King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1012: Old man

On a certain day, above the clouds of Zhangzhou, a colorful light passed through.

"Zhao predecessors, I practiced "Flourish Purple Eyes", which is a bit puzzled..."

The youngest Ji Tianming, respectfully asked Zhao Feng.

Ji Tianming is different from Ji Wuye and Ji Lan. He is the first to contact Zhao Feng, but he is the most enthusiastic.

Ji Wuye was encountered after Zhao Feng’s gods had just changed. At that time, Zhao Feng first tried and solved, and he defeated Ji Wuye.

"Let me show me the law..."

Zhao Feng did not practice the practice of Ji Tianming, but in recent months, he has been staying at the Ji family to study the theory and secrets related to the soul and eyelids.

With Zhao Feng's amazing ability to replicate learning, in just one or two months, it is equivalent to other people studying for five or six years.

Moreover, the knowledge and theory of Zhao Feng's contact is relatively high, and the Star Demon Lord sometimes confuses Zhao Feng.

At this time, Zhao Feng is also considered a senior master in terms of soul and martial arts.

"It should be a question of your purple star cultivation method..."

Zhao Feng took this low law and analyzed it a little and guessed the problem.

In addition to occasionally confusing the three disciples of Ji family, Zhao Feng has always been a state of retreat.

In the world of the emptiness, in front of Zhao Feng, there are various treasures of heaven and earth.

In Tianji City, Zhao Feng exchanged a large amount of resources to help him cultivate into the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Zhao Feng runs the five elements of the wind and thunder, quenching and absorbing the wind and thunder and energy properties.

In the left-handed space, part of Zhao Feng’s idea, constantly pulling the power of thunder and robbery, into the body of the thunder.

The power of thunder in the head of the demigod is constantly decreasing.

Occasionally, Zhao Feng will enter the dream of Taikoo and shape the fantasy world.

Soon, everyone took the speeding car and went straight to the Temple of the Spirit.

Zhao Feng showed his identity and paid a certain amount of crystal spar. He then went to the next big city through the transmission array.

"Zhao predecessor, the next stop is Chenzhou, where the organs, the practice of refining the array, but notorious"

Ji Tianming said to Zhao Feng

Zhao Feng understands what Ji Tianming means.

Although Zhao Feng's speed is convenient, but the speed is slightly insufficient, you can improve performance in Chenzhou.


Zhao Feng agreed with Ji Tianming's proposal.

The role of the wind and flame on Zhao Feng is far less than before, the most important is the speed.

From the southern part of the mainland to the north, it is a very long journey. If it is the speed of the peak of this wind-powered king, I really don't know how long it will take.

After dozens of days.

The flames entered the edge of Chenzhou.

"It’s almost coming to the temple."

Ji Tianming, who controls the wind speed, said.

Those who learn to practice, open their eyes.

The 18th state of the Dagan Dynasty, each state is divided into many cities, and the most prosperous area of ​​a city is a large spiritual hall.

When you arrive near the temple, you will be able to see many powerful in and out, including huge birds and pets, and even flying props like Zhao Feng.

A black light shadow crossed the flames of Zhao Feng.

At the same time, two figures were chased later.

"Ghost scales, see where you can escape"

"I don't know how to get it."

Two black and white figures, rushing out from the rear, both are the realm of the great emperor, in which the black people's breath exudes a breath, and the nearby crowds are rushing to avoid.

Everyone is used to this kind of thing.

In the hall of the spirit, it is not allowed to fight and make troubles. Therefore, there are all kinds of people in it, and there are many sinful days to avoid the evil spirits of the pursuit.

Zhao Feng did not put these things in his eyes, but the anger of the middle-aged white clothes woke up Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s knowledge was swept away and his eyes were moving.


Zhao Feng’s voice suddenly sounded.

A great and boundless willpower will come to the world and cover the three.

Suddenly, the three men chasing each other, the speed is sluggish, the front of the ghost scales is even more like a mud, slow action.

"Who is you? Why do you disturb the private affairs of my shrine?"

The black emperor, looked pale, looking at Zhao Feng.

He can be sure that he has never seen Zhao Feng.

In its view, Zhao Feng’s strength should be the top emperor, comparable to him.

"what happened?"

The ghost scales looked embarrassed and looked at the blond teenager who suddenly broke into the hand.

He didn't know Zhao Feng, but at this time he was stopped by Zhao Feng. The ghost scales did not care what the other party was going to do. He only asked for a chance to live.

The three children of Ji’s family are also slightly stunned. They did not expect that Zhao Feng would manage this kind of thing.

"Let him go"

Zhao Feng said lightly.

Zhao Feng did not expect that he was here, he would actually meet the acquaintances of the land of Canghai.

This ghost scale is not someone else, it is the ghost king of the eighteen-horned pirate holy place.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng was chased by the death emperor and fled to the 18th pirate sacred site to ask for help. The ghost king then stood up and helped Zhao Feng with the cold moon emperor and the giant shark king to resist the death emperor.

This person, Zhao Feng has not returned.


The ghost scales look shocked.

He did not expect that the sudden emergence of the young emperor was actually to save him.

However, the ghost scales have not come to such a character since they came to the mainland.

The middle-aged look in white is slight.

He didn't expect the ghost scales to be so lucky, actually met an acquaintance, and this blond boy, he seems to be a bit impressed.

"You are too far from being overgiven."

The black man roared.

He naturally also saw the extraordinaryness of Zhao Feng, who has such strength at a young age.

However, so many people around him watched him. If he let go of the ghost scales, he would not lose the face of Zongmen.

Although Shenfumen is only a two-star peak, the elders in the Zongmen can break through the Lord within a hundred years.

"Come with me"

Zhao Feng did not care about these two emperors, directly to the ghost scales.

"Thank you for this son"

The ghost scales looked awkward, although things were awkward, but at this time, he had no choice.

Moreover, the ghost scales feel that the teenager is not malicious, and the other three on the flying car are also some elite geniuses.

The ghost king immediately flew to Zhao Feng.

The two great emperors of Shenfumen are gloomy.

"court death"

The black robe emperor shot aloud, surrounded by the world, a burst of great power.

He saw the extraordinary of Zhao Feng and Ji’s several disciples. They did not rush to shoot them, but they waved their fists and rushed to the ghost scales.

The world was suddenly dim, and the black awns were flashing in the punches of the black robe.

"Don't listen to advice"

Zhao Feng looks cold, a soul will, condenses into a mysterious crystal thorn, directly rushed into the mind of the black robe, and its thunderbolt brand suddenly flashed.


On the soul level, there was a scream of sorrow.

At the time of the encounter, many powerful people in the vicinity felt the breath of the Great Emperor Yuan.

The body of the black robe was directly dropped.


Many of the strong people watching nearby, one by one, air-conditioned.

The white robe was only chilling from the soles of his feet, spreading his body and hitting a chill.

The black robe emperor, in front of Zhao Feng, actually was directly killed by this spike

On the side of the ghost scales, the whole body trembled to Zhao Feng, I feel that this boy seems even more terrible.

Suddenly, the ghost-scaled emperor thought of another boy, which is very similar to the blond boy in front of him.

"Ten days, let the people in charge of Shenfumen come to apologize"

Zhao Feng looked at the white robe and the voice was cold.

Originally, if the two emperors were acquainted with each other, this matter would be considered. The two stars in the district, Zongmen Zongmen, Zhao Feng did not look at it.

Only to kill this person directly is that Zhao Feng saw the serious injury of the ghost scale king. There are still many old injuries left early, and I don’t have to think about it because of long-term pursuit.

In doing so, it is also an outlet for the ghost king.

Subsequently, the white robe hurriedly fled in a panic.

The ghost scales were shocked and looked at Zhao Feng with an incredible look.

"Ghost scale king, I haven't seen you for many years, I didn't expect you to come to the mainland."

Zhao Feng looked at the ghost scales.

"You are... Zhao Feng?"

When the ghost scales hear this, they associate themselves with Canghai and combine the image of the boy with the way he is shot.

The ghost king was still the king of the king. It was because he came to the mainland that he broke through the emperor in just a few years.

Subsequently, the ghost scales emperor entered the temple with Zhao Feng.

"Ji Wuye, I will give you the task of improving and enhancing the wind speed..."

Zhao Feng handed the matter to the three, the most mature and wise Ji Wuye.

To strengthen the wind speed, it takes a long time, and the three families of Ji family leave directly, enter the hall, and buy some necessary items and resources.

"Zhao Feng, thank you this time."

Ghost scales emperor is delighted and thanked Zhao Feng.

"How come you are being chased by them?"

Zhao Feng asked.

"When we came to the interior, we inadvertently found a cemetery in the Lord..."

Ghost scales lamented and told slowly.

In fact, with the ghost scales, there are other pirate captains.

They inadvertently discovered a cemetery of the Lord, and when they vie for inheritance, they killed a disciple at Shenfumen.

The last inheritance was obtained by the ghost king and the Shenfumen.

Therefore, Shenfumen all the way to kill the ghost scales and other people, and now only the ghost scales one.

"This Shenfu Gate"

Zhao Feng looked a sinking.

He originally thought that it might be that the ghost scales had done something evil before he was chased, but he still helped the ghost scales to say, after all, he owed him a favor.

"Zhao Feng, I didn't expect you to be in the land, so I have achieved this."

The ghost scales show a surprise, and the color of the reverence is in the eyes.

When he learned about the deeds of Zhao Feng in the trial of the Prince, he always thought that this Zhao Feng was just the same name as the Zhao Feng they knew.

Sure enough, Zhao Feng could not cover his talents no matter where he came.

Then, Zhao Feng also told him about the reborn of his life.

The ghost-scaled emperor came to the mainland and did not rely on any forces. Therefore, he did not know anything about Zhao Feng’s choice.

However, people like the temperament of the ghost scales are indeed not suitable for joining the Zongmen.

However, when the ghost scales learned that Zhao Feng was going to the front line of the battlefield, he was very active and wanted to follow Zhao Feng.

This point, Zhao Feng will naturally not refuse.

Five days later, Zhao Feng received the voice of Ji Wuye, and the improvement and enhancement of the flame-flying vehicle has been completed.

"You can be ready to leave"

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