King of Eschatology

Chapter 814: Step by step crisis

(Ladies and gentlemen, Ah Shui confused the numbers in the last chapter, and it has been revised. I apologize!)

The fiercer the battle, the blood of giants is everywhere in this black land, and it spreads for dozens of kilometers.

At the same time, the dwarves are extremely miserable. As a result of the siege, a team of one hundred people has been killed by 90%. In the end, only Hobby Rock was left with a dozen people to escape, and tried their best to walk towards the borderland.

This time, the dwarves withdrew from the battle for Chaos Qinglian. They were downsized too much and had lost their qualifications for Chaos Qinglian.

The current Dwarf warrior just wants to survive.

However, the strong in the major galaxies are not ready to let them go. If this part of the dwarf warriors escapes, the dwarven king will surely retaliate when he learns the news.

Therefore, these people must die!

After paying enough, all the remaining dwarven warriors were killed, and the crit hammer in Hobby Rock was obtained by the giants.

In total, the Giants killed more than fifty people, nearly half of the total.

Due to their huge size, a large amount of blood and minced meat will be produced for each person killed in battle, so on the surface, it seems that the giant corpses are everywhere.

The giant bear was badly hit on his shoulder, but no one dared to approach him at this time, because the crit hammer was in his hand.

With the terrifying power of the giant bear and the double stack of crit hammers, there is no one who can stop them.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the giants and dwarves, the biggest loss is actually the Begits.

No one knows what was born. The arrows from the rear all aimed at the Beckett star. More than thirty people at the scene died under the arrows and were burst into blood by the horrible arrow light. fog.

Fris roars again and again, this is really a beeping dog. There are so many aliens on the scene, why did the arrow lock on to himself?

At this time, people have gradually realized that the dreaded arrows should not have been shot by magic crossbow, because there are too many of them. Even the dwarves are rich and cannot afford such a splurge.

The only thing that made Fries feel comfortable was that he had snatched the **** dagger of the dwarves, which is the top equipment in the Yang class weapon, which can greatly increase his combat effectiveness.

The battle gradually subsided. This battle was far worse than many people thought, because there were many unscrupulous galaxies secretly engaged in black hands, and many people who were unclear fell here.

When the battle was over, the huge team of 1,800 people had killed more than 300 people at this time, which was really weird.


In the distance, the arrow light whistled, and another energy arrow burst out from a distant place. The horrible momentum tore the void and made every alien present at heart.


The arrow light was extremely fast, and it was almost instantaneous. With the sound of another explosion, another Begit star was burst into a cloud of blood by the arrow light.

Fries was stunned, but there was nothing he could do. The awful arrow light kept staring at his own people, and he didn't know which fairy the offending Star had been.

"Come on!"

Fries shouted like a thunder, and with more than sixty Beckett stars left, hurriedly left this right and wrong place.

People in other galaxies also acted quickly and continued their journey towards the core area, where the real destination was.

In the rear, 6 Fan is not ready to let them go easily. With his current degree, he can easily catch up with the alien troops.

Arrows and beams were shot one after another. At this moment, 6 Fan simply didn't hide his body, and shot directly at a team of more than 1,000 people.

One person challenges more than a thousand equivalent-level evolutionaries, and 6 Fan is simply crazy.

The aliens are not stupid. When the figure of 6 Fan is exposed, they are locked by them.

The time in this broken universe is extremely fast. The big brawl just wasted more than ten minutes. The alien forces did not want to spend time here.

As a result, the strong men of the major galaxies negotiated that one person would be sent from each camp to kill the terrorist behind.

Therefore, in addition to the dwarven tribe that has been destroyed, each of the remaining seventeen galaxies has sent a strong one to the back to block the enemy, and the others continue to hurry.

Everyone's thinking is good, but it is too naive.

6 Fan's combat power is at its peak in the middle life. An evolutionist of the same order cannot be his opponent at all. Not to mention, he also has a Yang-level weapon breaking the sky bow, and he also has the help of Divine Chain.

Seventeen aliens were responsible for blocking the tragedy of the 6 Fans. They could not block the light of the 6 Fans. At this time, they were all being killed. Almost one person was shot and killed by the 6 Fans.

6 Wherever it has never been so cool, killing is really addictive, especially killing aliens.

After killing the seventeen aliens, 6 Fan began to hurry and chase away the alien forces.

"Host, you have been here for twenty-two minutes, and the last eight minutes. Don't kill anybody for the time being. It matters."

6 Fan wanted to catch up and kill him, but God Chain reminded him in time, telling him that time was running out ~ ~ Hearing this, 6 Fan was in his heart, and he just visited the killing, no Paying attention to the time, he felt it was just a blink of an eye.

"Good luck to you!"

6 Fan Xun said, then hidden his body, in vain, passed the Alien Forces from the side, and stormed directly toward the core area.

When the Alien Forces were on their way, they looked back from time to time to see if the terrorist had been killed.

Until a long time later, there was no sound at the back, and no arrow of energy appeared. Presumably the man had been killed, and everyone finally felt relieved.

Gradually, everyone came to the core area of ​​this broken universe. Suddenly, a loud scream came. A strong man who rushed to the front hit a crack in space and his body was split into two halves.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but stop and was frightened, because the terrible crack in space turned out to be invisible.

This side of the universe is very dilapidated, but a ruin of the ancient universe, in which the space cracks are dense and almost everywhere.

However, the previous space cracks were obvious, and everyone was a middle-tenth-ranked strongman, who could easily avoid it.

However, now there are invisible space cracks. It is not so easy to reach the core area smoothly.

There is no way, everyone can only bravely move forward, basically one person will hit a crack in the space every time they walk. Lucky people just break their hands and feet, and unfortunate people die directly here.

From this moment on, this broken ancient universe has begun to show its horror side. It is almost a crisis step by step. People can only open a way with blood.


Thanks to Hao Chunhui for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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