King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1001: Reincarnation

At this time, in front of the bookshelf on the right, the white enchantment has disappeared.

Zhao Feng stepped in directly, and Ji Jin’s heart beats. Although there is no enchantment, she does not dare to enter without the permission of the Lord of the Stars.

Zhao Feng picked up a copy of the book at random.

"Analysis of "Inflammation"?"

Zhao Feng is slightly stunned.

The contents of the bookshelf on the left are mostly based on the illusion, and they are all books that help the family of Zijiazi Zixing.

On the right, it is all-encompassing, all kinds of martial arts, very theoretical knowledge of the door, there are some.

Zhao Feng flipped through and looked for what he was interested in.

"Found, "Reincarnation"

There are very few books here, and Zhao Feng quickly found what he needed.

"The reincarnation of the reincarnation contains the eyes of the heavens and the earth, and the souls that can dissipate the dead in the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth, extract them, and reinvent the new life in the cycle of death..."

Zhao Feng carefully read the book.

The cycle of reincarnation involves the rules of the heavens and the earth, and the unique existence of the cycle of death is even more unrepeatable.

Therefore, with regard to the special techniques of reincarnation, even with detailed theoretical analysis, almost no other eyelids can be applied.

"Want to ‘resurrection, someone must make a reincarnation on their body beforehand.”

Zhao Feng suddenly realized.

Only the souls that have been reinstated, the reincarnation of the soul can be extracted from the rules of heaven and earth.

The power of reincarnation is everywhere, and the ability to cross the sky is extremely strong. Even if it is separated by hundreds of millions of miles, it can be completed.

Therefore, when the degraded land of the death emperor was far from the mainland, it could still be resurrected.

"Not everyone who is dead can be resurrected through the reincarnation."

Zhao Feng looks slightly dim and continues to browse.

"The soul of the resurrection from the reincarnation of death can not be chosen, enter the body of life, can only be boarded in the reincarnation of the reincarnation created by the reincarnation, and the reincarnation is also the product of the reincarnation of death, so it does not die. ......"

Zhao Feng was shocked and seemed to understand something.

There is reincarnation in the heavens and the earth, and the reincarnation is the product of the rules of heaven and earth.

Equivalent to the fact that reincarnation has an independent world system.

Everything in the cycle of death is equivalent to having left the world.

The owner of the reincarnation is the master of the cycle of death.

"It seems that there is also a world in my god."

Zhao Feng touched the class and thought that the dream was too ancient.

However, the dream is too old and not controlled by Zhao Feng.

Perhaps when Zhao Feng’s **** is completely awakened, he can become the master of that world.

In addition, Zhao Feng also thought that there seems to be a dead space in the shackles of death, and its ability is not very clear.

"So, the eight great gods and their blood heritage seem to have a separate rule world."

Through a detailed understanding of the reincarnation, plus Zhao Feng's knowledge.

He has a deeper understanding of the Eight Great Gods.

After a long while, Zhao Feng read it.

"The whole story of "Reincarnation" is a introduction to the cycle of death. With regard to the reincarnation of life, only one point is mentioned: a certain time after death, there is a way for the reincarnation of life to reincarnate."

Zhao Feng is shocked.

Really, the reincarnation has the legendary ability to return to life.

But it is not a cure for life, but a resurrection in another way.

"This way seems to be very similar to Liu Qinqian's new life."

Zhao Feng whispered softly.

In general, Zhao Feng has a certain understanding of the ability of reincarnation.

If it is not necessary, Zhao Feng does not want to be an enemy of reincarnation.

After reading "Return to Death", Zhao Feng put time into other books.

The rarity of each of the books here is not much different from the "Return of Death".

Not a while.

Zhao Feng looks at an ancient book in his hand - "Resurrection of the Soul"

Zhao Feng hasn't read the contents yet, but the author of "Resurrection of the Soul" has attracted Zhao Feng.

"It is actually the "Wan Nian Shen", the author of "Division of the Soul""

At this time, Zhao Feng understood the words of the Lord of the Stars and Devils. He only hoped that this ancient book should not be incomplete.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng began to read.

"Good detail"

Zhao Feng was amazed.

This "Resurrection of the Soul" is not only a cultivation method, but also contains many cultivation experiences and theoretical analysis.

This law can condense the soul, but its main role is to improve the self-healing power of the soul.

The soul and the body generally have a certain self-healing ability. When they are injured, they will be reflected, but the soul's self-healing ability is slow.

Therefore, most people will carry some soul treatment herbs.

"The actual effect of this "Resurrection of the Soul" is not great."

Zhao Feng made an evaluation.

Even if the "Resurrection of the Soul" is completed, its self-healing ability is still not comparable to some soul treatments.

Moreover, the cultivation requirements of "Resurrection of the Soul" are still very high, even if they are good at the soul field, they may not be achieved.

However, the last line of this law attracted Zhao Feng’s attention.

"Cultivating "Resurrection of the Soul" can improve the success rate of "Division of the Soul"

Zhao Feng is still very optimistic about "Division of the Soul".

Moreover, after reading this ancient book, Zhao Feng also discovered that the cultivation of "Wan Nian Shen" can increase the effect of "Resurrection of the Soul".

"It seems that "The Soul of the Soul" is not a follow-up to the "Wan Nian Shen". In the middle, there is actually a copy of "The Resurrection of the Soul"

Zhao Feng immediately wrote down all the contents of "Resurrection of the Soul".

Fortunately, the quality of this law is not high, and Zhao Feng’s current soul-making and learning ability can be fully practiced in no time.

"Perhaps, the author first thought of "Division of the Soul", but found that the average person could not cultivate, and then created "Wan Nian Shen" and "Resurrection"

As a result, Zhao Feng understood the preciousness of "Division of the Soul".

It is no wonder that the mechanical shackles in the Tianji City say that the complete "Division of the Soul" is at least the top of the heavens.

Before practicing "Division of the Soul", we must also cultivate two basic laws, and the requirements of these two basic laws are high and scary. For example, Duanmuqing practiced "Wan Nian Shen" for thousands of years, and did not cultivate it. Very high level.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng’s "Wan Nian Shen Shen" is about to be completed soon, and "Feng Shen Shen" Zhao Feng is also sure to complete the cultivation in a short time.

Zhao Feng could not help but be more optimistic about "Division of the Soul".

"It is no wonder that the Lord of the Stars and the Lord is so interested in "The Soul of the Soul". I want to come to the Star Demon Lord to have a certain understanding of "Wan Nian Shen", and he himself has "Resurrection of the Soul".

Zhao Feng couldn't help but think that the Star Demon Lord would not want to practice "Division of the Soul".

When Zhao Feng wrote down the entire contents of "The Resurrection of the Soul", the voice of the Lord of the Stars and Devils also sounded. "It seems that the little friends have gained a lot today, come back tomorrow.

Ji Lan glanced at the bookshelf where Zhao Feng was, revealing a craving.

Zhao Feng put down the ancient books in his hands and said modestly: "I heard the Jijia Purple Star Tower, which enjoys a good reputation on the mainland, and it is of great help to the soul's condensing and illusion practice.

"Oh, no matter, the old man will send you a purple star pass."

After that, there is a six-star purple token that floats in front of Zhao Feng.

"Purple Star Pass"

Ji Lan was shocked.

It should be known that the Ji family disciples are able to enter the Purple Star Tower through a large number of family contributions, and the time is limited.

The purple star pass order is generally a family disciple who makes great achievements, or a family ratio, as the best reward.

Purple Star Pass, although only into the Purple Star Tower once, but not limited time.

"Thank you for your predecessors"

Zhao Feng took the token and held the fist slightly.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Ji Lan, left the private hall of the Star Devil.

At night, Zhao Feng began to practice "Wan Nian Shen", and he also began to practice "Resurrection of the Soul".

"The law that increases the ability of the soul to heal itself is equivalent to the physical practice of the body."

Zhao Feng estimates that Wan Nian Shen can be completed in a few months.

The first time I contacted the "Resurrection of the Soul", Zhao Feng's cultivation speed was very amazing. One night, he cultivated to the third floor.

After practicing the "Resurrection of the Soul", Zhao Feng discovered that his own soul has a ‘activity that cannot be said.

On the second morning, Ji Lan arrived as scheduled.

"Zhao Feng, let me take you to the Purple Star Tower."

In fact, this is the command of the Lord of the Stars, but Ji Lan does not mind.

Because of Zhao Feng's sake, she has borrowed two days in the private possession of the Star Devil.

But the books she actually remembered were less than ten books.

"Go, go."

Zhao Feng walked out of the room.

Purple Star Tower, the most famous place of cultivation in Jijia.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Purple Star Tower that the Jijia disciple is so excellent, and has a very solid foundation in the soul and the illusion.

Some outside forces often use a lot of resources in exchange for the qualification to enter the Jijia Purple Star Tower.

This is also why some of the eight great families have gradually fallen, and their strength is not strong, they can still hold this fame.

The eight great families have the foundation of their foothold. They rely on their own skills and establish good communication relations with many outside forces. The Purple Star Tower stands at the Jijia Neizu Center and has many children.

The news that Zhao Feng came to the Ji family was spread yesterday.

"Look, Zhao Feng"

"Ji Lan will not really look at Zhao Feng."

"Impossible, I see Jilian will soon come to Zhao Feng's troubles."

There are many arguments from the disciples.

The soul system is very strong in its ability to perceive, and Ji Lan naturally listens to her ears.

Compared with Jilian, Zhao Feng is indeed much better, and Ji Lan can't help but think about it.

"Elders, we want to enter the Purple Star Tower"

In front of the Purple Star Tower, Ji Lan said to several elders in charge.

At the same time, Zhao Feng took out the Purple Star Pass.

"Hey, Purple Star Pass"

An elder looked at Zhao Feng and was slightly shocked.

Only a handful of high-level families can be given to the Purple Star Pass.

"You can go in."

The two entered the Purple Star Tower together. Unlike Zhao Feng, Ji Lan is a family-contributing contribution.

Entering the Purple Star Tower, the line of sight is completely blurred.

There is only a thick purple mist in front of it. On the first floor, every other distance, there is a futon with a disciple sitting on the plate.

On the first floor of the Purple Star Tower, the futons are almost filled with Jijia disciples, mostly true spiritual realms.

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