King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1019: Physical progression

"The old man is planning to let Hong Ling experience it in the battlefield. Now, she will hand her over to her friend."

The white robe old man smiled.

"The battlefield of aliens is extremely dangerous, and the younger generation is incompetent and incompetent. I am afraid that the safety of Hongling girl cannot be protected."

Zhao Feng was shocked and finally understood the meaning of the old man in white robes.

Let Iron Red Ling be with you, this is not the relationship with the Iron House, the more complicated it is.

If there is something unexpected about the iron red diamond, Zhao Feng is afraid that he will never get rid of the iron family.

"Zhao Gongzi is so quick to abandon Hong Ling?"

Iron red diamonds with a smile, look at Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Xiaoyou, don't be modest again, this is the case."

The white robe old man is happy.

Zhao Feng is a face of decline, this iron family is too elders to look like, let Zhao Feng think of the Honghu City in the Qinghua City.

Against the iron family's elders, there is obviously no result.

"The iron family just wants to match me with Iron Hongling. As long as I completely neglect her, I even ignore her. I believe that Iron Hongling will gradually hate me..."

Zhao Feng thought of the countermeasures, as long as the iron red star disliked Zhao Feng, then this thing is doomed.

In the end, Zhao Feng did not say anything, and this matter was settled.

After Zhao Feng left, some figures appeared slowly in the hall.

"Hong Ling, how do you feel about Zhao Feng?"

The old man in white robe asked with a smile.

"Grandpa, Hong Ling's mind, can't you see it?"

Iron Red Ling's pretty face is red, revealing a certain look.

"Haha, let me just say, Zhao Feng’s potential definitely exceeds any genius on the Royal Road list, and there is no need to test it."

The sound of the iron Hongnan sounded.

After returning to the residence of the Nine Emperor and others, Zhao Feng said everything.

"Zhao brothers, this is a good thing. I heard the qualification of Tiehong Ling. It is not weaker than Tie Lingyun. It is because of the elders of Tie Lingyun that the power of Tiejia is too great. I have not competed for the quota of the Prince."

The old man smiled and said immediately.

"Haha, in addition, Iron Red Ling is also a good combat force, which will greatly help you in this trip."

The Hollow Lord laughed haha.

Eight major families, major forces, many geniuses pursued iron red Ling did not succeed, and now the iron home will iron red diamonds to Zhao Feng, which makes the genius of the younger generation of cadres, how embarrassing.

"Yes, Iron Red is a good battle."

Eagle old agrees very much.

Later, Zhao Feng learned from the old mouth of the eagle that the sacred lord was only sent by the royal family to protect the safety of the Nine Emperors, and would not fight for the Nine Emperors.

In this way, the fighting power of the Nine Emperors is indeed low.

Fortunately, after arriving in Lanzhou, the Nine Emperors can mobilize members of the forces behind them.

For example, if Zhao Feng is a member of the Haiyan Pavilion, if it is also in Lanzhou, then you can directly transfer to the stronghold of the Nine Emperor.

In addition, Zhao Feng also knows the main task of the Nine Emperors - to win the city.

The land of Dagan Sanzhou, which fell into half of the territory, is now naturally to be taken back.

It is easy to defend the city and it is difficult to attack the city. Every city or base has almost the same level of combat power. If you want to win the city, you will need strong combat power.

In this way, the iron red diamond is indeed very useful, although she is the realm of the quasi-saint, but the strength can already rival the ordinary Lord, it is impossible to defeat the Holy Lord of the aliens, at least to contain and deal with.

On the second day, Tiehong Ling set off with everyone and went to Lanzhou.

"Is this not your Royal Highness?"

The people have not left the palace, and it is convenient to have a voice.

"It turned out to be the thirteenth brother."

The nine emperors smiled and greeted each other.

Following the thirteen emperors, there are a total of one hundred followers, and the thirteen emperors are surrounded by five unusually powerful atmospheres.

"I heard that my Highness is going to Lanzhou. Maybe I will meet the Emperor Brothers in the same battlefield. Please take care of it when you get there."

The thirteen emperor's skin is not smiling.

Everyone in the heart of the glimpse, the thirteen emperor just came here, they know the goals of the nine emperors and so on, and just happened, the thirteen emperors also want to go to Lanzhou, the target of this, it goes without saying.

"This is nature, and the same is the royal family. We must all strive to regain the territory that Dagan has fallen into."

The Nine Emperor immediately said.

After the Prince, the Nine Emperors learned a lot. In front of some people, they must wear masks.

"I wish the Prince's Temple a smooth road."

The thirteen emperor left after he finished speaking.

Subsequently, everyone took the wind and flew to Lanzhou.

One more person, the speeding car is very crowded, the iron red diamond is naturally wrapped around Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng has been retreating to enlighten, he does not care.

"Zhao brothers are really good."

The ghost scales sighed in the heart.

After dozens of days.

Everyone came to a city in Lanzhou, Jiabao City.

"His Royal Highness, I will give it to you here."

Originally guarding the Lord of Jiabao City, with a part of the confidant, left this place and rushed back to Lanzhou ‘war Hall.

‘War Hall, like everyone’s foot in Lingzhou, is the headquarters of all wars in every state.

Of course, the battle hall in Lingzhou has the highest rights.

The guards of the lord of Jiabao City, the many commanders and soldiers, are somewhat disappointed. After all, the Lord has been fighting with them for a year.

The ranks of the members in the city are very simple, divided into generals, commanders and soldiers. The generals are naturally the nine emperors.

The commander-in-chief is the realm of the great emperor to the quasi-sacred Lord. According to the record, it is divided into Samsung. The higher the star rating, the more soldiers can be led.

The minimum standard for soldiers is the true spirit.

"Hey, this is the end of the game, how can the Prince of the House fight?"

"Hey, you whisper, mainly by the Highness of the Prince, there is no strong master of the Holy Lord, and people who have ideas should have it."

"You are right, there are two alien saints in Yuelong City. It seems impossible to capture it. Maybe it will lose the city."

Many commanders and soldiers are not optimistic about the newly appointed Prince, and even have a negative attitude.

The second day.

The Nine Emperors called many leaders to hold meetings. One is familiar with each other, the other is to understand the current situation, and the third is to discuss countermeasures.

Although the leaders are not optimistic about the Prince, they do not dare to have any obvious performance.

Many of the leaders just entered the hall and were attracted by the iron red diamond.

A few of the leaders naturally recognized the identity of Iron Hongling, dispelling the thoughts in their hearts, and at the same time they were puzzled, how could Iron Man’s Iron Red Ling accompany the Nine Emperors.

"The main target of Jiabao City is Yuelong City. There are forty-three leaders in the Dragon City, two holy masters..."

At the beginning of the meeting, a Samsung commander began to introduce the situation to the newly arrived Nine Emperors and others.

Compared with the fighting power of Yuelongcheng, after the departure of the saints and several quasi-sacred masters who had been guarded by Jiabao City, the overall combat power was slightly insufficient. There were only thirty-two commanders, of which Samsung had only four.

After familiarizing with the situation, the Nine Emperors re-appointed four leaders, namely Ying Lao, Zhao Feng, Ghost Scale King and Iron Hong Ling.

According to the regulations, all four have to start from a star, and when they have the commanding ability and get a good record, they can only rise to the stars.

"Eagle predecessors, take care of them in the future"

"Hong Ling girl, I did not expect to see your style again"

The rest of the leaders have exchanged ideas with the newly appointed commanders.

The newly appointed commander is almost always the powerful force brought by the Nine Emperors. It is sooner or later to rise to Samsung. The most hot nature is Iron Red.

However, Tie Hongling ignored the responsibilities of these leaders, and his eyes always looked at Zhao Feng, which led some leaders to look unhappy.

After the meeting, Zhao Feng left with the Jijia disciple and the ghost scale emperor.

Originally, Ji Lan, Ji Wuye and others were also able to take the post of leadership, but the three were too young to be in charge of the leadership.

Moreover, Zhao Feng needs to be responsible for the safety of the three people, so the three of the Ji family are divided into the Zhao Feng team.

"Ghost scales, you will not be used for a long time, you will also rise to Samsung."

Zhao Feng comforted.

At the meeting, for the obscurity of the ghost scales, other leaders performed more coolly.

After returning to his residence, Zhao Feng immediately retired.

In the fascinating world, a bottle of colored nectar appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands.

"You can upgrade the holy body to the sixth floor."

After the trial of the Prince, Zhao Feng has been busy with the cultivation of the soul and the blood, and later he has shaped the small world of the magic city and traveled long distances.

It is finally stabilized now.

In addition, before the trial of the Prince, Zhao Feng had taken a hundred source of holy pulp, if the second interval is too short, it will reduce the efficacy of Baiyuan Shengji.

In order to maximize the efficacy of this Baiyuan holy pulp, Zhao Feng has been dragging.

"After the Holy Reed has broken through the sixth layer, I can compete with the general Lord by the strength of the body."

The sixth layer of the holy body, corresponding to the level of the Lord.

The quasi-sacred Lord refers to some aspects such as the level of power and the artistic conception. It is more than the sacred lord of the sacred light, but its own level of transformation is not enough, and it has not been fully promoted to the Lord.

Zhao Feng’s strength has long surpassed the quasi-saint. Once he has reached the threshold of Xuan Guangjing, Zhao Feng can be called the quasi-sacred Lord.

Zhao Feng immediately took a sacred sacred pulp, and felt a smooth and holy atmosphere, infiltrating the internal organs, limbs and limbs, until the nucleus space, the body of the thunder.

Zhao Feng felt that the whole body was moistened by Baiyuan Shengpi and got a short-term sublimation.

However, the efficacy and absorption efficiency of this one source is lower than the first.

Zhao Feng immediately operated the holy body.


His body shape is suddenly high, and the whole body is surrounded by gold and blue light. The delicate thunder is looming on the surface and occasionally blooms.

After running the holy body, the absorption of the source of the source is doubled, and the effect of the drug is maximized on the body.

This time, Zhao Feng intends to use the efficacy of Baiyuan Shengli to improve the level of life.

Zhao Feng's eyes are closed, and the whole body is lingering in a layer of flaming wind and thunder.

Hey, right?

At a certain moment, Zhao Feng's whole body bones, a burst of crisp sound, the skin's red gold texture floats, extends, and blooms golden.


Zhao Feng's skeleton body, at that moment, directly pulled up and expanded half, like a real giant, physically, has gone beyond ordinary humans.

A layer of faintly visible light gold and red light of the light, appearing in Zhao Feng, the invisible lightning power, spread.


Where Zhao Feng is located, a few square feet suddenly fell, and it was black.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng is in the fascinating world, otherwise his residence will be completely destroyed.

Zhao Feng’s layer of pale gold and reddish electric enamel, the more invented, almost substantive, and finally, these new red gold electric patterns, shrinking and condensing in Zhao Feng's body surface.

"The sixth layer of the holy body"

On Zhao Feng’s face, there was a surprise.

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