King of Eschatology

Chapter 816: Cheating God's Chain

"How to do?"

6 Anyone scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, and he will leave here in the last five minutes, time is seriously short.

Divine Chain is also extremely anxious. For Chaolian Qinglian, she is even more concerned than 6 Fans, because this is the key thing to get rid of her destiny.

"There is a way!"

Suddenly she opened her mouth and her face became dignified.

6 Every time his expression is stagnant, he perceives the change of the divine chain and finds it a bit difficult. He asks, "What is the solution?"

Divine Chain couldn't help but grab its own silver, a painful look, and finally his eyes flashed, showing fierce anger, saying: "For the sake of this, we can only use flesh and blood to open the road to chaos."

6 Everyone was shocked and startled.

The tiankeng is full of chaos, and it is still far away from Qinglian. If you use flesh and blood to open the road, you do n’t know how much flesh and blood will be consumed.

6 Everyone who looked at his small body suddenly laughed suddenly. If he fell into it, he might not even get a splash.

There is a large amount of life potions in Fan's storage space. If you lack arms and legs, you can recover from drinking life potions.

However, there is too much chaos in the air below. I am afraid that after 6 Fans jumped in, they would die in an instant, and it was impossible to have a chance to drink the potion of life.

Just when 6 wanted to enter the wrong, the chain of God spoke again, and the words said made the 6 demon king unbearable cold.

"Almost 800 other aliens are still alive. If they were caught, all of them would be thrown into the chaotic sky pit. Maybe a short passage could be opened."

6 Any irresistible spirit, re-examines the silver little loli of God Chain, and now the other party is violent and even feels scared.

The purpose of the aliens here is to pick lotus seeds. Although it is difficult, as long as you have special tools, it is easy to succeed.

However, God Chain needs not only lotus seeds, but also lotus roots buried under chaos. She needs to reshape her body with the help of chaotic lotus roots.

This kind of thing is impossible for middle-level life, even if there is flesh and blood to open the way.

However, the words God linked down immediately dispelled the doubts of 6 Fan.

"Here is a broken universe and it is about to be destroyed. The laws of heaven and earth here are incomplete. I can use the power of the system to help you temporarily improve your strength and let you step into the upper level of life."

Hearing this, 6 Fan suddenly appeared overjoyed and asked, "Do you mean, can I break through to the highest life here?"

"of course not!"

The chain of God's decisive negation: "If you really evolve to the highest level of life, when you return to the earth, the main space of the earth will be crowded because of your existence."

"As long as you unravel the seal of the earth, even if it is only one of the eighteen seals, you can smoothly evolve to superior life, otherwise don't think about it."

At this moment, 6 is showing strange colors and gradually understands the meaning of God Chain. It seems that God Chain intends to help himself to briefly improve his strength, and will return to the original state after picking the chaotic Qinglian.

"Time is running out, you have only two minutes!"

"I will help you to upgrade your strength to first-class life. You will catch all the surviving aliens, and throw them into the chaotic crater to pick the chaotic green lotus."

"It's an opportunity, and it won't come again, now, immediately, immediately!"

The words did not fall, 6 Fan suddenly felt a warm heart, a horrifying force revived in the deepest part of his body, and immediately rose into the sky.

At this moment, 6 is surrounded by light and tens of millions of pores are spraying energy. He looks like a dazzling light ball, brighter than the hot sun.


6 With a painful roar, he felt that all his internal organs were shattered by this horrible force, and his limbs and bones were also severely impacted.

The dense cracks appeared on the surface of 6 Fan's body. It seemed that 6 Fan's body was about to be burst by energy shock!

"Sink, God Chain, Sick your uncle!"

This kind of pain is not what ordinary people can bear. 6 Fan felt that his whole body was so painful that he couldn't breathe because his lungs were completely shattered.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and 6 Fan's heart was horrified. This **** of God Chain had already pitted his host at all costs in order to get the chaotic Qinglian.

"If you want to gain the power of first-rate life, how can you not pay a little price and act quickly, you don't have much time."

Divine Chain opened her mouth and suddenly became cold-blooded and ruthless. Even if she bet, if she wins, she can get rid of the shackles of the God Link System and become a real individual.

If the bet is lost, it is a big deal to change host.

6 Anyone who has already guessed the idea of ​​God Chain is going to be mad. I am afraid that the previous hosts of the God Link system were all killed by God Chain.

The **** link system is a good system, but its spokesperson **** chain is not a fun thing!

6Fan finally understood why Shenlian said he only had two minutes ~ ~ Looking at his current state, I'm afraid he won't be able to persist for a minute.

Now that this is the case, 6 Fan can only fight hard and can't look back.


6 Everyone yelled, soared directly into the sky, just like the hot sun went straight up into the sky.

At this moment, 6 Fan's eyes were congested, and it was almost impossible to see clearly, but the enhancement of spiritual consciousness became more rapid, instantly covering a range of hundreds of miles.


6 The enhancement of the spiritual sense instantly locked the alien forces 50 miles away, and immediately smashed towards the front like a meteor.

As for the large number of invisible space cracks in the void, they were directly avoided by 6 Fan.

On the bright day, all the aliens were aware of the moment when 6 Fan burst.

"what happened?"

All the aliens stopped and looked up.

At this moment, the originally dim space suddenly lighted up, and a bright sun suddenly appeared, at this time it was smashing in the direction of everyone.

The original huge team of 1,800 people now has only one fraction left, and about 800 people.

The giants, mammoths, tauren, half horses, beggits, humanoids, zombies and other strong races are all puzzled. They have explored this broken universe many times, never heard Have a similar situation.

The dazzling light is getting closer and closer, and when they see the bright sun, they all show a shocking color.

Because they saw that the dazzling sun was not the real sun, but a human being.

An Earthman who has long been extinct by the major galaxies!

(End of this chapter)

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