King of Eschatology

Chapter 813: Alien brawl

Lu Fan blasted a member of the Giant family in one shot, originally thinking that they would expose themselves, but did not expect that they would fight themselves.

Because she was too far away, Lu Fan couldn't see what was happening in front of her, but the chain of the gods was extremely conscious. She used the best technology to privately, and she was projected in front of Lu Fan by the scene in front.

Even the sound was clearly transmitted.

Regarding the practice of the **** chain, Lu Fan couldn't help whispering in his heart, cursing: "Specially, I have never seen you so positive before, it seems that the chaotic Qinglian is really important to you."

Shenlian nodded in response, responding: "This time, I will do my best to help you, I hope you will not let me down, you must grab Chaolian Qinglian."

Upon hearing the answer from Shen Chain, Lu Fan suddenly lighted up, and had a bold idea in his heart.

How powerful the Super Link System is, Lu Fan has never known its limits. Maybe you can give it a try today.

Before Lu Fan communicated with the God Chain, he already knew the origin of the eighteen galaxies. They were the eighteen culprits who sealed the earth.

If all of them are bombed here, it will definitely weaken the enemy's strength, and it can also be regarded as collecting interest in advance for the hatred of the earth.

Of all the aliens, Lu Fan had the greatest hatred for the Begits. At this time, when he saw the other party inflaming the flames, he recorded without hesitation and prepared to take them out.

At this point, the fighting had already broken out, and nine giant warriors collided with ten dwarf warriors.

Both sides are mid-tier ten peak powerhouses, and they collided head-on.

Most importantly, the dwarves not only have an advantage in numbers, but also have a Yang-level weapon in their hands, which has a terrifying attack power.

If nothing else, the nine of the giants will be destroyed here by the dwarves.

"No, you have to give them fire!"

Lu Fan muttered in a low voice, and then raised the Heavenly Bow again, this time, he aimed at a soldier of the Beckett star.


It is an arrow that destroys and dies, mixed with unparalleled power of destruction, and rushes into the battlefield in an instant.


Everyone was shocked. The dwarves were fighting, but they could still move the crossbow?



The speed of the energy arrows was too fast. A Beckett was hit in the front, only half of his scream was screamed, and his body had been burst into a mist of blood.

too terrifying!

At this moment, everyone's eyes towards the dwarf's eyes all changed. Just now everyone was busy rushing, and no one knew how many dwarf crossbows had been set up along the way.

The power of this magic crossbow is too strong, and it cannot be resisted without the equivalent sun-grade defense equipment.

As for the Beckett star, Fries was roaring with anger, just now he was just fanning the flames and even attacked his team members.

At this time, Fries concluded that the arrow just now was definitely a secret means left by the dwarves.

"What a ruthless effort, everyone shot together and destroyed them!"

Fris roared, two heads were roaring at the same time, the body surface was instantly filled with blue light spots, and the power of evolution in the body soared to the limit.

As the Begitt stars joined the battle, the dwarven warriors who had been fighting against the giants suddenly increased their pressure. At this time, they no longer care about others and began to furiously fight back.


Hobby Rock's weapon was a clear and big hammer. At this time, when he tried his best to smash it, he actually triggered a crit, which instantly doubled his attack power.

At the same time, the giant warrior on the other side who couldn't stand up to himself couldn't withstand the pressure anymore. With the smashing of the sledgehammer, his upper body was suddenly blasted, and the blood was all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone was horrified, and at the same time they were shocked.

The dwarven's hammer is obviously a Yang-class weapon, and it is the top of the Yang-class weapon. It can trigger double crit, and it can definitely play a decisive role at critical moments.

Just like now, Hobbitan triggered a crit of the sledgehammer, directly killing a giant warrior of similar strength instantly.

Just as the giant warrior was knocked out, another dwarf warrior also caught everyone's attention.

The man was holding a long, blood-red sword in his hand, and was severely chopped on a giant thigh.

The body of the giants is many times that of the dwarves. In theory, this knife will not cause much damage, but a horror scene has occurred.

I saw that the blood-red long knife started to **** blood crazy, a lot of evolutionary power accompanied by the blood rolling out, was swallowed by the blood-red long knife.

At the same time, the dwarf warrior holding the long knife was soaring at this time, obviously the evolutionary power absorbed by the long knife was fed back to him.

"Blood Drinking Knife!"

Seeing this scene, everyone is not calm, they also explore what treasures, dwarves are all baby.

"Kill, the dwarves are so desperate that they have shot at their allies. Kill!"

"The dwarves rely on the benefits of their weapons, and they really hurt us ~ ~ Dangyu!"

"The dwarves are so hateful that they provoked disputes and started working together to destroy them!"

Everyone yelled, they all started.

No way, the Yang-level weapons presented by the opponent are really eye-catching. These are priceless treasures, which were suddenly brought out by the Dwarves.

Everyone was scrambling for fear that they would not be able to get the Yang-level weapon if they were slow to make a shot.

Hobby Rock of the dwarf race was bathed in blood and jumped into a thunderous anger. At this moment, how could he not see the situation, everyone obviously wanted to grab their weapons.


Hobby Rock shouted, hoping to rush out with the clan.

The enemies were densely packed around them. How could they rush out and fight hard.


Another energy arrow burst out, hitting a Beckett star precisely, and exploding his two heads into a mist of blood at the same time.

People were horrified. They didn't know how many divine crossbows had been placed behind them. They felt it was too dangerous.

In theory, Divine Crossbow is of high value. Even if the dwarves are extremely rich, they cannot be placed too much, so everyone is not too worried.

But at the back, more and more energy arrows appeared, and each arrow was infinitely powerful. It seemed to have been aiming for a long time.

Frees roared and yelled at the dwarven people: "Damn bitch, why only shoot our people?"

In the distance, Lu Fan was boiling with blood, still bowing and pulling, bursting into the chaotic crowd.

With the help of God Chain, he no longer needs to aim, as long as the arrow shoots out, God Chain will automatically help him lock the target, it is so cool to burst!


Merry Christmas, weak begging for reward, is there any wood?

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