King of Eschatology

Chapter 641: Legacy of the cannibal tribe

The super alien king roared suddenly, and the body suddenly burst into an endless evil spirit, and was forced to live and die, and he finally took out his ultimate killer.

Behind his chieftain's robe, he took off a gray skull and hugged it tightly to his chest.


The super alien king bit his tongue directly, spit out a spit of blood, and sprayed it into the eyes of the skull.

Suddenly, a strange change took place in the skull, even a scarlet ghost fire beating.

At the same time, a gust of wind blew across the sky, and the wail of ghosts and wailings was everywhere, intriguing.

The entire skull was weirdly separated from the hands of the super alien king, suspended in the air alone, and began to spin slowly under the impact of the wind.

Howling winds, small tornadoes everywhere, a special energy that the naked eye can't recognize is gathering frantically, making the scarlet ghost fire in the skull beating fiercely.

"What the **** is this?"

Lu Fan's eyes narrowed, and the consciousness enhancement gathered towards the skull in an instant.

However, the always-sensitive keen sense enhancement has lost its effect. In the case of covering the gray skull, the gray skull remains the same, without any change.

Lu Fan had an instinct. The skull had undergone tremendous changes, and even had a power that made him palpitated.

At the same time, Lin Xiaoxiao, who was watching the battle on the ground, suddenly changed color and shouted to Lu Fan in the sky: "Old and old, this is spiritual power, this is an attack from the soul."

Lin Xiaoxiao is an intelligence enhancer and she is extremely powerful. When the surrounding wind appears, she already feels that the skull is not simple.

Lin Xiaoxiao has a faint speculation that the chief from the African indigenous tribe has a secret method that can urge the dead undead to attack.

Millions of lives have just died here, and there are almost injustices everywhere. It would be terrible if the other party could control it.

At a high altitude, Lu Fan heard Lin Xiaoxiao's reminder, and immediately communicated with the **** chain and asked what was going on.

"Godchain, what are these overcast winds? Why can't I see them when I strengthen my spiritual sense?"

Urgent time, Lu Fan asked directly to the chain of God.

Divine Chain responded: "This is the soul-controlling technique of the undead in the ancient times. The earth is now lost."

"Missing your uncle, what is going on now?"

Lu Fan's face turned black, and he directly refuted.

In Lu Fan's opinion, if it is really lost, how can it appear in the hands of the super alien king?

It is clear that there is no loss.

Shen Fan was so out of temper with Lu Fan, he exclaimed, "Allow you to have a chance to make a difference, and people can't have it?"

"People cannibal tribes have lived on the African continent for tens of thousands of years, and the chiefs have passed down from generation to generation, can't they pass on something good?"

"You profess to be civilized and scoff at the indigenous tribes in Africa. When you despise others, others despise you."

"Arrogant, ignorant, extremely stupid."


Divine Chain directly opened the bombardment mode, spraying Lu Fan in a blast.

Seeing the continuous flow of Divine Chain and no intention to stop, Lu Fan immediately made a noise and interrupted the other party's words.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you tell me what to do, how can I solve the immediate problem?"

Lu Fan seized the key points and went straight to the core of the problem.

Shen Fan was flushed with Lu Fanqi's complexion. Although she was just a robot, she had rich human emotions. At this time, Lu Fan was stunned, and her system was almost disordered.

Divine Chain responded in an angry voice: "Two ways."

"First, use your mental strength to directly kill the millions of souls gathered by the other party."

"Second, quickly turn around, it's too late to escape."

After hearing the answer from ShenChain, Lu Fan was also drunk, and continued to ask, "Can my mental power kill millions of souls at once?"

Divine Chain responded with a serious answer: "No, with your current mental strength, it is difficult to kill 100,000 dead souls at once."

"Well, then you still say an egg, isn't there only the second way?"

Lu Fan asked.

"Yes host, so now you run away!"

The old **** of the chain responded in the presence, seeing Lu Fan's eating like that, the chain felt that he finally breathed out.

However, beyond the expectations of the God Chain, Lu Fan did not escape.

Because Lu Fan is behind Tianyue Base. If he retreats, Tianyue Base will be dead. It is impossible for Lujiajun soldiers to stop the attack of millions of souls.

Therefore, Lu Fan's eyes narrowed, his heart was full of war, and he was ready to fight the other side.

In terms of strength, Lu Fan can kill millions of lives with a full blow, but in terms of spirit, Lu Fan can't do it.

In any case, Lu Fan is the leader in the middle life. Except for King Kong Ape, Murong Zhan, and Pharaoh's Corpse, all other souls are inferior.

According to the law of the universe, inferior life cannot kill intermediate life, so no matter what, Lu Fan's life is guaranteed.

If he kills once, he kills twice, and if he kills twice, he kills four times. Lu Fan believes that he always kills the other party.

Therefore, Lu Fan did not shy away, and while controlling the display of the Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation, he actively killed the gray skull.

The Red Flame War Halberd was scorching fiercely, and fiercely split on the gray skull.

However, there is special energy protection beyond the gray skull. There is no injury at all, but the speed of consolidating the souls is getting faster and faster.

"Woohoo ..."

A horrifying sound broke through the clouds, and the next moment, countless dark winds converged into a huge energy skull phantom, which looked particularly ridiculous.

Spooky and terrible.

With a loud scream, the huge skull ghost pounced on Landing Fan, opened his mouth and swallowed, and instantly drowned Lu Fan's figure.

Below, the super alien king saw a cruel smile when he saw this scene, and when things got to this scene, he already had the certainty to win.

The super alien king knows the power of this huge skull's ghost image ~ ~ Lu Fan is devoured by it, even if it is not dead, he will have to peel the skin.

"If you want to blame, you blame you for killing too much. The dead souls here are all killed by you. If you die in their hands, you deserve it."

Super heterogeneous Wang sneered again and again, he glanced up at the endless sword qi, without worrying at all.

Because, as long as Lu Fan was severely wounded, he would launch an assault instantly. As soon as Lu Fan died, these sword qi would be eliminated automatically and never land again.


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