King of Eschatology

Chapter 645: Lu Fan teaches

Seeing this exercise method, Lu Fan suddenly lighted up, showing ecstasy.

Lu Fan was pleasantly surprised: "It's great. I never thought that Yi Jin Jing was an evolutionary method. Now, the soldiers can evolve better!"

In fact, Lu Fan doesn't know much about Yijinjing, but only knows that it is a method of keeping in good health. Many people practiced it during the period of civilization.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be an evolutionary law, which suddenly surprised Lu Fan.

"Chain of God, hurry up and tell me how to cultivate!"

Lu Fan was eager to try. With the evolution method, the evolution of all humankind can be accelerated.

Divine Chain responded: "The Yi Jin Jing on the earth is only a remnant scroll. Only the twelve styles have been passed down. The real Yi Jin Jing can be more than that."


Lu Fan's heart was astonished, so to speak, the Yi Jin Jing on the earth is just a trace of fur that is really Yi Jin Jing.

However, Lu Fan didn't care, he just wanted to know if this evolutionary law could provide new human cultivation.

"Chain of God, as long as new humans practice, can they accelerate evolution?"

Lu Fan's download of this book on Light Brain has pictures and annotations. If you practice step by step, there should not be too many omissions.

When God Chain heard Lu Fan's words, he suddenly giggled and said, "Exercise, if you don't die, you will lose."

The original version of Yijinjing didn't look like this at first. After numerous generations of constant modification, the current version was available.

However, the Yijinjing was modified for the physical fitness of ordinary people during the civilized period. It is now the last days. Human genes have changed, and they are definitely not suitable for cultivation.


Lu Fan's face suddenly darkened, and he said in a bad tone: "Do you think I feel like joking with you?"

Shenlian knew that Lu Fan was in a hurry, and immediately responded, "Well, for your own sake, I will help you once."

"How to help?" Lu Fan frowned.

Divine Link: "Consumption of one million zombie points can be exchanged for the correct Yijinjing."

Hearing this word, Lu Fan's complexion was considered to be relieved.

Lu Fan just got more than 10 billion zombie points. One million is drizzle, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Therefore, Lu Fan decisively exchanged an extra scroll.

"Stapling is not bad, okay!"

Lu Fan laughed softly, holding this hardcover edition of the Yijinjing, and finally felt energetic.

This Yijinjing is also in the twelve styles, but it is slightly different from the Yijinjing on the earth, and the illustrations are more detailed.

Opening the pages of the book, Lu Fan read it from beginning to end, and many evolutionary problems opened up. Even with his strength, he still benefited a lot.

"Reiki comes into the body, tempers the whole body, and the meridians open up, the world resonates."

As a person coming over, Lu Fan looked back at this Yi Jin Sutra and felt a lot of emotion in her heart.

The evolutionary path is similar, basically it is to obtain energy first, and then upgrade to evolve.

Whether it is the earliest evolutionary agent, or devouring high energy beast meat food, it is a way to obtain energy.

With Yi Jin Jing, new humans can directly obtain energy from the heavens and the earth, and no longer stick to foreign objects.

Of course, if all aspects work together, the pace of evolution will certainly accelerate.

For example, the cricket that Lu Fan took out was a medium-level fifth-order beast. The soldiers ate its meat and combined with the Yijinjing evolution method, it can definitely achieve rapid evolution.

Having figured this out, Lu Fan was a little determined, only if the soldiers were strong, he could safely go out to find the good, and avoid the dangerous situation today.

With the Yi Jing Jing settled, Lu Fan stepped out of his room and stepped into the void instantly.

When it appeared again, it was already on the high platform in the center of the square.

"Boss is here!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and they all hushed, looking eagerly towards the high platform, waiting for the boss's lecture.

Lu Fan stood on the high platform, his gaze glanced forward, and he suddenly felt in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, the Tianyue base has grown to such a scale, and the number of people is reaching ten million."

Lu Fan muttered softly.

Lin Xiaoxiao stood next to the high platform, heard Lu Fan's voice, and hurriedly explained: "Boss, there are some survivors here from Tonggu base and Dalin base, so the number seems to be a lot more."


Lu Fan nodded unwillingly, tomorrow will be the founding ceremony, presumably the population of Tianyue base has reached its peak.

Lu Fanhu shook his body and said to everyone in the landing army: "Today, I will give you a lesson about the evolution of human beings."

The sound was like Hong Zhong, rolling away in all directions, as if the sound of heaven came to earth, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ear.

Everyone was shocked, and looked at the boss's figure intently.

Lu Fan went on to say: "The natural selection, survival of the fittest, human beings have begun to evolve since the moment they appeared on the earth."

"In the long history, human beings have not been evolving all the time, but there are so many epochs, and humans can only evolve in a specific era."

"First, humans landed on the land from the ocean, achieving the first rapid evolution."

"Second, humans have moved from tree to tree, achieving a second rapid evolution."

"Third, humans have changed from crawling to walking upright, achieving the third rapid evolution."

"Fourth, humans have learned to use tools and achieved the fourth rapid evolution."

"Fifth, humans have invented machinery and achieved the fifth rapid evolution."

"And now, humans have overcome the zombie virus and achieved the sixth rapid evolution."

"Maybe everyone doesn't feel this kind of evolution, so I will tell you about Tianyue Base's statistics on global human evolution."

"On the day of the last days, 80% of humans worldwide became zombies, and less than 20% of them survived. This is the first screening of evolution."

"Only 30% of the survivors who survived were able to awaken and become new humans. Since then, they have no fear of zombie viruses. This is the second screening of evolution."

"Global organisms are evolving, including zombies, and slow-evolving species are likely to die in the last days. This is the third screening of evolution and continues to this day."

"That is to say, ~ we are all in the process of the third screening of evolution, and before the end of evolution, no one can guarantee to live to the end."

"In the future, there must be a higher level of evolution, but we have not yet touched it. Once it appears, it will be even more rapid!"

Every word of Lu Fan's voice entered the soldiers' ears, causing everyone's heart to roar.

Everyone fell into thinking, and based on their own experience, summed up what happened in the last days, and their hearts were horrified.


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