King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1006: Strong strength

In the Haiyan Pavilion, the old man in black and red robe and the gold armor immediately rushed out.

At the same time, in the other directions of the Haiyan Pavilion, dozens of people were plucked out.

"Zhao Feng"

Xu Laoqiu trembled and immediately got up.

"Taiwanese elders"

Zhan Jieer’s eyes are full of reverence.

There are also many members of the Sea Smoke Pavilion, looking excited and looking at the sky.

It seems that as long as the elder Zhao Feng comes back, this nightmare will end.

"Master, save the old man, the night princes"

Bi Qingyue communicated with Zhao Feng through the heart.

Both of them were highly toxic at this time and must be treated as soon as possible.

Zhao Feng glanced at the members of the Haiyan Pavilion, who were trapped in the formation of the Fa, and the members of the Haiyan Pavilion. They looked dull.

Through Bi Qingyue, he has some understanding of the situation here.

The occupation of the Haiyan Pavilion is the two major forces of Samsung, the Eight Star Building, and the Ghost Road Zongmen next to it.

These two forces, when Zhao Feng and Haiyange high-level officials left, occupied it and set up an ambush, and they will be caught off guard by Xu Laoque, Bi Qingyue and others.

However, it is obvious that these two forces want to annex the forces of Zhao Feng, so they have not smashed them, or they have other purposes.

"You are Zhao Feng?"

The golden armor whispered, and the world was banging loudly.

"You have a lot of nonsense, it’s not enough to drop him directly."

The old man in black and red robes sent out an impatience of sin.

The goal of their two major sects is only Zhao Feng.

As long as Zhao Feng is lost, Haiyan Pavilion and Wan Shengzong also have an assassination force, including the treasures of Zhao Feng, which will be theirs.

"You didn't see the child of Ji family next to Zhao Feng?"

The gold armor secretly passed the voice.

In their intelligence, Zhao Feng should only have some contact with Duanmujia, but Duanmujia is at the end of the Eight Great Family, far away from the border sea, even if they swallow the power of Zhao Feng, I believe that Duanmu will not take them. .

The family of Ji is different. Jijia is not too far from the border sea. The strength of the Ji family is also in the middle and upper reaches of the Eight Great Family.

"It’s really a dead brain. No matter what the family of Ji’s family is, it’s not enough to drop Zhao Feng.”

Black and red robe old man, swearing.

If Zhao Feng is alone, there may be problems.

But Zhao Feng thought that with the people of Jijia, they could scare them away, and that was a big mistake.

"Let's say, who is the latter, you can leave a whole body if you don't have a member of the Haiyan Pavilion?"

Zhao Feng suddenly asked.

The Eight Star Building and the Ghost Fire Gate are the edge of the sea and close to the inland Samsung forces.

These two major gates and the sea smoke pavilion, but there is no complaint.

Even in the magical space, Zhao Feng once plundered the resources of the Eight Stars, and it was impossible to cause the Haiyan Pavilion to be stared at by the Eight Star Building.

This two sects of the right and the evil, united for no reason, captured his power, and there will be a greasy behind.

"Haha, I’m still dying when I die."

The old man in black and red robe disdain.

A great emperor dared to say this to the two saints.

Although both of them are the early days of Xuanguang, their strength is stronger than that of those who have just been promoted to Xuanguang.

Moreover, they also brought two quasi-sacred masters from their respective sects.


The black and red robe figure and the golden armor suddenly rushed out, and then many emperors and quasi-sacred masters followed.

"Don't hurt the people of Jijia, kill Zhao Feng."

The voice of the old man in black and red robe rang in the soul of the rest of the people.

Everyone in the Ji family suddenly panicked. If this mission is not the Lord of the Stars, they will have fled.

In addition, outside the Purple Star Tower, Zhao Feng’s eye-catching Ji Shengming’s things have already spread some, and a little Ji’s children have certain recognition of Zhao Feng’s strength.

"Don't panic, listen to Zhao Feng's orders, the Eight Star Building and the Ghost Fire Gate, still can't dare to know what our family is."

The voice of Ji Lan sounded in the hearts of many Ji family.

Ji Lan believes that the strength of Zhao Feng, in the complete state, plus the support of the Ji family, is able to cope with the situation at hand.

Zhao Feng did not move, looking at the two forces of the wind and fire.

His left-handedness, a strong willpower, fluctuated.

"Fantasy Zone"

In the soul of the thunder, the power of infinite souls poured into the left.

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness evolved into an endless purple-gold labyrinth that exudes a deadly appeal.

In front of Zhao Feng, all the strong, eyes unconsciously looked at Zhao Feng's eyes, suddenly felt that the spiritual consciousness was uncontrollable and struggled.

But after all, it was useless, and in a short while, their eyes lost their luster.


In an instant, dozens of members who followed the golden armor man and the red and black robe old man, all in the distance, as if they had lost their souls.

And the gold armor man and the black red robe old man, running all the soul will, resisted the horror of the martyrdom.

"How is this going?"

The old man in black and red robe felt that something was wrong and he was shocked.

He looked at the golden eagle boy in front of him, and he was shocked.

"How is this possible, a strong soul will..."

The gold armor is cold and sweaty.

He did not expect that the battle had not begun yet and it was over.

Zhao Feng, with only one look, kills all the strong players except them.

How can this be? Isn't he the realm of the great emperor?

How can the martyrdom of the great realm be useful to the Lord?

After Zhao Feng, many Jijia disciples, after a shock, fell into a sluggish state.

Actually, they don’t have to shoot at all.


Ji Lan had a slogan.

Although she had expected it, Zhao Feng’s strength in the complete state would surprise her, but it was never the case.

The dozens of emperors and a few quasi-sacred masters, under the martial arts of Zhao Feng, have no resistance.

Zhao Feng looked at the battlefield. "The power of the martial arts is scattered, there is no threat to the Lord."

Of course, Zhao Feng’s tricks are inherently trapped by the enemy, which can instantly disintegrate some of the enemy’s combat power, and the attack is not great.

"Come on, this kid's soul is too strong"

The gold armor man did not change his mind and gave a voice to the old man in black and red robe.

The old man in black and red robe is better at the soul field and can resist the soul of Zhao Feng.

"This kid's soul field is so strong, you only need to resist his soul attack, I give him a fatal blow on the material level."

The gold armor man continued to speak.

"it is good"

The old man in black and red robe gnawed his teeth and turned it into a black and red ghost fire, suddenly attacking Zhao Feng.

If their two great saints were defeated by Zhao Feng, then what are their faces?

At the same time, the angry voice of the old man in the black red robe rang in the soul of the golden armor. "Is the Shadow Lord the Lord playing us?"

The gold armor men were dull, but at this time they had no retreat.

"court death"

Zhao Feng looks cold and vomits.

His left 眸 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人 惊人

A group of completely transparent purple gold fire, with the atmosphere of destroying thunder, bombarded on the black and red fire.

"Oh, ah..."

The old man in black and red robes suddenly screams, his soul level and body, while suffering from thunder and fire, burning constantly.

After experiencing the Purple Star Tower and the line, Zhao Feng’s soul will be more powerful, and the use of 瞳 也 has reached another level.

In the face of the ordinary lord who has not been suppressed, Zhao Feng’s anger and anger can also seriously harm them.

Zhao Feng suddenly flew out.

Zhao Feng runs the power of Sheng Lei, and he punches the old man in black and red robes.

Generally, the quasi-saint, in the face of Zhao Feng such a punch, will definitely die.

But the Holy Spirit of the Lord is different. It has a strong defense against the damage of the low realm, and its resilience is also very amazing.


Zhao Feng broke out again, containing a lot of thunder and robbery power, and slammed into the old man's Dantian's holy light.

When the great emperor breaks through the Lord, the nucleus space in the body will turn into a light of the Holy Light.


The figure of the old man in black and red robe dissipated between heaven and earth, and his soul was completely crushed under the pressure of Zhao Feng’s soul.

Only leaving a storage bracelet, Zhao Feng was admitted to the world of fans.

The same is the beginning of Xuanguang, the old man of black and red robes, and the sacred lord of the royal tombs, they are much worse.

This is also Zhao Feng, with his own strength, successfully killing the Lord.

Ghost fire door is too elder, so fall

The Ji family included Ji Lan, and the whole body was shocked.

The sacred light of the mainland, the sacred light of the Lord, is such an understatement that it is so unreal.

The children of Ji family realized at this time that they had made a big bargain, and only came out to run a squat, they would receive a generous mission reward.

"Taiwanese elders"

Many members of the Haiyan Pavilion, the heart is boiling

This is their elder elders, the strength of horror, completely crushing the aggressors.

The men in the gold armor took a slower action and suddenly stopped. They stepped back a few steps. The whole body was chilled and chilled, soaking through the body.

"How could it be so strong? How is this possible? The realm of the Great is so easy to kill the Lord?"

The gold armor is constantly snarling.

"Damn, sold by the shadow Lord."

After hesitating for a moment, the golden armor bites his teeth and immediately said: "Zhao Feng, let go of the eight-star building, we are willing to compensate for all the losses of the Haiyan Pavilion. The latter, I will tell you."

Zhao Feng’s strength made him dare not resist.

"no need"

Zhao Feng said lightly.

A secret place in the water bay holy land thousands of miles away, a black translucent figure changed: "This group of useless guys, not good, was discovered"

The shadow of the Lord's soul is a trepidation, turning into a dark light, and it flashes away.

"The account of the eight-star building, wait for me to come back and count"

Zhao Feng snorted, surrounded by the world, the wind and thunder really surging, a pair of red thunder light wings condensed.


The wings behind Zhao Feng, bursting out of the red gold glory, turned into a long and narrow wind arc line, instantly disappeared.

"Fast speed"

The gold armor is a cockroach, and he has a heart.

He also thought about running away, but many elders and elites who followed the Eight Star Building are here.

"I actually believed in the nine palaces, come from this kind of thing."

The gold armor laughed at himself.

At this time, among the dozens of those who had Zhao Feng's illusion, some of the quasi-sacred masters with strong souls were slowly waking up.

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