King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1020: Alien offense

"The sixth layer of the holy body"

On Zhao Feng’s face, there was a surprise.

After a few interest.

Zhao Feng returned to calm, his body size, and returned to normal, the power of the whole body is also a rapid convergence.

After the San Lei body broke through the sixth floor, Zhao Feng did not use the real yuan, blood and blood, and with pure physical strength, he could compete with the general Lord.

If it is not to destroy the San Lei body to Dacheng, Zhao Feng's Sheng Lei body will be more powerful, power, defense, and repair are invulnerable.

In addition, after the "Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body" reached the sixth floor, the secret law and warfare skills that can be practiced were broken, and the squadron was thundering.

Breaking the sky, the holy palm: more overbearing than the holy thunderbolt, the destructive power is very strong attacking the combat skills, and has a strong restraint on the field ability and the small world.

Lijun Minefield: It is mainly the application of Shengleili and Fengleizhengyuan. It can form a unique area of ​​Shengleili in the whole body. It has strong restraint and restraint on the enemy. It has a very strong A large increase.

‘Struggle minefields, similar to the means of the field and the small world, once completed, Zhao Feng is equivalent to adding a large field.

In addition, according to Zhao Feng, he should now have the conditions to cultivate blood and regenerate, but there is no supporting cultivation method in Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body.

"First cultivate the broken palm of the heavens, ..."

Zhao Feng has a resolution in his heart.

‘The holy thunderbolt, although it has been cultivated to perfection, but under the sacred body of the Holy Lord, this boxing method is difficult to cause much damage. If you encounter the sacred Lord, Zhao Feng’s Shengleiba fist is estimated to be painless.

Of course, the requirements of all kinds of sacred sacred palms are much higher than those of Shengleiba. The sacred sacred palms pay more attention to words and destroy everything. The more complete and large objects, the stronger the damage.

And the property of the sacred sacred palm and Zhao Feng’s current practice of Yan Zhilei is very consistent, and it is able to play the word and play it to the fullest.

In the fascinating world, Zhao Feng suppressed the holy body to a certain extent and continued to practice the breaking of the heavens.


I saw a huge vain gold red palm print was shot by Zhao Feng, and there were numerous lightning spreads around the palm print. The invisible force and pressure were shocked in the void.

As the owner of the fascinating world, Zhao Feng can feel any subtle changes in this small world.

"Sure enough, it is extremely destructive to the field space."

Zhao Feng was shocked.

This method of law is extremely destructive to the field and the small world, but it is also very destructive to the Eucharist, just a little lower than the former.


Zhao Feng did not dare to fully exercise this boxing method, otherwise it would affect the small world in the world of the world.

While practicing the sacred sacred palm, Zhao Feng also completely adapted to the sixth layer of the holy body.

During this period, the three disciples of Jijia and Tiehong Ling had both come and found that Zhao Feng did not bother after retreating.

"This Zhao Feng, only knows cultivation all day long."

In front of Zhao Feng’s residence, Tiehong Ling left his feet and went indignantly.

When coming from Lingzhou to Lanzhou, Zhao Feng was practicing and came to Lanzhou. Zhao Feng was still retreating, which made her have no chance to contact Zhao Feng.

On this day, Zhao Feng felt his residence, and there was a willpower that was disturbing.

Zhao Feng came out of the world of fascination.

"Zhao seniors, collection"

Ji Tianming immediately said.

It is a very dangerous behavior to disturb others, but the situation is urgent.

"what happened?"

Zhao Feng has a slight glimpse.

He remembered that after the last meeting, the Nine Emperors said that they had to transfer some powerful soldiers from other places.

The forces belonging to these forces are almost all factions of the Nine Emperors.

According to Zhao Feng, the members of the Haiyan Pavilion came to the battlefield, which is also in Lanzhou. This is a good news. At least Zhao Feng can protect his own members.

However, from his retreat to the present, it took only three days to mobilize the troops, which should not be so fast.

"The enemy is coming"

Ji Tianming is both excited and dignified.


Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

Tens of thousands of miles away from Jiabao City, it is the Moon Dragon City where the aliens are stationed.

Although the overall strength of Yuelongcheng is higher than that of Jiabao City, the aliens have always been defensive and in a defensive state.

According to the map information, the place where the Nine Emperors are located is invaded by the aliens, and the Yuelong City is almost alone.

Therefore, Yuelong City needs to wait for the surrounding aliens, slowly attack it, and then attack it comprehensively.

Therefore, there are only two saints in the Dragon City.

It can be seen from this that the task assigned to the Nine Emperors is how arduous it is.

But for Zhao Feng, this is a good thing.

"Two indigenous saints, that is, 40,000 battles."

Zhao Feng grinned.

A great Dan Yuanjing is a ten-point battle. The king is a hundred-point battle, the great man has a thousand-dollar battle, and the Lord is a 20,000-point battle.

Moreover, the two great dynasties, the Lord is so much, it is rare to have two holy people in one city.

The strength of these saints is naturally weaker than the Thunder Lord and the Dark Lord in the trial of the Prince.

"In the past, the strength of the Dragon City was stronger than ours, but they have never attacked."

"It seems that the aliens of Yuelongcheng know that Jiabao City has replaced the generals."

In Jiabao City, the real spirits who are responsible for logistics are talking about it.

On top of the Jiabao City Wall, the Nine Emperors gathered with many leaders.

Outside the Jiabao City, the densely-armed alien soldiers exude a sense of war.

"His Royal Highness, how are we good?"

A two-star leader is heavy.

The aliens of the Moon Dragon City attacked, and it is sure to know that the only Holy Lord in Jiabao City has left.

Without the power of the Holy Lord, the situation in Jiabao City is very critical.

However, the general did not order the retreat. If they left, they would be deserters.

"To defend the attack"

The tone of the nine emperors is affirmative.

In the eyes of others, Jiabao City may not have the power of the Holy Lord, but the nine emperors and the Ji family are very clear, Zhao Feng is not weaker than the general Lord.

It is easy to defend the city and it is difficult to attack the city. Even if the nine emperors had Zhao Feng help, they did not have much confidence in the attack of Yuelongcheng.

Now the aliens of Yuelong City directly attacked, and the Nine Emperors and Eagles were somewhat surprised.

"Zhao Feng, you should not expose strength first"

Eagle and the nine emperors gave Zhao Feng a voice.

At this time, they are not in a hurry to take Zhao Feng’s card.

You can defend first, continue to kill the strength of the aliens, wait until the right time, counterattack in one fell swoop, and completely attack the Dragon City.

Zhao Feng nodded. At the same time, he also knew from the mouths of the people that the two lords of the Moon Dragon City were the sacred Lord of the Crocodile and the sacred Lord of the Skull.

Among them, the shadow Lord is the enemy general.

"To defend the attack?"

Many of the leaders listened to the words of the Nine Emperors and almost fell from the wall.

Now they are inferior, they should be fully defensive, why should they attack?


Many commanders sighed, and the Prince’s Highness was too young to understand the strength of both the enemy and the enemy.

In this battle, they may lose the city.

"Hong Ling girl, this battle is up to you"

A commander next to Iron Red Ling said to her.

The power of the iron red quasi-sacred master, plus some people, should be able to contain a holy master opposite.

"Zhao Feng, this battle, let's compare the battles."

Iron Hongling ignored the words of the leader, and he looked at Zhao Feng.

The commander looked heavy, but did not dare to say anything, but dismissively glanced at Zhao Feng, sneer in his heart.

The strong people who guarded the aliens in the northwest were not very familiar with the news of the dynasty. Therefore, only a very small number of people knew about the performance of Zhao Feng’s trial.


Zhao Feng simply answered.

"This time I will not be merciful."

Iron Red Ling smiled charmingly.

Although the last three temptations, she suffered.

Can iron red diamond believe that the real battle, the lose will be Zhao Feng.

Today, it is also the opportunity she showed in front of Zhao Feng.


The enemy in front suddenly vibrated.

"Give me the attack on Jiabao City and smash the humans inside."

The enemy camp, a full-body dark-skinned scale, a tall, shaped man, suddenly stunned.

This alien is one of the holy masters of the Dragon City, the Holy Lord.


Endless interracial soldiers and commanders, with bloodthirsty madness, like black clouds under pressure, crushed.

"Haha, you really don't attack Jiabao City for this seat, actually exchanged the Lord and moved a general who is a quasi-sacred Lord."

The mad Lord can't help laughing.

Although their main task is to hold the Moon Dragon City, wait for the pace of the surrounding aliens.

Can Jiabao City actually removed the power of the Holy Lord. After he and the Shadow Lord reported the situation to the upper level, they attacked directly.

Continue to occupy the territory, there may be a crisis, so their attack is only to kill all the strongest people in Jiabao City.


On the side of Jiabao City, the rest of the commanders flew out, on the one hand to contain the other leading figures, and on the other hand to direct the troops they led.

Zhao Feng flew out with the ghost scales and other people.


The alien army was pressed in an instant, like a wild beast, rushing to the defense line of Jiabao City.

Garbo City soldiers and commanders, try their best to defend, between humans and aliens, fiercely killed together.

At the moment of the battle, countless ice and fire mines, all over the sky...

At this time, Zhao Feng suppressed the Shenglei body by 50% and smashed it with a snake man of the quasi-saint.

"Little doll, when you are young, you will reach the realm of the great emperor. It is a genius of a big family. It is a pity that you should not come to the battlefield."

The snake man with dark red scales burst into laughter.

Zhao Feng did not speak, and after suppressing the Shenglei body by 50%, it was the realm of the great emperor.

Sheng Lei Ba Quan

Zhao Feng’s double fists continually blasted out, and a group of metal mines thundered and rolled away to the snakes.

"This kid, a good sense of boxing"

The dark red scales snakes are gloomy.

He and Zhao Feng, who did not take advantage of it at all, even felt that they were restrained, and their moves were restrained by this boy and could not exert their power.

Suddenly, the sky in the distance was dark and a fierce air slammed.

"Haha, who in Jiabao City dare to fight with me"

The mad Lord is standing in the clouds and overlooking Garbo City.

Originally guarding the Lord here to leave, he would like to know who else in Jiabao City can fight him.

"Follow me"

At this point, the iron red diamond rushed out, the whole body blood burning, just like the sunrise on the battlefield is dazzling.

Seeing that Iron Red is so brave, the leader of Jiabao City is a little relieved, and two Samsung leaders are on the rise. Together with Iron Hongling, they challenge the Holy Lord.

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