King of Eschatology

Chapter 829: perish together

() Zhentian Banner breaks the formation method, and the mighty people in the sea martial arts expedition lose their effect instantly when they meet Zhentian Banner.

Lu Fan stood proudly above the abbot Xiandao and said coldly, "I was just burned by your flame for more than half an hour. Now let me teach you my flame."

The words did not fall, Lu Fan's momentum soared, the force of evolution started to follow the trajectory of the star chart, his hands stretched forward, and two crimson flames began to burn in his palm.

With the emergence of these two flames, the temperature of the entire area increased sharply, and the void began to twist, seemingly unable to withstand such a fierce roast.

"Go on!"

Lu Fan shot abruptly at the abbot Xiandao, and two fist-sized crimson flames smashed on the island. The landing just ignited the entire island instantly.

On Abbot's Immortal Island, a large number of screams were heard, and a large number of local evolutionists were devoured by the flames, and all of them were burning by the flames.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fu's second avatar suddenly jumped with his eyes. With his current strength, he can clearly detect the horror of these flames, and has great lethality.

"Don't panic. His flame is not a formation, it's just a simple flame. We can use sea water to extinguish it!"

Xu Fu shouted, stabilizing the army.

This is an island, and the most important thing is sea water.

Sure enough, after everyone heard Xu Fu's words, they immediately calmed down and began to mobilize the evolutionary forces in their bodies to draw the seawater.

Xu Fu exhaled, and the power of the middle tenth order peaked to the extreme. Although his fighting power was not very strong, it was only relative to Lu Fan.

In fact, his true strength is far stronger than that of ordinary evolutionaries.

"Get up!"

Xu Fu was glowing all over, and the buckets on his head were overturned, with silver flying around his head.

At the same time, a tornado seemed to be blowing across the sea, and a huge water column was rising into the sky, spinning at high speed, turning more and more water, and then scouring towards the flames on the island.


The majestic sea water swept Abbot's Fairy Island, as if a tsunami had occurred, flooding everything, including Lu Fan's crimson flame.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fu nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Lu Fan's eyes full of ridicule.

Xu Fu secretly said: "Set fire on the island, this should not be a fool."

The other evolutionaries were also laughing. The enemy appeared to be attacked by a powerful fire, and was easily solved by his ancestors.

However, Lu Fan in the sky saw this scene with a sneer and a weird look on his face.

The crimson flame is extremely extraordinary. Even if it can burn on the ocean floor, how can it be extinguished by sea water?

I have to say that Xu Fu's idea is silly and naive.

Soon after, the native evolutionaries of Abbots Fairy Island frowned, because they found that the sea water used to pour out the flames was actually boiling.

"The kid's flame is quite overbearing, but rest assured that boiling water can extinguish fires."

Xu Fu spoke, comforting everyone.

However, the boiling seawater quickly turned into water vapor, turning into a rolling cloud and rising into the sky, and the red flame still existed, and it became more and more burning.

"No, this flame cannot be extinguished!"

Someone yelled, showing the color of fear again, and began to lift off quickly, trying to stay away from the flames.

Xu Fu also jumped wildly, the domineering degree of the opponent's flames has far exceeded his imagination.


Xu Fu yelled and rushed straight away, preparing to leave, apparently unable to stay here.

However, when he was lifted off, he found that the sky was filled with swords and swords, and the sky above the abbot Xiandao had been covered by a clear lake.

Lu Fan stood in the sky, and the seven starbursts continued to shine. As long as he ignited the flames on Abbot's Fairy Island, the Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation was already gaining momentum.

"I was chopped by your sword formation for a long time, and this time let you see my sword formation."

Lu Fan yelled, stretched out his hand in vain, and suddenly the Xueliang Lake in the sky suddenly rippled, and then, the endless sword light poured down, like the rainstorm swept the whole fairy island.

The dense light of the sword made an indiscriminate attack on the entire fairy island. In a moment, blood rolled and flesh flew, and countless local evolutionists were fatally hit.

The abbot's fairy island was chopped into a ditch in an instant and turned into ruins in a blink of an eye.

The evolutionary who had originally hid in the corner to avoid the flames was forced out by Jianguang of the sky. He was struck by Jianguang within a few steps, and finally fell into the sea of ​​fire.

The whole island is horrible.

The crimson flame showed the tendency of Ebara, and soon spread to the whole fairy island, and began to spread towards the abbot Xianshan.

Abbot's Fairy Mountain is the root of this place. If it was burned by the fire, this place will be completely barren.

Xu Fu's eyes were broken, he took out a snow-white whisk, and rushed towards Landing Fan against the sky.

The arrival of Lu Fan ruined his two thousand years of hard work, and Xu Fu swore to kill Lu Fan.

In the face of Xu Fu's attack, Lu Fan didn't dodge, and rushed out with Red Flame Halberd, rushing up and fighting Xu Fu directly.

Red Flame War Halberd is a monthly weapon, enough to deal with Xu Fu.

Seeing Lu Fan's aggressive charge rushing up, Xu Fu's eyes flashed fiercely, and even a strange color appeared.

At the same time, Xu Fu suddenly took out a silver can ball, smashed it to the landing fan, then turned abruptly and blasted away.

"You stupid, thought the old man really played against you?"

With the appearance of this silver sphere, Lu Fan instantly exploded, and his eyes were full of horror.

On this ball, Lu Fan noticed a devastating lethality, possessed the power of extinction, and was a deadly threat to him.

There was an incredible look in Lu Fan's heart. This is Abbot's Fairy Island. Once this silver sphere erupts, the horrible impact will flood the entire island in an instant. Does Xu Fu even kill himself?

Could the other party end up with themselves?

It was too late to hesitate, Lu Fan suddenly turned around and shot towards the distance, trying to stay away from this silver ball.

At the same time, Yin Chancan's sphere exploded, and a bright mushroom cloud suddenly lifted off. The horrible destructive power instantly spread over a range of 100 miles, covering the abbot's fairy island.

In the distance, Abbot's Immortal Mountain was impacted by tyrannical energy, and instantly broke from the middle, and countless rubbles collapsed everywhere ~ ~ suffered devastating damage.

The local evolutionaries who had managed to escape the disaster before, showed their despair and died in the explosion.

In order to escape, Xu Fu has lost sight of his disciples.


Today is New Year's Day, I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day.

2017 has passed and a new year has come. Thank you all for your company. In the future, we will continue to walk together, no matter the storm, let us cheer together.

Now that we have chosen a distant place, we only care about the wind and rain, and the first day of 2018 has arrived, and the new journey begins at this moment.

Please vote for the monthly ticket in Ah Shui, and "The King of Eschatology". In the new year, let's go through all the challenges!

Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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