King of Black Mist

Chapter 548 Academy City

They also chose a time to leave the country. It happened to be the end of August, the day when school started.

Yaochi returns to the Zhao family and Bi returns to Mars.

Li Changzhou, Yang Qinglan, and Li Qianxia sent Yang Tianlu, Li Yuyin, and Li Huoya to school.

The school is built on the sea, an entire island, no matter what Academy City, there are schools of various levels, the teachers are the best, and the supporting facilities are complete.

Security is also at the highest level.

If an invasion occurs, as humans - which does not seem to represent humans, as the seeds of earth's civilization, the entire island will be evacuated immediately and escape into the void.

August 31, 8 a.m., Chairman’s Office.

The secretary brought tea, but the chairman waved her away. Just as he was about to pour tea for Li Changzhou himself, Yaferona took the teapot from his hand.

The tea is poured into the tea cup, and the strong scent of rules fills the air. This is a kind of enlightenment tea.

Players enter and exit various worlds, and there are countless tea leaves that are beneficial to enlightenment. Enlightenment tea cannot refer to a specific tree, or even a certain kind of tea tree, and has developed into a "series".

After pouring tea for Li Changzhou and the six of them one by one, Yaferona said:

"Your Majesty, the 'Rensen Academy' is one of the best elementary schools in the entire Academy City. If the prince and the two princesses want to enroll, this school is a good choice."

"Is there still a Divine Fire Academy?" Li Huoya asked.

She wears a long skirt with light texture. Even at a young age, she is already elegant and gorgeous, with a natural nobility.

Yaferona nodded: "Shenhuo Academy is also one of the best primary schools."

"It's best for the three of you to be in the same school," Li Changzhou said. "Huo Ya, you don't want to go to a place full of first-grade children, right? With Tian Lu and Yu Yin, looking at Tian Lu, Chat with Yuyin.”

Li Huoya asked: "Stay together? Does that mean you can go to Shenhuo Academy?"

"Of course." Li Changzhou nodded, "As long as we are together, we can go to any school."

Yang Qinglan, who was wearing a white T-shirt, light blue slim jeans, and a cyan hat with gorgeous black hair, asked Yang Tianlu: "Tianlu, which school do you want to go to?"

Yang Tianlu is seven or eight years old, and he looks like he stepped out of a painting.

The single sofa was too high for him and his legs couldn't reach the ground. At this time, after listening to his mother's inquiry, he thought about it seriously and said, "Mom, I want to go and have a look first, is that okay?"

Li Changzhou looked at the chairman of Academy City.

The chairman, who stood in a corner like a green plant, immediately bent down and said: "I will accompany the three highnesses."

"The chairman is accompanying me personally, so what's the point of me hiding my identity and coming here? You call a teacher with a tighter tone to come over."

"Yes, yes!" The chairman nodded quickly.

Li Qianxia smiled and said: "The teacher is accompanying you, so your status is not low."

She wore gray short-sleeves and blue denim shorts with white five-pointed stars printed on them. Her legs were slender and slender. Although her breasts were not big, they were vividly outlined by the short-sleeves.

"Not too high, not too low, just right." Li Changzhou smiled.

The chairman called a female teacher to visit the school with three children. Yang Tianlu asked Li Huoya to hold his hand while walking.

After the three children left, Yaferona found a topic to talk about.

"Your Majesty, Mingcheng University has also moved here."

Before Li Changzhou said anything, Li Qianxia became interested and asked, "How is the ranking? Is it the best university?"

Yaferona replied: "It is the best university in the field of general culture, but not in terms of cultivation. The best college for cultivators is Tianxian College. I personally serve as the principal. I plan to give a ray of purple energy to the best graduate every year. .”

A ray of purple energy can elevate people to the realm of immortals. Except for the lack of God's will, the rest is exactly the same as that of immortals.

"Since you want to give, you can't favor one over the other," Li Changzhou made some suggestions, "give it to the best graduate in the entire Academy City."

"Yes." Yafelona nodded and smiled, "But the best graduate in the entire Academy City is almost certainly from Tianxian Academy."

"If you have hope, you will have the motivation to work hard, and occasionally geniuses will appear." Li Changzhou smiled.

After chatting for a while, we heard about Academy City's plan.

The college is divided into cultural departments and training departments.

The knowledge of culture and science is no longer what it used to be, except for language and mathematics. The overall situation has not changed. It is just that history, language, law, etc. have changed from the scope of the earth to dozens of worlds.

In terms of science, naturally there are all kinds of high technologies.

"Knowledge about the earth requires graduate students and Ph.D.s. It integrates technologies from all worlds. Can you learn it?" Li Qianxia was curious.

The chairman wanted to speak, but Yaferona spoke first: "The environment has changed, the energy of heaven and earth is abundant, and the food they eat is different, every student now has the ability to have photographic memory."

"Yes." The chairman quickly added, "Generally, you can learn all the basic knowledge in junior high school. In high school, you start to divide the subjects and specialize in certain ones. In college, you can further subdivide it and only study one to three subjects."

Li Qianxia looked at Li Changzhou and teased: "Brother, if you go to the college entrance examination now, I'm afraid you won't get the top score in liberal arts."

"I've decided directly now. Do I still need to take the exam?" Li Changzhou said with a smile.

Yang Qinglan looked at him with a smile.

Li Qianxia rolled her eyes.

Yaferona, the chairman, and the secretary of the chairman laughed warmly and implicitly, implicitly and enthusiastically.

"Where's the training department?" Li Qianxia asked again.

The chairman looked at Yafelona, ​​who started to introduce the whole story.

“Elementary schools do not have culture or cultivation subjects. Everyone learns culture and cultivation knowledge;

“When I got to junior high school, there were cultural classes in the morning and cultivation classes in the afternoon;

“In high school, some schools only teach cultural classes, and some schools only teach cultivation. Most still teach culture in the morning and cultivation in the afternoon;

"Cultivation and culture are completely separated. Starting from college, before college, junior high school and high school are confrontations between schools. At university, people in the cultivation field must practice, and students die every year because of this.

"So, whether to choose a training university is completely voluntary. Of course, each school has admission standards and minimum cultivation requirements."

Li Qianxia nodded and asked, "Is there a club?"

Li Changzhou held the teacup and signaled that he wanted to clink glasses with Yang Qinglan, and Yang Qinglan satisfied his little taste.

"Yes." Yaferona nodded, "There is it in junior high school. There is a club competition, divided into junior high school and high school, cultural achievements of Kobi. Last year's first place developed the Titan bloodline, which was inspired by "Attack on Titan". This kind of The potion has been acquired by the development team, he is a very smart kid.”

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Li Qianxia applauded and said in admiration: "I'm not surprised to gain abilities, but realizing your fantasy through technological means is amazing."

Yaferona nodded with a smile and continued: "The training department is relatively not that outstanding, but there are also highly talented children. Last year, the first place in the high school department was only seventeen years old. He was already in the third level. He is expected to be in the third level before graduating from college. Impact the Immortal."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Li Qianxia applauded again: "This is also amazing."

She asked curiously: "Where is the university?"

"The university is mainly about practice, completing various tasks, such as collecting elixirs, killing monsters, etc., and even following the development team to attack other worlds. You will get value points for each task.

“In addition, college students also have club competitions, with rewards and value points distributed according to ranking.

"Whether you can graduate in the end depends on your value points; whether you can engage in a certain job also depends on your value points - the value points of the martial arts competition are high, but there are only a few rankings, so for most students, practice It’s more important and more realistic.”

"It sounds so interesting, I want to read it." Li Qianxia yearned for it.

The chairman seized the opportunity and said: "It is because of Your Majesty and you that students can enjoy their study life safely."

"I'm so amazing!" Li Qianxia boasted and asked, "Are all the students from the Six Stars here?"

"Each planet has an Academy City. The overall system is similar, but the details are slightly different. For example, Mars is full of Russians, and the education methods are definitely different; and between colleges, there is both cooperation and confrontation."

"Yeah." Li Qianxia nodded and suddenly said, "Brother, I think every conquered world can build an academy city, so that the indigenous people can also learn the cultural knowledge of the earth, and arrange various activities between schools. Deepen connections between students.”

"If you don't mind the trouble, let Yaferona cooperate with you." Li Changzhou crossed his legs and drank tea leisurely.

"Then it's settled." Li Qianxia was trying to figure out how to resolve racial conflicts, and founding a school was a good breakthrough point.

Let us all be friends since childhood. When we grow up, we will naturally be harmonious and understand each other.

Even if you can't be nice, there is still a safe place to vent your hatred.

She chatted with Yaferona, and then asked the chairman about some specific management of the school, and asked the chairman to give his opinions on how to plan the Academy City in another world.

Soon, Yang Tianlu, Li Yuyin, and Li Huoya came back.

Yang Qinglan touched his little head: "Where have you planned to go?"

"Well," Yang Tianlu nodded, "I want to go to Badmington."

"Badmington?" Yang Qinglan was puzzled.

The chairman did not rush to speak this time.

Yaferona said with some confusion: "This seems to be a girls' school?"

Yang Qinglan asked her son: "Are you going to a girls' school?"

"Yeah!" Yang Tianlu nodded, "I like it there, they are all girls."

"Tell mom," Yang Qinglan, a beautiful young mother, asked softly, "do you want to go to a girls' school because you have been surrounded by girls since you were a child, or do you go to a girls' school because you like girls?"

"Well——," Yang Tianlu thought for a while and shouted innocently, "Both of them!"

Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou said to the chairman: "Arrange for him to go to Renxian Academy."

"Yes." The chairman agreed quickly.

Yang Tianlu pouted, unhappy.

"Huo Ya, Yu Yin, take good care of your younger brother." Li Changzhou told the two of them again.

"Yes." Li Yuyin nodded, playing the role of an elegant and quiet little girl - talking too much will lead to mistakes.

"Don't worry, if he dares to disobey, I'll break his legs." Li Huoya pulled Yang Tianlu to his side and wrapped his wrist around his throat, like a robber taking a hostage.

Academy City only has students besides teachers, so it naturally adopts a boarding system, and you can go back every winter and summer vacation.

Yang Tianlu is naturally no exception. From today on, he will live in Academy City with his two sisters.

Parents can visit the island, but they can stay for up to three days. Other unrelated people can visit the island only under special circumstances, such as various competitions.

In a sense, this boarding system alleviated Li Changzhou's guilt.

The value game wasn't over yet, and he couldn't stay with his child even if he wanted to. Letting his child stay in a boarding house gave him an excuse not to stay with his child.

Yang Qinglan doesn't care.

He also comforted him that whether parents treat their children well or not is not just a simple companionship. As long as they only care about and love their children and the children can feel it, it is enough.

After completing the admission procedures, Li Qianxia and Yafelona went to do business in another world. Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan walked around Academy City together.

The two used spells that interfered with perception. Although they were not disguised, outsiders could not recognize them.

Today is the beginning of school, and there are people coming and going on the island, including many students and parents.

Without the students' parents, they would not be suspected. The two of them were still the same as they were in their sophomore year.

In a coffee shop with coconut trees at the door, the two of them were sitting in the dining area in front of the shop. Li Changzhou took photos of Yang Qinglan.

After patting him, Yang Qinglan said, "This kid Tianlu may really have no future."

Li Changzhou looked at the beautiful woman wearing a hat in the camera and couldn't help laughing.

"Tong Yan Wuji, children in kindergarten can make appointments to get married when they grow up." After saying that, he couldn't help but said, "My wife is so beautiful."

In the lens, the sun is shining brightly, the coconut trees are tall and green, and it is a seaside scenery. It is Yang Qinglan who makes this scene look like a movie shot.

Yang Qinglan put her hands on her face and made a very cute gesture.

"Good, good, good, good, one more." Li Changzhou's photography soul burst out.

Yang Qinglan pretended to drink coffee again.

The literary girl before marriage turned into a model fairy, taking pictures with Li Changzhou.

After sitting for a while, the two got on the driverless bus of the tourist line and visited various scenic spots in the school.

Arrived at Mingcheng University.

"It was moved here directly." Li Changzhou said.

Exactly the same as before.

The only difference is that there are more celebrities on the wall, Li Changzhou.

"I'll take you to the law school." Li Changzhou held Yang Qinglan's hand, and the two of them swayed their arms like children.

"Look." Yang Qinglan suddenly laughed and pointed to Li Changzhou.

What did Li Changzhou say? He looked in the direction she pointed. Under the wisteria corridor in the small garden downstairs of the law school, there was a sculpture of him studying seriously with a book in his hand.

"I did read a book here!" Li Changzhou laughed loudly, thinking that the sculpture was very silly.

He took a photo and sent it to Li Qianxia with a proud emoticon of wearing sunglasses and smiling sideways.

Li Qianxia replied: Li Ergou, you are worthy!

Yang Qinglan let go of Li Changzhou's hand, walked over and said, "I'll take a photo with my husband."

She stands behind the sculpture and peeks at the book in the sculpture’s hand;

Standing next to the sculpture again, she looked like a schoolgirl who had a crush on Senior Li Changzhou, looking at the sculpture with admiration and fascination.

After taking the photo, she ordered to Li Changzhou: "Come, let's take a photo with my husband too."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After taking the photo, the two entered the building and sat in a classroom where they had attended classes, even the ivy by the window was there.

Li Changzhou talked about interesting things at that time.

"At that time, the Special Operations Bureau made a website, do you still remember? When I clicked on it, it was 'It's a sunny morning~! The pigeon whistle is accompanied by the wake-up call~!', I entered at the time of class, still holding breakfast in my mouth .”

After graduating from law school, I went to the philosophy department.

Yang Qinglan's life was dull. She took notes carefully in class, went back to the Yanhe Road Bookstore after class, occasionally lived on campus, and had no friends at all.

After coming out of Mingcheng University, the two of them walked happily on the road.

Suddenly, Yang Qinglan asked: "When do you plan to marry Yaochi? You have merged with God's will and ascended to the throne. The power of the contract comes into play, and you cannot resist for long."

Li Changzhou stopped and said, "...this matter."

He seemed hesitant.

Yang Qinglan smiled and flicked her finger on Li Changzhou's forehead: "The future is uncertain, and I can't do it without her. When I win in the future, if she is left alone, and the years are long, I will still feel guilty for a long time. It's better to have three people together." Together, we will overcome the current difficulties together, and we will be able to be happy together for a lifetime in the future."

"I was about to tell you about this, but I didn't expect you to speak first." Li Changzhou was full of apologies.

"This shows that you value feelings."

Li Changzhou couldn't help but laugh: "My wife's beauty in me is private to me."

After a pause, he said: "I plan to hold a wedding with you, Yaochi, and the three of you. Are you willing? You don't have to worry about trouble this time. Everything is left to the Shenyi Clan. You only need to put on the wedding dress and be a Just the bride will do.”

"I've never worn a wedding dress, so I might as well try it on once." Yang Qinglan smiled under the brim of her hat.

"Western style? Hanfu?"

"If possible, I would like to try it."

"Why don't we go find Yaochi now and let the three of us try together?" Li Changzhou was moved.

Yang Qinglan stared at him: "Do you want three people to try on wedding clothes, or three people?"

"Uh, can't you think about it all?"

Yang Qinglan's hand reached for Li Changzhou's ear, and Li Changzhou put his arms around her waist, holding her tightly in his arms as if they were fused together.

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