King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1002: Illusion

Zhao Feng is near the residence.

"Ji Lian, that kid went to the Purple Star Tower"

A Jilian's follow-up, trotting to Jilian.

“Ji Shengming, Zhao Feng went to the Purple Star Tower”

Jilian's brows are slightly wrinkled, and the Star Demon Lord is too optimistic about Zhao Feng, and actually gave Zhao Feng Zixing Tower the right to pass.

"Then we will wait for him outside the Purple Star Tower."

On the side of Jilian, a middle-aged man in black, his eyes shook.

"In addition, Ji Lan seems to go with Zhao Feng."

This is a small class.

Jilian’s brows suddenly huddled together, and his heart burned in anger.

"let's go"

Jilian’s sleeves screamed and whispered.

He is in Jijia, but he has never suffered any humiliation, and naturally he will not let Zhao Feng easily.

Ji Lian’s great-grandfather, will not be shot for Zhao Lian, the younger generation of Zhao Feng, and, Zhao Feng, anyway, is the guest brought back by the Star Devil.

However, Ji Lian’s great-grandfather asked his second disciple, Ji Shengming, to follow Jilian, but the others did not say much.

Ji Shengming, second only to Ji Dengtian's quasi-sacred master.

Jilian did not believe that this time he still can't teach Zhao Feng.

"Ki Sheng name, don't be too heavy when you get there."

Ji Lian showed a sullen smile.

On the same day, Zhao Feng let him lose face in front of Ji Lan.

This time, he wants to let Zhao Feng, in front of Ji Lan, even more unbearable, otherwise why is Ji Jilan away from Zhao Feng.

Inside the Purple Star Tower.

Zhao Feng and Ji Lan walked slowly.

The first floor of the Purple Star Tower is a disciple of the true spirit.

Zhao Feng’s left eye observation revealed that there were some subtle arrays around each futon.

"Every position in the Purple Star Tower has a space array and is isolated from the outside world."

Ji Lan explained to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng nodded. If there is no such space array isolation, then it will not be able to play the role of submersible.

The second floor of the Purple Star Tower.

Still full of people, they are all Ji family disciples of Xiao Dan Yuan Jing.

Zhao Feng and Ji Lan went all the way to the seventh floor.

The purple dense fog in front of the eyes is almost as thick as water, filling the entire space.

On the seventh floor, there are a total of ten futons. Now there are only six people on the futon. One of them, Zhao Feng, is very familiar with it, it is Ji Dengtian.

"The seventh floor of the Purple Star Tower, suitable for the cultivation of the Emperor of the Dark God"

When Ji Lan finished, he came to a futon.

Although the strength of Jilan is far beyond the ordinary emperor.

But the eighth layer is the spiritual practice of Xuanguangjing. Unless the soul of Jilan reaches the level of the Lord, otherwise it will enter the eighth floor and may not be able to stand up for a moment.

At this point, people who enter the Purple Star Tower understand that the thick purple mist in the air has the effect of hallucination and hypnosis, and the effect of each layer will increase.

The eighth layer is a purple dense fog that can confuse the mighty Lord. The district emperor naturally does not dare to go up.

Zhao Feng did not speak, found a futon, try the effect first.

Sitting on the futon, the scene around Zhao Feng changed completely. Only the endless purple fog swayed and twisted, and no one could see anyone.

"These purple mists seem to be the embodiment of the power of my soul, controlled by the will of my soul."

Zhao Feng instantly noticed the uniqueness of the Purple Star Tower.


Zhao Feng’s soul will quickly manipulate the dense fog around him.

Not a while.

Around Zhao Feng, it became a majestic and heavy purple labyrinth.

“It’s a magical powerhouse, a great place to simulate the world and the small world”

Zhao Feng praised.

Here, the power of the soul can be materialized, which is very conducive to shaping the field and troubleshooting defects in the field.

At the same time, he can feel that within the futon, the influence and invasion of the thick fog on the soul is even more fierce.

These thick fogs only cause people to have illusions and increase mental stress. They do have the effect of condensing the soul.

Zhao Feng was here first, and he perfected his fantasy city.

Because, in the future, Zhao Feng also intends to shape the fantasy city into another small world.

In addition, Zhao Feng also cultivated "Wan Nian Shen" and "Resurrection of the Soul".

The "Wan Nian Shen" is about to be completed, and the progress of the "Resurrection of the Soul" is very fast.

It won't take long for Zhao Feng to try "Division of the Soul".

Why did Zhao Feng try this very dangerous, only the soul of the first layer of cultivation method?

There are three reasons for this: First, the mechanical shackles of the celestial family have a very high evaluation of the "Soul of the Soul", and Zhao Feng, who has the eyes of the gods, is also very good at the deduction of the 诀.

Second, "Wan Nian Shen" is about to be completed, and the benefits that this **** brings to Zhao Feng are beyond doubt.

Then, how powerful is it to use the "Meng Nian Shen" and "Resurrection of the Soul"?

Thirdly, the cultivation method of splitting the soul of "Division of the Soul" is very attractive to Zhao Feng. Once Zhao Feng tries to succeed, then the problem of Zhao Feng's rejection of death seems to be solved perfectly.

That is to say, once Zhao Feng cultivates the "divide the soul", the soul is successful, then he can melt the death to the split soul.

Zhao Feng can not believe, the soul that he splits, but also the eyes of the gods.

He has always believed that his **** eye is as unique as the eight gods.

Time passed slowly, at noon.

Ji Lan left the futon and saw Zhao Feng still practicing.

"Zhao Feng's soul will is likely to reach the Lord. There is no problem in practicing here for a few days."

Ji Lan sighed.

She took out some precious materials to purify the soul, and after serving, returned to the futon.

Even Ji Lan did not notice that Zhao Feng was next to her, and his progress in cultivation was much faster than before.

On the second day, Ji Lan returned to the sixth floor and took a rest for a while before coming back to the seventh floor.

At this time, Zhao Feng, still the same as the initial, did not move.

"Fantasy city, close to perfection"

Zhao Feng is very satisfied.

The more stable the field, the smaller the world, the more convenient and powerful it is.

At the same time, after practicing here for two days, Zhao Feng reached the soul of the Holy Master and was more refined and pure.

In addition, the illusion envisioned in Zhao Feng’s mind is basically shaped.

Combine the eye of the illusion with the illusion of the purple star, and name it illusionary.

The illusion of the magic field, the enemy is pulled into the fantasy world created by Zhao Feng's spiritual eyes, and the other's soul ideas are isolated from the body, confusing the other's five senses, so that the Chinese practitioners think that everything around them is real.

At this time, he will display the illusion of the fascination to Jilian, and it may take a glance at Jilian to indulge in the illusion world for decades.

On the third day, Ji Lan finally could not support it. If she stayed in the Purple Star Tower, it would only cause incurable damage to her soul.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng also opened his eyes and got up and left the futon.

"How? It's time to leave."

Ji Lan smiled.

She believes that Zhao Feng must experience the extraordinary of the Purple Star Tower.

The first time you enter the Purple Star Tower, you may be uncomfortable and stay for a long time.

"You go first"

Zhao Feng said indifferently and walked inside.

"What are you going to be? There is... the eighth floor entrance"

Ji Lan looked shocked.

After Zhao Feng stayed on the seventh floor of the Purple Star Tower for three days, he planned to go to the eighth floor.

You must know that Ji family, when you want to enter a higher floor, enters at the best state, so you can spend more time.

"Zhao Feng should want to see the eighth floor."

Ji Lan smiled.

After all, after Zhao Feng left this time, there was no chance to enter the Purple Star Tower again.

On the seventh floor of the corridor leading to the eighth floor, there are many enchantments.

But these enchantments are not meant to prevent disciples from arbitrarily, but to isolate the purple fog between the floors.

Zhao Feng went to the eighth floor through the enchantment of the formation.

If you say that on the seventh floor, Zhao Feng’s vision is five feet.

Then the eighth floor, Zhao Feng's vision, only one foot left, even if the perspective ability of the left eye is motivated, this layer cannot be seen.

In a short while, the scene in front of Zhao Feng is a bit chaotic, as if in the fog, there are many wild animals.

"Sure enough"

Zhao Feng is excited and runs the "Wan Nian Shen" and the will of the Holy Spirit.

Suddenly, everything in front of him, returning to normal, turned into a purple foggy ocean.

The reason why Zhao Feng ventured into the eighth floor was because he found that practicing the "Resurrection of the Soul" in the Purple Star Tower was very amazing.

And Zhao Feng’s soul will arrive at the level of the Lord for a long time. He practiced on the eighth floor of the Purple Star Tower and had a better effect on his soul.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng found a futon to sit down.

At this time, outside the Purple Star Tower, Jilian and Ji Dengtian were somewhat impatient.

Nearby, other Ji family, who are waiting to watch the show, also began to disperse.


The eighth layer of the Purple Star Tower flashes a purple glow, and the eighth layer lights up.

Suddenly, the disciples in the vicinity were shocked and stopped.

The Purple Star Tower has nine floors. Only one of the layers has a disciple to practice, and that layer will light up.

Nowadays, the eighth floor of the Purple Star Tower is shimmering, which proves that some people have learned to practice on the eighth floor.

However, the eighth layer is the cultivation place of the Holy Land.

"The eighth floor is actually bright"

"Is it the genius of the genius of my family, to reach the level of the Lord?"

"I remember Ji Dengtian is inside, is it him?"

The children of Ji family gathered nearby, and they talked a lot.

Because, in the near future, there is no strong master of the Holy Lord, and entered the Purple Star Tower.

Therefore, they only speculated that it may be the Jijiaqiang who cultivated in the seventh floor, making a temporary breakthrough and entering the eighth floor.

And Ji Dengtian, as the strongest quasi-sacred master of the Ji family, is very likely.

"What? Ji Dengtian?"

Ji Shengming's face is heavy.

Ji Dengtian is indeed stronger than him. Otherwise, the quota for the Prince’s trial is his.

Today, Ji Dengtian has an opportunity in the trial of the Prince, and he came back to practice for a period of time, and actually gave birth to the will of the Lord, which made Ji Shengming extremely angry.

Fortunately, it is still uncertain, maybe Ji Dengtian just forcibly entered the eighth floor to try, maybe after a while, the lights on the eighth floor will be dark.

"Ji Lan?"

Ji Lian showed a smile and was very excited.

"What about Zhao Feng?"

Jilian found out that Zhao Feng did not come out with Ji Lan.

"He is still inside"

Ji Lan simply answered and walked aside.

When Ji Lan saw Jilian and Ji Shengming, they knew what they were going to do.

She is not worried about Zhao Feng, but is worried about these two people.

"Damn, this Zhao Feng"

Jilian’s eyes burned with anger.

He knew at a glance that Ji Lan was planning to wait for Zhao Feng to come down here.

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