King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1007: Rectify forces

"Damn, how can it be like this?"

The shadow of the Lord's Lord flew a curse.

Before the beginning of the trial of the Prince, he was sent to the sea by the Jiuyi Palace, instigating and threatening the surrounding forces and attacking the Haiyan Pavilion.

The purpose is to use the other powerful forces of the Samsung forces to force Zhao Feng's last sacred arrow.

When the arrow of the gods came out, Zhao Feng had only one dead end.

However, after the trial of the Prince, the nine secluded palaces quickly passed the message to the shadow Lord.

The nine secluded high-level officials actually told the shadow of the Lord, Zhao Feng already has the strength to kill Xuanguang Chucheng, plus the horrible monster group, even if the group battle is not afraid

We must know that there is strength and weakness between the Lords, but it is still difficult for them to kill the same order.

The words of the top of the nine secluded palace, the shadow of the Lord had to believe, so he found an excuse to leave temporarily, in fact, has been hidden in the dark.

Unexpectedly, he observed such a terrible scene.

Zhao Feng of this kind of strength, plus the sacred arrows, the Ji family disciples, the demon herd, even if they are three sacred light, are not enough to see.

Fortunately, Jiugui Palace sent a letter early, otherwise he will be planted here.

"Fast speed"

The Shadow Lord feels behind him, and the wind is thunderous and icy.

The Shadow Lord himself is good at escaping. At this time, he can't afford Zhao Feng.

"Night Streaming"

The shadow of the Lord is turned into a dim light, and instantly breaks into the void, and travels tens of thousands of miles.

"Thunder wing flash"

Zhao Feng urged the wind of the fire, and once again completed a flash.

The Shadow Lord is currently the fastest-growing Xuanguang Chucheng, and Zhao Feng’s Lei Yi flashes, and can’t catch up in a short time.

"Lock the bow"

In the hands of Zhao Feng’s dark silver arch, a golden wind and thunderbolt was condensed, and “嘣咻” sounded, and it swept through a void of fog.


The next time the golden wind thunderbolt appears, it directly penetrates the shadow of the Lord's chest.

"Damn, this kid"

The Shadow Lord paused for a moment.

Among these arrows is the power of the violent wind and thunder, and the power to destroy the thunder, and it has great restraint on the Eucharist.

After releasing an attack, Zhao Feng once again applied the Thunderbolt flash to draw a distance from the Shadow Lord.

In the void of the sea, a hidden spiritual power flashed away.

God mark branding success

When Zhao Feng branded the gods, the shadow Lord was in the pain of the wind and lightning, and the faint illusion was swept away.


The Shadow Lord feels that the crisis is coming, regardless of the injury, turning into a faint illusion of light and breaking into the void.

"See where you can go"

Zhao Feng floated in the void, closed his eyes, slightly inducted the position of the shadow of the Lord, and suddenly pulled the bowstring.


A purple arrow with a soul attack penetrates the void.


Zhao Feng can feel that his soul attacked and hit the shadow of the Lord.

"How come? It’s so far apart, the lock bow didn’t lock me.”

The shadow of the Lord is shocked.

Of course, he knows about the lock of the sky bow, but at this time Zhao Feng has not continued to catch up, and there is no feeling of being locked by the lock of the sky bow. That arrow can actually hit him. This is really awkward.

At the time of the Shadow Lord's thoughts.

Another light arrow flew.

The Shadow Lord immediately flew, and circled an arc, but was still hit by the light arrow.

There is no feeling of being locked, but the light arrow is following him.

"Evil door, leave soon"

The Shadow Lord did not dare to stay and continued to flee.

However, one after another, along with the light and arrow, will hit him and hide.

"Oh, this is not a lock on the sky bow. Is it the arch of the ancient gods?"

The Shadow Lord is black and full of wolves, which is by no means a characteristic of the lock.

He continued to escape, but he was unable to get rid of these light arrows. Eventually, the Shadow Lord came to a city across the city to transmit to another city.

"Leave his life first"

Zhao Feng retracted the lock bow.

Too far away, the power of the lock of the heavenly bow will be shortened, and the damage caused to the shadow lord, if it is not able to kill the shadow lord in the end, this strange phenomenon will make him suspicious, and the oracle mark may be in the nine It was erased with the help of the upper level of the palace.

It is better to keep his life for the time being, and maybe there is still use in the future.

As long as it is not the Holy King, the mark of Zhao Feng is hard to be noticed.

The grievances between Zhao Feng and Jiugui Palace are almost endless.

At present, Zhao Feng is an important member behind the Prince, a major force, and Jiugui Palace can not be seen on the surface.

Otherwise, it will become the thirteenth emperor wants to usurp the position of the prince, using the forces behind it to weaken the strength of the Nine Emperors.

Even if the thirteen emperors won the love of the Holy Emperor, if they do such a thing, they will completely miss the position of the Prince.

At this time, Zhao Feng and Jiu Huangzi are already a person on board.

If the Nine Emperor had an accident and lost the position of the Prince, at that time, it would be the time when Jiu Yougong attacked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng's arm guards, in the original place, his figure in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow, suddenly faded, disappeared.


The next moment, Zhao Feng appeared above the sea smoke pavilion.


The gold armor man, the power of many ghost gates and the eight-star building, feels instantly, a chill, frozen bone marrow.

Many strong people are preparing to find a chance to escape, and Zhao Feng’s sudden appearance is scary.

At this time, members of the Haiyan Pavilion have been removed from sleep, and the night princes, Xu old blame and others are also being treated.

When Bi Qingyue saw Zhao Feng coming back, he let go of his heart.

Inside and outside the sea smoke pavilion, busy.

In the sky, only the people of Jijia, the Eight Star Building and the Ghost Fire Gate are left.

"Zhao Feng, have you solved the shadow of the Lord?"

The gold armor asked for a test.

The Shadow Lord is famous for hiding and escaping. Zhao Feng can find the existence of the Shadow Lord, and it is already very good.

And Zhao Feng came back so soon, whether it solved the Shadow Lord, it is hard to say.

The people of Ji Lan and Ji Jia also dared to be amazed.

"Ghost Fire Gate, become the subordinate force of the night sacred assassination organization, do not listen to the commander, killing it; next we talk about the compensation problem of the eight-star building"

Zhao Feng first announced the end of the Ghost Fire Gate, and then looked at the Golden Armor.

The disciples and elders who were present at the scene were unwilling, but they were helpless.

The elders of the Holy Lord will die, and even if they do not merge into the power of Zhao Feng, there will be other forces to deal with them.

"Thank Master"

The night prince is passing through the heart of the heart.

The Ghost Fire Gate is a ghost gate, and there is much potential in the assassination than the disciple of Wan Shengzong.

In this way, his assassination will really develop.

The gold armor man trembled.

Zhao Feng completely ignored his words, his attitude was tough, and he talked directly about compensation.

And before talking about compensation, Zhao Feng personally announced the end of the Ghost Fire Gate.

The men of the Golden Armor and the members of the Eight Star Building complained in their hearts. If Zhao Feng offered some compensation, he was fine.

The key is that Zhao Feng did not give a request. They did not know how much compensation should be compensated. Too little to fear that Zhao Feng was not happy. If too much, they would lose.

"This time the losses caused by the Haiyan Pavilion are all responsible for the eight-star building. In addition, the Baxing Building pays certain resources to the Haiyan Pavilion every year, including human resources.

The gold armor was silent for a moment and finally spoke.

"In addition, join the forces of the Nine Emperors"

After listening to Zhao Feng, he spoke directly, and the words were definitely unquestionable.

The gold armor and the eight elders of the eight-star building have a heavy face.

If it is the nine emperors, with the same power and strength as the four emperors, do not need Zhao Feng to say that the gold armor will automatically join.

But the key point is, ‘Prince, it’s not strong enough, and the four princes, the thirteen princes, and the seven emperors, who are extremely strong in overall strength, will not sit still.

The Nine Emperors can continue to sit in the position of the Prince, and the probability of boarding the Holy Emperor is very low.

"it is good"

At this point, there are only eight stars and other people left here, but they can't run, they can't win, and they can't agree.

The gold armor and the eight-star building elders felt a bit wrong.

"You can go."

Zhao Feng said directly.

The Ji family took a deep breath, and in this way, Zhao Feng received a Samsung force, allowing another Samsung force to be forced to join behind the Nine Emperors.

After solving these problems, Zhao Feng will connect Ji and others to Haiyan Pavilion.

Zhao Feng can see the meaning of the Lord of the Stars, but I don't know if this is the meaning of the Eight Emperors.

However, the Ji family can stand behind the nine emperors, it is no better, the overall strength of the Prince, can finally get a grade.

Three days later, the Haiyan Pavilion was rectified and resumed normal operation. The Baxing Building also sent people and sent the promised resources.

Zhao Feng has developed such a huge force, and his income in the magical space and the royal tomb is still far from enough.

"I will spend some time visiting the Stars and Devils."

Zhao Feng and Ji Lan gave a speech.

The private possession of the Star Devil, Zhao Feng has not finished reading, the Purple Star Tower is also a place of perfect cultivation, as well as the investigation of the reincarnation.

Zhao Feng must go to Jijia.

But before that, Zhao Feng wants to stay in his own nest and arrange everything.

Inside the fascinating world.

Yunxian Xiandie has taken Baiyuan Shengye and fell asleep.

Zhentian Jinyu, under the care of the little thief cat, also showed signs of breakthrough.

At the end of the trial of the Prince, Zhao Feng returned, the invisible dragon luck, surrounded by the sea smoke pavilion.

Zhao Feng, in the Haiyan Pavilion, Wanshengzong, and the assassination of the secluded priest, went back to Haiyan Pavilion and began to retreat.

The focus of retreat is naturally the cultivation of "Resurrection of the Soul" and the enlightenment and deduction of "The Soul of the Soul".

A month later, Zhao Feng's thundering body, a purple, with a faint light, as if conscious living, just out of the scope of the soul.

This vision comes from a variety of reasons.

First of all, under the fusion of the soul of Zhao Feng and the eyes of the gods, there has been an unknown change.

Secondly, the last change of the gods, the purple soul sea, the robbery brand and the soul combined, the thunder body formed.

In the end, there are many opportunities, the promotion of soul treasures, and the "Resurrection of the Soul" finally reached the eighth floor.

"You can start to cultivate the first layer of "The Soul of the Soul"."

Zhao Feng's heart is moving.

At this time, his soul body has already had the premise of the person who wrote "Division of the Soul", and even has it.

Although the "Resurrection of the Soul" has not yet been completed, the activity of Zhao Feng's soul has far surpassed the description of the eighth layer of "Resurrection of the Soul".

"Once the soul is succeeded, the death can be placed on the split soul."

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