King of Eschatology

Chapter 787: Great victory

() Huang Yongsheng is a June fighter, and the other party is an August fighter. In theory, Huang Yongsheng couldn't stop the opponent's Xeon blow at this time, but the other party was stopped by Huang Yongsheng directly.

"Get away!"

The Beckett roared loudly, at this time he just wanted to escape, and hated the earth man who blocked him.

Huang Yongsheng's body was burning with golden flames, his hair was tied up, and the terror of the momentum was shocking, especially when half of his face was covered with blood, and it looked terrifying.

Huang Yongsheng never talked nonsense. At this time, he picked up the big sword and slashed down, and the fiery golden sword light burst out, enveloping the super strong Begit star.

The August soldier roared and raised his hand and smashed at Huang Yongsheng.

Suddenly, Jian Guang was smashed by the fist shadow, Huang Yongsheng was the first to be hit. At this time, he was knocked to the ground and began to cough up blood.

The Beget star did not dare to fight, and turned directly after knocking down his opponent, and wanted to leave the place as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a black spear pierced through the void, and blasted out at an extremely tricky angle at the moment the opponent turned.

The man was horrified, and shot with a palm in front of him. A huge fingerprint of energy appeared, and the void where the gunman erupted was shot below.


A figure was struck by the man's palm print. At this time, Wolverine fell to the ground and was obviously injured. It was Ling Ze who launched the sneak attack.

The Beckett roared again and again, because he found that a huge axe smashed severely from the sky, and that horrific momentum made his August soldier tremble.


The Beckett star raised his hand and punched again, and Yu Lenghui, who would launch an attack from high altitude, blasted out, yelling loudly.

The three earth people who didn't know how to live or die had delayed his precious escape time.

At this moment, a fierce energy struck, a scarlet lance pierced the void, severely pierced the man's chest, and nailed him to the ground.

The spear seemed to explode with the scorching sun, destroying all vitality of the August soldier.

Lu Fan stood up in the air and rushed to this battlefield, because he found that some high-ranking fighters were mixed in the Beggite army and wanted to escape from this place.

Although these enemies are few in number, they are extremely threatening. Lu Fan is driving them out one by one and killing them one by one.

The scarlet spear exudes terrifying energy, trembling at high speed on the hard ground, showing the deterrent power that only the sun-level weapon possesses.

Ling Ce got up from the ground, and looked at the eyes of this crimson spear. His weapon was a spear, so when he saw this domineering spear, he felt agitated.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan thought a little bit, and said, "Ling Ce, this long gun is called the scorching dragon gun. Today I will give him to you, take him and kill a few more aliens!"

Hearing this, Ling Ze was immediately delighted and shouted in excitement: "Thank you, boss!"

During the conversation, Ling Ce couldn't wait to rush to the scorching dragon gun, pulled it up, and looked at the shining sun and light at the tip of the gun, his heart was full of joy.

Beside, Huang Yongsheng and Yu Lenghui all showed envious look. This spear is obviously extraordinary. Although it can't see its rank, it is definitely an extremely heavy killing artifact.

Lu Fan laughed and threw his two reincarnation swords to Huang Yongsheng, saying proudly: "This is the two reincarnation swords. This knife can cut the flesh and the soul. The power is terrible. I hope you don't insult it Reputation. "

Huang Yongsheng's weapon is a big sword. With his combat power soaring, the golden big sword can no longer meet his super powerful combat power. It is believed that the two reincarnation swords in Huang Yongsheng's hands will definitely explode.

Huang Yongsheng is overjoyed. He is a rough man and will not say too much polite words. At this time, his face became red, holding the reincarnation sword like a treasure, saying, "Thank you, boss!"

At this time, Yu Lenghui also showed a touch of excitement. Ling Ce and Huang Yongsheng had babies. Do they also have it?

Sure enough, the boss did not let him down, at this time handed a purple sledgehammer over.

Lu Fan solemnly said, "This is a purple gold electric hammer, a powerful weapon that can trigger purple lightning. The power is infinite. When you use it, pay attention and don't hurt yourself."

Yu Lenghui is a strength fighter, especially after entering the sixth level, his tomahawk can not fully exert his own combat power, this purple gold electric hammer is definitely his dream equipment.

The three were wounded in the fighting just now. At this time, they had already drank the potion of life, and once again recovered the state of life and death.

"Go, kill all the aliens who have invaded the earth, and let them see how powerful the earth people are."

Lu Fan yelled, and when he first stormed, a golden light flashed in his hand, and the last sun weapon appeared in his hand.

This is a heavenly bow, an arrow can shoot through the Himalayas, and has the power to destroy the world.

There has always been a legend in ancient China, that is, the story of Hou Yi Sun.

Once upon a time, people always thought that this was just a beautiful myth, but now it seems that no legend is targeted.

Lu Fan can be sure that as long as the evolutionist is strong enough, the bow and arrow in his hand is strong enough to really hit the sun.

Lu Fan, who has captured combat glasses from the Beckett star, can clearly and intuitively search for those latent high-level enemies. As soon as he finds them, he can kill them with a single arrow.

Ling Ce, Huang Yongsheng, and Yu Lenghui just got the Yang-level weapons. At this time, they all rushed into the local camp to kill and kill like a chicken blood, setting off a **** storm.

In addition to the sudden outbreak of three people, there is another fighter who is noticeable, that is, A Xin from the World Extermination Team.

Asin is a bloodline enhancer, awakening the bloodlines of the ancient giant ape. At this time, he broke out at full strength. It really looks like a demon. The horrific fighting power can hardly reach the evolutionaries of the same level.

At this time, Axin's eyes were scarlet ~ ~ The body had turned into a six-meter giant, and looked like a gorilla, and rushed back and forth in the Beggite camp.

Beckett's May fighters can't match it at all, and every time a fist like a heavy hammer is hit, they can simultaneously blast both Beckett's heads.

On the other side, Ye still exploded in the horror of group battles. The **** fire violently slammed, the turquoise flames could not be extinguished at all, the begging stars were screaming, and many people turned directly into fly ash.

There is also the Demon Hunting Team, which works in groups of five and can hang one piece each time.

Everything is moving in a good direction. Lu Jiajun's attacks are getting sharper and sharper, but the Begits are fewer and fewer.

The battle soon came to an end. Almost all of the 8,000 Beckett invaders fell. At this time, there were only a few sporadic battles, but they were also at the end of a crossbow.

Suddenly, Lu Fan's eyes condensed, he looked at it in a certain direction, and noticed a strangeness.

(End of this chapter)

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