King of Eschatology

Chapter 811: Burst alien

() Although it is dangerous here, there are a lot of secret treasures scattered, and I don't know what is left over.

Lu Fan did not know if these utensils were useful. In short, they were collected first, and they were taken back to study slowly.

In the core area of ​​this broken universe, a space fault appears from time to time. The entire area is surrounded by a thick atmosphere of chaos. A chaotic green lotus is about to be born.

Qing Lian floated up and down in the chaos, seeming to be breathing the air of chaos.

At the same time, in another direction of this broken universe, strong men from all ethnic groups from eighteen galaxies descended, and a total of 1,800 super strong men landed at about the same time.

Just after arriving here, there was a strong hostility among the strong among the major galaxies.

The eighteen galaxies are on the surface level, but in fact they also have strong and weak points. Many of the strong people who come here are elites of various ethnic groups and have a very high status in each ethnic group.

These people are the mainstay-like existence, which is of great significance to their respective galaxies. If some people die here, it may affect the rankings of the major galaxies.

Therefore, in addition to their own people, they do not like each other.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to kill some people in the other party, then it is really good, it can definitely weaken the comprehensive strength of the opponent's galaxy.

The major galaxies are peaceful on the surface, but in fact there are all kinds of confrontations in private.

For some galaxies, for the problems of some resource planets, friction and even crossfire often occur.

Of course, these are hidden in the dark. On the bright side, they are very harmonious. Everyone is on the united front. After all, they once joined forces and defeated the glorious ancient earth.

Next, they are going to the core area of ​​this broken universe, where there is a chaotic green lotus, which is the common goal of all people, and then feels that there is no shortage of contention.

Prior to entering this broken universe, high-level personnel of all ethnic groups have emphasized privately. Don't be polite when you come here, you can kill a few.

Besides, in order to grab the chaotic Qinglian, it is a matter of time before the major galaxies turn their faces, so at this time they did not hide their hostility from each other.

Unconsciously, the strong of the eighteen galaxies gradually opened their distances, perhaps a problem of mutual fear. Since coming here, they have never communicated again.

Everyone is galloping, and the speed of the middle tenth order is fully unfolded, which is really amazing. The entire space is filled with the violent sound of breaking air, and the sound of space tearing is everywhere.

When the aliens of the major galaxies were jealous of each other, they did not even notice that there was an uninvited guest from the earth, which was getting closer and closer to them.

In the other direction, Lu Fan was rushing on the road. He has entered this space for ten minutes, and has captured three Taiqing Xianguang, two Shangqing Xianguang and one Yuqing Xianguang.

Of course, for Xuanhuang Qi, any one of the immortals is a tonic. At this time, after engulfing the six immortals, it seems to have reached a saturated state.

Suddenly, Lu Fan frowned and stopped at a high speed.

At the same time, the consciousness enhancement turned on to the extreme instantly, swept away towards the side, where he found that a large number of strong men were rushing on their way crazy, fast and scary.

"what happened?"

Lu Fan was startled, and asked God Chain.

Divine Chain immediately responded: "Aliens appear, ready to fight."

Upon hearing the answer from Shenlian, Lu Fan's complexion suddenly darkened and he asked in a dark tone: "There are so many aliens, why don't you tell me in advance?"

Facing Lu Fan's questioning, Shenlian responded with guilty conscience: "You didn't ask."

"Your uncle!"

Lu Fan directly swears. Although ShenChain is a little loli, Lu Fan can't help but want to hammer her. What a pity.

Divine Chain immediately explained: "Be assured, although the number of enemies seems to be many, they are not monolithic, and they have contradictions with each other."

"As long as you can use each other's contradiction reasonably, maybe you don't need to do it yourself, they will fight themselves."

Divine Chain responded weakly, and now she is extremely worried, and if Lu Fan turns around, she will be in trouble.

In fact, Lu Fan ’s main problems here have been basically solved, and Xuanhuang Qi is full, and it is impossible to devour fairy light in a short time.

"what should I do?"

Lu Fanqiang resisted the urge to turn around and left, and asked God Chain.

Shenlian's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly responded: "In fact, it's very simple. As long as you hide your body, create contradictions between them, and just make a little noise or movement, they may cause them to have internal strife."

After hearing this, Lu Fan thought a little, and secretly said: "Although the other party is large in number, the individual strength is not as good as mine. As long as they are not surrounded by them, even if they are found, I can leave calmly."

Thinking of this, Lu Fan had a lot of confidence, and quietly leaned towards the large army of aliens.

As the distance from the core area is getting closer and closer, the range of movement has become smaller and smaller, and the strong men of various ethnic groups who had originally distanced themselves have to gather together again.

Because of this, the strong men of all races are even more frightened, especially between galaxies that already have feuds.

Lu Fan, like a ghost of the night, gradually walked around most of the back, and he was ready to start.


Lu Fan took out a large golden bow from the storage space, and then hid it carefully.

This is a sky-breaking bow. At present Lu Fan's only one Yang-class weapon. Although the power is infinite, the movement during the urging is too great, and it is easy to attract the attention of the enemy.

"Godlink, is there a way to block the light for me?"

Lu Fan is preparing to shoot arrows from a long distance. As long as the golden light of the sky bow is not leaked, he can launch a sneak attack on aliens.

After hearing this question, Shen Chain groaned for a moment, and then said: "You can find a larger space crack and stand next to the space crack ~ ~ Maybe it can help you devour the light."

When Lu Fan heard it, it felt very reasonable. There was nothing else here. The space cracks were everywhere, and they could be found anywhere.

Therefore, Lu Fan continued to fly forward for more than ten miles, found a space crack of a suitable size, stood firmly behind him, and then quietly pulled the bowstring.

The dazzling golden light burst out, was swallowed up by the cracks in space before it had time to bloom, and even the mighty coercion emanating from the broken sky bow was isolated a lot.

"It works!"

Lu Fan was overjoyed, and Xuan was aiming directly at the target, which was an alien from the giant race.

"No way, your goal is too obvious. If you don't shoot, you will be sorry for your big man."

The words didn't fall, Lu Fan was suddenly shocked, and with a harsh roar, the bright energy arrow had shot forward.

(End of this chapter)

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