King of Eschatology

Chapter 788: As in the sky

() There was nothing in there, nothing was found in the combat effectiveness glasses, but in the enhancement of Lu Fan's consciousness, it was found that a very powerful alien was quietly escaping.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Lu Fan snorted in his heart, once again excited Skybreaking Bow, and fired an arrow directly in the direction locked by the spiritual sense.


The air exploded and blood swelled, and a female Baggett was bombarded and wore a special stealth armor.

This person was Masana, who was with Rubik. When the battle broke out, she put on an invisible suit and lurked quietly.

At this point, Masana saw that the battle had come to an end, and wanted to escape from the place while chaosing. She never thought that she was still found wearing an invisible armor.

Lu Fan is not interested in Masana's identity at all. In the eyes of the Earth people, the Begits are a group of two-headed blue monsters, and there is no difference between men and women.

Lu Fan stepped forward and smashed a broken armor to show curiosity.

This is an unprecedented material that feels soft and feels like a plastic wrap on the earth.

Lu Fan could not help but wonder, this material is very precious at first glance, although it does not have too strong defense, but can be perfectly invisible, even the combat glasses can not be found.

Had it not been for Lu Fan's spiritual enhancement, I'm afraid she would have escaped.

In order to avoid fighting the grass, this battle must be kept strictly confidential, and the aliens must not be informed, otherwise an irresistible alien coalition will be recruited in advance.

Lu Fan immediately strengthened the spiritual awareness to the extreme, and continued to search on this battlefield. He was worried that a similar situation would occur. Once an alien escapes, the consequences are unthinkable.

Sure enough, at the edge of a big pit, a subtle life wave came and reflected into Lu Fan's spiritual enhancement.

As in the previous case, neither through the naked eye nor through the combat glasses, you can find any clues, but Lu Fan's spiritual awareness is too strong, and the other party has nothing to hide.

Lu Fan is not polite, raising his hand is a palm, bombarding the Beggit star hidden in the dark.

This time Lu Fan was very decisive and did not knock the opponent out, for fear of destroying the other's stealth armor.

Rao is so, this August soldier of the Beckett star was also dying of Lu Fan's severe injuries. Lu Fan's attack power is too tough, even if he has converged most of his strength, he still can't bear it.

Lu Fan walked over and chopped down the opponent's stealth armor. He saw that this white transparent armor was still intact, and finally nodded with relief.

The Begitt star was already terrified. At this time, when he saw the other party did not pay attention to himself, he immediately ran away and tried to escape from the place.

However, Lu Fan did not turn his head, and a purple light popped up, then he exploded his body and killed him here instantly.

The battle has come to an end, all the Becketts have been eliminated, and the army is cleaning the battlefield.

In this battle, the Lu Jiajun gained a lot and captured a large number of combat glasses and space rings.

Especially in the space ring, there are also many high-tech products, and even many unknown materials. The quantity is abundant and the harvest is not small.

All ten Star Warships of the Beckett were destroyed, and all 8,000 soldiers died without exception. Nothing could be said from the beginning to the end.

The news of the annihilation of the Beckett Vanguard was completely blocked, and there was no news from the outside world, so it did not attract anyone's attention, and it secured enough time for the development of the earth.

Of course, during this battle, the Army's losses were also very heavy. All the 1,000 sets of weapons of mass destruction placed on the Himalayas were completely destroyed, and more than 2,000 Army soldiers staying there were killed.

At the same time, the Lujiajun soldiers guarding the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were also severely damaged. More than two thousand soldiers at the level of the sacrifices sacrificed more than two hundred people, including seven May soldiers.

This is also the case where the army of the army carries life potions. If not, the army's loss will be even greater.

The Begitts are extremely powerful. Although they are surrounded by the Army, they are still terrible during the final counterattack. They killed many Army soldiers and did not even have the chance to drink the potion of life.

It can be seen from this battle that the Lu Jiajun still has many shortcomings, and the degree of evolution needs to be further improved.

It is worth mentioning that the towering tower on Mount Everest showed great power. Under one blow, even October soldiers could not resist, and the end was terrifying.

However, the disadvantage of the Sky Tower is also obvious, that is, the time required for the launch is too long, and it can only be launched once every five minutes.

Like this war, the Sky Tower was fired only once, and when the second attempt was completed, the Vegetas were defeated.

Lu Fan decided on the spot that he would build a few more towers with the goal of targeting outer space. Later, aliens would invade the earth and bombard them directly outside the earth.

At the same time, the Ministry of Infrastructure received Lu Fan's order to build a tower on the moon to help the earth block the space channel, and any alien warship that came in directly blasted into debris.

In this battle, the fortifications on the moon have just been established and have not played a corresponding role, but next time, the big killer here will definitely surprise the aliens.

Although the World War I on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was blocked by aliens, it was not kept secret from the Earth. Many people even saw the video of the current war, and everyone was very excited.

The Lu Jiajun annihilated the Beckett Vanguard and became the first battle against aliens in a real sense, and played very beautifully.

After the war ~ ~ The army of Lu Jiajun was as imposing as possible. Everyone worshiped Lu Jiajun. This is a super team that can defeat the aliens and deserves everyone's admiration.

Up to now, everyone is clearly aware of the crisis of aliens, and everyone is working hard to evolve, strive to become stronger in the shortest time, and fight against aliens.

More and more young people hope to join the army of the Lu family and join the army of killing aliens.

For all this, the Tianyue Empire naturally had someone to handle it. Lu Fan and other high-level personnel have all returned to the empire and returned to the imperial capital.

Among the Tianyue Emperor's Palace, Lu Fanduan sat in the first place of the hall and was meeting with high-level personnel of the Tianyue Empire.

In the future, Lu Fan will find the entrance to the three immortal mountains. Before leaving, he issued several orders to accelerate the development of the empire.

The Beckett items seized during the battle have been sent to the Scientific Research Department, and Shi Hongji is arranging for people to conduct research, especially the invisible Warframe, which will be the subject of key research in the future.

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