King of Eschatology

Chapter 812: 1 Arrow of Prestige

() Skybreaking bow is extremely powerful, even in the rare number of Yang-class weapons, it is extremely overbearing existence.

At this moment Lu Fan slammed his strength and shot an arrow.

In front, the galaxy strongmen who are speeding up on the road are stunned, they feel a horrible momentum is approaching quickly, making everyone look dignified.

Everyone stopped, looked back, and wanted to see who was shooting in secret.

Almost at the same time, the strong men of all ethnic groups took out their weapons and looked at their hostile forces with vigilance. At this time, the enemy is likely to be attacking.

However, the strong men of all races soon became calm, because the arrow flying from the rear was too bright, the dazzling light could not open the eyes, and illuminated the dim world.

Everyone was shocked to find that this arrow of energy blasted away in the direction of the giant clan, and the target was a giant with a size of more than five meters.

The giant locked by the arrow snarled fiercely. He held a simple and atmospheric shield in his hand, and the fierce evolutionary force surged wildly, smashing at the energy arrow shot from a distance.


The giant roared wildly, and the violent momentum set off a stormy sea. The originally broken earth instantly became fragmented and turned into a dust of sky.


In the eyes of everyone's shock, the dazzling arrows of energy collided with the shield in the giant's hand, and with a loud explosion, a cloud of blood exploded suddenly in the void.

The giant's super huge body suddenly exploded at this moment, burst into a mist of blood by the energy arrows.


Everyone yelled in horror, and the souls frightened by this arrow all dared.

The shield in the giant's hand is the monthly peak defensive weapon, the defensive power is amazing, coupled with the giant body's own super physique, it almost equals an immortal existence, and the monthly soldier can not threaten them.

But now, the giant who has always been known for his defense and strength, is actually too horrible to be blasted by an arrow.

"Who did this?"

Seeing this result, everyone shuddered and became more alert to each other.

Soon, everyone seemed to remember something, and all looked in the direction of the dwarf.

A giant of the Giants was shot and killed, and the remaining nine soldiers were all smitten. They roared in this area and wanted to find out the true murderer and shatter them.

When they found that everyone's eyes were all looking at the dwarf, suddenly they remembered something, and they all roared angrily.

"A dwarf crossbow!"

A giant yelled, he remembered the dwarven tribe's inheritance of the dwarves, and even more of their amazing machine crossbow.

Dwarven people have always been known in the universe for forging technology. Many sun-grade weapons are special products of dwarf galaxies. Other galaxies have no forging ability at all.

The arrow just shook the earth just now, and it was definitely the Yang-level bow and arrow that could do it.

The bow-and-arrow weapons that meet the Yang-class standard are only the dwarven crossbows and the Vegeta's sky-breaking bow.

There is no contradiction between the Beggets and the Giants. Only the Dwarves and the Giants have generations of grudges, so the hit just now is most likely issued by the Dwarves.

"You gangsters, I'll kill you all!"

The giant's leader, named Giant Spirit Bear, was also the most irritable. At this time, he recognized that the dwarves had attacked his own team, and suddenly became very angry.

The giants are all powerful, but their heads are not very smart. They are irritable and impulsive. At this time, they are rushing towards the dwarves without distinction.

"Misunderstanding, everything is misunderstanding!"

The leader of the Dwarf is Hobby Rock. His team has been busy just now. How can there be time to shoot the members of the Giant?

Besides, the arrow was shot from a very distant place. All the dwarves are here. Who shoots the arrow?

Hobby Rock scolded in his heart: "The Giants are really stupid, and deserve to be a bunch of stupid people!"

However, Hobby Rock knew that the Giants had lost their minds, and it was obviously not a wise choice to fight with them, so they could only resist the anger and explain to the other party.

"Giant bear, you can see clearly. The arrow just shot from a very far away. Our people are here. It is impossible for us to shoot."

Hobbitan yelled at the nine members of the giant clan, reminding them not to be fooled by treacherous people.

Sure enough, upon hearing Hobbiton's words, the giant bear suddenly stopped and hurriedly stopped.

The other person's words made sense, maybe there was a real misunderstanding.

At this moment, the Beggite star not far away opened up, fanning the flames and saying, "Hey, they say that the giants' brains are not good enough. It seems to be true. Don't they know that the dwarves have a timing instant god? A crossbow? "

This man was called Fries, and was the leader of the Beckett star.

Although there is no contradiction between the Begits and the Dwarves and the Giants, as long as the other party fights here, the next chaotic Qinglian will lose two powerful rivals.

On the other side, a middle-aged man from the Centaur galaxy opened his mouth and echoed: "Yes, it is said that the dwarven crossbow is extremely powerful and can lock the enemy's airframe in advance. As long as enough energy crystals are installed, it can be Trigger regularly. "

"The dwarves are still powerful. Everyone has a weapon to kill people and buy more goods."

The strong men of the major galaxies are all in discussions. The seemingly inadvertent discussions, in fact, are all aimed at the contradiction between the dwarves and giants.

At this moment, the dwarven people were completely blown up by gas. Specially, they had no injustice with people in the major galaxies. At this time, they all fell into the ground and wanted to frame themselves.

Especially the first Beggite star who speaks, his heart is terrible!

Hobbitan yelled at Fris: "Abominable two-headed blue monster, you listen to Lao Tzu, and the Dwarves will no longer sell you any weapons, huh!"

Frith was furious when he heard this. As a Beckett, he hated others calling himself a two-headed blue monster. At this moment, he became furious and cursed: "You gangs of dwarfs ~ ~ also want Send a message out? Think about how to get out of here. "

This is a special cosmic space, which is not the same as the universe they live in. Messages cannot be transmitted outside.

If all the dwarves died here today, I am afraid that what happened today will be covered up, and the dwarves will never get the truth.

However, at the end of the large army, the initiator of this incident is quietly lurking there, using special means to record what happened.

If they make good use of it, maybe they can pit them.


Christmas today, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Children's shoes without the book friends group noticed, A Shui will start to red envelopes, group number: 533988893

Come on, wait for you!

(End of this chapter)

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