King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1010: Copper money reaction

"It's better to go to the inland and join the ghost gates, for example, some affiliated forces of the Jiugui Palace."

Zhao Feng blinked and suddenly smiled.

First of all, Zhao Feng is not good at the system of practicing Zhao, he can only solve the confusion of Zhao’s early cultivation.

Secondly, Zhao Feng has fewer resources for the stagnation and death attributes, and Zhao Feng’s own resources are insufficient.

In these two aspects, Ghost Road can be solved for Zhao.

And Zhao’s cultivation speed is very fast. It will take a long time to be able to mix in the sect, and even get the secret of the Jiugui Palace.

This is a great way to break into the enemy's interior, and now it's time for war, it should be easier to get away with it.

When making a decision, Zhao will leave directly.

When he left, Zhao Feng gave Zhao some resources, and he was a weapon of the gods.

After Zhao died, Zhao Feng entered the Ji family.

The family of Jijia immediately greeted him and brought Zhao Feng into the Ji family.

"It’s Zhao Feng. On the day of the rumor, he entered the ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower."

"How is this possible, he is still the realm of the Great"

"This is not known, maybe he has some secrets of the soul, but many of the children of Ji family have seen him with a look at the uniform of Ji Sheng."

On the way, the eyes of Ji’s disciples were attracted by Zhao Feng.

In particular, some time ago, some of Ji’s children who followed Jilan to Haiyan Pavilion saw Zhao Feng coming and looked respected.

Zhao Feng is not yet close to the private hall of the Lord of the Stars, and there is a voice inside.

"Come in, Zhao Feng"

The Ji family disciple who brought Zhao Feng here came back consciously.

"Zhao Xiaoyou, how are you injured?"

The Star Demon Lord looked at Zhao Feng at this time and noticed that it was not right.

Zhao Feng’s soul will weakened a lot compared to when he left.

After the return of the Ji family disciples, they will report everything truthfully. Zhao Feng should deal with the two saints. It should be very easy. Why is it hurt?

"I don't care about my predecessors. When I went back, I had already cultivated "The Soul of the Soul"."

For this, Zhao Feng did not hide.

After all, the Star Demon Lord has already guessed that Zhao Feng will try to cultivate the "Division of the Soul".

"you made it?"

The Star Devil's main face is a surprise.

For this reason, he studied quite deeply, but still did not grasp the cultivation.

After the Holy Lord condenses his body, he will be damaged in itself. Zhao Feng successfully divides his soul and the soul will be damaged. This is a matter of course.

If it fails, it will not only be this injury, so the Star Devil is very sure, Zhao Feng must be successful.


Zhao Feng nodded, and he was equally delighted with the success of the first layer of "Division of the Soul".

Star Demon Lord is excited, immediately approaching Zhao Feng, "Let me see your avatar"

He did not expect Zhao Feng to get the "Resurrection of the Soul" only a few months, to meet the requirements, the cultivation of "divide the soul" success.

Is this Zhao Feng’s luck, or is he uniquely talented in this respect?

"My avatar, now in other places"

Zhao Feng smiled apologetically.

Coincidentally, when he came to Jijia, Zhao Feng let Zhao died to go to the inland to find the ghost gate.

The Lord of the Stars and the Lord's face will be restored and will be restored.

The general lord, practicing the secrets of avatars, is to be multi-purpose and do many things at the same time.

Zhao Feng’s avatar is not around, which is also very reasonable.

Later, Zhao Feng told the Star Devils some things about the soul.

After getting some information, the Star Devil may help him and push the second layer.

"There is such a magical effect"

The Star Devil is greatly surprised.

Through Zhao Feng's description, he has a certain understanding of the ability of the soul to be separated.

If it is not too small, the Lord of the Devil will try.

But he can't act recklessly. Now that the war begins, he is not allowed to develop to the point where he is the elder of the Ji family. His life is not only his own.

"How is Zhao Xiaoyou's performance on the second floor of "Division of the Soul"?"

The Star Devil asked.

This law is not the same, and it is very difficult to find a similar law to make a reference.

"The progress is not big"

Zhao Fenggang cultivated the first layer, and the soul will almost fall to the quasi-sacred Lord.

Even if the second layer is introduced, Zhao Feng will not cultivate at present.

Therefore, in the near future, Zhao Feng is preparing for the second layer in the future by taking a good look at the books, increasing his horizons and theoretical foundation.

"The little friend will stay here, I will discuss it with you. In addition, I have one more thing to tell you."

The Lord of the Stars and the Lord will put aside the things of "The Soul of the Soul".

"The Eight Emperors have already sent me a letter. He will stand in the camp of the Nine Emperors and help the Nine Emperors."

The Star Devil smiled.

This is what he hopes. He does not want to let the Ji family deviate from the Eight Emperors and join the camp of the Nine Emperors.

Although the trial of the Prince has ended, it is normal to re-select the faction, but it will still have an impact on the reputation of the Ji family.

"Eight emperors?"

Zhao Feng has a slight glimpse.

I did not expect that the Prince’s trial had just ended, and the Eight Emperors had already made a decision.

Zhao Feng can naturally feel that the Eight Emperors made such a decision and had a great relationship with Zhao Feng.

However, this is exactly the case. The power of the Nine Emperors is thin. With the help of the Eight Emperors, the overall strength is already approaching the 13th Emperor.

In addition, Yujia seems to be the power of the Eight Emperors, but also the main force of the front line of the war.

In this way, among the members of the Zongmen who were behind the Nine Emperors, the members who went to the front line of the battlefield had their reliance and would not be targeted by the forces of other factions.

"The news about the inheritors of the reincarnation, I do not know the predecessors of the Stars, did you find anything?"

Zhao Feng transferred the topic and asked softly.

This is also one of the main purposes of his coming: the whereabouts of the inheritors of reincarnation.

It has been more than two months, and if it can be found, it should have been found.

"His whereabouts, still not found"

The Lord of the Stars sighs slightly.

Zhao Feng looked bleak and he had already prepared himself.

Sure enough, such a lone ranger, it is difficult to search, not to mention, the strength of the inheritor of reincarnation is unfathomable.

"But I found a place where I suspected that it was the place where the inheritors of the reincarnation lived."

The Lord of the Stars and the Lord once again said.

"Please inform the seniors"

Zhao Feng looks slightly stunned.

"I will go with you."

The star demon lord rushed out of the temple, and shuttled in the purple fog, Zhao Feng followed.

Less than a day, the two came to a green and green bamboo sea.

There is no smoke here, only a simple bamboo house, water well, piano, chessboard, bamboo chair and so on.

"The artistic conception here is really extraordinary."

When Zhao Feng came to this place, he felt different.

Although there are only a few simple and ordinary items, they exude an indescribable sense of ambiguity.

"People who live inside should just leave for a while."

The Lord of the Stars said.

If you check it out early, there may be some gains.

Zhao Feng fell down and went to the bamboo house.

The layout of the bamboo house is simple and tidy. It is a piece of furniture that is commonly used by mortals.

“It’s very clean”

The Lord of the Stars said.

The inheritor of the reincarnation, who wants to hide the trace, naturally does not leave any clues.

If you change to the Lord of the Stars, you will definitely destroy everything here.

Zhao Feng does not know why, when entering this bamboo house, there is an inexplicable fragrance, surrounded by him, so that his mind has a slight change.

Zhao Feng opened the eyes of the gods, sweeping through the house, every item, after all, did not find anything.

It seems that the reincarnation is a confident and cautious person.

He kept the whole here, but did not leave a clue, even Zhao Feng's **** eye did not find any clues.

Zhao Feng entered from the front door and the back door came out.


Zhao Feng looks to the side of the blue seven-string guqin.

In his mind, suddenly an elegant and quiet, like a woman in the painting, the appearance of the ethereal geese, quiet and resentful appearance.

Meow meow

The little thief cat pulled out from the hollow world, and in his claws, he held a copper coin.

This piece of copper money is not the bronze money used by the little thief cat divination, but the last layer of the Van Gogh ancient sound hall, and the copper money left by Liu Qinyu to Zhao Feng.

At this time, this copper coin flashed a faint white starlight, as if it were going to be extinguished at any time.

Zhao Feng looks like a big earthquake.

This copper coin has been kept in the fascinating world, why is it shining for no reason?

Zhao Feng held it in his hand, and he was aware of the force of traction.

"This piano"

Zhao Feng is close to this blue guqin and gently strokes it.

Unfortunately, he did not understand the temperament at all, and several sounds fluctuated.

A few thieves and cats suddenly appeared in the hands of a few bronze coins, ‘oh, one throw, falling in the hands.

"What does this mean?"

Zhao Feng slightly closed his eyes.

Why did he find a place where he once lived in reincarnation? This copper coin will react.

And it seems that the ordinary copper is a reaction to the copper coins.

Perhaps this is the piano of the inheritor of the reincarnation. The copper coin is telling Zhao Feng that he can help him find Liu Qinqin after the reincarnation? Still other reasons...

Zhao Feng held the copper money in his hand and pondered for a long time. He couldn't understand.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s palms had a faint glow on the copper coins, and burst into a bright white light. Zhao Feng felt the copper coins, as if there was a line of destiny that could not tell the truth, and extended to the distance.

Zhao Feng stretched out his arm and moved slowly. At a certain moment, the shimmer on this copper coin bloomed again for a moment, and then disappeared completely.

The power in the copper coin seems to be completely exhausted.

"There is, the north..."

Zhao Feng put away the copper coins and looked at the north.

The Star Demon Lord has been standing behind Zhao Feng. He saw Zhao Feng’s strange emotions. He thought thoughtfully and sighed and did not bother.

"Star Devils, let's go back."

After a long while, Zhao Feng flew directly.

After returning to the Ji family, Zhao Feng still lives in his last yard, and comes to the private hall of the Star Devil.

Today, the Lord of the Stars and Demons will open his private possession to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng is immersed in the theory of the soul and the eye and the world of the secret law. Occasionally, the Lord of the Stars and the Lord will discuss with Zhao Feng the deduction of "The Soul of the Soul".

One day, Zhao Feng came to the Purple Star Tower again.

Today, Zhao Feng has obtained the permanent pass qualification of the Purple Star Tower.

You must know that this qualification has always been enjoyed only by the Ji family’s elders.

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