the reason why you don't use nuclear bombs is because you are worried about being suspected by the target and causing you to be erased from the game?"

"I have become a god. It doesn't matter whether the mission succeeds or fails. Living is the most important thing."


With a bang, the reformer's head rolled onto the conference table, blood spurted out, and the Scarlet Demon Emperor waved his lightsaber, making a buzzing sound.

"It feels good."

"Definitely." The head soaked in blood showed a proud expression, "Although I haven't touched these low-level toys for many years, I have never given up on my craftsmanship. The original intention is the most important."

The doctor turned a deaf ear and said to everyone: "Remember, our mission is to hold the players back. It is not convenient for us to directly attack the target and let the natives do it."

The head spoke again: "Living, living is the first priority, there is no civilization without people."


The head was split in half.

No one knows where the real body of the reformer is. After the first separate action, this kind of prosthetic body appeared.

"Enough with the gossip."

Before the doctor finished speaking, Hongge said: "You are amazing! You are noble!"

Todoroki took off his helmet and said, "The modifier imitated my voice."

The doctor continued: "This is the information I collected about the target. This girl is extremely mysophobic. The restaurants she often goes to will prepare special tables, chairs, and chopsticks for her. Even the food will have people watching it. She will never have anything to do with men. There is very little physical contact with women.”

Japan, Tokyo.

Kujo Miki arrived safely.

Jingliu, who had been tense for twelve hours since getting on the plane, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

To prevent accidents, Kujo Miki didn't even inform her mother about which route she would take. Therefore, when she arrived at her own territory, no one came to pick her up.

"Contact my mother and ask her to send someone here." Kujo Miki ordered. When she got here, her eyes became more dangerous and a little unscrupulous.


While waiting, the two of them rested in the VIP room, where she had a private room.

A female waiter brought the simple meal and said with a sweet smile: "Please use it slowly, madam."

She took out a knife from under the dinner plate.


Blood dripped and smeared on Kujo Miki's pants.

"Who sent you here?" Kujo Miki's face was gloomy.

Jingliu grabbed the knife with his left hand and pinched the waiter's slender neck with his right hand.

The waiter opened his mouth, but before he could breathe out, he rolled his eyes and died.

"Poison?" Jingliu checked and simply wrapped his left hand with a napkin, "Miss, you can't stay here for a long time!"

"Go to the lobby. I want to see if they dare to kill people in public."

Jingliu pushed open the heavy soundproof door with his shoulder.

"Da da da da da da da da da da!"

Violent and crazy gunshots hit the two people like a torrential rain.

The airport, which had been normal before, was littered with corpses, and thugs charged with weapons and massacred wantonly.

The two people hurriedly returned to the VIP room. Bang bang bang, a row of bullets hit the door, and the door was hit with sparks flying.

In the hall, the witch was walking leisurely, with the giant creature beside her, jumping over the corpses like a latticework.

"Continue to suppress the King of Black Mist and others with firepower, and I will kill the target." The two of them walked towards the VIP room.

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