King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1005: rescue

In the Purple Star Tower, Zhao Feng is not only practicing the "Wan Nian Shen" and "Resurrection of the Gods". For the illusion, the practice of the illusion is also ongoing.

Although his soul was seriously injured, the soul will not recover, but it is enough to clean up these two people.

Zhao Feng runs some of the newly restored willpower and exerts a simplified illusion of the illusion, so that the two can fall into the world of fantasy.

"Zhao Feng, you?"

Ji Lan immediately stepped forward and looked surprised. She didn't know what to say.

There is some blank in her mind, and Zhao Feng’s weakness can be felt by anyone. In this case, even with a look, he has cleaned up Ji Shengming.

Although only she knows, Zhao Feng is on the ninth floor.

"Today I don't go to the Stars and Devils."

Zhao Feng said indifferently, even flew to the residence.

Gillian stunned and then stumbled.

Although only Zhao Feng went to the Lord of the Stars, she was able to go in and borrow books.

But she stayed here, but I was not thinking about going to the private possession of the Lord of the Stars with Zhao Feng.

"Ji Lian, Ji Shengming, what's wrong with you?"

After Zhao Feng left, many disciples gathered around and looked at the two people who provoked Zhao Feng’s Ji Jia.

"In the soul of the illusion, but the general illusion solution is useless"

One of the Jijia Emperors tried a variety of methods and was useless to both.

After a while, Ji Shengming's face appeared a little struggling, and then quickly awake, and Jilian was always stupid.

"Ji Lian"

Ji Shengming immediately put the soul of the soul into the soul of Jilian, and soon he awakened it.

"This Zhao Feng..."

After Jilian was awake, his body was awkward.

Although Jilian was the second time to face Zhao Feng’s illusion, this time Zhao Feng’s willpower was too strong and completely shocked him.

And Ji Shengming is frightened in his heart. In such a weak situation, Zhao Feng can easily clean them up. It is hard to imagine how strong Zhao Feng will be in the complete state.

"The sixth layer of "Resurrection of the Soul" is complete, the effect is not bad"

Zhao Feng’s flight to his residence revealed that his soul damage had recovered by about 20%.

"But Bi Qingyue, Xu Laoqiu and others suddenly left. Has it happened?"

Zhao Feng muttered.

At the time of cultivation in the Purple Star Tower, Bi Qingyue passed the meditation, indicating that they will all go back.

It may be that Bi Qingyue didn't want Zhao Feng to practice distraction, but did not explain the specific situation. At that time, Zhao Feng was also at the critical time of cultivation and did not ask.

At this time, Bi Qingyue and others have exceeded the contact range of the Mingxin.

After returning to his place of residence, Zhao Feng was alone and began to retreat for a short time.

In the open world, the cloud silkworm butterfly, fanning transparent small wings, came to Zhao Feng.

“Already ready to break through the Lord?”

Zhao Feng's heart is moving.

Yunxian Xiandie was hit hard because of a battle. Under the treatment of Zhao Feng, it has already recovered its peak state. Together with Zhao Feng’s massive resource cultivation, the strength of Yunxian Xiandie has reached a top.

The silkworm butterfly itself has a certain degree of certainty to break through the Lord, but not big.

Meow meow

The little thief came to Zhao Feng.

"A hundred source holy pulp, the silkworm silk butterfly is handed over to you"

Zhao Feng handed this matter to the little thief cat to do.

Yunxian Xiandie has great help to Zhao Feng. If it breaks through the Lord, its value will be raised again.

Meow meow

The little thief's claws are constantly waving in front of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng nodded, the little thief cat is saying, Zhao Feng's monster group and precious herbs, it is very careful, and the harvest is excellent, asking Zhao Feng to give rewards.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng followed the little thief cat and strolled around in the open world.

The little thief cat is in the management of the monster, it is indeed in place.

It can communicate with the monsters, understand the situation of each monster, and use the smallest resources to make the most use.

The strength of each monster group has not been greatly improved.

Therefore, Zhao Feng allowed for some resource requirements put forward by the little thief cat.

After dealing with the thief's cat, Zhao Feng focused on repairing his soul injury.

Two days later.

Zhao Feng’s injury was completely repaired, the soul was more solid and pure, and the strength of the soul was refined. The “Resurrection of the Soul” also broke through to the seventh floor.

"When the "Resurrection of the Soul" is practiced on the eighth floor, you can try "Division of the Soul"."

Zhao Feng couldn’t help but feel excited inside.

According to the discussion of "The Soul of the Soul", this is equivalent to a avatar.

The secret technique of the avatar, the special means of the Lord, is based on the use of the Eucharist to create the avatar.

The "divide the soul" is a split soul, a split soul, and is also equivalent to a avatar, and "dividing the soul" itself has the role of practicing the soul.

Therefore, Zhao Feng is more and more eager to "divide the soul", and even tries to perfect this law.

As a result, Zhao Feng needs to read a lot of theoretical knowledge within the soul and expand his knowledge.

On this day, Zhao Feng left his residence and went to the private possession of the Lord of the Stars.

The book on the left shelf in the private collection, Zhao Feng has not finished reading, the right shelf also has two days of borrowing time.

"Zhao Xiaoyou, finally came..."

From the temple of the Lord of the Stars and the distance of dozens of feet, the voice of the Lord of the Stars is far from the voice.

“Thank you for the predecessor’s Purple Star Pass, which will benefit the younger generation”

Zhao Feng expressed his gratitude for his fists.

The four-day limit practice in the Purple Star Tower, Zhao Feng's harvest too much.

Zhao Feng also knows that everything he has in the Purple Star Tower should be sensed by the Lord of the Stars.

This is also a matter of indifference. The stronger he is, the more benefits he can get at the Lord of the Stars.

"Haha, in this case, if you want to go to the Purple Star Tower in the future, you can go straight in."

The Star Demon Lord smiled.

Zhao Feng has a slight glimpse, even if he shows a certain strength, the Star Devil should not be so good to him.

Free access to the Purple Star Tower, which is very unfair to other Jijia disciples who need to contribute, may have a very bad impact.

However, seeing the Star Devil Lord so happy, may be encountered in other good things, Zhao Feng did not refuse.

"In addition, if Zhao Xiaoyou wants to cultivate "The Soul of the Soul", the old man's research on these days has also summed up many notes. I don't know if Xiaoyou is not interested?"

The Lord of the Stars continues to speak.

Zhao Feng once again glimpsed, always feeling that today's Star Demon Lord is very different, it is too good for Zhao Feng, is there a pit?

Zhao Feng naturally did not know, because he was in the ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower, stayed at the time of the three interest, the real power of the Ji family moved.

"This, it is the honor of the younger generation to be able to borrow the notes of the seniors."

Zhao Feng could not refuse the temptation of the Lord of the Stars, but he also indicated that he could not trade anything else.

"The old man also wants to see the complete "Soul of the Soul". If Zhao Xiaoyou perfects it in the future, he must give it a look."

The Star Devil is joking.

After coming to the private possession of the Lord of the Stars and Devils, the Lord of the Stars took out a book and handed it to Zhao Feng.

Then Zhao Feng came to the bookshelf on the right, and his heart sank into the ocean of books.

The Star Demon Lord is not a living textbook of the Ji family's **** eyes. It has a wide range of experience and rich experience. He has written some of his views on the analysis of the "Division of the Soul" and the follow-up of the law.

According to the insights of the Lord of the Stars and Devils, the success rate of the cultivation of "The Soul of the Soul" is still very high, provided that the cultivation of "Wan Nian Shen" and "Resurrection of the Soul"

To a certain extent, this note also gave Zhao Feng the general route to follow the "Division of the Soul".

After reading this note, Zhao Feng grasped the cultivation of "Division of the Soul" and added a few more points.

Later, Zhao Feng began to borrow other books.

Zhao Feng believes that one day, his experience and insights will be far beyond the Lord of the Stars.

As time passed, Zhao Feng’s borrowing time on the right shelf ended.

Zhao Feng showed a kind of pity, in fact, in the bookshelf on the right, 70% of the books he is interested in have been all remembered by him.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng will target the left side of the bookshelf with more books.

"Before the elders, Ji Lan asked to see"

In these few days, the voice of Ji Lan appeared for the first time.


"Bige mainly gave me a letter to Zhao Feng, please Zhao Feng to go back as soon as possible."

Ji Lan truthfully reported.

In the Ji family, Bi Qingyue and Ji Lan met more, and the letter to the Ji family was naturally brought to Ji Lan, so as not to delay.

Inside the temple, Zhao Feng’s brows were slightly wrinkled. He knew that Bi Qingyue and others had rushed back and there was a reason.

"Xingmo predecessors, the younger generation first said goodbye"

Zhao Feng immediately said goodbye.

From the words of Ji Lan, Zhao Feng can see that the situation should be more urgent.

"Ji Lan, bring some Jijia native disciples, along with Zhao Feng"

The voice of the Lord of the Stars came.

"Ji Lan is obeying"

Ji Lan Ying Dao.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng took a lot of Jijia disciples and rushed back to the edge of the sea and the island. When he left, Zhao Feng used the fascinating world to leave a mark in the Ji family.

The family of Ji’s family who followed Ji Lan had fifteen people, almost all of them, and they were excited. This time, the family gave a considerable reward.

Wuyue Island, in front of Haiyan Pavilion.

Xu Laowei, Yuyue Shengjun and several other members of the Haiyan Pavilion were trapped in a large force.

Among them, Xu Laoqi and the night prince, the body is covered with some purple spots, the injury is serious, and the rest of the members are taking care of them.

"When you come back to the elders, everything will be solved."

Zhan Jieer’s firm voice sounded.

"Reassured, Zhao Feng will come"

Xu old strange voice sounded.

Through the meditation, Xu Laoqi has already contacted Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng is coming.

Within the sea smoke pavilion, it was completely changed.

In a dark hall, two tall figures stood.

One of them was wearing a gold armor, with a silvery grain on it, a brilliant glow, and another wearing a black and red robe. The whole body was full of sorrow.

"We deliberately let go of the girl, she will not be alone and stealing, no matter who you are, haha"

The figure of the black and red robe has a sharp sneer.

They deliberately let go of Biqingyue, naturally waiting for her letter to let Zhao Feng come back as soon as possible.

"After five days, if Zhao Feng still does not come, you will go to **** to report."

The man in the golden armor came out with a roar.

"I am coming, you will go to **** to report."

A cold, empty voice, echoing in the foggy island.

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