King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1013: Inter-state transmission

Zhao Feng and the ghost scale emperor, shuttle in the crowd of the soul.

Soon, the two came to a splendid refining hall.

Just entering, the two saw a huge black metal warship in the hall, which occupied almost the entire hall. The warship exudes an extraordinary atmosphere, and the texture structure on it is very similar to the civilization of the heavenly family.

Under the left foot of Zhao Feng, this black and white metal warship was penetrated.

He found that many aspects of this warship were repaired and perfected.

"It seems that Ji Wuye is doing a good job."

From the work in this hall of refining, Zhao Feng can judge the level of the refiner here.

"This flying warship is probably only used by Samsung Super."

The ghost scales were amazed.

This warship is many times more powerful than the warship he used.

I have been a pirate for hundreds of years, and the ghost scales have a strange love for the ship.

Later, the ghost scale emperor and Zhao Feng came to a palace pavilion.

Within the temple, through a special array of methods, it is a very small place, and it is very broad after entering.

"Zhao seniors, the speed of the car is completed according to your requirements."

Ji Wuye immediately stepped forward.

The other two Jijia disciples are also here. At this time, the front is full of surprises, surrounded by a brand new flame.

Zhao Feng stepped forward and looked at the transformed flame.

"According to the requirements, the speed of this Tianzu family has been strengthened from the speed, and now it can reach the top level of the Emperor."

Next to the flying car, a refining master, smile introduced.

These guests, young people, are the realm of the great emperor, and they also have the complete product of the heavenly family. The background is definitely not simple.

Zhao Feng carefully looked at the speeding car, and the appearance of the flying car was very different from before.

First of all, the space of the flying car is increased, and it can carry more people. Secondly, in addition to all the improvements of the propulsion device behind the car, a row of wing propulsion devices are added on both sides, which also partially improves the flexibility of the flying car.

"If the guest has a second crystal, you can put two on the wing propeller, which will increase the speed of the speed to the level of the Lord."

The refining master added a sentence.

When the car was remodeled, he naturally discovered the sub-Shenjing above, so he took out the housekeeping skills and improved the performance of the car as much as possible.

"Second Shenjing"

The ghost scales took a deep breath.

The second **** crystal is even the Lord, not willing to use it, who will use it on the flying props, and the use is two.

However, listening to the master of the refining array, it seems that Zhao Feng used the second **** to drive the speeding car, like.

"The speed of the Lord"

Zhao Feng had some heartbeats. He did not expect the speed of the speeding car to reach the speed of the Lord.

But if you want to use the second god, he has to measure it.

"Intensifying this speed to such a position is already the greatest ability of Jin. Because this speed is a product of the Tianzu family, the price is slightly higher, which is probably the price of two pieces of inheritance."

Master Jin said the cost of improving the speeding.

Aside, the ghost scales look dull.

He and many brothers, braving the crisis of life and death, only got a piece of inheritance, and now Zhao Feng's improvement of a speeding car requires two pieces of inheritance.

Zhao Feng nodded. The performance of all aspects of this flame-flying vehicle seems to have been raised to the limit. This price is also reasonable.

Just as Zhao Feng is ready to pay.

"Gold master, bothered"

A vicissitudes of voice came.

Subsequently, a lean old man, with several members, walked into this hall space.

"Shenfu Gate"

The ghost scales looked at the white Emperor, and the rest of the members, and the heart was filled with a hateful emotion.

"This...the elders of the Shenfumen"

Master Kim suddenly stunned.

The elders of Shenfumen carry many elders and deacons. If you break into here, it is necessary to make trouble.

When he saw the expression of the ghostly emperor, he guessed that his guests might have offended the shrine.

Master Kim lamented and immediately stepped forward to prepare to warn the Shenfu Gate.

Although the other side of the realm is as high as the quasi-sacred Lord, as an elder of the elders, but here is the temple of the spirit, behind the city of the capital, the master of gold is not afraid.

But he still didn't speak. The Shenfu Gate was too elder, but he was left in the same place.

"Zhao Feng's little brother, old here, first apologize to this friend of yours."

The lean old man clenched his fists in his hands and went deep into the ghost scales.

"You still don't have to kneel down"

The lean old man screamed.


Suddenly, several emperors next to him immediately fell to the ground.

"You are the person in charge of the Shenfu Gate"

Zhao Feng stepped forward and looked slightly at the quasi-sacred master and many emperors.

"Zhao Feng"

Master Kim was shocked.

What he said, this young blonde is like a golden cock, so familiar.

Actually, it was the trial of the Prince, and assisted the nine emperors to obtain the position of Prince.

"Zhao Feng's little brothers are asking for anger. These people under my door don't know Taishan. I will bring them all this time, give your friends a penalty, and let the disposition"

The lean old man bowed his head.

From the memory of the Emperor of the White Emperor, Zhao Feng’s identity was recognized.

First of all, Zhao Feng is the elder elder of the Samsung Zongmen Haiyan Pavilion. It is said that the Wanshengzong, the Ghost Fire Gate and the Eight Star Building are all the Samsung forces of the Haiyan Pavilion, just the two-star peak of the Shenfu Gate, in front of it, simply negligible.

Secondly, after the trial of the Prince, many intelligences and rumors said that Zhao Feng had the ability to kill the Lord.

Based on these, the lean old man can only come up with this strategy, bringing all the members who once chased the ghost scales.

However, he believes that Zhao Feng will not be so arrogant and will kill them all. After all, this is the scope of the temple.

"Ghost scales, forgiveness"

"We are also blinded by interests and will make such a big mistake."

Those members of the Shenfumen who were kneeling on the ground asked the great devil to ask for mercy and admit their mistakes.

The ghost scales looked at the great emperors who were lying on the ground.

He still remembers the arrogant look of these people, the gaze of the world, but now they are in front of the ghostly emperor.

The ghost scales thought of the pirates who came to the inland with him, and there was a murder in his heart.

"Ghost scales, we are willing to hand over the inheritance that day, and Zhao Fengxiao brother, the cost of improving your flying props, funded by our Shenfumen

The lean old man sees the ghost scales and the emperor does not move. He seems to have a murderous murder, and immediately said.

On that day, the inheritance of the Lord was half that they and the Emperor of the Ghosts, and now the Ghostly Emperor passed on all the pieces they had received.

"If you are willing, from now on, your Shenfu Gate will become the subsidiary force of my Haiyan Pavilion."

Zhao Feng came forward and took a shot of the ghost scales and spoke directly.

Today, Zhao Feng is the force behind the Nine Emperors. Killing people in the temple will leave stains on the Nine Emperors.

"This... our Shenfumen is willing to become a subsidiary of the Haiyan Pavilion."

The lean old man hesitated for a moment and gritted his teeth.

"Let's go, Zhao Feng"

The ghost scales did not speak and turned directly.

Zhao Feng not only saved his life, but also let these people bow down in front of him and admit their mistakes. This is something he had never expected before.

All this is because of Zhao Feng, he can no longer give Zhao Feng trouble.

"The cost of improving the flying props will be handed over to you."

Zhao Feng took a brand new flame-flying car and left the place with the three disciples of the ghost scale emperor and Ji family.

"Taiwan elders, how can you agree with Zhao Feng's request?"

After Zhao Feng and others left, the white Emperor immediately got up.

"Yeah, too elders, in the temple, Zhao Feng does not dare to kill us."

Another great emperor was disdainful.

"Don't kill, if he abolished you?"

The lean old man screamed and continued: "The sea smoker is the power behind the prince, and it has developed rapidly in the near future. If the prince is on the throne, then I will be willing to be the affiliate of the Haiyan Pavilion."

"Hey, the nine palaces and the sea smoke pavilion, you all know that if the nine secluded palaces deal with Zhao Feng and Haiyan Pavilion, then we are naturally free."

The lean old man snorted and looked at the group of people who had no brains and continued.

After listening to the words of the elders of the elders, the rest of the emperor's eyes flashed.

"It’s really thoughtful for the elders to consider."

The white man showed a sly smile.

"Gold master, Zhao Feng repairs flying props, what is the cost?"

Asked the lean old man.

"The price of two pieces of inheritance"

Master Jin said.


The lean old man almost spit blood.

However, the trading hall of the Spirit Hall will not be a deceitful thing. The Master Jin is also a prestigious refining master of the Refining Hall.

"This kid has repaired a flying prop and actually spent so much money."

In the end, the lean old man and several great emperors will make this cost.

call out

Zhao Feng and others, taking a new wind speed, dragging a violent colorful arrogance and leaving the temple.

"Fast speed"

Ji Tianming exclaimed.

The flame-flying car, carrying them five people on long-haul flights, flying faster than the top emperor, more than twice as much as before, so that the journey time has been shortened a lot.

"Maybe, I can meet the Nine Emperors and the Eagles on the way."

Zhao Feng laughed.

The nine emperor eagle old, should be one or two months earlier than Zhao Feng.

At the speed of Zhao Feng and others at this time, maybe they can meet the Nine Emperors and others before they reach the battlefield. After all, the destinations of the people are the same and the routes are basically the same.

A month later, everyone came to Ganzhou, the center of the Dagan Dynasty.

"Zhao predecessors, I heard that the spiritual hall of the Imperial City of Ganzhou has built a large array of inter-state transmissions."

Ji Tianming said.

"Oh? Cross-state transmission?"

Zhao Feng also has some interest in this.

Across the state's spiritual array, directly through dozens of big cities to transfer large arrays.

The dry state where the Imperial City is located should be the first big state to establish a large array of inter-state transmissions.

Direct transmission across a state can save at least one month of flight time.

Later, Zhao Feng and others came to the center of the Imperial Palace.

A large array of inter-state transmissions was established in the center of the temple, which was guarded by the Samsung forces appointed by the royal family.

"It seems that we should not have the right to use the inter-state to send large arrays."

Ji Wuye looks far away.

There is a majestic hall in the top of the sky, surrounded by countless black armor guards. Everyone has the realm of a half-step king, and there are several powerful atmospheres inside.

"Try it"

Zhao Feng flew up, and the rest of the people could only keep up.

"Please show your identity, here is a large array of inter-state transmissions, non-Royal and Samsung peaks, not close"

A team of black armor guards, met Zhao Feng and others, immediately greeted.

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