King of Eschatology

Chapter 830: Spooky Martian Zombies

() A shocking explosion is being staged. The shock wave of terror sweeps in all directions. The sea surface is covered by hundreds of miles. The seawater is flowing in all directions, causing a huge tsunami.

The abbot Xiandao was the first to bear the brunt. Under this terrible blasting force, a large number of rocks were hit and the entire island instantly submerged into the water and was flooded by the rolled back water.

The abbot Xianshan, which has been standing here, is also extinct at this moment.

On the nearby sea surface, Lu Fan's eyes hovered in the air in shock, his clothes had been torn, and he was coughing up blood at this time.

Obviously, Lu Fan was seriously injured under the attack of the opponent. If it was not fast, I am afraid he was already dead here.

The blow just now was so horrible that it was already comparable to Fukaru's self-detonation.

At the beginning, Focalu blew himself up when fighting with Lu Fan. The terrible shock wave flattened the entire Taihang Mountain, making hundreds of miles into a barren land.

And Xu Fu's silver ball, which has such a powerful blasting force, is simply shocking.

To be sure, the silver ball must be a yang-class weapon, and it is a kind of disposable consumables with infinite power.

"What the **** is that silver ball just now?"

Lu Fan was not in a hurry to catch up with Xu Fu's second clone. At this time, he took out a bottle of life potion from the storage space and drank in a big mouth.

GodChain responded: "That is the scientific and technological weapon of the first-class civilization. Its name is Earthquake, which is similar to the grenade of your next-class civilization."

After hearing the answer from ShenChain, Lu Fan couldn't help it.

The power of a grenade Lu Fan knows very well that in a civilized period, a grenade can kill many humans.

The silver ball just now turned out to be a grenade of first-rate science and technology civilization, but it was a super weapon that could kill first-class life. No wonder the power would be so great.

What just puzzled Lu Fan was why did Xu Fu have such a big killer?

It seems that when she noticed Lu Fan's doubt, Shenlian explained immediately: "I told you long ago that the earth was very dazzling at the time, but it was a leader among the finest civilizations. This kind of mine is just the most ordinary military Equipped. "

"Later, the earth was jointly attacked by the galaxies of the universe, and eventually it ran out of food, and all kinds of sun-level weapons and equipment were also consumed."

"Until the end, the earth was completely sealed, all kinds of high-tech civilizations were plundered by aliens, and there was nothing left of the Yang-class weapon."

"However, no matter how the aliens search, there will always be some omissions. For example, in the dangerous forbidden area that existed on ancient earth, there may be various treasures left in it."

Hearing the explanation of Shenlian, Lu Fan's brow tightened.

Lu Fan is recovering his injury, and at this time just know in detail.

Divine Chain immediately responded: "The thing is very simple. The dangerous forbidden land of the ancient earth is very dangerous. Even if the sun-level soldiers enter it, there is a danger of death, and many fine lives die in it."

"So the question is coming. The man is dead. Is his weaponry still alive?"

"So, as long as you find the ancient forbidden area, you don't need to go into the adventure at all, and you just search in the outer area, maybe you will have a good harvest."

"For example, the shocking thunder in Xu Fu's hands was picked up from an ancient human deceased."

The chain of God revealed the ins and outs of Zhentian Thunder, and the doubts in Lu Fan's heart were resolved. At this time, there was one last question, and he immediately asked: "How many Xu Fu are there like this big killer?"

ShenChain responded unwillingly: "Not much. He still has a yang-level ray gun, but without a bullet, it is a waste."

Lu Fan finally felt relieved and relieved.

If the other party still has a lot of such horrible killers, then Lu Fan has to be careful. In the event of being hit by the other party, that kind of result will be scalp.

After drinking the potion of life, Lu Fan's injury recovered quickly, coupled with his own speed of terror recovery, at this time has completely recovered to its full state.

"Xu Fu fled towards the northeast. He was also affected by the explosion just now. He was not injured. If I guessed right, he should go to Weizhou Xiandao and catch up quickly."

Hearing the reminder from the God Chain, Lu Fan immediately concentrated his mind, restrained his evolutionary power, and chased him toward the northeast.

In this way, Xu Fu's second avatar is going to be a guide again.

At the same time, a fierce battle is underway on Mars.

This is a huge field of ice and snow. There is hard ice everywhere, and the icy wind is constantly raging.

Mars is far away from the sun, especially the side facing away from the sun is extremely cold, and almost all of it is covered by glaciers.

However, in this extremely cold ice and snow wasteland, a fierce battle is in full swing. The Lujiajun 3,000-month-class soldiers are making a collective landing and are fighting a battle against Martian zombies.

On the ground, the blood of the black zombies was flowing, with a strong corrosiveness, and the glaciers were corroded.

At the same time, the extreme cold caused the blood of zombies to freeze quickly, and frozen together with countless zombies' wrecks, already piled up like a mountain.

In the center of the battlefield, Lin Xiaoxiao pedals a flying sword, and the extinction sword at the center of her eyebrows is exaggerating. She is a medium-level sixth-order intelligence enhancer. The extinction sword's power has skyrocketed and she has great lethality to zombies.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao's complexion was more and more dignified, because she found that there were too many zombies on Mars, and she could not kill them at all.

The size of Mars is huge, many times larger than that of Earth. The wider the area, the more zombies can be accommodated.

Perhaps because of climatic conditions, the zombies here are obviously fiercer than zombies on the earth, and many special zombies have appeared, possessing various strange and unpredictable abilities.

For example, there is a middle-fifth-level zombie ~ ~ The fighting power does not seem to be very strong, but it has the power of frost. In this place where glaciers are everywhere, the fighting power is explosive, and a zombie is contained. A lot of Army soldiers.

There is also a zombie with a huge body, which is extremely scorched and black, and can absorb damage. When the damage is absorbed to a certain extent, it will be released at one time. The power and horror are boundless, and many Army soldiers are seriously injured.

Another horrible zombie turned out to be a reptile with thick and strong limbs that could drill the ground, and even the frozen and very solid ground couldn't stop it.

Every time it rushed out of the ground, a Lu Jiajun soldier fell into crisis and his legs were bitten by it.

Most importantly, the number of such special zombies is increasing, and they are rapidly gathering towards this place. Lujiajun soldiers have begun to appear dead and injured, and the situation is gradually getting worse.


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(End of this chapter)

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