King of Eschatology

Chapter 640: Dead Pharaoh!

6 No expression of sorrow and joy, like a cold killing god, spurred the ultimate killer.

Pharaoh's corpse's mood suddenly fell into a trough. Unexpectedly, 6 Fan even chose to give priority to zombies.


At this moment, Pharaoh's corpse no longer cares about others, and begins to urge his men to escape from the place.

However, when Pharaoh's Corpse tried to escape, his heart sank.

He was apprehensive, and within a hundred-mile radius was enveloped by a special atmosphere of air, as if the pressure of heaven and earth had fallen, deterred the place, and made all zombies trapped in the mud, making it difficult to move.


The pharaoh's corpse was terrified. Even if he exhausted all the power in his body, he couldn't break the **** of this terror.

6 Fan's strength is too strong, the gap between the two sides is too large, and the coercion alone has made Pharaoh's corpse difficult to move.

At the same time, the glazed Jianmang flashed in the sky, like a pouring rain, sweeping across the earth in an instant.

Countless sword blades descend from the sky. This is an indiscriminate attack. The whole area is whistling with swords, the sharp breath crosses the world, and the ground is covered with sword marks.

The Pharaoh King and the millions of zombies behind him were all killed under infinite sword energy. The blood of the black zombies was like a rolling mudstone, mixed with the zombies' wreckage, and rolled on the scarred ground.


The winds raged and swept across the earth. After experiencing the baptism of the Templar Beidou Sword Formation, the entire land changed appearance.

Under one sword, it has gone through vicissitudes.

The Pharaoh Corpse King, who is a big 6 in Africa, has not yet had time to dominate the world, and has already died in China.

Including the millions of zombies who came with the Pharaoh's Corpse King, all were killed by 6 Fanyi swords.

6 Where the attack power is powerful, Zhen Gu Shuo Jin!

At the moment when all zombies were dead, 6 Fan's mind had entered the God Link system and was looking at the soaring zombie points.

I do n’t know, I was shocked at first glance.

The zombie points in the God Link system suddenly spiked by more than 10 billion.

After thinking about it, 6 Fan will understand.

The higher the level of zombies, the more zombie points after the kill. The Pharaoh King is a middle-class zombie. After killing him, you can get 10 billion zombie points.

6 Suddenly, Zombie points are not so difficult to accumulate. As long as he has a sufficient amount of high-level zombies, he can continue to advance.

Of course, zombies can also provide zombies points. The existence of these horrors, for 6 Fans, is simply a cash machine.

"At this moment, 13.7 billion zombie points have been added. In addition to the original 3 billion, there are now a total of 18 billion zombie points."

6 Who murmured softly.

The number of zombie points required for the next level of 6 Fans is 10 billion, which means that the current 6 Fans can break through to the middle eighth level at any time.

However, now is not a good time to make a breakthrough. 6 Anyone who has to solve the immediate troubles will consider whether to continue the breakthrough.

"Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no effort, and the good things that come to the door are rare."

6Who whispered gazing at the zombies and wrecks all over the ground below.

Pharaoh's Corpse King brought millions of zombies across thousands of mountains and rivers to send points, which is definitely a gift to 6 Fans.

"Gifts are sent for miles, and gifts are light and affectionate."

6 Fan laughed a joke, and his depressed mood was relieved slightly.

After killing the Pharaoh's Corpse King, 6 Fan's sharp eyes glanced towards the alien king and the Western Pope, and the killing in his heart remained unabated.

At this moment, both the level of the heterogeneous king and the Western pope were persuaded. At this time, they had not waited for 6 Fan to take action, and they all fell to their knees, facing 6 Fan's crazy hoe.

"The cannibal chief leads the ministry to Huaxia and congratulates the Emperor Tianyue on his ascension!"

With the first-class alien king kneeling on the ground, the millions of alien warriors behind him have fallen to the ground and worshiped like a tsunami in front of 6 Fanshan.

"Congratulations to the Emperor Tianyue!"

All of them shouted in unison, with great momentum, it really looks like that.

Immediately afterwards, the Western Pope also fell to the ground, facing millions of vicious hoees, millions of vampires behind him shouting slogans at the same time, congratulations on the establishment of the Tian Yue Empire.

6 Every time I see this scene, my eyes seem to be a little aggressive. Why don't these enemy forces play cards according to the routine?

It's not just 6 Fan who is a bit aggressive, the survivors of the entire Tianyue base are all aggressive.

Earlier, the alien king and the western pope were obviously aggressive. Now when I see that the boss is so brave, I suddenly persuaded him.

At this moment, the image of 6 Fan has risen to an unparalleled height. These most powerful enemy forces have acknowledged the status of the boss Tian Yue the Great. Who else would dare not accept it?

But everyone was curious. Did the old assembly let them go because of their surrender?

For a moment, everyone gathered their eyes on the mighty shore in the sky, waiting for his decision.

No matter what the boss does, as a soldier of the 6 army, he will give his full support.

"Specially, do foreigners speak Chinese now?"

6Whispered in a low voice, his face showed a strange color.

6 Fan now almost all the foreigners he speaks speak Chinese. Although the new humans have a better memory, they are able to round out the words spoken in Chinese, and 6 Fan has to give them a praise.

However, this has no use for eggs, infringing Huaxia, they have been sentenced to death.

"A bunch of hybrids are also worth living in this world? Still kill clean!"

6 Every time Lengheng hummed to the alien king, the Tian Bei Beidou sword array moved again, and the infinite sword light filled the sky again, making the whole space screaming.

For Xuanfan, a special mutant race, 6fan did not have a good impression.

They are mutated by eating human flesh, which is not a good thing at all. Even if they surrender to 6 Fans, 6 Fans will not accept them.

They even died in Huaxia, and they all hated them for soiling Huaxia.

There used to be a heterogeneous branch of Huaxia. They called themselves gods in their beautiful names, but in fact they were all killing and overdoing things.

Just by eating human flesh, they stand on the opposite side of humanity and are doomed to coexist.

Therefore, the original 6 Fan did not hesitate to annihilate the other party, all the alien species were killed, and none were left.

6Where any of the aliens who have come to Huaxia today have made up their minds ~, don't even want to go back alive.

The Xenomorph king who was kneeling on the ground was scared. He didn't expect that he himself had surrendered, and the other party was still killing.

"Since you forced me to do it, don't blame me for being rude!"

The heterogeneous king roared suddenly, and the body suddenly burst into an endless evil spirit, and was forced to the moment of life and death. He finally took out his ultimate killer.


Ask for a monthly ticket, old iron, please!

(End of this chapter)

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