King of Black Mist

Chapter 549 Return to the Ming Dynasty

Li Changzhou originally planned to go to Zhao's house, but Yaochi stopped him when he came back.

"No emperor would go to his concubine's home and reward them with something at most," she said.

Li Changzhou doesn't want to go to these politicians' parents, and is worried that their good relationship will become a bargaining chip.

"It's up to you, but what's the reward? A world?"

"Yes," Yaochi said with a smile, "Aferona rules the entire earth, preventing the earth from meaningless internal friction, and at the same time, it is completely controlled by you."

"Where is the divine throne?" Li Changzhou asked again.

As the earth occupied more and more worlds, the number of gods he could canonize increased a lot. Unfortunately, the overall prosperity declined and it was unable to increase his cultivation.

Li Qianxia ordered to stop the expansion of territory and rectify the internal affairs, which can greatly improve the prosperity.

"Forget it about the divine position, you can't give too much at one time." Yaochi said.

The earth decided like this, and then the three of them headed to the Great Wall of Divine Will.

The top ten elders of the Shenyi Clan received him at the ancestral star of the Shenyi Clan.

The Divine Will Ancestral Star is extremely prosperous and is supported by a domain of countless light years. If mortals on earth live here and do nothing, they can grow to the peak of mortals, easily comprehend Divine Will, and become Divine Will warriors.

But the overall style is more natural, without messy technology.

The Hall of Divine Will, also known as the Highest Place.

The Great Elder said: "Now the whole universe is not optimistic about you. Among the top five, 'Forever Invincible' is not in the top ten. But she doesn't like to manage power, and she also incorporates a magical providence. Only you are true." Poor performance.”

There was a hint of temptation in his tone.

Without real confirmation, no one dares to make a conclusion about the King of Black Mist, and can only guess.

The second elder waved his hand and said: "If you really don't perform well, I suggest you use your 'pseudo-winner attitude' and knock out all the top ten in the past three years!"

The Sixth Elder shook his head: "These are the seeds of hope that are swimming against the current and participating in the Holy War. Dozens of saints are traveling upstream in time. No one player can resist alone."

"You seem to be on Ah Zhou's side?" Yaochi said with a smile, his tone casual.

The Shenyi Clan, which once overwhelmed the earth, was nothing in her eyes.

The ten most powerful providences are evaluated based on the needs of players. Therefore, they are extremely practical. Any one of them that is the strongest is enough to destroy the Great Wall of Providence.

Yang Qinglan, who was wearing elegant blue Hanfu, said: "They suggested using the 'fake winner' attitude, which proves that they are not optimistic about Ah Zhou, but only like the 'fake winner' attitude."

Some elders looked embarrassed.

He was so thick-skinned that he didn't react.

The great elder said: "No matter what, our Shenyi clan will stand with the King of Black Mist. Please rest assured about this."

"The Divine Will Clan?" Li Changzhou asked, "Not the Divine Will Great Wall?"

"King of Black Mist, you don't know something," the Ninth Elder said in a respectful tone, "In the past three years, channels have been opened between major civilization circles in the universe. Although Corpse Gene, Princess, True Dragon and others are in retreat, they have not personally They took action, but their power expanded rapidly, and many races within the Great Wall of Divine Will have surrendered to them and each has his own master."

The Shenyi Clan itself has no unique characters.

Four times on Xingkong Tianlu, not once ranked in the top ten.

"Boy Li," the elder asked softly, "tell us, are you sure?"

The Great Elder is extremely powerful, and his understanding of God's will is enough to be rated as "Galaxy Level" even if he were placed on Tianlu.

With such a starting point, coupled with countless years of understanding, the strongest players may not be his opponents at the moment.

"Thirty to four percent." Li Changzhou only had so much confidence.

"Thirty to four percent." The ten elders pondered.

"It's lower."

"It doesn't matter if it's low, it won't reflect our value if it's not difficult."

Li Changzhou murmured in his heart that the spirit of this Shenyi clan was higher than his.

But it's normal. The Shenyi clan has been at the top for so many years, and it's normal for them to feel uneasy for a while.

"Okay!" The second elder interrupted everyone's discussion, "Thirty to forty percent is enough. Who dares to say that he can definitely win against the Queen, Corpse Gene and others? He may not even dare to say that he is 50% sure!"

"Wait a minute." Li Changzhou interrupted, "When I say 30% to 40%, I mean the probability of me becoming the 'winner'."


The ten elders looked at him.

It was their turn to mutter to themselves - are you too arrogant?

The "winner" is not only enough to win against the corpse gene, the concubine and others, but also to win against all the saints in the upper reaches of time.

This may not lead to a "winner".

Those who are even 10% sure are unprecedented geniuses.

Everyone thought he was bragging, but this probability was the result of Li Changzhou's careful thinking.

He doesn't think the probability is high either.

The Starry Sky Road has been opened four times, and the first time is undoubtedly the most valuable. If the princess can take the first place, the probability of becoming the "winner" is at least 20%.

The corpse gene picked up the black bones of Li Changzhou's previous life and became the first spiritual species in ancient and modern times. This achievement has not been achieved by the 'sage-black hand' (or it has been achieved, but it has been surpassed).

The probability of the corpse gene is at least 20%.

Needless to say, the real dragon, how could the ‘sage-dragon’ be untargeted?

‘Forever invincible’ cannot be underestimated.

According to Yun Yunwuwu's true and false news, the "eternally invincible" providence can penetrate the past and the future. She can communicate with her past self and hear her future self's voice.

What does this mean?

Opportunity, practice and understanding can all seize the opportunity and become stronger all the time.

The four words "eternally invincible" are by no means a wasted reputation.

As for the top ten of the last three Heavenly Paths, overall they were not as good as the first, but it cannot be said that there was no chance, otherwise the Great Dao would not have opened the Heavenly Path for them.

"Let's stop the gossip," Li Changzhou didn't want to explain any more, and said, "You guys will organize the wedding. It can be as grand as possible."

"Be careful, this wedding may be an opportunity for everyone to test you." said the elder sitting in the third seat.

Li Changzhou's expression turned cold: "A wedding can only be a wedding. If anyone dares to cause trouble, don't worry about my ruthlessness."

If someone dares to rely on the power of large numbers and use force to overwhelm others, even if he fights against [God's will and destiny], he will give everyone a warning and directly use the 'pseudo-winner attitude'.

"Since it's going to be grand, I'm afraid it will take some time to prepare." The great elder said.

"Three months?"

It happened to be when Yang Tianlu was on winter vacation.

Parents can't hold a wedding without their children being present, right?

Um? Does it seem even more bizarre for parents to hold a wedding with their children present?

The Seventh Elder made an estimate and said, "Hurry up, you should be able to make it in time."

What the Shenyi people call grand is at least the entire Shenyi Great Wall celebrating at the same time, and all living planets will hold celebrations.

The cost of such a wedding exceeds the total value of hundreds of earths.

The matter was left to the Shenyi Clan, and Li Changzhou and the others returned to Heaven to continue their hard training.

It won't be long before those geniuses come out of isolation, the world will usher in great changes and chaos, and the entire universe will be in turmoil.

Li Changzhou has integrated [God's Will and Destiny]. Although he cannot change his own "current destiny", he can understand the destiny of others more deeply.

A month later, he was released from quarantine.

With enlightenment in his heart, he tore apart time and space, relying on the power of teleportation and fate, to teleport to a destiny node.

1565, the thirty-ninth year of Jiajing, the New Year's Eve.

Snow is falling on the world, and the Forbidden City is brightly lit.

Emperor Jiajing, who had been in seclusion in Xiyuan all year round, rarely returned to the palace to celebrate the New Year. Inside and outside the palace, the Ming Dynasty was all festive.

Since the emperor's cultivation of immortality, the laws have become wider and wider. Today, all the ministers brought two or three family members to the palace to watch the New Year's Eve.

The ministers and the emperor were together, and the wives and daughters of the ministers and the queen's concubines were together, and the voices from each other could be vaguely heard from both places.

Today’s meal is hot pot.

Place two pots made of silver and pewter on each table.

The meal includes pork slices, braised mutton slices, braised venison with deer tail, braised mutton, four bowls of meat dishes, a plate of steamed shouyi, a plate of oven-cooked shouyi, three side dishes in a snail box, and hot shredded pork rice.

The chopsticks used are all ebony inlaid with silver chopsticks - this is the kind used by Jia Mu in "A Dream of Red Mansions".

Play music and act.

The wind blows from one palace to another, carrying the fragrance of beast smoke and the fragrance of palace ladies' powder.

The snow kept falling.

"The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest. Your Majesty, the coming year will be a good one." Huang Jin poured wine for Jiajing.

Huang Jin is old. Although he has good looks, he looks very haggard compared with Jiajing, who looks about 20 years old.

The ministers toasted one after another, wishing His Majesty that he would attain enlightenment and become an immortal as soon as possible.

The atmosphere was in full swing when suddenly a eunuch on duty ran in and knelt down: "Your Majesty! Tianzhuan Palace is on fire!"

Tianzhuan Palace is a place where the royal palace worships gods, burns incense, and draws lots for divination.

The main hall fell silent for an instant, with only the sound of the hot pot cooking, making the snowy night seem even more deadly.

Since His Majesty cast the 'Fragrant Leaf Crown' and started cultivating immortals, countless demons have appeared in the world, each of them has become a spirit of mountains and rivers, and their bodies are huge and boundless.

With a single move of his hand, he can destroy heaven and earth.

The whole country said that this was God's punishment for Jiajing. Since ancient times, no emperor has ever become an immortal.

There are even divine sects and White Lotus sects who have risen up and caused chaos everywhere.

Don't look at the bustling scene in the palace today, the Ming Dynasty has already been riddled with holes and can only hold on with all its strength.

Emperor Jiajing's face was expressionless: "There is a fire in the palace. If you don't put out the fire, what's the use of coming to me?"

"Yes!" The eunuch was sweating profusely and retreated in panic.

"What a great fire!" Li Changzhou walked in with a smile.

Everyone was stunned.

"Immortal Master!" Emperor Jiajing stood up.

Li Changzhou smiled and bowed his head: "Your Majesty."

In a flash, Emperor Jiajing had stepped down from his high throne, came to the palace gate, and bowed to Li Changzhou.

"Master Immortal, I haven't seen you for many years, but your style remains the same!" Jiajing wore a light silk robe and a bun.

Li Changzhou smiled and said: "Your Majesty has been blessed. This poor Taoist has become an immortal. Naturally, his appearance will not change. Although Your Majesty has aged a few years, he has retained his youth."

Emperor Jiajing's face turned hot, and he felt that he finally saw a ray of light in the darkness.

He looked ashamed and said: "Since the immortal master ascended to immortality, I have been practicing hard day and night. Unfortunately, I am not talented enough and have not achieved immortality yet.

"The world is in chaos again, and monsters appear frequently, which distracts me. Although I have magical powers and can move mountains and seas, I will live forever."

"Wrong." Li Changzhou said with a smile, "The more demons there are, the stronger the demons are, which proves that His Majesty is closer to immortality. Today there is a fire in the palace, and I am here to congratulate you - His Majesty is not far from immortality."

Everyone was shocked.

Yan Song and others immediately knelt down and shouted long live the mountain.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"My emperor will live forever and enjoy immortal blessings forever!"

Emperor Jiajing laughed loudly: "Okay, it is indeed a big fire, let it burn! Master Immortal, please take a seat!"

Emperor Jiajing ordered a set of tables and chairs to be brought in, and they were placed side by side with him, regardless of height.

After half a drink, Emperor Jiajing asked: "Master Immortal, where did you go after becoming an immortal? Is there really a heaven in the sky?"

The ministers in the palace pricked up their ears one by one.

There were also shadows in the side hall, and the concubines in the harem were eavesdropping regardless of their dignity and etiquette.

Not to mention the human calamity in the Forbidden City, Emperor Jiajing's eternal youth has proved that immortals do exist.

And the Li Changzhou in front of him is a true immortal!

Li Changzhou put down his wine glass: "Heaven no longer exists, and the immortals have entered deep space. As for Pindao, he has traveled on planets in the past few years and has witnessed a lot of strange things."

He flicked his finger.

A scene appeared in the center of the hall.

Drive planets across the starry sky and fight monsters as big as stars;

A huge and boundless ancient ship, with mountains and rivers spread across its hull, rivers and lakes all over the place;

In the vast universe, there are magnificent cities, and even the stars can dock at the dock like ships.

Everyone was stunned. When they came back to their senses, they were all amazed. They pointed and whispered to each other, and their faces turned red due to excitement and excitement.

Emperor Jiajing sighed: "When the immortal master became an immortal, he told me that the world here is narrow and the universe is vast. After becoming an immortal, he will travel around the universe and see all the stars. Now, the immortal master has fulfilled his wish, and I am still here. It’s difficult to walk over mountains and ridges.”

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten that Pindao once said that he had to go through countless hardships in order to become an immortal?"

"I'm impatient." Jiajing sighed.

"I came today, firstly, to congratulate Your Majesty, and secondly, to remind Your Majesty that the darker the sky is, the closer it is to dawn. The closer it is to dawn, the darker the sky is. The closer Your Majesty is to becoming an immortal, the more chaotic the world will be. This is Your Majesty's If a person survives a calamity, he will attain the Tao and become an immortal; if he cannot survive it, his body will die, his Tao will disappear, and his dynasty will be destroyed."

Through [God's Will and Destiny], Li Changzhou saw the fate of Emperor Jiajing. In the end, he failed to overcome the catastrophe and the country changed hands.

And he, a player who combines [God's Will and Destiny] and can be called the 'God of Destiny', came here to try to change the fate of Emperor Jiajing, so as to capture fate and understand fate.

Emperor Jiajing also guessed the fate of his failure in overcoming the tribulation.

He stood up and bowed his head to Li Changzhou: "Master Immortal, can you teach me how to overcome this calamity?"

Li Changzhou also stood up, raised his left hand, and lifted Emperor Jiajing up with invisible force.

"When a human heart is true, frost can fly, cities can fall, and gold and stone can pass through. Your Majesty can control the world, and he has countless wonderful methods. All he lacks is his unwavering will and the ambition of a foolish old man to move mountains. What can God do to me? One is enough to become an immortal."

Emperor Jiajing was thoughtful.

Li Changzhou said again: "I just returned from heaven and saw that His Majesty was shaken by a fire in the palace. This is a big inner demon."

Emperor Jiajing's expression remained unchanged, but he was covered in cold sweat.

Over the years, he had been complacent, but as the number of demons increased and the rebels became stronger, he was indeed unable to do what he wanted and lacked motivation.

Today, a fire in the palace disturbed his mood.

It was just a fire. Even before he became an immortal, he didn't take it lightly. Why was he frightened now?

He bowed deeply to Li Changzhou and said, "Thank you so much, Master Immortal, for your guidance. I will never forget it."

Li Changzhou took out a jade box.

"Your Majesty, there are three three-thousand-year-old flat peaches in the box. A mortal can live three hundred years if he smells them. If he eats them, one can add a thousand years of Taoism."

Above the main hall, all the civil and military officials gasped violently, like a group of wild beasts after seeing food.

In the next hall, the concubines in the harem were making a commotion, like candles being blown by the wind.

Emperor Jiajing was also very excited, but he was the emperor after all and was calm enough.

He took the jade box and said: "If Master Immortal has anything to ask for, I will do my best to help the whole country!"

Li Changzhou laughed.

"A glass of Tusu wine is enough!"

He drank the glass in one gulp.

"I'm going to be a poor man." After saying that, he turned into light and left.

"Immortal Master!" Emperor Jiajing chased him out of the hall and into the air.

The ministers followed closely behind.

The concubines in the harem all ran out regardless of etiquette.

But only the stream of light shot straight into the sky and disappeared into the heavy snow.

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