King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1011: Go to the battlefield

"Zhao Gongzi, please"

The elders in front of the Purple Star Tower stood up and respected.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng entered the Purple Star Tower in the voice of many disciples.

At this time, Zhao Feng does not have to worry about the number of times and time limit of entering the Purple Star Tower, so he went directly to the eighth floor, which is suitable for the cultivation layer of the Lord.

Of course, the impact of the eighth layer on Zhao Feng at this time is greater than the original.

The eighth layer is the land of cultivation for the Lord, and naturally includes Xuanguang Chucheng, Xiaocheng, and Dacheng.

Zhao Feng’s soul will, due to the splitting of the soul, fell to the lowest level of the lower Xuanguang.

The purple fog power of the eighth layer of the Purple Star Tower should correspond to Xiaoguang Xiaocheng.

In the eighth floor, there are a total of five futons, and there is no one at this time.

"Fortunately, there is a purple star tower that can help me to quickly condense the soul of the soul."

Zhao Feng sat on a futon at random.

The Soul of the Soul is the soul of the soul. The original idea of ​​this law is that after splitting two souls, it is equivalent to twice the speed of cultivation, and the two souls can be merged to a certain extent, and the soul will Increase to another height.

However, the soul split by Zhao Feng, because of the fusion of death, is impossible to integrate into Zhao Feng’s soul.

The original idea of ​​"Division of the Soul" is indeed to condense the soul, but in the hands of Zhao Feng, he was used as a secret technique.

Zhao Feng runs a full-scale "Wan Nian Shen", condenses the will of the soul, and at the same time multi-purpose, enlighten others.

In the left-handed space, the force of thunder in the head of the demigod is only 20%.

Zhao Feng was also part of the thunderbolt brand because of the split of the soul.

The robbery brand is a big killer of Zhao Feng. At this time, it was weakened, and the impact on Zhao Feng was somewhat large.

In the left-handed space, many ideas that Zhao Feng differentiated began to guide the thunder and into the soul.

At the same time, in the hands of Zhao Feng, there are only a few parts of the black-black wood block containing the power of Gu Lei, and the force of the ancient Lei on the top, because the storage time is too long, the Lei Li carrier can not, it is almost dissipated.

Zhao Feng did not say anything, running ideas, and introduced the power of Gu Lei into the body of the thunder.

Time passed, this time, Zhao Feng on the eighth floor, insisted on ten hours, then he got up and left.

After returning to his place of residence, Zhao Feng took a break and entered the dream of Taikoo.

"Since we want to shape the small world of the fantasy city, it must be better in the dreams of the Pacific."

Zhao Feng has tasted the sweetness of the small world of wind and thunder.

Even if the royal tomb is not the space left by the Taikoo, in the mainland, Zhao Feng’s ancient world is much stronger than the small world of the ordinary emperor.

However, Zhao Feng’s characters nowadays are mostly the Lord. Under the force of their small world projection, Zhao Feng’s wind and thunder world should be able to completely resist.

Therefore, the level of the magic city small world is also best to be equal to the wind and thunder world.

The last time Zhao Feng practiced at the Purple Star Tower, he completely pushed the modeling steps of the Magic City Small World.

Today, Zhao Feng is directly starting to shape the small world.

"The core of the magic city is the world,"

In the hands of Zhao Feng, there is a bright white crystal bead, which is deep and flawless, exuding a strange and exciting energy.

This Shenjing is the result of Zhao Feng’s forbidden land in the Black Wind Valley, but the energy in this crystal is slightly depleted.

But even if only half of the energy is for Zhao Feng, it is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Shenjing, that is the crystallization of the power of the true God.


In the darkness of the dream, Zhao Feng’s body is full of hundred feet, and there is a faint purple fog. There are various buildings such as labyrinths, castles, fountains, etc. The maze is covered with clouds and thunder and lightning.

Zhao Feng's small city of fantasy city, released from the outside world, is very solid state, but at this time in the dream of the ancient times, it is transparent.

First of all, Zhao Feng will be crystallized and carefully embedded in it.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s items obtained under the forbidden land in the Black Wind Valley were extremely precious treasures. Zhao Feng chose a black ink stone from it.

What is this stone? Zhao Feng is not clear, but its body exudes amazing spiritual power, and under the repeated research of Zhao Feng, no defects have been found.

Therefore, Zhao Feng will be inlaid with the black ink stone, next to Shen Jing.

Many of the treasures that were obtained in the Forbidden City in the Black Wind Valley, Zhao Feng did not even know the name.

However, the value of these treasures makes Zhao Feng dare not go out to identify, therefore, can only be placed first.

In this way, Zhao Feng continued to travel in the three places of the residence, the private hall of the Star Devil, and the Purple Star Tower.

The strength and vision of Zhao Feng's soul level gradually increased, and the shaping of the small world was also carried out simultaneously.

More than a month later.

Zhao Feng’s "Resurrection of the Soul" has been completed to the eighth level, but the prototype of the small world of the fantasy city has not yet been completed.

The small world is a very complicated project, just like Zhao Feng used to shape the small world of wind and thunder, it took a year and a half.

Zhao Feng estimates that the shaping of the fantasy world will take at least a year.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness suddenly moved.

"Good, Zhao died mixed into the ghost gate!"

Zhao Feng and Zhao Zheng are separated by several states, but they can still be directly connected. Even Zhao can pass some pictures to Zhao Feng.

The soul is divided, in all respects, stronger than the heart.

At this time, Zhao Chen succeeded in becoming a disciple of the Ghost Gate with his amazing qualifications.

Ghost Road Zongmen is an important subsidiary of the Jiugui Palace, and the disciples of the sects are very sloppy. Zhao Zheng has hardly been suspected.

However, the system of Ghost Road Zongmen is very cruel and cold-blooded. In the Zongmen, the infighting of the disciples is one eye closed, as long as they do not kill them.

"Zhao Gongzi, Ji Lan seeks to see"

On this day, outside of Zhao Feng’s residence, Ji Lan’s voice sounded.

Soon, Zhao Feng pushed the door open.

"Zhao Gongzi, your letter"

Ji Lan handed a letter, and then the complex face retreated.

Today's Zhao Feng is the elder elder of the ordinary Samsung forces. The most valued person of today's princes is the one who sits on the same level as the Jijiaxing Demon Lord.

She never thought that Zhao Feng, who had never been in the realm of the king, would become like this, and it would be so fast.

Ji Lan can only warn himself and work hard to practice.

After a period of contact with Zhao Feng, she found that Zhao Feng has never slacked off. Even if she achieves this status, she has the strength to go far beyond the same level, and she still has no day and night to practice and enlighten.

Zhao Feng tore open the envelope, which is a piece of white paper, Zhao Feng's soul consciousness, instantly poured into it, a message appeared in Zhao Feng's mind.

"Eagle old information"

Zhao Feng looks like a microseismic.

The war of the dynasty has begun for ten months. The Dagan dynasty equalized the weak because of the sect of the sect of the sect, but it still did not have a great advantage.

Under this circumstance, the Nine Emperor, who was a prince, was sent to the battlefield by the Holy Emperor.

One is to let the princes represent the Dagan dynasty, to improve the morale of the front line, and the second is to temper the will and military strategy of the prince.

"Oh, excuses"

Zhao Feng could not help but ridicule.

If the Nine Emperors stayed in the palace, they would be foolproof. Without accident, the chances of boarding the throne were great.

If he is dispatched to the frontline battlefield, there may be too many changes.

"All this should be the rest of the emperor and his forces, and jointly respond to the Holy Emperor, planning well."

Zhao Feng’s voice is low.

After the nine emperors were dispatched to the battlefield, the remaining emperors took the initiative to ask for help, and went to the battlefield to kill the enemy and build merit for the country.

Originally, if only nine emperors were on the front line, they might be relatively safe.

But now, several emperors are heading to the front.

This war is not only a battle between the two dynasties, but also a battle within the Dagan dynasty.

The reason why Ying Lao sent a letter to Zhao Feng was naturally to hope that Zhao Feng would go to the front line and help the Nine Emperors.

"Exactly, I also need to grind in the fight."

The letter in the hands of Zhao Feng turned into a gray fly.

Since reborn, Zhao Feng has killed and killed, but at this time his strength has surpassed his previous life, and it is time to go to the battlefield to really sharpen it.

And Zhao Feng heard that the battles on the battlefield can be exchanged for the corresponding gods, spirits or secret treasures.

On this day, Zhao Feng came to the residence of the Lord of the Stars and Devils.

"This happened actually."

The Star Devil's Lord is a little dull.

This kind of thing is naturally unfavorable to the Nine Emperors.

"If Zhao brothers go to the front line, I might as well bring a few of my Ji disciples."

The Star Demon Lord made a request.

Originally, the major forces were not assured that Zongmen’s middle-class genius was too good to enter the battlefield, except for the peerless geniuses like Xuanyuan and Yutian.

Obviously, the Star Demon Lord trusts Zhao Feng very much, and is willing to entrust the genius of Ji Jia to Zhao Feng.

"no problem"

Although Zhao Feng felt a little trouble, he still agreed.

After all, during his time at Jijia, he was taken care of by the Lord of the Stars and Devils: countless precious books, Zixing Tower followed in and out, and helped Zhao Feng to confuse and deduct "The Soul of the Soul"

The Star Demon Lord completely regarded Zhao Feng as his close disciple, and Zhao Feng had no return.

On the second day, Ji Wuye, Ji Lan, and Ji Tianming, three children of Ji family, were waiting for Zhao Feng outside the Ji family.

These three Jijia disciples are extremely excellent in the upper and middle ranks of the Ji family. They are young and inexperienced, and they are the most in need of tempering.

"In the future, listen to my instructions."

Zhao Feng said lightly, while running the gods, marking the gods on the three to prevent accidents.


The three men are unanimous.

During his time in Jijia, Zhao Feng was always on the eighth floor of the Purple Star Tower. His reputation was almost familiar to all the disciples of the Ji family.

For Zhao Feng's coldness and management, the three did not have any objection.

The three of them understand that this is a time for elders, giving them a chance to learn and a life of temper.

Ji Lan’s eyes are firm and the delicate fists are clenched. I don’t know when Zhao Feng has become the target of Ji Lan’s progress. This will be her perfect opportunity to catch up with Zhao Feng.

"set off"

Zhao Feng took out the flames that had not been used for a long time.

Although the speed of the flame is not comparable to any of them, it is convenient.

The flames are just enough to accommodate them, and this is a very long journey.

Three Jijia disciples, taking turns controlling the wind and the speed of the wind, the rest of the people, can use such a long time, rest, enlightenment and cultivation...

"The goal is the north..."

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