King of Eschatology

Chapter 646: Easy tendon evolution

Everyone fell into thinking, and based on their own experience, summed up what happened in the last days, and their hearts were horrified.

"Big waves and sands, evolution is not over yet. Only by always staying at the forefront of evolution can we be guaranteed not to be eliminated by history and to survive tenaciously."

Lu Fan was so imposing that he talked so much in one breath and caused a lot of impact on the soldiers' spiritual level.

The main thing is that Lu Fan awakened the age background of the soldiers and let everyone know what to do in the future.

"Now, let me tell you about the order of new humans."

"According to the division of energy, new humans have risen from the first order all the way to the tenth order, and each level rises, the more energy they consume, the more powerful they are.

"Many people think that the tenth order is the end of the evolution of new humans, but it is not."

"Beyond the tenth order, there is a wider space for evolution, which we call medium life."

"Intermediate life is a qualitative transformation. From the first order to the tenth order, the strength increases as it goes up."

"Beyond medium life, there are more powerful first-class life, and the evolution is endless. As long as you have enough potential, you can continue to evolve until you reach the peak."

The soldiers were drunk when they heard Lu Fan's words.

In particular, many new high-level humans thought that their strength had already reached the top of the sky, in fact, they were just a small stage strong man.

The evolutionary path is long and requires constant exploration, and no one can guarantee that they can go through.

After Lu Fan finished his speech, the soldiers opened their doors and gained a systematic understanding of human evolution.

In the past, soldiers felt horrible about evolution, and knew that they were moving forward blindly, they didn't know what position they were in, and they didn't know what to do in the future.

After all, it is confused.

Now I heard Lu Fan's explanation, there was a feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the sky.

Suddenly, Lu Fan took out a simple book, held it high in his hands, and seemed to be glowing.

"I have a copy of the Yijin Evolution Method. Everyone can practice it. With it, I believe that everyone's evolution can be accelerated."

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes showed fiery colors, and their hearts were full of infinite desire.

However, there is only one copy of the Yijin evolution method, and it is impossible to distribute it to everyone at the same time.

With a big move, Lu Fan put the Yijin evolution method into the storage space and said to everyone: "Everyone can rest assured that as long as they are Lu Jiajun fighters, they can get one for free with the Lu Jiajun badge."

"After the founding ceremony of the Tianyue Empire, everyone can exchange in the Tianyue Emperor's Palace."

"Now, dissolve!"

With a proud smile, Lu Fan turned and ran away in the direction of the Tianyue Emperor Palace. He had already decided that tonight the members of the arsenal would expeditely make a batch of copies for everyone to receive tomorrow.

As Lu Fan left, everyone bowed down respectfully, shouting in the mouth: "Respectfully send Tianyue the Great!"

Lu Fan just landed and just heard the shouting of millions of people.

Although he does not advocate the worship of the people of the Tianyue Empire, he has to say that this feeling is so special.

The Lu Jiajun people dispersed one after another and started to get busy. Although it was late at night, there was still a lot of work to do.

Tomorrow is the founding ceremony, and the soldiers are making final preparations.

To be honest, everyone has no idea in their hearts. I don't know how to do it. Is it necessary to hold a military parade like in the civilized period?

Fortunately, Lin Xiaoxiao gave a timely response, claiming that the founding ceremony did not have to be so troublesome. According to the explanation of the boss, it was actually a grand banquet.

Everyone ate and ate together. Under the witness of everyone, the boss put on the robe of the emperor prepared by everyone and topped the throne of the emperor.

In fact, for Chinese survivors, today is a different day, because tonight is the New Year in the civilized period.

As the first New Year in the last days, people still value it, but the senior staff in the base have already explained it. The New Year must be celebrated along with the founding ceremony.

The soldiers are all looking forward to the founding ceremony of tomorrow. It is said that there is good food to eat. After eating, mortals can lift Xia Xia.

Of course, this is only a rumor, but it proves everyone's expectations for the founding ceremony from another aspect.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The middle-fifth-order maggots don't know that they have lived for thousands of years, and the meat is old. The maggots must be stewed vigorously. From now on, the fire will simmer for a whole night.

According to Lu Fan's account, some old tree bark has been added to the stew pot. Although the soldiers do not know what magical ingredients this is, as long as it is the boss's arrangement, they will have no doubt.

These old bark is of course the root of the peach, and the flesh and blood of the lotus contains too much venom, so it must be added to neutralize it, otherwise it will not be edible.

While Chen Dapeng was busy simmering stew, Ren Hongjun took a group of brothers and carried the corpse of King Ape King back to Tianyue Base, which immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Well, where did you get such a big guy?"

Chen Dapeng asked with an excited look.

Ren Hongjun grinned and said, "The soldiers picked it up when they cleaned the battlefield. How about it, did you give me 10,000 merits?"

"Get out of the way, what merit value is added, is this the boss's beheading? If you kill it yourself, don't mention the 10,000 merit value, even if it is 100 million, it will be added to you."


Ren Hongjun had a black face and was unable to speak.

However, he picked up such a big man and was very happy. This is a first-order beast, which is much better than a ten-step beast. He is definitely a treasure.

As a result, the members of the logistics department were busy again, and began to cut and wash the King Ape King, and then set up several large iron pots and stewed them together.

At the same time, in Western European continent, Pope Uke returned to the Holy See with his vampire team, only to be completely relieved when he found that Lu Fan did not catch up.

At that time, he heard clearly that the terrible sword air cut off the ground. You don't need to look at it to know that the super alien king was defeated and was finally killed by Lu Fan.

Pope Yuke is very glad that he ran away in time, otherwise he could not avoid being killed.

"I heard that ~ ~ the little guy named Michen is from Huaxia?"

Pope Uke asked the little guy around him.

This man was Charlie, who was brought back from the far north by the dust.

"Yes, Pope, Mi Chen was once a member of the Huaxia Yueyue base. It is said that he is a member of the Tiantong organization and has a high status in the Tianyue base."

Hearing Charlie's words, Pope Yuk nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Go and bring me that little guy."


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