King of Eschatology

Chapter 815: Chaos and Xuanhuang

The closer the broken ancient universe is to the core area, the more dangerous it is. There are many space cracks on the bright surface, and there are countless hidden space cracks.

More terrible crises come from the ground underneath, in the dark cracks, from time to time, a fiery flame will be blown out, often tens of hundreds of lives can be taken away in one eruption, causing the alien team to be greatly downsized.

"What the **** is going on here, there were no hidden space cracks here before, and the ground would not spit fire. What happened?"

The aliens of the remaining seventeen galaxies all stopped and did not dare to move on.

In just two minutes, more than 500 people have fallen here. The original team of 1,800 has only over 900 people left, and the death toll is appalling.

The giants suffer the most. Their bodies are too large to avoid the space cracks on the bright surface. The emergence of invisible space cracks is simply a nightmare for them.

If the dwarves are still there, they must be very adaptable to the environment here. After all, the smaller the body, the less likely they will hit a crack in the invisible space.

Unfortunately, before they came here, they were killed together by everyone.

"Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?"

The giant bears of the giant race finally couldn't bear this kind of torture. They killed more than fifty people in the battle with the dwarves. At this time, the fissures in the space and the ground fire engulfed more than twenty people.

The remaining members of the giant clan are less than thirty, and all are wounded.

Freese also had a dignified expression, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it must be related to Chaos Qinglian."

Everyone was shocked when the word came out.

Chaotic Qinglian has always existed in this broken universe. It was discovered more than a thousand years ago, but it was not mature at that time.

Now, when Chaolian Qinglian has reached maturity, it must have absorbed too much energy, making this side of the universe more unstable.

It can be imagined that when the chaotic Qinglian was picked, it might cause the collapse of this universe, and then there will no longer be this broken ancient universe.

Everyone is a smart person, and the key is figured out with a little reminder.

Martinston from the Centaurs galaxy said, "Yes, it's time for the chaotic green lotus to mature. This universe can't bear it anymore and must be picked as soon as possible."

Martinston is the leader of the Centaur galaxy. His combat effectiveness is very sturdy, and he has a very high voice among the crowd.

Upon hearing this, a superhero with a tauren body nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, the next road is more dangerous. I hope we can put down our prejudices with each other and pick Chaos Qinglian together."

This person is the strongest of the Tauren peoples. The pair of horns is infinitely powerful and can shake the world.

Next, the mammoths, giant apes, mechans, zombies, humanoids and other strong people from various ethnic groups expressed their hopes and hoped that all ethnic groups would strengthen cooperation and walk through this path of death.

As for the distribution of Chaos Qinglian, I will talk about it after I leave this ghost place.

What's more, the chaotic green lotus has a lot of lotus seeds, and it also has the magic effect. Even if you get the non-chaotic green lotus, you can get many lotus seeds.

Everyone agreed to let the defensive Mammoth strongmen open the way.

Everyone has agreed that when the fruits of victory are distributed, the Mammoths can share more.

When the aliens of the major galaxies discussed countermeasures, a figure had easily passed through this dead zone and reached the core area.

This person is Lu Fan who gave up chasing the aliens. With the help of the God Chain, he will be reminded every time he encounters an invisible space crack. Lu Fan can easily avoid it.

In this way, the road of death that made the aliens horrified, Lu Fan was useless for even a minute, and crossed directly.

At this moment, Lu Fan came outside a huge tiankeng and stood on the edge of the chaotic tiankeng, shocked by the scene in front of him.

The vast and chaotic air rolled in the heavens and the earth, like the torrential river pouring into the endless crater, and the sound of chaos in it echoed, making Lu Fan's heart roar.

Lu Fan just stood on the edge of the tiankeng, his body was almost unable to bear it, and the endless crushing force was emitted from the air of chaos. It seemed that Lu Fan could be wiped out inadvertently.

Lu Fan was horrified that these chaotic atmospheres were extremely terrifying. It seemed that every trace had a serious weight. Anyone who got tangled in it would be instantly hanged.

This breath is too terrible for medium life.

Suddenly, Lu Fan noticed that there was an inexplicable agitation in his body, and he suddenly woke up from the deep yellow air that had fallen into a deep sleep, revealing his appearance like an enemy.

Lu Fan was startled and asked the chain of God: "The chain of god, the yellowish air and the chaotic air, who is the best of them?"

Hearing Lu Fan ’s question, ShenChain was silent, and seemed to be thinking about it carefully, and did not reply until a long time later, saying, "The two have the same origin, but are fundamentally different ~ ~ cannot coexist. "

"What do you mean?"

Lu Fan showed the color of doubt. Both gases are extremely extraordinary, and maybe they will lead to ancient secrets.

Divine Chain explained: "The air of chaos is also called the air of Hongmeng. At the beginning of heaven and earth, it began with chaos. It can be said that the air of chaos is the mother ancestor of all things, the ancestor of all qi.

"Xuanhuang Qi is the air of heaven and earth, more pure than the air of chaos. It can swallow the sky, the earth, and the sun, the moon, and the stars."

"In simple terms, chaos represents destruction and rebirth. Everything starts with chaos and returns to chaos. It only appears when the universe is opened or destroyed."

"Xuanhuang Qi was born of chaos, but it can always exist and grow, and may eventually surpass Chaos Qi."

Hearing the explanation of Divine Chain, Lu Fan has a preliminary understanding of the two. The Xuanhuang Qi and the Chaos Qi are inextricably linked. With his current strength, it is impossible to study it in depth.

However, every time the chaos air appears, it is either the beginning of the universe or the destruction of the universe. At this time, there are so many chaos air here. I am afraid that the broken universe is really going to be completely destroyed.

At the same time, Lu Fan's heart is extremely enthusiastic. The green lotus born in the chaos is definitely a super feat only in legend. He must find a way to get it anyway.

Lu Fan's eyes were dazzling, he looked towards the bottom of the chaotic crater, and he saw that in the endless chaotic sea of ​​smoke, a green turquoise green lotus was sinking up and down there, emitting a sacred light.

With just one glance, Lu Fan concluded that this green lotus was not a mortal thing. He had an impulse and wanted to rush down to pick it immediately.

However, the air of chaos rolling up and down there is really terrifying, and a little bit of it must be dead here.

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